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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Saturday, September 2, 2006
 | Hello! Well, friday was cold...
And mom and dad decided to go to a concert, and they braught my uncle because he's in town. so Me, Delphine, my aunt, and my grandmother went out to dinner, we had a good time, what i had wasnt very good :/ but i ate it anyway lol, didnt want to be rude or anything! Then when we got home at around 8:30 my parents werent home yet so we watched movies ^.^ We watched: Just my Luck...Stupid movie! and we also watched: She's The Man.. Now, i feel a little stupid for admitting it, but it was actually quite funny <<;; and i for some reason liked it. O.o;;
And now im hear :/ its really cold and i have nothing to do.. Tommarrow, i also have nothing to do. planning on getting some more job apps. and delphine might get a job at a nursing home. also the person she worked for when she lived in new mexico wants her to keep working for her(over the internet) so theres some money! hopefully we can get 80 dollars by the 15th of this month ^.^:;; or else honestly, i dont want to even deal with going to the convention...
So, i was watching IMF, which stands for "International Music Feed" and they play music videos from all around the world. I discovered "Sofia Essaidi" who is from morroco and for some reason i love this one song she sings.and i also discovered "Ketchup Mania" who's from japan, though i didnt hear there whole song, i still really liked what i did hear! lol
what else? i got to drive some more ^.^ Malissa let me drive home from renting the movies and then dad took me around the block for awhile. i freaked out though cause he made me go on a very busy road and im not totally good at turning yet, i like, freak out xD i know, pathetic lol.
thats all! have a nice day!
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Friday, September 1, 2006
 | TODAY SUCKED. I have a terrible headache ;.; First of all, i ended up staying home so i could SLEEP. -_-; i really need to fix my sleeping schedule because im not falling asleep untill like, 2 hours before i have to wake up, and then i have to go to school on 2 hours of sleep. -_-;; So yuss, tommarrow i shall deffinatly go as well as the rest of the YEAR! >< I MUST!
And when i woke up, me and delphine got into a fight about waht we should have for dinner. and eh, it ended physically and i slapped her in the face went on from there.. Now she thinks im insane -_-; but i dont care im sick and tired of her treating me like im an idiot and everything she says is right.
And now.. im just sitting her. i was hoping to have my wallpaper done by now but its not. i still have some ideas i want to put in motion on it. Though i did find the right feathers ^.^;; lol. hopefully it will be up tommarrow.
thats it for me!
Random Question: What was the very first manga you ever read. and if you have read manga, what was the very first anime you watched. if you want you can answer them both lol.
My answer, the first manga i read was kare kano. i stopped reading it at volume 6 though and really hopei can start to read more of it.
The first anime i ever saw.. o.o was prolly my naighbor totoro when i was like, 3 or 4. it was my most favorite movie *.* lol.
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
 | Today totally went the wrong way! First of all, i ended up sleeping in! so i never even went to school which im so mad at myself about because i had something really important to do in Modern America >< i just hope my group isnt to mad at me for not showing up!
and then, i never got on to visit you guys! >_< which im also really sorry about!
and other then that my day was boring and uneventful and it was hot. -_-;
im currently in the proccess of making a love hina wallpaper. but im stuck on finding the right feathers im going to put on it :/ i hope it turns out well lol.
Oh and right now im downloading a song from doping Panda. who are awesome! you should check them out if you can lol ^.^;;
thats it for today, i know, quite short :/
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
 | Its 12 AM and im finally doing my homework. ITS A MIACLE MY PRINTER ISNT BEING CRAPPY *.* i was so happy because i really needed to print things out and i like, hate my printer.
Anyway, im bored ~_~;; and tired and i really should get to bed soon ive only gotten like, 5 hours of sleep these past 2 days...
Oh and yes, i am sure my cat is pulling it out, like i SAID i saw her actually rip the fur off of her! x.x it was somewhat desturbing lol.
what else? nothing. wednesday i get out of school early so i shall get on and visit you all finally lol.
thats it ^.^ ttyl everyone.
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
 | Lol, i had no idea who Gaara was because i dont watch naruto, but i googled him and i guess your right, my red luv picture sort of looked like him ^.^;;
today was ok. on my 2nd period i dont haveanything to do so Ansatsushawdi Braught her DVD player and we watched this one anime. i dont remember its name but it was interesting lol.
Oh and BTW someone said my cat might be pregnant and thats why she was pulling out her fur. First of all shes and inside cat which means she doesnt go outside of my house ever, and i have no male cats that could get her pregnant. Plus as far as i know cats dont pull out there fur when theyre preggy :P and ive had lots of cats be pregnant. Shes been doing it a little less but ~_~;; theres still tons of her fur everywhere though im getting tired of picking it up. lol.
ugh ~_~ I forgot just how much i hate homework! *cries*
Oh yeah! i would love it if you checked out my sisters new wallpaper. its of serial experiments lain and i think its amazing lol. of course i actually got to see how she made it so i know how awesome it is XP but anyway, if you havent already gone to see it. Click here. im sure she would eppriciate it! lol, shes quite proud of it ^.^ thats it for me today. looks like im going to be to busy to visit anyone. but on wednesday ill try and make sure to visit you all because i get out early :/ im sorry i havent visited i feel so bad lol.
