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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
 | Hey everyone ^.^ How was your day?
I didnt go to bed untill about 7 in the morning x.x and so i slept untill like 3 xD then i woke up and we FINALLY went to the mall. We only had 20 bucks on us but eh, we just wanted to look around ^.^
There was this Asian store we went into and it was really kool! i wanted one of the asian bags but :/ they were 14 bucks and i didnt want to spend all the money on me lol. so we each got a fan ^.^ i like mine its green with golden imprints of starts and stuff.
Oh i never told you guys! my dad got hurt at work awhile ago, and he's getting a check from them and he said he would get some money to me and delphine to blow ^.^ 500 dollars to be not sure when he'll get the money but i already planned out what i want to buy kind of. A lot will prolly be spent on clothes because i just love clothes lol ~_~;;;
Eureka 7 was pretty good!!! of course im sad that i have to wait a whole week >< but all well. I dont think ill stay up to watch samurai 7 cause im really tired ~_~
Well, tommarrow( im supposed to go with delphine to do the lab thing, im deffinatly going to use the clay wheel this time! I hope i do well ^.^
Everyone im sorry i havent visited many of you ive been either really busy or really lazy. i'll try and visit all of you today ^.^ Have a nice day!
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
 | Lets see, i fell asleep at like.. O.o 1:20 AM last night, i know pretty early for me ~_~ but i had to wake up at like, 9 And go to this art gallery thing with Delphine. It was ok.
then we went to lunch and had cajun food. though i just had a salad lol. i dunno if i like cajun food very much ~_~;;;;;
Then i went with her to do her lab hours at school, i didnt use the clay wheel because i was wearing a white skirt and i didnt want to get it dirty ~_~ but im totally trying it next time we go!(which is one sunday) except there was this very annoying guy there monitoring the classrooms and he wouldnt leave us alone lol.
after that we got dad to buy us chinese food! so yeah, it was freaking awesome day much better then the rest of the week went lol (: i really hope you all are doing fine i know some of you are kind of sad and stuff *hands you all cookies*
Lol, and with all that said. I just got finished with making a list why my good friendIvory wouldnt answer my instant messeges xD when she finally answered she thought it was hilarious, so i thought i would share it with you all you may not understand some but others are quite funny, and soooooo Ivory:
You could be making ramen.
or be distracted by kimmie...
Or dead
or in the shower.
Or violating a bush
hmm.. you couldnt be watching anime cause its friday...
making ploofies, though then you would be on the computer
You could just be ignoring me
you could secretly be with bob
you could have finally snapped and start to hallucinate that your a neopet..
Making jam for orphens(strawberry) your not that good.
you could be color coordinating your collection of striped socks
daydreaming about fondling Edward elric pretending to be sailormoon
training evil monkeys to do your bidding
Trying to make my little pony's come alive
killing brandons girlfriend <<;;
learning the secret language of unicorns
taming your own wild horse
learning to worship the sun through human sacrifice..
you fell through well and got transported to the fuedal era
ran of to the circus with your favorite teddy bear
Created a new band called the Bush lovers
turns out you really ARE pregnant and your in the corner crying ~_~
Have a nice day all ^.^ and my sister changed her layout so be sure to go see it! click here.its not quite done yet though. i like it though.
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Friday, June 30, 2006
 | Well, my day sucked terribly, im not going into details, i have this splitting headache from what just happened... x.x let just say.. someone said something to me that make me feel really...terrible.
Well. i finally finished reading Fushigi yugi volumes i got. OMG volume 8 was so sad ;.; i cant beleive it! i mean, it was just so sad!!!!!! *cries*
i also just got done watching "Perfect blue" i think its called, i dont remember, it was a wonderful anime movie and if you can see it, then see it ^.^;;
Ive been meaning to get some Final Fantasy advent children Screen caps now that i own it ^.^ and maybe make a couple backgrounds!
well... i dont really have anything else to say. i hope you all have a nice day. UGH AND I ALMOST VISITED ALL OF YOU BUT THEN I GOT D.C while i was at the end of my list >< sorry to everyone thats names start with like, t-z ~_~. ill try and get to everyone today.
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
O Em Gee
 | O__O sorry i didnt update yesterday, but i fell asleep! See first of all on tuesday i had only gotten 2 hours of sleep so we didnt go to the mall, we did go to the library and they had Fushigi yugi 5 6 7 and 8! ive only read 5 but i plan on reading the rest tonight ^.^;;;;
we also got "Perfect blue" and i havent watched it yet but delphine says it was i cant wait to sit down and watch it.
so yeah after the library we rented "Failure to launch" and "Ultraviolet" First was.. eh. boring. and the 2nd. was stupid and boring ^.^;;
then i went to sleep without updating or watching inuyasha ;.; fwum.
