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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
 | Ugh, i was typing out my post for today and then IE froze and i had to close it >< so yeah, im totally not typing everything i did.
Lets see... im supposed to get my haircut on friday but i dont know how im gonna because im supposed to work at the store all day ~_~
so yeah now i cant even think of what to type lol. my day was boring ^.^;;;;;
ah but i did visit everyone that updated today on my list ^_^ but i just got done doing that lol, so if you updated late then i might not have gotten to you <<;;;;;
well thats it i guess.. have a nice day everyone!
Comments (11) |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
 | Hello ^.^ well it turns out, i didnt have to work at the store. but i will friday. so SC3 is postponed till then lol -_-;;
so instead i slept late and went to the library ^.^ thats right, the library...AGAIN. i didnt get any books really. but guess what they did have? Fruits basket 13!!!!!!! which totally made my day ^___^ i already read it and i have to tell ya, momiji is so my favorite charector ;.;
Im glad you guys liked the sketch, delphine was happy as well of course ^.^;
i forgot to tell ya about the walk me and delphine took the night before last!!!! It was around like, 10 PM i think and we were just going around the block(maybe we'll do it again after i post this) well i was blabbing on about something and i notice thiese black figures, at first i thought it was just a bush, but then something moved and im all "Oh my god.." cause i had no clue what it was, but then while like, i dunno my brain prossessed what i was seeing or something i realised it was two people sitting down xD so of course i burst out laughing at my idioticness ~_~;; lol, it was so funny...
so... i guess thats it ^.^;; you all have a nice day...
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Monday, June 19, 2006
 | well today (or rather yesterday) i didnt do anythign ^.^ i sat around and watched this kathy griffin thing ive already seen like a billion times. but she's just so funny! she makes this joke about how she cant see Clay Aiken as anything other then Gay. and then she called him Clay Gaykin xD which is so hilarious. lol...
Well now today i have to go work at the store i think, like i said before, time to take the PS2 and brush up on my SC3 skills. We'll see who wins xD though i know it will be me, I ALWAYS WIN. >3 seriously. i do. O.o its wierd. becuase Delphine is like, better then me usually.
But anywho, so that will consist of my day, it doesnt help that i stayed up so late(i probably wont fall asleep till like 3:30 AM) :/ but all well. Any sleep is good sleep. i guess.
well i was reading(lolita by vladimir whateverthehellhislastnameis) and i glances breifly at the adult swim commercial that was playing and it said :BLEACH and it was one of there lineup commercials. Is AS showing Bleach soon???!? because if it is, thats freaking awesome...
OH YEAH. i watched Naruto on.. saterday i think? well whenever the new one comes on. i watched it and even though i had no idea what was going on i couldnt seem to turn it ^.^ so i dunno, i wanted to watch it from the beggining but i doubt they'll be showing the first episode anytime soon :/
remember when i told you that delphine drew a quick funny sketch that consisted of a girl poking a guy? well she finally uploaded. as i said, its just a quick sketch, but i still crack up every time because me and her always just randomely poke each other. o.o and then while we do it we say "Poketh" <<;;; lol. its wierd i know ~_~;;
Ummmmmm i think thats it, sorry i didnt get to any of you yesterday, i was a little lazy ^.^ lol. anyway, the sketch is below. if you want to saying anything about it to my sister, Click Here.enjoy. lol.

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Sunday, June 18, 2006
 | ^_^ so how is everyone? Today it was hot. again. ~_~ the clouds were only here for that one day *sigh* not fair.
Well i went groccery shopping today, and we got these things called kumguates. :X theyre pretty sour. except for the rind. which is sweet. it looks like a tiny orange. It was...interesting.... lol.
i also saw the sequal to underworld. it was ok. :/
hmmmmmmm..... well thats actually about it lol. i really didnt do much today ~_~.
Well i hope you all have a nice day ^.^
Comments (7) |
Saturday, June 17, 2006
 | WEll thanks to everyone that commented yesterday ^.^ teehee.
So at the library i got a couple books, they pretty much didnt have a lot fo the books i wanted but all well. they also had the manga-the tarot cafe. which is totally my kind of manga. i really enjoyed it and i hope to read the next one as soon as i can, of course its under marmalade boy DNAngel love hina and a couple more mangas that i plan on finishing first x.x;; and the list goes on... *sigh*
well..... hmm. it was nice and cloudy today ^.^ which is quite refreshing from the recent hot weather we have been having here. it even rained! yay! i was happy.
So, me and delphine have to work at the cd store monday and friday :/ thats a weekend away i know but still..GAH. i hate working at the cd store lol, its so boring. though this time i think ill take the ps2 or something and me and her can go at it in soul calibur 3.
well yeah thats about it. ^.^ i hope everyone has a nice day.
Comments (8) |
Friday, June 16, 2006
 | first off, i just want to make sure, if you didnt see yesterdays post- i made a wallpaper. so you should check it out Click Here.
