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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
theres no way
 | OK well. i dont think i can do it lol. i just dont think i could possibly go to another school. I mean. yeah. no way. i was always afraid of doing it and i just agreed because my family was pushing me. They'll just have to live with my choice, and thats that im staying at my original highschool. I just have to make it work this year is all.
anywho. today i slept in untill like 2 PM ~_~ i dont even know why but for some reason i was super tired.
today i just layed around and read ranma 1/2. now i want number 4 lol. And yeah, thats about it ~_~ pretty boring day!
Oh i sent ivory's packege. i sent her some cds, pocky, and a volume of DNAngel. her christmas present ^.^ i sent it way late lol but all well. she has yet to send mine <<;; we're both super lazy like that i guess lol.
well thats really about it. have anice day everyone!
Random Question: whats your favorite animal?
My answer would be the fox. i love them. theres one the creeps around the naighborhood and almost ate my cat!
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
 | whee i lamenated my flash cards with duck tape xD now theyre awesome!
thanks to whoever suggested music, which was only one person i think, and they suggested country music O.o thanks for trying to help but i freaking hate country music. when irule the world it will be like, the 4th thing to go xD
anyway. i suppose i should start being honest. my anime friends(sutarumahari and ansatsushawdi) dont know this but im actually supposed to be going to a different school this year. :/ i never really wanted to go.. but.. gah you have to know the whole story. I really want to go to mountain view again this year. but... i dunno.. im not sure how im going totell my parents. lets just say, mountain view hasnt been very good to me lol. and maybe if i do go back im screwing myself over again ~_~;; but i dunno, im ready to deal with it again. Just gotta tell my parents ><
so i went to the library today and got ranma 1/2 volumes 2 and 3. and some others i cant think of ><
and really thats all i did today lol. i was going to tell you guys about my creepy dream but i can hardly remember it! >< it was so awesome to.. all well.
Question of the day: Whats your favorite manga series?
My answer: Its a toughy cause i love lots of manga but either fruits basket or marmalade boy.
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
 | well. today i didnt anything interesting. delphine baught a sewing kit and some fabric because she wants to learn how to sew. One of the things i hope to buy when i get enough money is a sewing machine. ~_~
I baught some colorful paper to make flashcards lol. theyre nice and i also baught a silver sharpie to write on them. u live silver sharpies.
the flashcards are for learning japanese. which ive finally decided to get off my ass and do >3 i can only learn what delphine knows so far cause she's pretty much whos teaching me i guess.
Oh and ive been trying to think of some good songs to download but cant. any suggestions?
and thats it really :/ nothing much else to say. i visited a few of you but only if you updated around the same time i did :/ sorry to those who i didnt visit!
Random Question: Do you know another language?
Answer: Not really lol. i mean i know certain words in different languages but i really cant say sentances or anything in any language other then my own.
have a nice day everyone
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Monday, July 24, 2006
 | Hey everyone, i havent updated for a couple days ><;; lets see, the only thing i did really was go see lady in the water. Which wazs good and im tired of people bitching to Shyamalon about it not having a twist ending. O.o signs didnt have a twist ending and everyone loved it. but anyway, a couple thigns about the people around me really annoyed me(of course lol) first off, the woman sitting 2 seats away from me braught subway into the movie theatre. So not only did it smell like subway, i had to sit there and listen to crinkling paper untill she was finally done with it. oh! but she of course had a bag of chips to! >< i swear i just wanted to turn to her and smack her upside the head. and also, this isnt a big issue but i was alittle annoyed at when people laughed. to me, there were parts in the movie was were enough to like, smirk at. but deffinatly not supposed to be "Haha" funny you know? and some parts werent even supposed to be funny but they still laughed O.o it made me sad because i thought that maybe they didnt understand the movie or something *sigh* all well, i liked it!
Hmmm well i guess thats really all i have to say. i think im going to try and go read some fanfictions. i still havent been able to write and its making me depressed non-stop. Im afraid that, maybe im just not meant to write anymore :/ which would suck.
