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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Friday, July 14, 2006
 | WEll, my thursday was very different! First i planned to have a movie night, and canceled that for family. and then that was canceled cause dad of his 1000 dollars today! Him and mom wanted to go gambling O.o so it left me and delphine with nothing to do that night. But first he gave us 50 bucks each to go spend before they left. First we went to barnes and noble, and i was pissed cause they didnt have the tarot cafe number 2. or angel sanctuary number 1(they never have it when i go!) so i just got love hina number 3.
then we went to foleys and we realised we didnt want clothes(not exremely over-priced ones at least) so then we went to best buy and i baught My-hime. my sister baught the box set of pretear, and we both baught this one anime.. im not sure what it was called but yeah anyway im excited to watch them ^.^ i got extremely tired so i fell asleep really early :/
and today delphine has to go do her ceramics. so yeah, depending on if i feel like going i really dont have much to do today.
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
 | Ah! someone asked why i havent visited in awhile, well, i dunno. i havent visited anyone on my list for like, a week or more i think and its either because im lazy, im to busy, or im never online long enough to visit everyone. im very sorry and ill try and visit you all more often.
Today i decided to be lazy. and did nothing. i watched the project runway marathon and then the new episode. i dunno what i think about the people though :/
Oh yeah, my dad usually gets one of those scratchcard things whenever he goes to a gas station, and today he won 1000 dollars off one. he was so happy lol!
oh and to whoever said i posted a spoiler about pirates of the caribean. well, i dont think it was a spoiler at all. i mean, him getting whiped doesnt have much to do with the basic story line or anything so i kind of didnt give anything important away ^.^ but if it did annoy any of you that thought i gave something away, im sorry. my mind was clouded with orlando bloom hottness.
lol, well thats all for today. have a wonderful dahy everyone.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
 | So yeah, the visit from kayla was pretty much how i thought it would be! We sat in my room for like an hour saying practically nothing! and then we moved into the living room, and did the same O.o
And i learned that she hates anime. and she loves project runway! WHICH BTW IS COMING ON TONIGHT IM SO EXCITED ITS MY FAVORITE SHOW! erm. anyway so then mom said we should go with her to my grandmothers house and walk to sonic. kayla likes sonic. so we did that. O.o and then we sort of talked about people we remember from elementary school. AND I LEARNED SHE DOESNT THINK BRANDON DAY IS HOT ANYMORE! O.o which is freaking insane. *sigh*
When she called her father to leave he invited me to a movie^.^ pirates of the caribean. so me kayla and her cousins went to see the movie, which was awesome! oh and.. orlando bloom getting whiped.. how hot is that? extremely..
But anyway, i didnt even have to pay cause her cousin payed for me >3 mwahahaha. and while we were in the car before the movie) while her cousins were buying cheap candy to sneak in. her uncle is all "Brandi? thats a nice name, you are quite intoxicating"
....O.o wtf? well jee im happy i can turn on a 40 year old man O.o *rolls eyes*
Well anyway, i was so tired after the movie that i ate dinner and fell asleep. and so thats while im updating so late. its like 5:30 in the AM and i just woke up.
well i want to say sorry to bri and christine cause i had to cancel my movie night! :/
and yeah, thats about it. i have nothing to do today so hopefully ill either get to my books or visit you all today! have a wonderful day everyone.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
 | Lets see.... Today we went groccery shopping which we really needed to do lol, we were like, out of food. And after that we went to the library. i got 2 books... i think one was called Bloodstone and one was called The Damned. both vampire related. i dunno if ill like them i wasnt as picky as i usually am at the library for some reason.
after that we decided to take my grandma some bottles of water... and then we came home and we fell asleep x.x i was supposed to clean the freaking house cause kayla was coming tuesday(which i guess is technically today)
So yeah, about kayla. I still have no idea what we're going to do x.x how do you entertain a friend that you know nothing about anymore? i would put on some Sould calibur 3 but im not sure if she likes video games. i would ask her if she wanted to go in the hot tub for awhile but i dunno if she would like that either x.x GAH i dont want to be like, the boring friend that just drags a friend over to sit in her room and feel the awkwardness in the air untill its time forher to leave.
