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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Monday, August 21, 2006
 | Hello! So last night at around, 3 AM. i turned it to a home shopping channel, as i sometimes do when i want to get to sleep. well, i turned it to this one that was selling jewely and all these stones and such, and the guy, the host person.. i dont know if they have a real title but the guy that was showing you the items, appeared to have some sort of accent. i assumed it was asian because everytime he said "Dollars" he left out the S on the end, and so does the guy that works at my local main moon. So yeah. Anyway, he didnt really seem like the normal type to be hosting that kind of show. Not because his accent of course. but because he would announce the item, and then it would sit there on the rotation table for like 2 minutes, and there would be complete silence. O.o it felt a little awkward and wierd. and right after the 2 minutes he went onto another item. and also, his hands... they werent like, beautiful manicured hand. they were dry and somewhat dirty looking under the nails. and he would actually try on the rings that he was selling, which made them very unflattering o.o;; lol, i dunno i just had to bring that up because i thought it was odd.
Anyway, im still broke :/ surpise surprise.
OH! i finally tried out my drawing skills, which are next to none! but i tried and i turned out this cute sketch of a cat-girl that was inspired by Ivory's Drawing she did for a pet she has on its just a sketch and im proud of it ^.^ i really dont draw that much and whenever i do i get frustrated and stop :P lol. but this time iwas happy with myself. maybe ill scan it and post it, though im sure you all will think its pathetic and bad. but hey, the way to get better at something is to practice. so thats what im doing ^.^
Anyway, so this site i just mentioned. i just joined it myself and i really do like it. I admit, its sort of like the popular roleplay site NEOPETS. but its also not. lol. the Pets that you can get are really cute and i just couldnt decide which one to get. and the items they have are drawn out so cute! i mean, all the art is pretty much just freaking cute on that site. to those that are bored. you should join. and when you do and it asks if anyone reffered you, put in my SN which is Myurr Lol xP
what else? nothing delphine starts college again for the year so im gonna be home all alone and bored ~_~ whee.
Random Question: What website to you visit the most when your online?
my answer, its between MyO and neopets ^.^; lol.
Comments (5) |
Sunday, August 20, 2006
 | Hi everyone! ^_^ so i watched my grandmothers dog, kinda sad i didnt get paid ~_~. we ended up taking her for a walk and we went to the park thats by my house. we were swinging on the swings and the dog started to try and get at us xD which was a stupid thing to do and we were trying not to like, hit it ~_~ poor stupid dog.
and then after that everything else went complete sucky. im not really gonna say what happened but lets just say my parents are driving me crazy lol ^_^
Eureka 7 is on tonight! YEY! it feels like i havent seen it in forever! ^_^ samurai 7 came on to but i didnt watch it ~_~
Ummm... for those who said they didnt see the satoshi banner, well its right up where all my other stuff is, right above my p-phan fan club banner. isnt it great? i luff it and i thank my sister so much for making it. and if anyone takes it. please link back to me or my sister and tell where you got it!
no random question again. sorry! i promise there will be one tommarrow.
Comments (6) |
Saturday, August 19, 2006
 | Well i didnt do much today ~_~ all i did was go with my sister to her school again so she could take care of something. i ended up sitting in the car though lol.
after that. NOTHING! lol. i home and sad on my ass the rest of the day =D
and tommarrow i have to watch my grandmothers dog. and FINALLY turn in my applictation for wendy's(had it for 2 weeks..bout time) and after that.. i really dont know. i think we also need to go groccery shopping but im not sure!
also. THANKS TO JAGUAR who noticed my new satoshi banner >3 my sister made it for me cause she knows i luff satoshi *droolz on her banner* sa...toshi...
i hope you all have a wonderful day ^_^
Comments (8) |
 | Well i didnt do much today ~_~ all i did was go with my sister to her school again so she could take care of something. i ended up sitting in the car though lol.
after that. NOTHING! lol. i home and sad on my ass the rest of the day =D
and tommarrow i have to watch my grandmothers dog. and FINALLY turn in my applictation for wendy's(had it for 2 weeks..bout time) and after that.. i really dont know. i think we also need to go groccery shopping but im not sure!
i hope you all have a wonderful day ^_^
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Friday, August 18, 2006
 | Hi everyone! how was your day? mine was fine i suppose. we ended up going to a different library, the one at my sisters school and guess what? they had volumes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 of fushigi yugi! i got all 6 and so far i've read 4 of them and it was so wonderful! i cried my eyes out for hours reading those 4 T_T it was awesome i loved it! and the other 2 are after everything happens and the war is done. but it feels wierd now that like, the main plot of the manga is over. And now its shifted to a new plot.. it just makes me feel wierd lol, like theres no need for me to read on. but i will of course ^.^
They also had DVD volumes 1 of Nadia, Ranma 1/2 and serial expiraments lain. which was PWNful lol. i was so happy, havent gotten to watching any of them yet but i plan to soon ^.^
Ok well, i guess thats it lol. not really much else happened ^.^
Random Question: whats your favorite ice cream flavor?
my answer, i dont have one. i hate ice cream!
