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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
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Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
 | Well im updating a lot later then i usually do lol so lets see. i stayed up all monday night and played kh 2 from 2 AM till 10:30 AM O.o can you beleive that?! but my goal was to pass delphine, and i just barely did and OMG i cant wait to talk about what happened after halloween town with her!!! x.x;;;
The only reason i got off was because my grandmother was supposed to take me groccery shopping while delphine took these tests that tetermine what kind of math, reading, and english classes she's going to be in this semester for college. She just recently switched community colleges and shes mad because she scored lower then last time on english O.o which is wierd because she is really good at english! BUT she scored so high on reading she doesnt have to take a reading class, in fact they reccomended her to take some advanced achevement reading class or something. ADN she scored higher on her math this time so she's being bumped up like, 2 classes lol..
anyway, we had to do yardwork after that, and let me tell ya.. my back hurts SOOOOOOOOO bad..
Then we went to the library and guess what? they had fruits basket 11 and 12!! WHICH ARE THE ONES ME AND DELPHINE NEED!!!! *.* i was so happy.... we also got pretear number 1 ^.^
Ummmmmmmmmmm ok well i dont really have much to do today... well...i dont have anything to do today Hopefully ill think of something...
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Monday, April 3, 2006
 | Well, i read marmalade boy number 1 and now i want number 2 of course ^.^ oh manga, what would i do without you?(probably get a life *cough*)
....Then i fell asleep and pretty much slept. Oh but i did get up to make dinner... then slept some more... then i read the book "Kusheils dart" i love it.. i didnt i would be into a book like that... but..i wont go into what its about lol..
Then i got my gaming on for awhile ^.^ KH2 is still awesome... i luff it so much.. <<;;
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Sunday, April 2, 2006
 | O.O so, i started kingdom hearts 2 today, its was supposed to be a 2 hour tutorial, but it took me 3 hours!!! Jeez, that was the greatest tutorial ever. i loved it. Im sad though, i miss roxas already but im happy to be sora again... ^.^;; who's the kid that does his voice? Haley Joel Osmand right? I love that kid, he plats in one of my favorite movies ^.^;; lol. yeah, some randomness sorry ~_~;;
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm i went to see ice age 2 today. It was..meh. ya know? This little girl was sitting behind me and she kept hitting my chair, and so i turned around and gave her like, the look of death and she stopped for awhile, i dont feel bad about it either because she started to do it towards the end of the movie >_< there are 2 things i hate about movie theatres: Having to sit in the front, and little kids. Both of those occured today *sigh*.
I dyed my hair, its looks... Mm... kind of dark golden blonde now, with a little hint of red, i tried to take pics but it doesnt look all that different on my webcame from the last time it looked so, no pics ^.^
Well, thats all i have to talk about, ill try to visit some of you today ok?
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
 | You know the stephen king book i told you about? well the movie that was based on it was on but it was NOTHING LIKE THE BOOK ): and it had stupid arnold shwarzinegger it which is like... sucky... i was really disapointed ):
Yesterday, i went to the library and donated another box of books. plus i checked out DNAngel 3 and marmalade boy 1 ^.^
THEN I WENT TO GAM FACTOR WHERE I HAVE 45 DOLLARS IN CREDIT AND GUESS WHAT??!? THEY HAD KH2 SO I TOTALLY BAUGHT IT AND IM SO SO SO HAPPY *ces* oh kh2 how i love you! You know, i got the ps2 just to play kingdom hearts ^.^ lol. but anyway, i havent played it yet because when kingdom hearts 1 came out, i got to play it first, so its only fair that delphine gets to play kh2 first (: cause im such a nice sister right? lol...
I went to target and for once, target has all these breat clothes! THE FIRST THING IM BUYING WHEN I GET MONEY IS A BAKINI BECAUSE THEY HAD TONS OF AWESOME ONES AT TARGET. i couldnt seem to find the anime when i was there, they moved it from the spot i found it last time i was there ): not kool...
So, im dying my hair brown today o.o im nervous.
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Friday, March 31, 2006
Tra lala lala..
 | Me and delphine have come to realize that we relate a lot of things that happen in our life to shows on tv(mostly family guy) O.o which is wierd...
Also, has anyone seen that commercial for double mint mints? ISNT IT JUST THE CATCHIEST COMMERCIAL EVER? lol, i have its little song stuck in my head.
Uhm, anyway i didnt do anything at all today because i fell asleep! i made it to around 12 PM and fell asleep ><;; Its not my fault though, delphine didnt get up by then and its hard to stay awake when you have nothing to DO!!!
BUT tommarrow im planning on doing lots... because i have 20 bucks to spend! Spending money is so fun... its cruel really, i hate money... but love it... you know? *sigh* anyway we might..see a movie... or... Go to the game place and buy some ps2 games(45 dollars in credit there!) but we also want to save the money to buy KH2 because im just dying without it!!!! T_T but we most deffinatly have to get my mom a card because its her birthday... so yeah...
Ummmmmmmmmm nothing more to say!
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
 | Well hello there my dears.. Sorry i didnt update yesterday, i never really got on to do so.
