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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
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Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
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Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Monday, May 1, 2006
 | Only like, 3 people updated yesterday so i felt no real point in updating lol.
But anyway! so i ended up staying up all night friday.. -_-;; and since i had to work ALL day saterday i pretty much got no sleep at all x.x it sucked. The store was so cold the whole 6 hours we were there and for like, 3 hours no one even came in. In fact, the first costumer we got came in right when we were getting ready to leave for a break x.x he didnt even buy anything. Actually, we only got 2 sales the whole day x.x it sucked.. right when i got home, i fell on the couch and slept till like 4 AM ^.^ lol.
And sunday we didnt really do much of anything interesting... Never went to see silent hill but all well... :/
I just started to read the davinci code like 2 hours ago.. hopefully ill finish it tommarrow or the day after.. depends on if i end up reading it when i get offline i guess x.x
No good manga at the library *pouts* i want marmalade boy number 7 so bad, Number 8 was sitting on the shelves, taunting me "You cant read met yet... mwahaha!!!" grr...
im so mad at myself, i was so tired that i never saw eureka 7 this week and i never recorded it!!!! ;.;
Well, i guess i dont have anything more to say lol, ill be sure to visit you all ^.^
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
 | We didnt go see the movie today... tommarrow we're supposed to <<;; lol, we keep putting it off.. -_-;;
Tommarrow( we're supposed to work ad the cd store(my parents own it if you didnt know) because my parents are going to a karate compitition or a black belt test, i cant seem to remember what they said, but yeah so my dad is gonna go and spar or something... ^.^ just talking about it makes me miss karate, one of these days ill get back into it *sigh*
So yeah, thats pretty what will consume my day.. :/ i was gonna take the ps2 down there but..i have no video games to play! except for kh2 but i already beat it ;.; we sold all of our video games and used the money to buy kh2.. i could bare selling it cause i love it to much...
I forgot to tell you all! remember like, months ago when i told you my naighbor robbed a bank?! well it was in the paper last week that he got 25 eyars in jail. and guess how much he stole from the bank? 380 bucks. yep, thats it! Now his kid is the one thats just living in the house.... and i think his wife..but....ive never seen his wife come out of the house. O.o;;
Delphine is reading the davinci code(i get to read it when she's done) and from what she says about it, im dying to read it now T_T;; I WISH SHE WOULD HURRY UP!!!!!!
well, i guess thats it, time to go visit people ^.^
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Friday, April 28, 2006
Hello ^.^
 | So the manga i told you i got is actually called "50 rules for teenager" It was...well.. ok i guess. Its pretty much about a teenage girl trying to take care of everyone and herself while her twin brother is being annoying. :/ I wouldnt buy it though. The first issue is the one released and its reportedly 'Still in production' and been that way since 2004 ^.^ lol. Now.. if you want any GOOD korean manga(it has its own name i forgot it though..) you should all check out Kiss me kill me ^.^ it has beautiful artwork and i nice plot...
anyway, the family's supposed to go see 'silent hill' tommarrow. mom and dad have to come with us cause im not 17 and cant see a rated R movie without a legal guardian at my age. They act like its a hassel but if it really was a hassle they wouldnt even be doing it so I KNOW THEY SECRETLY CANT WAIT TO SEE IT! Lol...or something like that...
I was bored. so i made these avatars:
As you can see im using the colorful one as my own avatar, i just added my username ^.^ they arent the greatest avatars, but hey im not some avatar making guru or whatever. I feel annoyed with myself. Instead of doing things i need to do like make my buttons or my background i go and do something else that doesnt need to be done at all :/
Well, thats all for today kiddies.. ^.^ im going to go downlaod song... ill try and visit some of you today ~_~ im still a little lazy when it comes to that but ill try and get myself to!
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
 | Well.. they didnt have anything good at the library. We got.. what was it i think it was called '50 rules every teenager should know'or something like that. but it reads left to right, which sort of annoys me but i guess i can get over it (Kiss me kill me reads that way so i guess im used to it..) :/ im sad. i really wanted marmalade boy...
My day was pretty boring i guess lol. I did watch Aeon Flux. it was....well.. i guess ive seen worse movies. it wasnt THAT bad.... i guess...
thats about it ~_~ lol. ill try and visit some of you today!
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
 | Hey ^.^ so my day was pretty boring ~_~;; i didnt really do anything!!!
Ummmmmmmm im in love with a band i just discovered.. "lacuna coil" i love this one song... ^.^ the girl that sings sounds sort of like amy lee, so of course i like her lol..
Ummmm.... hmm... i didnt catch inuyasha, i was about to watch it.. but it seemed boring so i turned it ~_~;;;
Tommarrow we're supposed to go to the library ^.^ i hope HOPE HOPE HOPE that they have marmalade boy or DNAngel..or..BOTH! that would be kool.
I ended up not doing the job searching thing xD lol.. i woke up so late my day was pretty shot already.. :/ TOMMARROW THOUGH!