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
 | Hullo! so how was everyones day? mine was boring ^.^ like it always is. we ended up going to the library and they had fushigi yugi number 9 so i was happy ^_^ and they just ordered number 10 so that should be in soon(i shoulda put a hold on it ~_~)
well, thanks to everyone that finally looked at my wallpaper ^_^ i want to make another one but i dont know what it shall be of... ~_~ i was thinking maybe pretear but yeah, i dont really get ideas untill i find the right image to go off of ~_~
I was surprised not many of you have heard of digi charat! its a cute little anime and ive only seen 3 episodes but it was still really cute! lol.
well.... :/ hmm. thats it for today!
random Question: whats your favorite kind of potato chip? (haha)
My answer, i like these hawaiian Chips that are made from exotic vegatables. theyre super expensive so i rarely get them(theyre hard to find to), but they taste really interesting and i love em, plus they're really good for ya ~.^
Comments (13) |
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
 | Not much to really post :/ i didnt really do anything today ~_~; lol.
Right now im downloading songs from the first cd that MCR made. i had no idea it was there first O.o;; i feel like a terrible fan! *cries*
Lol. well anyway... thats pretty much it. im sad cause Ivory got off and now im lonely cause no one is on YIM >< i think ill... uhm... idunno O.o im just super bored so hopefully i find something to do!
OH no one checked out my wallpaper! which made me really sad ;.; so please go check it out ^.^ and tell me what ya think? i really like this one. Clickeh here!!@#@! to go see it ^.^\
Random Question: Ummmm.... hmmmmm... hows the weather right now? :P
my answer, Rainy and windy. lots of lighting ~_~ my dog is going crazy!
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
 | Hullo ^.^ not much to say :/ this morning we had to do yard work but it wasnt that bad, i still really hate pulling weeds xDD lol.
ugh i keep having these terrible dreams where it seems like im awake but like, when i look back on it, im just not sure if im really awake or not. And today me and delphine had a simalar dream where we heard static in our ears and then someone saying hi to us. o.o except in hers, she heard people talking in the static and then her voice said "hi malissa" but mine was just static and she said hi. but i remember my eyes being open and me looking at my tv when it happened and telling the static to stop ~_~
But before all this happened to me i woke upto someone shoveling something, and it was like, 4 in the morning the sun wasnt even up yet and it was really close, it sounded like it was right in the back yard, it was atleast loud enough to wake me up. I dunno, ive been really scared lately because of these dreams lol.
AH only like a week and a half till school x.x i dont even know whats on my schedule lol xD
OH and me and delphine really need to make money we just dont know how, and dont suggest a job we've been trying to get them.
We just downloaded the soundtrack to Final Fantasy Advent Children. ^.^ took delphine forever lol.
Ah well anyway, thats it.
Random Question: Do have dreams often?
My answer, i have one every night ^.^
Comments (11) |
Sunday, August 13, 2006
 | Hey everyone ^.^ i was just going to tell you about this wierd dream i had but i typed it all out and it was super long! Lets just say it had to do with me being shot in a library and god O.o;; it was wierd.
So anyway, the Craft fair was nice, at first we didnt see any really interesting booths. I ended up buying a moon ring with a seahorse on it cause it reminded me of my favorite part in fruits basket lol! Oh and there was this kid there that had his own booth, i thought it was really cool cause he was like 12 and he was selling his art(mostly drawings of dragons) and it was pretty good. if i had had a talent like that when i was younger, i would have felt really lucky ~_~;; but alas..i am talentless T_T;
i didnt really watch the inuyasha movie last night, i didnt really feel in the mood to. and then i ended up falling asleep. and having a dream about the mothman(cause im reading the mothman prophecies) ~_~;
what else? nothing i guess. Delphine is downloading the soundtrack to FFAC and its taking forever. ~_~
Well thats it lol. no random question for you!
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
 | Ah! not much to say, i am now reading the mothman prophecies and let me tell you its wonderful. its nothing like the movie thank got(the movie was a bit boring) but anyway im not done with it yet so ill have to tell you if the end is good or not. gah i dunno why but ive just emerced(sp?) myself in books these past few days, maybe because i have nothing else to do? prolly, lol.
Today is the craft fair! we plan on going to it today and not sunday but who knows. its been really super hot ~_~ plus its just going to be me and delphine which seems somewhat boring. we asked my grandmother to go becuase she LOVES the craft fair but eh, my other cousin is in from New mexico and is taking her to a baseball game >< thought i know she would much rather go with us *cough*.
YEY i started to write my new story the other day ^.^ i forgot to tell you guys i guess! Well i had this super awesome dream remember? and so i started to write about it and its turning out pretty good. im not sure if im going to put it on my Fanfic site considering i guess its not...well..a fanfiction.. lol. but they do have a n original section on the fanfic site so maybe i will put it up. in any case, i made a banner for it *rumeges around for it* here it is:
oh, and the reason i made the banner for it is because the fanfic site i use, most people make these lol ^.^ so im pretty used to making them ~_~ though im really fond of this one. and the eye in the banner is actually an eye of a friend of mines(brandon day *.* total hottie) and i just had to use his eye because he has the most gorgeous eyes ever *.*
..ok enough obsessing ~_~;; ANYWAY have you ever noticed that cats have like, double eylids or something? i dunno what you would call it. but its kind of desturbing. im looking at my cat right now and shes sleeping but her eyes are open, but this extra layer is over her eye. Dont...aigators have something like that to? so they can see under water? o.o well anyway, i just had to mention it lol.
well i think thats it.
Random question: if you could choose, would you be a superhero or a super villian?
my answer, I would be super hero thats betrayed by her lover so im thrust into darkness and become a super villian, and in the end learn that my actions are the wrong path. *_* like in my-hime! xD sorta. lol.
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