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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
 | Lol, well yesterday we went to see The poseidon ^.^ it was a pretty good movie. But...well Im never going on a cruise. Never ever ever... Nope. I was already afraid of the thought of drowning before this movie.. and well O.o yeah.
but it was a really good movie. There was some lonely old guy that started to talk to me and delphine about how he baught a pepsi and some ice cream and made himself a shake or something.. *sigh* poor lonely old people..
Oh yeah, and yes delphine is my sister(someone asked) you canClick here if you want to say hello to her.
It was way hot yesterday to, and its supposed to get hotter ^.^ which makes me really happy because i love hot weather not cold.
Ummm... basically i have nothing to do today eccept for watch my grandma's dog. which means i get payed 5 bucks(heck yes.) Im trying to save up 10.50 to go see the davinci code ^.^ which im looking forward to! If you guys read this book, be sure to read the illustrated version, because then you can see all the stuff he's talking about right when your reading it.
...anywho. so.... sorry i only visited like..2 of you yesterday :( i shall visit all of you today... lol.
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Monday, May 15, 2006
 | Hey! Sorry i havent been on in a couple days. Its just, i really had nothing at all to say. I mean, the only thing i did at all these past few days was go to the library once, and they didnt even have anything good. Other then that, NOTHING! :/ im on a really good sleeping schedule though, but now delphine isnt. So its like, when im awake..she's asleep. which sucks cause she is basically my ride if i want to go anywhere.
....then again, there really isnt anywhere for us to go :/ all well...
well... ill be sure to visit you all today.
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
 | So, i fell asleep at like, 3 PM for like 2 hours ~_~ but thats it! So im still trying to get my sleeping schedule good ^.^
We had take out today ^.^ it was good. we havent had it for months. HOPEFULLY no one eats my eggroll >< whenever we have take out i always save an eggroll for later and it always ends up disapearing. And everyone blames someone else >< so i dunno who really eats it... but im keeping my eye on it <<;;
Well, tommarrow(or were supposed to go groccery shopping, and to my school because i left my inuyasha courier bag in my locker! that thing cost me 30 bucks so hopefully its still there(who knows what my locker partner is like, i never met her lol) But yeah, i forgot my locker combo ^.^;; so i have to ask the front desk -_-;; lol.
Well darn, i missed inuyasha >< Its prolly over by now ;.; good thing it comes on again...
Umm.. oh! i cant wait for it to be june! so many things come out in june! Lets see... X men three movie Venture brothers new season(love that show) and kathy Griffin has a new season of her show(i love kathy griffin!)
....yeah... well... tv adn movies are basically what my life consists of right now so yeah ~_~ pathetic i know...
And does the pirates of the caribean movie come out? That seems alittle early O.o Maybe it comes out in july... I dunno.. ill go google it lol.
Wow. seems like i pretty much talked about nothing lol. all well... ill be sure to visit you all today!
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Number 2
 | well jee. I was hoping you guys would pick one of the more interesting ones. But you ALL wanted number 2!(Not counting myui wanting to be different XP)and since im all about pleasing people....number 2 shall be the one to go up and stay up. Unless i get bored of it and change it. Which may very likely happen..
Ah! but anyway.... So... ive been in a bad sleeping schedule for weeks(I know, im always in a bad sleeping schedule) But today is the day that i change it! Yes thats right, staying up all night and day is my plan(as it always is) Plus! today is my dads day off! So ill make him send Ivory's packege!(That holds all her awesome Birthday/christmas presents from me) My only hope is that nothing is damaged(the packege has been through a lot even though it hasnt been sent -_-) Oh and i also hope she likes love hina ^.^ lol.
But anyway, im bored... Very bored. Very very very very Bored. Theres nothing at all to do...
I guess i could go visit you all lol.
Well i have nothing to say either O.o so i guess ill go be bored somewhere else.
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Monday, May 8, 2006
 | So, you all should visit >Ansatsushawdi For me ^.^
Ah but anyway! So did you all catch eureka 7? Pretty good eh? lol ^.^;;
so, i just got in touch with an old friend of mine, its pretty kool i was really happy and surprised to hear from her! ^.^ i wasnt to great of a friend in the end so we kind of stopped hanging out and stuff but her and her family hold a big place in my heart and i was really sad when we stopped hanging out. So yeah, thats why i was happy to hear from her.
Sooooo I guess its time for you to see my blog options, ill post them below. Ive narrowed it down to 3 that i like, so those are the only ones im going to be posting. So yes, i would very much epriciate it if you told me which one you think i should use. Ivory said she likes the one i already have up, and Delphine says she likes the 2nd one, and i like the 3rd one ;.; lol. so here they are:



Have a wonderful day and ill try and get to all of you ^.^
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
 | Hello! So... As you can see, i changed my blog like i said i would, actually i made delphine do it lol.. ^.^;; But anywho, So the picture i have up right now, is very bold and colurful and...well..interesting. I came up with 6 different ways of making this image rainbowy, and i will post all 6 of them either tommarrow or monday because i want to know which one you all think i should use cause i just cant decide lol.. But for now, i just decided to put that one up.