Question of the day:(which im now bringing back and i promice not to forget about again lol)...WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THE FUTURE?
My answer: i plan on getting my life back first of all, and clearing everything up at school. and then i hope to go to college. and then i hope to get into design. and then i hope to move to new york city for awhile, and then maybe one day to japan for a couple years. and after that, i dont know. i have lots of dreams lol.
Have a nice day everyone ^.^
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Friday, July 21, 2006
Smoking pocky and sex on stairs.
 | Hello! the movie night was very... crazy lol. not like our other one. Well lets see. ansatsushawdi was late getting tosutarumahari's house and me and her stood out there for like an hour waiting. AND FINALLY SHE CAME. But where do i begin? i dont even know!
I think that we started to watch a history of vioilence but none of us really paid attention. OH yeah during it we all got up and when to sutarumaharis room and we were looking at her playlist on her computer. and i think after that we all sat down again and sort of watched the movie. now, when these 2 whats movies, they talk NON STOP lol. Its actually not bad at all cause they usually say something funny >3 so i wasnt bothered by it or anything. and then there was this seen.. Where they were well, having relations on the stairs(gotta keep it sort PG i guess i dont know how old a lot ofy ou are lol MUST PROTECT YOUR VIRGIN ...Whatever) and for some reason, it was terrible and wrong but it was so funny. i deffinatly wont forget that.
and then.. god what did we do after that? i think we turned off the movie and went to light chop sticks on fire? Well anyway, we did do that and we started to write with them because the ash turned to like, charcoal xD and then... we made paint out of leaves. and at one point sutarumahari drink a bit of it...
...then there was the pocky. o.o I came out of the bathroom and they were SMOKING POCKY! SERIOUSLY. and of course it was stupid, but i just had to try it. i mean, when someone says theyre smoking pocky, you just have to try it right? well. now we're the very first ones to ever smoke pocky i guess. and you know what? i didnt hate it xD lol. BTW it was strawberry pocky xP lol.
after that we... played cards and dominos i think? i dont think i ever won at either lol. but all well. then i think we... umm... then i think we watched the exorsism of emily rose, which i had never seen before. it was good. i liked it. but i think we all got a little freaked out xD lol.
what else? gosh there was so much lol. i think i showed them my collage books(delphines to) and then they read fanfictions of ansatsushawdi's and an RPG. it was about naruto, totally boring for me lol so i just sort of burried my face in my pillow and, well i wouldnt call it sleep, i sort of closed my eyes and relaxed. it was nice and after they were done, i was wide awake again.
.... they did this anime broadcast thing. theyre trying to upload it onto the internet for all of you to hear but its not working >< DAMN YOU YOUTUBE! its pretty funny lol. i even helped out. i crinkled paper and slammed a door xD background sounds are totally my deal lol.
well yeah, and now im home. i havent gone to bed yet cause im not really tired. i just looked through all of my dads inventory from the cd store and picked out all the cds i wanted from it. he's gonna sell them tommarrow. and we apparently having a garage sale O.o which is wierd, cause we've never had one before lol.
oh and dad wants to go fishing tonight. and me and delphine were supposed to go see lady in the water today but i think that may have to wait till tommarrow or the next day.
well, i have more to tell you but this is freaking long. and im sorry that its so long ~_~;; i wouldnt be mad if you skipped a lot of it lol.
i hope you all have a super awesome day!
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
 | well yesterdat we went to the library and got peach girl 1 and 2. randma 1/2 number 1. naruto number 1 and they had marmalade boy number 8! which is the last one of the series and i cant wait to read it!
we also rented death tunnel(i already saw it but my sister wanted to see it) and puni puni poemi. it was terrible wrong and perverted. But it was so funny, i loved it! lol.
ive been on neopets all day again, for some reason i actually want to be on it again ~_~ me and delphine are making an anime guild to but its coming along slowly lol.
well um yeah. today i dont have anything to do all day. but at 8 i have to go to sutarumahari's house for her movie night. ^.^ which should be fun so yey.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
 | well the cat died. were all pretty sad about it.
