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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Sunday, February 3, 2008
 | So, work the past 2 days has been tiring ~_~ on Friday we were dead until about 7:30 and then we got this huge dinner rush ~__~ its also a bit exhausting because the normal night manager is now upgraded to the day manager and they putting Jolene, and Sam(who are both waitresses as well) on the nights. Sam just started on friday so i had to kind of keep her in check on what she was doing(she was kind of overwhelmed with everything she needed to do) And not to mention we a new dishwasher who cant wash dishes worth crap. O.o They were piled REALLY high we all ended up just leaving the tables dirty for awhile because, well, we just didnt have anywhere to put them.
And then on saterday Jolene was there, and i hate jolene because she doesnt do ANYTHING at all but what im supposed to do so she always sends me home early :/ so i was sent home an hour early but i dont think she knows that im usually supposed to clean the bathrooms before i leave(which is why im scheduled to work so late) so i think tomorrow, im going to sneak on over to get my paycheck early and talk to my original manager about it lol. i dont mind if Jolene wants to send me home, i just want my other manager to know that she isnt telling me to clean the bathrooms(and most likely not cleaning them herself because she's lazy) O.o;
So, i dunno if i already mentioned this but ive been trying to get my hands on all the episodes of the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya. For some reason, is where i get all my anime) doesnt have working Copies of the episodes(ive tried to download them many times but all the files are corrupted. and everything else i download works fine) So my sister managed to find me a website with all of them. ^^ my next problem is watching them in order because for some reason instead of the episode order being 1, 2, 3 its like 2,3, 5, 14, 12, 1 and so on O.o which is just plain stupid but whatever. *sigh*
And before i end this, i made 2 more avatars which im quite happy with! Here they are:
have a nice Sunday ya'll!
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Friday, February 1, 2008
 | >< Im on a terrible sleeping schedule! Its 4AM already and i probably wont go to bed for another 2-3 hours(if im lucky ill get tired by then..) and whats worse is i have to work today.
So at work, my favorite manager is because general manager because our old general manager is moving! You see, im happy about this because she loves me and i know she'll give me a bit more hours ^^ which i really really really need!
So, out of pure boredom i was looking up anime collections on deviantart and OMG X.x im amazed at how big some peoples anime collections are!
I own 30 volumes of manga and 1 DVD of anime(i used to own a few more but handed them over to my sister) O.o so yes, i have a really small collection of anime. Cause you know, im poor. in fact, im really grateful for the internet or else i would probably never have access to all the anime ive watched xD however ive made a promise that i shall one day buy all the anime i watched for free online xD so i feel less bad about watching it illegally. However, i have decided to spend all of my extra cash on manga ^^; for some reason i find it more pleasing then anime dvds.
So, ive been trying to find all the episodes of The meloncholy of haruhi suzumiya and its becoming such a hard task O.o For some reason, when i try and download stuff it either takes awhile to download or it suddenly stops downloading! I cant figure out how to fix this! My sister says things download for her really fast and just fine so it must be my computer O.o its bugging the crap out of me and im not sure what to do! ;.;
so my betta is still alive lol ^^' as a matter of fact both of them happen to be out eating now(yes...i fed them at 4 AM O.o) no fighting :3 although i havent been able to turn on my filter! theres this space inbetween my filter and its eh...cord coil thingy.... that my small betta can swim up in to and thats where it usually is. and whenever i turn on my filter, its not strong enough to run away from the current so it gets stuck on the filter O.o it has yet to die from this, my filter isnt very strong apparently.
Hmm, i think ive rambled enough for one day ^^ have a nice friday everyone!
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Boo! for a third time
 | Hey all ^^ I'm currently cleaning out my GIMP brushes O.o i have so many i don't use that it takes me forever to open my photoshop ^^; i also cleaned out my fonts! i hate how like, the default fonts every computer has look exactly the same O.o i had so many fonts when i got my laptop that it actually took me forever to look through them in say, Microsoft works, because there were so many! so yes, i cleaned all those boring fonts out ^^ and there were A LOT! ~_~;
So, i watched atonement last night although when it got down to the end it stopped loading X.x i about died of frustration trying to get it to load :/ I'm so sick of not being able to stream things fully, i pay 36 dollars a month for this damn Wireless and it should work how i want it xD so yes, I'm going to try and get the end to load tonight :/ but so far- its a nice movie!
as you can see, i made myself a table for some info. but i dont like the banner i used. i love rainbow as you know, but its just to...light and bright for me xD i like the dark spectrum of colors. :/ so yes, i shall have to make it again i suppose. and i started making the new background ~_~; ill finish it soon.
Have a nice day everyone.
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
 | Hey everyone, how was your friday? Mine was...boring.. lol work was totally boring but i learned i will probably be getting a few more hours soon ^^
Also, someone mentioned in my last post that your not supposed to keep male betta's together, well, theres actually a lot of debate in the betta world about weather its healthy or not. Of course if you have a really small fish tank getting more then one male betta is a bad idea, however when you have a pretty large fishtank the betta's will likely leave each other alone and claim there own space in the fish tank. While they may not get a long at first, they will tire down and stop fighting.
