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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Monday, April 17, 2006
 | So, i hope you all had a happy easter, mine was pretty boring.
In the morning my Grandfather hid eggs in the yard and when me and delphine woke up we had to go find them. Now, im 16 and delphine is 19 so we were both a little annoyed that we had to go find them, but my grandfather was so happy, he thought we were surprised and that we liked it so of course we said we enjoyed it lol!
But ummmm other then that we didnt really do anything the rest of the day!
But i did end up catching the second airing of Eureka 7 and i thought it was great! I so totally didnt care that it was mecha!!! lol..
Right now.. im craving.. Pepsi. But its 11 PM and i dont think mom and dad would epriciate us going to get pepsi, i guess its water for me. im not complaining, i love water *.* who doesnt? Well actually my mom hates water O.o which i think is totally messed up, she wont drink it unless its flavored water.. *sigh*
Uhm anyway, so i guess thats it, ill be sure to visit lots of you, OH! and im making some new buttons as well as putting some of the old buttons back up, im not really happy with some of them... I wanted them all to be pretty simples and stuff but still be somewhat nice and some are just...bleh to me lol ^.^
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
 | Well... happy easter to you all lol ^.^
Ummmm right now im watching the movie "Domino" and i think its pretty good i guess, but i really like action movies like that, plus i like kira knightly.
I didnt catch eurika 7 or Samurai 7 tonight but delphine recorded them so ill watch them later ^.^
soooo...the library has been closed the past 2 days so i havent been able to get dnangel 7 and 8 ;.; i want them SO BADLY!!!!
well... i guess i dont really have more to say... <<;; so...enjoy the day..
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
 | Well, right now im watching brokeback mountain and its.. ok i suppose i mean there is nothing that makes me think "OMG this is great" But it isnt bad either...
Delphine Got passed that guy with the guitar for me in KH2... lol so now i can finally get on with the game. It seems like its taking me forever though ;.;
I fell in love with the band Flyleaf today ^.^ i cant stop listening to it, i even added a song of theres to my myspace....
Hmmmmm well i dont have much to say because i didnt really do much <<;; ill try and visit you all today ^.^ i didnt get to it yesterday ;.;
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Friday, April 14, 2006
 | ^.^ so its called Eureka 7? my sister said it is mecha but the story line is more important then the mecha scenes so ill still be watching it ^.^
Umm... today i was supposed to do more yard work but i ended up not really having to do much of it so yey ^.^
So, since me and delphine got the newtype issue for this month of course we always cut it up and use the pictures for our collage books(its fun shut up..) and there was this whole page of kh2 so we couldnt decide who gets it ~_~;; not kool..but anyway, i didnt have a scissors cause i lost my pair of scissors so went and baught some ^.^ and paid 5 dollars for 3 pairs -_-;; because im picky and didnt want just any type of scissors, i wanted the good sturdy type that might be able to cut open your finger... NOT THAT I WOULD EVER NEED TO DO THAT OR ANYTHIGN *COUGH*
Im sorry, im pretty hyper i havent stayed up this late for like, a week and a half ~_~;; i hope this doesnt ruin my sleeping schedule cause i really enjoy waking up at like 7 AM...
well, im planning on changing my background, but not the rainbow-colors... i was just planning on changing the pictures.. ^.^ to what? Well of course all my favorite anime boys like yuki and kyo and vash and hideaki. And also cloud and riku even though theyre from video games im still in love with them ^.^ oh and dark and daisuke ^.^ OH and satoshi i love satoshi!!!!!!! Lol, im sorry, ill stop talking about it ^.^;; im boy obbsessed i cant help it -_-;;;
I just watched the first episode of Neo ranga and had no idea what was going on, it was really confusing -_-;; right now im watching my-hime and i like it ^.^
also, there is a pic im gonna put at the end of the post, i hope you enjoy it lol.
wellll so i visit a lot of you yesterday so i hope you were happy about that ^.^ i was happy to visit you all lol.
Thats it for me, hopefully i will visit all of you again today!

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Thursday, April 13, 2006
 | Im updating so much later then usual!
But anyway, the movie i was talking about in my last post wasnt brokeback mountain, i didnt mean gay as in gay... Lol actually it got me to thinking that i had used gay as meaning "stupid" which im mad at myself for doing... *sigh*
I read all the DNAngel's ): i want number 7 now of course....
So there showing a new anime on adult swim i heard, i dont remember its name right now but i was disapointed when i read an article about it because it looked like mecha and i hate mecha! but then in the article it goes "Its not really mecha..." ^^ so i shall deffinatly be watching it now.
What ever happened to anime unleashed? i havent really watched it for months but now that i think about it its never on O.o
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
 | Well...we went to the library again today but i forgot the library card so we had to go all the way back home, which is like, all the way accross town from the library ~_~ but then we came back and i got DNAngel 4 5 & 6, and pretear 2 and 3.. even though i dont like pretear all that much lol!