....i really dont have anything else to say. other then ive been on neopets all day and nothing else happened ): we took her to the vet and everything, i guess it was just to late. i know shes in a better place now. i loved her very much. and i know its going to be so hard for my sister to get over it. i would love it if you visited her myO site. her name is delphine on here
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
 | O.o somehow a paragraph of my post disapeared yesterday! i was talking about having a movie night at sutarumahari's house and it disapeared! it was right before "Ansatsushawdi will be there as well" and since it was gone that sentance sounded wierd and out of place ^.^;;; lol.
well anyway, yesterday we went to malissa's school and i finally did teh clay wheel, which is freaking hard! if it looks easy, its not. i totally sucked at it. lol.
i have very sad news. my sisters cat is sick. it hasnt been eating for days now, all it does is lay. she's sort of fatter then usual and her breating looks like it hurts. we're taking her to the vet today so i hope its nothing we cant fix ;.; i would be devistated if she died. im afraid of how it might effect my sister. i mean, it may sound wierd but me and my sister have had pretty crapped up lives and through our whole childhood our only companions in our house were our cats ~_~ so yeah, this cat means a lot to her. and me as well of course! i just dont want to see my sister hurt you know?
:/ so yeah, thats about it. ill try and get to you guys today.
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Monday, July 17, 2006
 | WEll sunday was boring for me. we ended up going to see pireates of the caribean. i know i already saw it but not with my sister and she was mad i didnt go with her so i went with her this time. i suppose i didnt mind seeing it again, though, i really hate seeing most movies more then once. i know that probably sounds stupid but unless i found it very entertaining i feel no need to sit through it again when i already know what happens. Delphine hates that xD but all well i cant help it!
That was pretty much the highlight of my day, oh i managed to see the samurai 7 episode on IFC that i missed(i also missed eureka 7 that day ><) and i was so sad that he died! ;.; it sucked.
well, we also spent a good amount of time putting in an air conditioner. OMG my dad put it in the window thats really high off the ground and me and delphine had to stand there and hold it up. and it was heavy and hot because it was sitting in the sun all day >< terrible. and its not even getting the whole house cold, my room is still like a freaking heater >< i cant stand this heat!
but anyway, today i dunno what im going to do :/ i really have nothing to do but go groccery shopping. :/
so Ansatsushawdi will be there as well so yey ^.^;;
well i hope you all have a nice day, and i hope it turns out way more interesting then mine lol xD
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
 | Well, not much to say i dont think. im totally bored.
Friday... we ended up going to hobby lobby and delphine got this coligraphy pen and ink and stuff...
and then we went to barnes and noble and she get this beautiful asain style journal, its awesome. and I ended up getting love hina number 4.
Oh yeah, and luckily my parents didnt spend all the money on gambling. prolly like, 100 dollars each im guessing? then they went out to eat. im not mad i guess, they never do anything alone ~_~;;
so yeah and today i have no plans. maybe finally get to watching those dvds.
oh yeah and i put a hold on Alice 19th number 1 at the library but its taking forever to be returned >< AND number 9 of fushigi yugi is gone, the person that checked it out checked it out like months ago >< thats never coming back. and now im in a rut because i dont want to buy manga ive already read, but i hate buying manga volumes outof order >< like i hate having like 3-6 of fruits basket but not 1-2 or 7-10. becuase it just doesnt feel complete. BUT ive already read them so i dont want to buy them. >< FEH! stupid library!
Lol, yeah i hope you didnt mind that little ramble of mine ><;; BTW i just got this wonderful idea for a story that i hope i can put into motion ~_~ i havent been able to write anything for months and its gotten me pretty depressed.
OK THATS IT. i did visit almost everyone that updated yesterday ^.^ ill prolly do it again today of course. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE.
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