Also, i was thinking of having my own movie night and inviting her. and i asked Bri and Christine to come though they dont have to of course. ^.^ they would probably have to tone down the anime talk somewhat cause of kayla(who i doubt even knows what anime is).
well, i think tonight ill finish cleaning some stuff out and then sleep ^.^ the best thing in the world to do lol.
oh yeah! my dads closing down the CD store. did i not say that this wouldnt work in the first place? im happy he's going out of business and getting a real job. he got one at the liqour store near our house. 12 dollars an hour. much better then what we were making at the store. so im happy.
well thats about it ^.^ i hope you all have a wonderful day, i hope i do lol ~_~
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Monday, July 10, 2006
 | ^.^ Well lets see where to begin? Some of you might have already read about my day from sutarumahary and ansatsushawdi. First off i would like to thank them for inviting me to there movie night i really enjoyed it ^.^
Well, first we played video games, then we watched movies. The only good one in my opinion was Death tunnel which i had wanted to see anyway. its filmed at the waverly hills sanitorium, which is one of the creepiest places ive ever heard of. the movie good, of course you guys know me... ive seen so many movies im beggining to critic every movie is see(and usually i hate them lol) but yeah this one was ok ^.^ it was kind of a cross between saw and house on haunted hill.
Then we watched anime convention video's and ansatsushawdis own anime conv. video and well, lol... that was funny. lol.
Overall i had a great time, though now i feel very clueless about anime compared to them. I always felt that over the years ive watched a pretty good amount of anime. but compared them O.o i look like someone thats just figured out what anime is. and i know, im not one to get sad about something like that but it just made me want to watch a lot more anime ^.^
So moving on. After i got home i curled up with jack(who is no longer considered the stray cat thats stalking us) and fell asleep. OH but my mom woke up me cause a friend i hadnt talked to in YEARS called me. Her name is kayla and she was my best friend in elementary school, when i made myself a myspace account i found her on there and i learned she had moved to maryland. but now she's back in colorado untill july 25th or something and she wants to hang out on tuesday. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO! O.o it'll suck worse cause my sis wont be there to drive us somewhere ~_~ so yeah, im really trying to think of something to keep us occupied but im drawing blanks ><
Well, i dont want to make this any longer, so ill just wait till tommarrow to tell you guys everything else ^.^ i hope you all had a great weekend and i hope your day is going well!
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Saturday, July 8, 2006
 | ^.^ so how was everyones day? Mine was kool, i slept most of it but when i did get up we tried to go see Pirates of the caribean but they were sold out on all the early times ><
Well today(saterday) im supposed to go over and have a movie night(scary movies) with sutarumahari and Ansatsushawdi so i wont be updating tommarrow. ^.^ but yeah i bet it will be Lots of fun!
So, the reason the bg stopped working was because i put the wrong link up >< but anyway if you still want to see it just Click Here and still feel free to guess who i used on it ^.^
Also, so ivory scribbled on another one of my webcam pics lol. And i luff this one more then the other one! here it is:

^.^ thats the smaller version so just in case you cant read what it says it says "Bad Kitty" in the corner ^_^. Lol, she says she has way to much time on her hands but im greatful for that considering so do i ~_~;;
Oh yeah, Ninja scroll sucked >< that all i have to say about it really.
And thats it! i hope you all have a fantastical day!
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Friday, July 7, 2006
 | ^.^ i finished my book! so i need to get the next one ~_~
So, pirates of the caribean starts to play at 12:01 on friday. Which is an hour from when im posting this actually, me and delphine actually thought about going at 12:01 xD that would be awesome lol. but yeah :/ that would also seem kind of wierd. Plus im sure it would cost more then if we just went to see it in the daytime.
so yeah thats what we hope to do today is go see it but before that delphine needs to buy some more clay and go finish up her work from school(shes getting behind in her ceramics class ~_~) and THEN we're going to go see it i guess.
