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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
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Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Saturday, June 10, 2006
 | Hello ^.^ i went to bed early yesterday so i never updated, and i didnt really feel like it when i got on in the afternoon.
So anywho lets see.. i got number 7 of DNAngel which i realised i had not read so thats why number 8 was confuzzling ^.^ they didnt have number 7 of marmalade boy again, which wasnt surprising :/
I was determined to leave with a book because there was no way i would once again be bookless for a week >.< so i ended up looking in the young adult section and got 2 books from there. i felt a little silly looking in the young adult section but gah, all well lol.
i already got done reading one of them, didnt even take me a whole day to finish it was so small. not quite sure of the name of it, but i liked it, i only wished it had been longer lol. the other one i havent started yet :/
Ummmmm i made a kitty bowl out of clay the other day, its super cute. i named him frodo lol. i should take a picture of him and show you
Someone from the animal care and protection place came because someone called in to comlpain about kata, our pitt bull. i knew this was coming ever since we moved in. see about 4 years ago kata killed another dog and was ordered by the law to be on a padlocked chain forever. so he had been. the house we live in now doesnt have a fence around the backyard so we have to put him in the small dog run, i hate not having a backyard for him :/ but anyway, kata has always been skinny, we feed him like an endless supply of food but he always seems pretty skinny. so i would see why our naighbors would think were neglecting or abusing him. But nope, we love him so much words cant even describe it ^.^ teehee. The person that came to inspect it didnt think he was skinny at all, just that he had a lot of muscle. so yeah. that was that. my parents were pissed about it though. they are absolutly certain it was the people that live behind us lol. i think it was the people that live beside us. either way, i dont really care who called in.
So my sister made another wallpaper. im sad because she had to put it in misc. anime section for wallpapers cause they didnt have a section for hers :/ so its going to be hard for her to get people to see it. its from yotsubato(i think thats what its called) which is a really cute anime lol. this time i will give you a direct link to it and i really really hope you guys visit it (: it would make me ever so happy. my sister would be happy to lol. just Click Here<3
And this is the end of my post! have a fantastic day!
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
 | Hello ^.^ ok well these people called about jack, and they were like, sure that this was there cat
so basically the lady freaked out after we started to ask her question about what he looked like and stuff like that so then we ask her the name and she hesitates and says "fat cat" O.o which he doesnt even look at you when you say it.then she starts talking about how shes going to come over with her step brother who is a cop and were like, thats fine... and so she calls my dad a bad name. so then she hangs up, my mom calls her back and she starts to yell so my mom starts to yell and she hangs up. then she calls back pretending to be someone else O.o and talks about music city(myh parents cd store) and stuff. then my mom calls them back and she's talking to this guy who says hes the cop but he says hes the son of the women that called up, not the brother in law. and so then he says the cats name is cooper/before all this they were walking about how he had a ruff around his neck like a lion(which he doesnt then(we were kind of freaked out, we realy dont trust them at this point) we start to give him false information about how my moms name is lisa barret and we live at 1812 dotsero which is 2 houses down from ours. and then we tell him that we're just going to take him to the pound and he can get the cat there, but he tells us not to. :/ which is wierd because if we did we could just be like "you should expect someone to come pick this cat up soon" at the humane society >< but nope, they really really didnt want that.
~_~ so lets see...oh! i have lots of dreams were im going to die and stuff, but i usually wake before i get killed(unless its a dream about zombies which i have a lot of) since we were talking about dreams i decided to mention one of the worse dreams ive ever had. At first, it was like, a real world type of dream where i was living in a house with lots of other people. well one of the people i lived with went to answer the door and some guy with a knife kills him. so we all run to hide, and im in my room laying on my bed, i guess i paniced in the dream and instead of hiding i just pretend im asleep. so, the door to my room is open, im laying visibly on the bed, and outside my door is a bathroom. well, the guy goes in and goes to bathroom first O.o which i can hear and everything but after that he comes in and i see its my dad o.o and he has this knife in his hand and for a minute it was just like he stood there and finally, he raised the knife, and right when it was about to go into my side i like, made myself wake up... >< it may not seem that scary but it was, i was really... out of it after i woke up to it was really wierd..
I usually have scary wierd dreams about that, most of my dreams are re-accuring dreams that i have 2 or three times over the years. in fact, i cant really think about any good dreams ive ever had. ive always just had scary-type dreams.
hah, well this is kind of getting long, so ill just leave it at that lol. ill visit you all today!