We also went groccery shopping which took like, forever lol... and we ended up going to a different groccery store after we went groccery shopping because we forgot something, and then we went to a 3rd groccery store because we felt like sushi... lol...~_~
I also got a computer put in my room... its not hooked up or anything yet though...delphine got one to but she doesnt really have a computer desk or anything to put it on so..i dunno.. :/
MY SUBBURN HURTS! UGH! i cant stand it ;.;
We also rented movies, but nothing really good at all, we got the chronicles of narnia for my dad because he wanted to see it(i dont plan on watching it...) and we also got some boring gay which i cant think of the title.. :/ nothing really good was out that i hadnt already seen!
AH! i put the kingdom hearts 2 song(passion by utada hikaru) on my Myspace ^.^ and a new background of sora! i went kh crazy ~_~ but i had no time to play it today so im really sad.. hopefully tommarrow.. ):
I also only had time to visit some of you but not all of you so i feel pretty bad! ive been lacking in the visiting part ;.; hopefully ill have time tommarrow to do that to!
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Sunburn...wierd dream.. ~_~ gah
 | I have a sunburn! it doesnt hurt to bad though lol..
its like, 9 AM and i just woke up from having the wierdest dream! well it wasnt the wierdest ive ever had O.o but it was wierd... i ended up being this little kid named allen and he went down this well because if you go down it it gives you an item thats a symbol of what you really want. so i go down into this creepy well and start yelling that somethings attacking me, i come back up, the rope im climbing snaps so i have to slimb the edge of the well, somehow i got back up there with my buddies and they seemed all annoyed! the item i braught back was a carrot. Because one of my buddies had said something about a carrot being like friendship... O.o and then there was this gay moment like you see in movies and i went "All i really wanted was friends" lol... then i woke up... lol IT WAS WIERD!
I forgot to mention this but did anyone catch samurai 7 on IFC on...saterday... i think it was? I totally forgot they were showing it! luckily it was only like, the 2nd episode ^.^;;
Umm, well.. i need to figure out how to get 10 bucks to buy newtype this month.. it looks SO AWESOME!!!
Hmm, i never got to visiting any of you yesterday :( I FEEL SO BAD I HAVENT VISITED A LOT OF YOU IN SO LONG! i promice to visit everyone today though!
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
 | Well i have to do yard work today, its like 9 AM and im in somewhat of a cleaning mood, though i wish delphine would get up to do the laundry before our grandmother gets here xD i hate laundry... and vaccuming... blehness...
Anywho genshikan was perverted xD but funny and sort of interesting so it was ok. So, if i ever come accross the next one in the library i will read it, but i wouldnt buy it ~_~;;
My father said i can have this computer he has at the store ^.^ he said he would put it in my room and if i had a phoneline hell let me add the internet. But i dont think i have a phone line :( which really sucks..
i havent had time to play kingdom hearts 2 And i really really want to. Oh and i was searching around for a kh2 avatar and i really shouldnt do that because then i always tend to see something i havent gotten to in the game and i freak out, for example... this picture of riku i found.. *sigh* i hate finding things out before i get to it myself...
well, im gonna visit some of you right after i post this so...yey.
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
 | My guestbook signatures keep getting deleted >< wtf is up with that?!
Friday was ok, we went to the library but the only thing they had was genshikan(or something like that..) number one which i have no clue what its about but ive seen a lot of pictures and stuff and i think i read an article in newtype about it once but i dont remember ~_~;;
OMG KH2!!!!!!!! The stupid nobodie with the guitar is killing me!!!!!!!! I swear he is so hard! Like, i would get really close to beating him, and then i would try and cure myself but for some reason it wouldnt let me so then he hits me and i die T_T and there is this stupid little timer thing where you need to kill these ghost guitar things in like 10 secends and if you dont do it you have to start him all OVER AGAIN! AND I CANT FIND A fricken kupo anywhere near me in that town AND I REALLY NEED POTIONS AND ETHERS!!!!AH SO MUCH STRESS FROM A DAMN GAME!!!!!
....I love it more then anything in the world though....
I hope its sunny out today :( ur kinda looks like its gonna be cloudy T_T NOOOOOOOO...
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Friday, April 7, 2006
 | Well its about 3 AM, just woke up... umm im not sure if i like my recent sleeping schedule, i fall asleep way to early ><;;; and in the morning its so boring while im waiting for everyone to wake up(AND I DONT HAVE THE PS2 CAUSE ITS IN DELPHINES ROOM ;.;)...
anyway.....i read Fruits basket 11 and 12. 13 comes out in april so im way happy ^.^
I havent had a chance to play kh2 >< i want to really bad right now because im really far behind from delphine ><;; and i hate it when she beats games before me(she does it all the time though...)
ummm... i dunno... i havent really done...anything...the past two days...:/
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