Also, before i end this, I want to remind everyone that i really hate chain letters so please dont send them to me! ^.^ ive gotten 2 in the past week and im getting a bit annoyed lol. dont worry, im not mad or anything... lol. just dont send them to me anymore <<;;
Random Question: Can you draw?
My Answer, meh, i suck at it but im trying to get better lol.
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Hey everyone
 | Not much to say lol, today i did nothing.. again.
The weather has been really rainy and sucky this weekend X-X;;; and tommarrow we have to go to both libraries and find my sisters dentists office <<;; and we're stupid when it comes to directions...
Lately my cats been pulling out her fur! shes a really furry cat so she has a lot of it so its like. everywhere but we cant figure out why she's doing it. so she's find of bald on her back O.o its wierd.
Eureka 7! it was great of course, i havent watched it for like...a month... <<;;;; but it was still awesome and i cant wait till next week ~_~;;;
Ah! i was bored so i was messing around with my webcam and here are the results. enjoy. these are the small versions. oh and ill try and visit everyone today ~_~
Red Luv~


And these are also on my myspace so go comment them there if you have me added :P
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Friday, August 25, 2006
 | Hey everyone! How was your day?? Mine was a lot better then i thought it would be!!! Today i had Creative Writing, and then 2nd period they put me in aerobics but theres not way im going so i just skipped today and im going to try and drop it tommarrow or next week. And then 3rd period is my actual open period. I was sitting in the library reading happily untill some stupid freshmen came in and started to bother me. I just got up and made the librarian kick them out ~_~ cause they were so annoying and disrespectful, not just to me but they were messing up the librarys magazines and playing on the comfy chairs O.o childish much? *rolls eyes*
After that in 4th period i have Modern america.. which i can tell will be filled with tons of esseys and other hard tasks which me, a proffesional slacker doesnt like to do <<;; but i shall try! i really will! i deffinatly dont want this year to become like last year!!!
and tommarrow i have World Geography which my sister took and had the same teacher so she knows pretty much i need to do lol ^.^ after that i have computer applications(which a teacher that hates me unfortunatly) spanish 1(which im trying to switch out of into biology which i need to retake) and then Math. ^.^ Im nervous of course lol i really hope friday goes as good as thursday.
other then that? Me and delphine need to turn in our library books we have a fine lol -_-; Which sucks, no more manga for awhile! AND DAD "barrowed" our 7 dollars so now i have NO MONEY *pouts* its hopeless...
anyway this is long so no random question or anything, i hope you all have a good day!
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
 | well wednesday, didnt do anything at all again, and now im really sad lol. school is today and im totally dreading it. This whole summer has been a complete waist of time and i feel like kicking myself for all thethings that i could have done but didnt, and for all the things i needed to do but still, didnt. and now the new schoolyear is starting and im going back to the base of my most important problems :/ i just hope that today goes well and im hoping whatever classes are on my schedule, wont be to bad, because theres no way to change them unless i drop the class, and i cant really afford to do that :/
i forgot to tell you guys but i got to see the first 2 episodes of the anime series Gokusen. i actually really liked it and i hope to see the other episode before the channel it comes on goes away(its on a free preview channel that dish network provides)
anything else? nope *sigh* ugh im so nervous lol. DAMN YOU SCHOOL! lol. ill try and visit you all like, after school or something.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
 | I just got done watching silent hill. it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, it was actually a pretty ok movie. lol
I Got some pretty hot jeans today ^.^ nya! And afterwards my grandmother took me to red robin to get somethign to drink and she only gave the waitress a 75 cetn tip. :P when we left the waitress gave her like, a death glare it was so funny lol.
after that, i didnt do much lol. and today, i have nothing to do also lol. <<;; my life is so exciting i know.
Ok well thats it. lol. ill try and visit you all.
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
 | Monday...slept all day pretty much lol. >3 But my dad took me out finally to go driving....aroung the block <<;; i dunno delphine calls me dangerous x.x;;;;; lol. it was an interesting experience. its kind of sad that it took me so long to start to drive but.. i feel its not really as much my fault >3 cause my parents the ones that are always to busy(lazy) to take me to get my permit <<;;;;
Today im suppose to watch my grandmothers dog and then shes taking me shopping >3 YEY clothes! Lol...
what else? umm Ansatsushawdi invited me to this anime club thingy.. ~_~ i dunno if im gonna go(haha still have to get back to her on it) she invited delphine to but...she's got school and stuff <<;; lol.
Ummm Umm Umm.. O.o thats it i guess. i hope you all have a nice day,sorry i havent visited in a while...
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