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
 | So, yesterday i woke up around 12 AM. i was really hot and tired(ive had 2 fans on nonstop in my room for like, 21 hours and i feel bad about it lol) and it wont be letting up anytime soon :/. i miss our air conditioner.. x.x it broke.
but anyway, so i had to go to the dentist are 1 PM so i had to make myself stay awake. it was freaking hard x.x i was so tired while i was sitting there letting them check up on my teeth. but luckily it didnt take that long, and my teeth are just fine except for a wisdom tooth thats coming in and instead of growing up and out its pushing against one of my back teeth so they reccomended that i go see someone about that. which freaking sucks, its gonna cost around 1000 dollars(thats how much my sisters cost) and right now no one in my family can really spare that kind of money. :/
So anyway, i fell asleep at around 4 PM finally and have been asleep untill now(3 AM) but i kept waking up after i had a terrible dream.
This dream, was of me of course. i was walking down the street away from my house, and in the dreem there was a graveyard right next to my house. so suddenly, this little girl comes up to me, and she pulls out a gun and shoots me in the arm. o.o; so i start to run and since im by my house i start to yell out the names of my family so that they know im in trouble. well finally they come and thats when i woke up. well, i fell asleep again minute later and had this same dream, except i had a gun to this time. and no one came to help me x.x so i woke up again and fell asleep again(i was a little annoyed) and had the freaking dream AGAIN!and this time i actually killed the little girl :/
How wierd is that? Wierd wierd wierd...
lol, well anyway, thats all i have to say, sorry for not visiting any of you, i just didnt get around to it :/
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
o.o joketh gone wrong
 | Lol, it was joke you all! some of you got it but others must not of. I didnt really get a job. After i said i did i said..."Not really but wouldnt it be cool if i had said that and wouldnt have to whine about having one" or something along the lines of that.
Also, the reason i linked to my sisters site instead of directly to her wallpaper was because, i was lazy and didnt feel like going to find the link myself lol. im sorry if it annoyed any of u.
well i dont have much to say lol, i just wanted to clear those things up. ill be sure to visit you all today.
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Monday, June 5, 2006
 | Hey! How was everyones weekend? mine was same as it always is lol.
Lets see.... i saw the 2 movies: Freedomland, and Doogal. Doogal is so freakin cute, but the movie was pretty stupid lol. Though there was this one part where he said something from harry was funny lol.
well i went to the library, they didnt have marmalade boy number 7 :/ damnit. I got number 8 of DNAngel because when i flipped through it, it seemed like i hadnt read it. and now im questioning what number 7 was about lol, its been a couple months since i read it so maybe ill read it again because i start number 8.
Umm, we really need to go back to the library though because we forgot to turn in our other books and theyre like, due tommarrow x.x;;;; stupid us.
Delphine made a really cool FMA Wallpaper the other day, she has 52 download to it but no one is commenting on it. if you want to see it click here to go to her site, and there is a link right in her most recent post. ^.^;
mmm... :/ what else to say? Ive had a really wierd sleeping schedule, its very random. Like, ill be awake untill around 10 AM and then fall asleep untill whenever someone wakes me up. and then ill be awake from that time untill like... 10 PM where i fall asleep for maybe an hour or so and then i wake up again O.o;;;;
:/ guess what? I FINALLY GOT A JOB.
...not really. but wouldnt it be great if i had just said that and then i would stop whining about needing one? Oh yes it would.. but untill then :/ iono.
well lol, i guess thats about it. you all better have a nice day ^.^
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
 | Hello! ^_^ How was your guys' day? Mine was full of sleep. thats right. i slept yet again. Delphine said she tried to wake me up but i never did O.o i dont even remember her coming in and trying to wake me up.
So, i remember one of you saying its national doughnut day today i think. so.. ^__^ im going to celibrate by getting my family some doughnuts!!! usually i dont let them have them, just because i personally dont like doughnuts. But today, i shall be nice.
Delphine just drew the funniest picture. its of a girl poking a guy and there expressions are just...Hilarious.. i wish you all could see it, i hope she uploads it <<;;
hah and just to let you all know, the window that my cat fell from isnt that far from the ground >3 so she was perfectly fine!
o.o im making a scrolly anime banner of all the naime and manga i like to go under where it asked you favorite anime. Depending on when you read this, it might be up, and it might now.. <<;;
well i visited every single person that updated yesterday. something i dont normally do o.o but i plan on doing it more often lol >3
well, have a nice day everyone.
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Friday, June 2, 2006
 | ^_____^ Hello!!!!!!!!
o.o im so hyper right now lol ^.^;; its like, 5 in the morning and im just being bored... :/
well...i finished that book i was talking about. x.x i read it all night untill like 8 AM. by then my eyes literally couldny focus on the pages at all ~_~;; so i went to bed lol xD and slept all day AGAIN!
thats gonna change again today though because i really am going to the library this time lol. Any good fantasy books you wanna reccomend? i cant really think of anything that im gonna get other then MARMALADE BOY NUMBER 7(and maybe 8) if they have it for once. T_T
hopefully they at least have SOME good manga, im getting pretty tired of them not having anything :/
^_^ i have an idea, how about i search for that job finally!!!! Ahahahaha... ): i really need to start doing things instead of just saying im going to do them dont i? *sigh*
^__^ Ok, i officially love indie music o.o i found another new indie girl rock band: the replacements.