I was wrong, im not over it.. she argued with me how she thought i didnt try as hard as i said i did... but... Why should i have tried so hard if she was pushing me away anyway? She created it, so she shouldnt be mad at me for not trying hard enough. it just pisses me off. So i could have tried harder... But...GAH!So, its officially the end of the whole situation. i thought i would feel complete and over it after i knew why she did it... but... I guess i sort of do. I still feel really hurt though... i guess all i can try and do is try not to think about it.
Im gonna go search the net for a book i think i might want to read.. ~_~ i havent read anything other then manga for quite awhile!
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
 | so.. i just beat kingdom hearts 2!!!!! ^.^ im so happy, it was such a wonderful ending!!!!!!! i was just so happy.. but sad that it was over... i mean, kh2 was pretty much my whole reason for wanting a first ps2... yeah i remember it.. the first time i saw a commercial for the first kh game.. ~_~ of course the song drew me in and now im in love with utada hikaru and simple and clean is my favorite song... but anyway.. er.. what was i saying?
right...umm... so i beat the game ^.^ i was watching x-play and someone asked them if there would be a kh3. i dont want a kh3. i think its perfect how it ends on the 2nd game. but i wouldnt mind a kh movie!! Lol..
speaking of movies, so advent children is coming out? Delphine was about to buy it months ago but she didnt because she didnt want to wait ~_~ now i really wish she had baught it!! All well, i guess its time for me to get serious on the thing... :/
Oh yeah, and about yesterday, im over it all. i dont care anymore.. i mean why should i right? who needs a friend like that.
wellllll i suppose thats it. ill try and visit you all today!
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Monday, April 24, 2006
 | I dont know how to describe what im feeling. let me tell you....
My old friend skye has a myspace, like, 2 years ago she just totally stopped talking to me and hanging out... i never understood and it hurt me a lot. She was my best friend.
I finally messeged her yesterday, asking her why she did it. And you know why? Because i wasnt popular enough. she didnt think i wanted to hang out with her friends from school. so i guess basically, she threw away her best friend, just to be popular....
Could you do that? Could you just throw away your best friend so easily? i think its just...sick... and it hurts knowing that she did
This... it... sucked, never knowing why she just started to ignore me. but i guess i honestly wasnt ready for the answer... i mean.. years of pain and wonder...all because of social status at school... could someone throw me away so easily...
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
 | Well, i havent really had the time to update anytime other then really late, so i just ended up not updating...
Anyway.... lately ive been a little sad. Im not gonna say why though... you never know who's reading *coughhack*
Uhm.... i really really really want marmalade boy 7 and 8 T_T they didnt have them at the library. in fact, they had no good manga there.. ):
Anyone catch Eureka 7? i think i like it because it reminds me of FLCL. im not sure why though lol. i really like The show though, its pretty good.
We watched the movie "Derailed" It was pretty good ^.^ i never realized...well.. im not gonna tell you cause you might see it one day but gah.. i just didnt realize it..
I beat the guy on kh2 actually i did awhile ago... so now im pretty far but i doubt im close to beating it. ;.; i cant wait. i want to play it now but i really dont have the energy... lol
Well.. thats about it i guess..
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
 | Ah well im sorry i didnt update the other day, i just didnt feel like it, plus.. i had nothing to say!
right now im working on my background, im quite sad though...there just arent any good pictures of my beloved Asaba Hideaki from Kare kano ;.; and i love him so much! But... there is just not enough pictures of him to include in my background! *cries*
Anywho... so far ive added Kyo, dark, and satoshi(who is my favorite...) And im sitting here trying to think of who else(its wierd when i had this idea i could think of so many..)
as for your buttons... i have no comment other then im lazy ^.^:;;;; lol.
I think that i will get off soon and try at kh2.... :/
i also need to read pretear... even though i dont like it <<;;
well... i dont have much to say.. but i do have a lovely pic of myself to put up here.... enjoy it i guess?? And i shall visit you all today..

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hey ^.^
 | Hello! Ah well the library is back open and it has that "New Carpet" smell.. its kind of wierd to walk around the library now cause of the new carpet ~_~;;
But anyway, they didnt have DNAngel number 7.. they had 8 though -_-; I did get Marmalade boy 2 3 and 4 and now i WANT 5 SO BAD! this manga got really good but i fear it will be over soon, i think i'll go google it and see how many volumes there are...
we also got pretear number 4. I dont like pretear of course but i will still read it because 1. I have nothing else to read and 2. I read number one so now i have to read the whole thing, and number 4 is the last volume so why not..
Stupid kd2.. so hard.. im stuck on another guy from the orginization and he's so hard.. ~_~;; yes, harder then the guy with the guitar. Lol, i totally suck at video games but.. I WONT GIVE UP!
Well, i havent started on the buttons OR the background, i think ill start them right now in fact, Ill be sure to visit you all later today ^.^
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