Then today! we didnt go either, i had to wake up at like 9 AM and do yardwork x.x i swear, i hate weeds. I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and after that we got ice cream. and now i have a sunburn ~_~ which hurts.
after that we all kind of fell asleep lol. and when i woke up we decided to go to best buy to buy Final Fantasy advent children. WHICH WAS FREAKING AWESOME. i mean, yeah... it was cool. I loved it. and im sooooo happy i baught it. though the first time we baught it we opened it and it had a slash down the side of the DVD cover so we took it back, and it took them forever to get us a new one cause at first they acted like idiots and didnt know what to do, then they couldnt find any other ones but they knew they had them. :/ so finally we had it and then we went to barnes and noble!
we didnt have any money of course lol. but we looked at the manga and now i have a big urge to by like. manga. lots of it.. ~_~;;
Oh and we were looking at this colorstrology book and apparently my color is some sort of shade of violet. ~_~ lol. yeah.
also, If you havent noticed, theres that thing that looks like a rabbit on my site. lol. Ivory makes them and theyre called ploofie's. she's got a website just click on my ploofie(who was custom made cause im special) and if you really want one for some reason just email her or do whatever the website said ~_~. i think its kinda cute. though i may be forced to change my site around cause, now my site lookes less orginizes lol.
well. :/ yeah thats it lol. i hope you all have a nice day! and i really really hope i get to visit you all today ^__^
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
 | well my day was pretty uninteresting. i pretty much did nothing :/ Though tommarrow(well today ><) We think we might go to the mall.... but i dont know lol. i have to watch my grandmothers dog ~_~
Ah but something did happen to my sister! i was so sad that i missed it.
she was coming home from school, and she was at an intersection coming out of the school parking lot and she was turning right and about 300 feet to the right, there was a light, and everytime the light turned red people would get backed up into the intersection so she couldnt turn. So she had to skip the first green light and so the cars backed up behind her(but they were already backed up) and one of the guys like 2 cars behind her, started to scream at her, and he was saying "why arent you moving!" and then he drove out of the lane and into the left lane and drove up to the front by her and he started to scream in her window. he's all "Why arent you going" and shes all "Because i knew you were in line!" and then he just turned and drove away angrily. i wish i had been there. though if i had i doubt she would have said it ~_~;;;;
Well thats pretty much it lol. im sorry i didnt visit any of you yesterday ): ill try and get to you all today!
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Monday, June 26, 2006
 | First off, just in case you didnt visit me yesterday, go look at my new wallpaper if you have time. just Click Here. its from the anime series candidate for goddess.
Ok well anyway. i was up till like 6 AM watching like, this thing on bravo about the scariest movies. x.x and it showed the scene from the blair witch project where its at the end and he's in the house and the girl is in the corner screaming x.x OMG i hate that part lol. scared the hell outta me, when did that movie come out? it seems like so long ago...
so anyway, i slept for quite awhile. and when i did get back up i layed back down again. i had a terrible headache all day and my left hand is aching ;.; its like, hard for me to clutch things with it ~_~;;
ah but anywho. today i dont have much plans. have to return a library book. maybe they'll have Marmalade boy and DNangel. or something new. iono. that would be nice ^.^;;;
and then we're going to try and get to do the lab thing today cause delphine really needs to check on her ceramics to make sure they havent dryed out.
o.o so. new season of venture bros. lol. ive been wait FOREVER FOR THIS MOMENT. ^.^ the ending was so funny when they were clones and they were just walking around and then they calapsed(that was a bad description..) SO FUNNY THOUGH.
:/ ok. i have nothing else to say. i hope hyou all have a nice day and ill try to get to everyone today!
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
 | Hello! My day was ok. i slept untill 2 Lol. and then when i got up i couldnt seem to get over how tired i was X.X;;
so we went to that lab thing with the clay wheel but no one was there to let us into the room so we couldnt do it :/ So instead we went to get my haircut. its not how i wanted it. so im going to go back probably and tell her to cut it more(its free for a week after i get a haircut)
Umm. then we went groccery shopping. so yuss. that was my day.
oh, and while i was making dinner i burned myself ;.; it hurts. bad. lol.
EMG EUREKA 7 WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME!!! I CANT BELEIVE I HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE WEEK TO SEE THE NEXT ONE. i almost decided to make a wallpaper of Namine but it was before i knew who she was.
samurai 7 was awesome to. i havent watched it for awhile but delphine filled me in on everything.