First off, we went to the library and dropped off a box of books my grandmother gave us to donate to it. she gave us 4 more we just havent had the time to bring them ~_~;; i offically have nothing to read now... Oh and btw, that stephen king book was REALLY GOOD. as ive said, i hate stephen king books.. and in the beggining this one was somewhat boring, but i guess it was very fast paced if you know what i mean, and the ending.. damn... anyway its called the running man ^.^:; i recammend it!!!
Later that night we rented King kong and memoirs of a geisha, they were pretty good ^.^
Mmmm well tommarrow im going to get my permit.. or hopefully.. i havent really...studied... or anything.. all well how hard can it be right?
Uhm, yeah i dont have anything else to say ^.^ ill try and visit some of you today...
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
 | So today delphine told me about this thing she saw on the news. I think it was in like..seattle or something these people were having a party adn the theme was the dead or something so they dressed up as zombies. Then some guy went insane and killed 7 of them!!!! o.o i dont know the whole story, maybe ill go search for an article on it or something...
Btw.. i have yet to get myself on a better sleeping schedule ^^ i got so tired around like.. 10 that i blew my whole plan and fell asleep. *looks up into the air* BUT I SHALL NOT GIVE UP!
:) im hyper btw.
Hmm, well i dont have much to say honestly ^.^;;
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Monday, March 27, 2006
 | Ok.. so i know i said i was going to avoid reading 10. But i just couldnt stand it anymore ^^;;; So i read it, and of course i need 11 and 12 now!!!!!! GAHHHHHH! i also want love hina number 3 and kill me kiss me number 3. *sigh* i love manga.. do you love manga? i love manga...
Ermm... anyway... So im on this terrible sleeping schedule as you tonight, im fixing it! like i always do! lol... all i need is lots of caffeine, chores, and other various things to keep me busy, WHICH I JUST HAPPEN TO HAVE!!!!
Today me and delphine decided to break out the puzzle. We always buy the prettiest puzzles, cause who the hell really wants to do a puzzle with cats in a cup? O.o not me... actually this puzzle is of this realyl large women, looking down upon this villege of people. and there is a lake beyong these people, which leads to this polar bear and some flamingos. Its very fantasy looking.. just my style. BUT IT HAS THIS DAMN WIERD BORDER. So er... i left the border to delphine lol ^.^;; While we did this puzzle we ordered a movie. Now, we've seen LOTS of movies... so there arent really any new releases we havent seen. So we ordered elizabethtown. It was mildy interesting..sort of funny at times..
I havent chated with Ivory for awhile.. its been atleast a week... ): it makes me sad, i miss her!!!
Hmm, well thats all i have to ramble about, Enjoy your day!!
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
 | Well, i slept till 3 PM today O.o lol, oh sleep, how i love you so much.
I cant say i did much today after that lol. I always tend to do things at night because we usually dont have the car untill after 5 or 6. Unless dad comes home at like 2 PM for a little while. But yeah, ANYWAY! today was a lazy day...
So the love of my life(you remember i mentioned him a couple days ago) is starting a new school on monday. For those of you who dont know(i dont even know if i mentioned this when it happened) im not in school currently, im going to a new school next year, i would have started going this year but i was to late to register! Anyway he happens to be starting the same school, eccept he's starting it this year(big coinsidence honestly i did not plan this... teehee..) So yeah he's really nervous but im really happy that he's going so he can tell me what the school is like, just to make sure im not making the wrong decision...
Oh yeah, at long last my family is finally going to stop being lazy and take me to get my permit. i know i know, i should already have my Liscence but gosh.. every time i wanted to do this they always had things to do. This wont happen untill wednesday though..
Anyone catch princess mononoke? i watched a little of it.. its one of my favorite miyazaki movies but i own it so i just thoguht "feh, ill watch it later" Lol.
Ummmmmmmm this is long enough, i shall visit you guys today..
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
 | Well today we didnt have the car... so we decided to walk to mcdonalds and return some movies. See at the mcdonalds near my house, There is this machine.. where you can rent new movie releases for a dollar for one night. i dunno what theyre called -_-;;; but anyway, of course there just HAD to be a line on friday... so me and delphine are sitting there waiting and this girl comes up behind us. She makes small conversation, we talk about movies.. blah blah blah. Then she's all "I got hit by a car once..."
*cough* i wasnt quite sure what to say after that lol. I feel bad, i hope i wasnt being rude because i didnt say much... im sure she was just trying to make conversation lol.
Lets see.. i didnt do much after that lol. Actually, at around 8 i decided that i wanted to go buy a really big pillow from Kmart. So we got there, but they didnt have the one i wanted >< and the others were 20 bucks.. so no really big pillow for me lol.(...dont judge me..i like pillows..)
im kind of putting off reading Fruits basket. I have 8 9 and 10 to read but i dont want to read 10 (spoiler ahead if you havent gotten that far.)because i know that on the last page HE tells her he loves her... And i dont have 11 to read and its GOING TO KILL ME if i dont get to read 11 soon after i read 10.. and i dont have money to buy 11(i did.. O.o but i blow money on crap so easily..) *sigh* I still have gravitation and love hina to read.. and The rest of that one stephen king book.. and i just remembered im still reading the book "freedomland"... O.o so much reading lately..
BTW.. i didnt do ANYTHING on my list from yesterday lol.
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