So you see, it is not impossible to have more then one male betta at a time. My dad has 4 male betta's in his fishtank and they get a long just fine together(although he has this terrible eel thing thats been eating the other fish)
I made a couple more avatars the other day, 2 of which are from nana, so i thought i would share them with you :3
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Friday, January 25, 2008
 | Hey everyone ^^ My started out pretty ok. We went car searching for my sister, because a couple weeks ago she got into a car accident and it her car got totaled :/ she got paid back the majority of what she spent on it but that goes straight to my dad because he was actually the one to buy the car and she was in the proccess of paying him back. But anyway, we found the perfect little car, its a 2002 for focus and its green. i swear, it just screams my sisters personality. It doesnt look like an old grandma car yet, it doesnt look sporty(my sister HATES HATES HATES sporty cards) so i think she's pretty happy =D
At the moment, she's driving a really nice 2007 pontiac vibe that she got from a car rental place. she has to take it back on satarday and let me tell you- im gonna miss it ;.; it is so easy to drive and we've gotten so used to it *sniffle*
So after that...we planned on going out to dinner. and right as we're about to go to the restaurant..well.. my parents get into this huge fight. it was terrible. needless to say, we did not make it to the restuarant. in fact, i think for like an hour i burried myself in death cab for cutie and solitaire( didnt win a single game O.o) and then like 2 more hours later my sister comes in and we ran away for awhile and got dinner ^^;
the night was actually way worse then it sounds though... i dont really wanna get into any of it though ~_~;
So, my new betta fish isnt doing so well ): as i said, he was pretty beat up from the pet store and my other betta beat him up some more(they seem to be getting a long now thought). so now he's a tiny sad looking betta fish. i still have hope for him but i guess we'll see what happens. its unfortunate that there fins dont grow back, im sure at one point he was an amazing betta fish. *cough* ok, thats enough of my wierd fish hobby side <<;
i have work today ;.; oh golly gee, i just cant wait to vacuum the floors while getting evil stares from old customers that like to eat dinner at 9:30 at night and Oh my i wonder what awaits me in the perils of thy public bathroom.
But hey, i still get all the free soda and iced tea i want.
have a nice day ya'll.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
 | Hey all ^^ i thought i would update before i go to bed!
Sunday was my sisters day off, i said we were going to see the movie 'Cloverfield' but on a whim we decided to go to the mall instead lol. and i have to say, it was most deffinatly a better choice! i ended up getting a cute knit dress on sale for like 10 dollars O.o i about died when the cashier rung me up because i was sitting there thinking i was gonna pay like 30 bucks for this dress! AH! it was wonderful, but i cant wear it untill the snow goes away ;.; its much to cold to wear a dress.
then, we went to the pet store and i another betta fish because when i saw him, i knew i had to have him! he's a fiery orange color with a bit of blue. Unfortunatly, he's pretty beat up and his tail is all torn up so i feel kinda bad- im sure it was the way he was treated at the pet store ):
at the moment, he isnt getting along with my other betta, but theyre bo im neither will kill the other ~.^
Hah, so the guy i mentioned in my last post that im kind of interested in....wants to become a vampire! a modern day vampire which makes me a bit sad, because a modern day vampire feeds off the energy of high energy places like raves and stuff. and im certainly not the rave type of person. :/ maybe i shouldn't be going after him...*pouts* but who knows, maybe ill meet my perfect guy at the anime convention ~.^
Tommarrow(technically today i guess) i get paid!!!! *dances* i plan on getting some chinese food and then coming home and being lazy with a movie or something ^-^
have a nice day everyone!
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Sunday, January 20, 2008
 | Hello! how is everyone? its about 11 PM here and im super tired ;.; but i felt like updating so i am ^^
So, i know i keep saying this but i want to re-do my site. not much different, i think i want to make the same background but just with all the avatars ive made on my own ^^ i love the rainbow, its completely me so i wont be changing that. i have to change my favorite anime scrolly cause its totally out-dated. i think i just want to add a neat table that scrolls to put some music and outside links in ^^ cause you all know how i love to whore my myspace, DA, and writing forum =D
ugh, work was really boring. it was pretty steady until like 7. then i went into cleaning mode just to keep myself distracted ~_~ BUT HEY i get paid on monday =D my sister and i are going to see cloverfield *dances* so yay :/
oh yes, and as for my wasabi kon incident, thanks for the advice everyone. after that and a few other friends telling me i really need to make myself happy instead of letting everyone else get in the way, i think im just going to casually tell her ive been asked to go and leave it at that.