Well, i never watched ninja scroll, im supposed to return it today so im planning on popping it in once i get offline ^.^ or maybe i should watch it while im online... i dunno...
so my good friend Codey has a band and he asked me to make him a wallpaper for his myspace. i said sure and here it is: Click Here.
i know i know i ended up using an anime charector for the bg but i never meant to lol. I was just trying to create and effect and used the guy just as an example of what i would do to some other thing. But He liked it so i decided to keep it. ^.^ can you all tell what anime character i used??
OMG people! i was playing around with my webcam and took this picture of me with all this light and stuff! and ivory got a hold of it and added the wings and stuff lol xD lol i luff it and i thank her for doing it and i just wanted to share it with you all!

Hmm well yeah not much else to say..... so i really hope you guys have a wonderful day and ill try and visit you guys today!
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Thursday, July 6, 2006
 | So, Ive finally gotten around to reading the book i checked out ~_~ after a week of ignoring it i knew i had to read it. Im almost done ^.^ im pretty sure ill get done with it tonight but since i thought i had to get it done by today ive been staying up till like 7 AM and then falling asleep. So now im on a terrible sleeping schedule. Again x.x lol. when am i not? ~_~;;;
Well fwum im going to finally watch Ninja scroll tonight as well.
Ugh, i was so mad when inuyasha ended. i hate naraku so much because of what he did to kohaku! >< it peeves me all the time just thinking about it!
What else? oh, my wallet broke >< im so mad. I luff it. its so colorful and sparkly yet ebil looking ;.; i dont know how im going to find one as good as it
>3 so how was your guys' day? I hope it was good.
Well i know i havent had one of these for months but im going to leave you guys with a random question. Partly because ive noticed a lot of people asking it and plus im going to scary movie night on saterday so yes.
Random Question: Whats the scariest movie you've ever seen?
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
 | Hullo everyone ^.^ so how your day? Its about 12:30 and i feel bad cause i kicked Delphine off just to update this XP mwahahahaha.
so fireworks were ok. lol its kind of funny when you listen to everyone else thats watching them, like the crowd goes "ooooh" and "ahhh" like they've never seen a firework in theyre lives xD and if there's one that looks like a planet or a smiley face they start to clap O.o Like seriously, its a freaking firework. *sigh*
Anyway, one of the fireworks instead of turning into a firework it turned into Fire xD It was cool. lol. i know it wasnt supposed to happen but it was the bet firework that went off! YUSS!
also, i may just have a perverted mind or something but i SWEAR one of the fireworks that was supposed to look a planet turn out to look like a well... A certain orgen of the male body that is used to help reproduce.... I SWEAR IT DID!
*sigh* ok enough of my terrible mind!
Im tired but not tired enough to sleep ~_~ for some reason.
right now im just trying to think of a good way to make the new wallpaper im making. Oh and BTW i already made a new wallpaper but i think its a peice of crap so im not even going to put a link up for you guys. if you want to see it its the colorful one of mine thats from azumanga daioh.
so yeah... im bored so im gonna go. have a nice day everyone!
(and i managed to get to everyone that updated sites for once lol, if i somehow missed you, im very sorry!)
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
 | So sorry i didnt update for monday, nothing really happened on sunday lol. i pretty much slept sunday and monday ~_~;;; Lets see when i did actually get up we decided to go buy fireworks lol. i didnt really want to cause fireworks seemed boring to me nowadays, but it was actually pretty fun lol. At first we just got sparklers and this rod thing that you hold in the air and it shoots out a fountain. I liked it but no one else did ><
so yeah, after that we decided to go back and buy another one and it was called like the green goddess. it was just like a fountain and then at the end it suddenly made all this noise and whistled and popped *.* it was really unexpected and really loud, i felt bad for the naighbors lol.
it cost us like 14 dollars for that one and my mom liked it so much shes making my grandfather buy it for her again tommarrow(
so today we pretty just go to my grandparents to eat and hang out, and shoot off that firework lol. and then we dunno if we're going out to see the firework or just watching them from home :/ i hope we go out because i hate watching them from home cause i have to like, go sit on the sidewalk accross the stree which is way uncomfertable. (we live close enough to the lake where they shoot them off to where we can see them from our block)
And that will be it!
so i hope you all have a wonderful 4th of july!
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