So, i made another wallpaper. some of you thought that i was changing the one on my site but no, i just made one and im going to put it in my portfolio thing... i have no plans of changing my rainbow bg. ^.^ so anyway Click here to go see it, i would be so happy if you do! its from the anime series, Candidate for goddess.
Thats it. have a nice day everyone.
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
My day
 | Hmm. well.. My day was rather..mixed.
the hike, was ok. but they closed the keyhole(this like, opening in the devils backbone.) because of some hawks nest >< whichs sucks cause its the best part!
and after that, i couldnt get my haircut because my hairdresser wasnt there! >< and my mom said she made sure and everything but she didnt ~_~.
and then work. *sigh* that totally sucked. first off, i was running off like 4 hours of sleep ya know. and then me and delphine got into this huge fight. and everything just freaking sucked. oh yeah and BTW. i wouldnt call working at my parents CD store once in a while a job. first of all, i dont get paid. i do it just cause they tell me to. :/
and i think im loosing my voice. x.x;;;
so anyway, saterday(which is today i guess) im supposed to get my haircut. ^.^ pictures will be taken cause im such a camera whore. and then delphine wants to go do some lab time in her ceramics class and wants to take me with her. ive never used like a clay wheel or whatever theyre called x.x;;; ill prolly suck at it lol.
AND everyone if you could, please go visit my new friend: Sutarumahari cause she's new to the Otaku! ^_^ if you do, I shall give you cookies! and we all know LS's cookies are the best ~_~;;
well thats it. i hope you all have a very nice day!!!
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Friday, June 23, 2006
mmm... stapler...
 | O.o hello. how was everyones day? mine was ok. first off. i went to the library. they didnt have anything... so delphine goes "Why dont we go to my college's library and see what they have?" and i agreed lol.
First of all, i want to tell you about my towns library. i was looking for the book "kiss of the shadows" or something along those lines. its the frist book to a long series. well, my library had all the other books in the series. except for the first one O.o im serious, they didnt own, they dont even have plans on buying it! which i think is so stupid and annoying.
anyhow, they had it at the college library, so im happy. BUT IM STILL NOT DONE READING LOLITA. which is getting good ^.^ i stopped reading it for like 4 days ~_~ im going to go read it right after i post this ^.^
well... so anywho, i swear librarys are totally against my sister, delphine. they had all the books she wanted, but they were checked out and had holds on them already ~_~ i feel bad for her, she really has no clue what else she wants to read other then those books
....yes.. my life consists of books ~_~ and reading ~_~ but i love reading. to be honest it really annoys me when people dont like to read lol.
anyway, enough of that.
today i have to do a lot! i have to wake up at around 8 because at 9:30 were going hiking. then when thats over i need to get my haircut before 11 or 12 because by then i need to go work at the CD store all day :/ and like i planned, the PS2 will be coming with me lol. its so boring working there, sometimes people dont even come in to buy things for hours. i swear, they only come in when we're about to leave!
Shift key, poor thing, is still sticking. and btw, YES it was iced tea lol xD
:/ well im going to go. i hope you all have a nice day ^.^
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
 | Well. i think me and delphine are supposed to go to an art gallery or something today. i dont quite know if that was today ~_~;;;; or like sateraday.
well anyway, so yesterday i slept so Late! i was up till about 5 AM so yeah, i slept in till 2 PM which makes me sad cause we were supposed to go swimming today but no one ever woke me up ): all well.
well... i just got done watching the movie "when a stranger calls" it was exactly how i thought it would be. Stupid and boring.
so, Ansatsushawdi invited me to this survivor party. which is basically where you re-inact the show with like, teams and stunts and stuff. And.. well.. i decided to go lol. of course im sort of nervous cause im always uptight about what people think of me and stuff, but i think that i really need to stop doing that, so i think it will be a fun experience. and i can act like a fool without caring ^.^;;; lol. i think its on sunday i guess i better get back to her about it ~_~ (everyone go visit her myotaku shes awesome)
AH my shift key is sticking ;.; not kool. *Cries* POOR SHIFT KEY ITS ALL MY FAULT(i spilled tea on it..)
lol yeah im hyper.
well. hmm. i dunno what im going to do. maybe go find a few pictures and make a new background ^_^ that seems nice. but first i shal go visit whoever has updated already! Everyone have a wonderful day or i shall... umm... THROW COTTON BALLS AT YOU! MWAHAHAHA!
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