Umm... Well i hope you all caught castle in the sky and porco Rosso tonight, They came on TCM i think ^.^ i sort of watched castle in the sky but ive just seen it so many times ~_~;;
Ummmm so yeah, nothing more to say i guess, ill be sure to visit you all ^.^
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Friday, May 5, 2006
 | Im fine now. i guess. I mean we're not fighting at least... but im still pretty mad about it lol.
So.. the davinci code -_-;; I know i know i was supposed to finish it, but i never got to reading it these past few days! *sigh* but i started to read it again tonight so hopefully when i get offline that what ill be doing for a couple hours lol.
o.o So, im like.. addicted to the pendragon series by DJ Machale. I dont have a clue why, i just have liked his books since middle school lol. So his new book is coming out this month and there's going to be a booksigning in denver ^.^ i was hoping to go but i dunno...
Ah! i havent been watching samurai 7 ><;; im quite behind on it actually so i dont know if i will even bother watching it anymore ;.; but who knows. it comes on at 2:30 so i guess ill decide then.
I have a new pic... *looks around for it* Ill post it at the bottom ^.^ I know how annoying my blog is when i post pics, so ill post the small version of the picy on here lol, theres a bigger version on my myspace though(not that anyone really cares though..) Ive actually been thinking about changing my blog around so that the image in on top and the blog post is on bottom. instead of side by side like it is now, im sure it would be much easier for you all to read my posts and stuff.
Well, thats about it ^.^ Ill be sure to visit you all today..

i have another pic of delphine and our cat, but ill post it tommarrow lol.
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
I cant take it..
 | Im offically going to go on a killing spree if something doesnt change soon. i just cant stand this soon. My life is so meaningless right now i feel like... like a rock. Like a rock burried in dirt. thats what i feel like. Im sick of it!
I just had yet another fight with delphine and she said rather mean things that werent true about me at all! You know, im tired of it. Its time for me to stop being so lazy and get up and do something. i may not have school to go to(even though i wish i did, its way better then sitting at home doing nothing) but i do have a job thats waiting for me to find it! at least then i wouldnt have to see these people every single second of the day!
Ugh. i know im just blowing off steam right now, but i actually had these thoughts for awhile, i just cant stand the way im living right now. And delphine, she doesnt even understand how hard it is for me, she always makes terribly mean jokes, she so sarcastic im sure she's starting to beleive the things she jokes about. Seriously, every work that comes out of her mouth is so sarcastic and mean.. she doesnt realize that its really starting to hurt my feelings, im just so tired of hearing things like that. She doesnt know how ashamed i am of something the things she jokes about. and ive told her all this and she just brushes it off thinking im making a big deal about it, likes she's not doing anything wrong and her rude jokes are perfectly fine...
UGH, im sorry. i really needed to get that out ><;; i hate putting up such personal problems...but i just cant take it anymore. Have you ever felt like you just wish you could just, leave. Leave where you are at the moment and do something different, go somewhere new and random. i just wish i could leave. To bad i cant lol...
well, enough of that.
I was laying in bed yesterday and got up to scratch my back. I felt a hair fall onto my arm. Naturally i didnt really care but then this 'hair' started to move! so i looked down and there was a spider crawling down my arm.. I freaked out, threw it ontop of my blanket, where my kitten happened to be sleeping, so i snatched peacky up quickly and killed that sucker -_-;; I hate spiders.... This one surprised me so much.. lol. Unfortunatly, i have a bad spider problem in my room, they always tend to dangle from the ceiling and drop onto my bed O.o Terrible..
well.. thats about it. sorry i didnt visit very many of you the other day, i never got on lol..
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
 | I dunno why i havent mentioned it but LOOK! the buttons were put back up! i know.. i was supposed to make new ones but i didnt >< so you'll have to live with those ones yet again.. And my background? eh, one day...
I didnt read. at all. No in fact it was all rainy and icky outside and when its like that i tend to...fall...asleep... -_-;; So yeah, thats what i did. STUPID SLEEP! Always in the way... ;.;
Hmmmmm well i suppose i have nothing to say...
..... How about a random qusetion, havent done one of those in months lol...
Whats your favorite sharpie color?
I cant decide on it! at hobby lobby they have this little tiny bookshelf sort of thing and i always want to buy one but i can never choose a colors ~_~ there are just so many..
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
 | Boo! i thought i would update myO before i got to bed(its 5AM)
I didnt get very far on the davinci code, i was hoping to finish it today because i assumed i wouldnt have anything else to do today but read actually, i ended up going out to lunch with my grandma ^.^ yey, free lunch!!
And after that...well.. lets just say i was pretty tired already after lunch and then my mom wanted us to go get the car from dad and was a really big hassle and it ended up in a fight between all of us lol... so instead of reading, i took a nap! it was a good nap, i enjoyed it ^.^
After the nap, i ended up getting into ANOTHER fight with delphine.. ~_~ and it pretty much went on the whole night. So yeah, i think its cause we're constantly around each other. THANK GOD summer is almost here, she'll be in school at least 3 hours everyday and my friends will be out of school and FINALLY have time for poor ol' pathetic me... ;.; but for now, one more month of suffering through the fights... but its ok, ive been through way worse(as some of you know lol..)
Tommarrow? i hope to get my reading done! and since the book is taking longer to read then i thought, if i dont finish it by thursday, i shall be very mad at myself. So far, its a very book. i really like it a lot.
So! ill be sure to visit you all today as well! Have a nice day..
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