^.^ whee. xD
told you all i was hyper today!!!!!
o.o my cat just fell out of the window. its ok though it got up and sort of walked it off lol. its back up in the window, growling at the stray cat outside. dad says that if no one claims him we will have to keep him since he loves us so much for some reason. o.o;;;
well... have a nice day all!
Comments (8) |
Thursday, June 1, 2006
 | Have you ever been surprised at how someone can change so much in so little time? Lately as you all know i havent been doing very much in my life lol. its made me wonder about a lot of things. But just now i realised that everyone of my friends has changed tremendously and that might be the reason we dont...mesh? anymore..? I look at all of them and theyre so different then they were months ago. all of them. Take My friend Megan for example... she is so change, i dont even know who she is anymore. now she is so, wild and.. i dunno.. she just doesnt care about things she used to. In a good way though ya know? What ive noticed most is that most of them are happy now. which makes me happy of course. i love them all to death, i more then anyone know how much they deserve happiness. But it also makes me really sad, because, i may have changed somewhat, but not like them. i havent quite found that change in me where im finally happy with life ya know? have you ever felt that way?? *sigh* i really dont know how to explain it... but.. lately im really worried that i wont find it :/ and thats just not kool lol.
o.o me and delphine had a sharpie fight. with ONE SHARPIE. it was scary.... x.x i marked her with the sharpie and set the sharpie down, then minutes later she picks it up and attacks me. but im good at defence so i didnt get marked xD and i got her to put the marker down lol. x.x but she marked me today out of nowhere!!! i was like :O NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! lol.
well, the stray cat remains ^.^ who knows if it will ever leave lol.
:/ lol maybe you all are right, maybe it is just my destiny to have a sleeping schedule like the one i have.. but its so annoying, i love sleep of course, but i also love to be awake during the day and the night x.x;;
well, if i dont fall asleep anytime soon im hoping to go to the library today ^.^ right now im reading a stephen king book called the regulators and its freakin messed up. see theres this naighborhood and one day these cars come out of nowhere and start shooting everyone in the naighborhood. O.o its way more complicated then that though, so im not even going to try and explain it. i know if ill finish it though, i only just started it(ive been putting it off since i checked it out lol)....ill try to finish it though ^.^
Hopefully they have marmalade boy number 7 x.x HOPEFULLY FOR ONCE THEY HAVE FREAKING MARMALADE BOY NUMBER 7!
....erm.... im getting very impatiant and want to read it very bad!
...ok well im gonna go lol.
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
 | ^__^ Purrifying goddess, of course ill make you a button! Dont expect it like tommarrow or anything though, im kind of lazy when it comes to having to make graphics lol.
Lets see... i slept all day again O.o how is it i always go back to my bad sleeping schedule?!!? all well, i suppose ill have to fix it...again... x.x
Today, i went groccery shopping at like 6 in the event ^_^ and went to hobby lobby cause delphine needed a sculpture kit for her ceramics class.
:/ what else? hmm... well... i havent been doing much downloading, thanks to your guys' suggestions, ill be sure to use them ^.^
Ok, well i guess thats it lol. have a nice day!
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
 | Soo... how was your memorial day? I slept all day :/ i didnt mean to.. i just...well.. when i woke up i realised everyone was gone so im like "All well" and went back to sleep lol.
When i did wake up though we realized one of our cats got out o.o so we went to look for her and guess who she was with? Jack, the stray cat. :/ dont worry from what we can see he's been fixed so no baby kittens in our future(to bad, im missing having baby kittys around..) but anywho, we didnt have a clue where they ran off to and about 15 minutes ago we heard meowing on the side of the house and there they were! we couldnt grab our cat though because jack was being...well.. really...protective, and even though he was letting us pet him and stuff whenever we went for our cat he moved closer to her and growled.. o.o but yeah we finally got our cat in but jack ran into the house and downstairs x.x it wasnt that hard to get him out, i picked him up and he didnt hurt me or anything :/ i feel bad, he wants in soooo bad. maybe he's just lonely? Well..yeah i dunno im not a cat... (btw through all of this it was pouring rain)
o.o wellllllll... that was the highlight of my day ^__^ lol. i guess i dont have much more to say :/
My sister has school tommarrow ): which is wierd. but its at 3 so maybe we could go to the library before that ^.^
ok well im gonna visit all ya now. Have a nice day.
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