So, now that my guilt has subsided, im so looking forward to wasabi kon. FINALLY i get to see what an anime convention is like and guess what? it goes on a few days before my birthday :3 so i bet my dad will pay the entrance fee ^^ and i soooo hope that guy is there. he's such a cutie ~.^ and he's like 20 or 21 which i guess is old enough for me ~.^(shut up i have a thing for older guys O.o)
I just realized its almost the end of the month! WHICH MEANS chibi vampire volume 7 will be coming out!!!!!! i am so excited!
speaking of manga, i think im going to backtrack and buy volumes ive already read but dont own(for example, first volumes of a manga that i read at the library and then later bought the rest of the volumes) because i hate how i have like, number 2 and up but not number one O.o
BLAH i shall stop rambling lol. im tired!!! im going to bed ^^ have a nice sunday my loves!
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
 | hullo all ^^ its been awhile since i updated! Although im sorry to say i honestly have nothing to update about :/
Hmm... well they upped my hours at at work from 2 hours to 4 :/ which is better then nothing i suppose. although now i have the glorious duty of cleaning the bathrooms. yes, im just a hostess, who now cleans bathrooms. But anyway, you wouldn't believe what some people do in public bathrooms! some of the to horrifying for me to even say xD i was completely surprised and grossed out and bewildered. and not only that but every time im cleaning the mens room, i swear to fucking god, some old guycomes in and hits on me. every time. especially this one old guy whose a regular, hes already annoying because he comes in every night drunk off his ass ~_~
*cough* moving past work... i think i'm going to wasabi kon this year ^^ probably just for one day but i'm excited because its my first anime convention ever and i shall be going with brianne who i haven't seen in forever and i shall probably be seeing this guy there that im completely attracted to(having a hot boyfriend that loves anime and is older then me is hard to come by in Colorado O.o )
anyway, the only problem i have is...i don't know how to tell my sister (who i hope isn't reading this and i'm pretty confident she isn't but if she is, I'm sorry for being such a jerk) that I've been asked to go. i mean, brianne asked me to go but so did the guy I'm attracted to. i of course said yes to brianne but.. i mean, for the past couple of years its just been me and my sister and i can tell you right now that i always imagined going to a convention with my sister because shes the only other person i've ever been around a lot that loves anime(and she loves anime more then me!) but... my problem is my dear otaku friends..that i don't want her to go! i feel completely bad about saying this but....i want my own social life back. where it didn't include her. to be honest, im tired of her bratty attitude and jerky sarcasm that she cant help expressing. and i really just want to find some friends of my own where i can finally act myself without being called an idiot or something.
ugh, this suddenly got way to long. i shall end it but i just want to say, i made some more anime avatars and i would love it if you check them out. they're at my deviantart account here:
have a nice weekend everyone!
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
 | =D how is everyone?
im pretty good. i just got my paycheck yesterday i have 60, possibly 90 bucks to spend(im contemplating paying my dad back some more or not... i was planning on waiting for a better job to start paying him back again since i make so little at the moment)
today i must go groccery shopping :3 for our kitchen is bare and all we have is peanut butter and really cheap bread O.o i ask myself why i skimp on bread. its really not something i should skimp on because cheap bread is basically like, air xD its terrible.
i really want a haircut :3 not cut my hair really but just get some bangs. im tired of the way it is now(im trying to grow it out though- i swear its stopped growing)
I ACTUALLY WROTE SOMETHING TODAY. i am happy, even though it was about 700 words i still wrote :3 which is amazing, because at the moment im suffering from writers block. It was a bit of my new story idea which i've dubbed "Nefarious Fever" :3 hopefully it will turn out nice.
well thats about it everyone. its almost 5 AM O.o i suppose i should try and sleep. have a nice day all.
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
 | ^^ Its 11 AM and i woke up 2 hours ago O.o i only got like 5 hours of sleep but i cant seem to sleep anymore!
Its my sisters ONLY day dad never gave me my money so its stuck in his bank account(he's at work) and he never gave me his debit card ;.; and i have no idea if she has any more money ;.; but hopefully...we can figure out something to do ~_~; we actually have to go to the libray...we owe a huge fine xD; which we wont be paying yet...but eh...whatever.
so, im a fan of movies xD my family and i rent movies like 4 times a week ~_~;(usually, not lately cause theres nothing out..) So anyway, i was excited to catch the movie "Close encounters of the third kind" on AMC last night =D it was AWESOME. :3 im a UFO nut to so it definitely tickled my fancy!
UGH last night at work was terrible xD well, for the last part. At first we were really dead ;.; but then we got extremely busy(the busier we are, the longer i get to stay xD) but THEN some kid got sick all over the front lobby ;.; right in front of the cash registers! it was gross :X and the restaurant doesnt have tiled floors or anything like that. it has carpet ;.; so im sure it was unpleasant to clean up ~_~
OH and if you hadnt noticed or been here since yesterday :3 i made a new top banner! isnt it pretty? im quite proud of it. i made another but since its not as great im not using it. however, i will leave it at the end of this post for you all to see. have a nice day everyone!

And then, for the hell of it....a tira banner from the game Soul Calibur that i made :3

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