Also, i forgot to mention this yesterday! You know that plant that like, grows up walls and stuff? well we have that on the back of our house, and the root of it is right next to my window. well inside this plant near my window, my sister heard little chirps ^.^ so now we know theres a birds nest in there with baby birds! CUTENESS! i hear them chirping all through the night and its so cute. since i cant really see them or anything i just named them the justice league xD.
so i finished reading the book "The dead days" or something like that and i wasnt happy with it. it was...ok. but i was really annoyed with the end, it ended in a way where there should be more... But there isnt, its not a series or anything like that :/
hopefully if delphine gets done reading her stuff by tommarrow we cant get to the library. cause i have TONS of book suggestions. at least around 25 that i need to get to reading ^.^ though i bet my library doesnt have all of them unfortunatly. it makes me sad, i really wish our library was larger. but its not. so fwum! not good...
anywho thats all i really have to talk about ^.^ ive been lacking on the visiting thing, but ill be sure to visit everyone today(its not like i have anyhting better to do <<;; have a nice day all!
Comments (8) |
Thursday, June 15, 2006
 | Hey! well i guess i didnt do very much today lol. but i did happen to make a backround! its not that great of course but all well ^.^ i was sad though because i had to put it in misc. anime because they didnt have and section for AIR. which is the anime its from.
I really dont have anything else to say so ill just leave you with the link to it ^.^ i hope you like it.
Clickeh Here!
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
 | First off, no it wasnt that i didnt like your suggestions purrifying goddess, its just, i had already been suggested them and read them(except the silvertore books, im in the proccess of reading them all... theres so damn many lol)
I got some wonderful suggestions from my long ago friends from YFF(a fanfic site i fell in love with about a year ago) i dont know why i didnt go on there in the first place! its been awhile since i had and i found out that one of them was getting married! i was so surprised, shes only 18 but her lover is a marine and is shipping out in a couple months and she wants to make sure that if anything happens, that they will have been married and that there love was official. oh man, im so happy for her!
so going to that site braught back a lot of memories about how sad i used to be, and how that fanfiction site and the people on it really helped me out, and in some ways they were really all i had. I love them all so much, and i really hope i can start writing fanfiction again so that i can return to the fanfiction site.
anyway, guess what they had at the library? MARMALADE BOY NUMBER 7!!! it was so wonderful, i already read it and it was so great ~_~ i cant wait till number 8 which is the last one. i really like this manga, its one of my favorites as a matter of fact.
i also got case closed number 1. i love case closed and i was really pissed when adult swim took it off. >< damn them!
Well, i forgot about inuyasha and it just got over and i didnt watch it >< thank god it comes on again. though i dunno, ive been falling asleep pretty early ~_~ i hope i dont miss it lol.
wellllllll i dont really have much to say so ill just leave it at that. have a nice day everyone!
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
 | Hello! how is your guys day going?!?!
Jack came back and he's LIMPING! his poor paw is sprained or something ): its a little better today, he's walking on it and stuff, yesterday he was hopping around like a 3 legged cat ^.^ which was cute but just like, broke your heard... x.x
Anywho, im going to the library today. im a bit sad because like 5 billion people have reccomended interview with the vampire and i read it like ages ago. but i know, i shoudnt get mad. its not like they all knew ive already read it lol.
And with yesterdays suggestions: not much help either lol. ive either read them or know i wont like them(cause delphine has read them and she knows what ill like and what i wont lol.)
Im hoping marmalade boy number 7 will be there ^.^ and number 8 9 and 10 of DNAngel lol. and something new but they never have anything new manga-wise.
Well, i have to go. i didnt visit any of you yesterday but ill really try to today!
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Poor frodo
 | So the sculpture kitty bowl i made broke. i accidently broke its tail off :/ then hours later i noticed its ear brok off which i didnt do which leaves me to wonder who the heck has been messin frodo(his name)!
So, im reading my other book(i know, i put off starting it for a couple days lol) and its kind of boring :/ but ill finish it cause its so small. wont take me more then 2 hours. then maybe off to the library with other book suggestions from you lovely people???? huh? Please?
I really need money o.o Megan told me next time her and katie go to the pool theyre making me come along. but, theres no way im going out in the bakini i had last summer. plus theres this awesome purple and green one at target(for some reason, i love purple and green together) and they also had this other one and there was this little skull charm hanging from the middle. it was pwnful.
Also, i fell in love with a new clothing line! its called eliccit i think and when i was checking out there website i was like drooling x.x i love there clothes so much. ANOTHER REASON I NEED MONEY DAMNIT.
though, its getting so hard to find a job in my big town im getting nervous that im to late ): hopefully i get lucky one my search right?!!? hopefully.... :/
Well.... its super super hot here in colorado lol x.x im like dying because its so hot, even now at 12 in the morning thers a fan facing right at my face.
JACK hasnt been around this whole day :/ we're really nervous that something happened to him... hopefully he's back by tommarrow!
I missed eureka 7 ;.; i fell asleep and delphine told me it was a great episode so now im mad at myself ><;;
well.... thats about it i suppose :.: i hope you all have a nice day ^___^
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