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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
 | Ah, well lets see.. Tuesday night at around, maybe... 10 PM we heard this big noise, my sister said it sounded like someone Either, hitting the garage door, or closing my dads car door. So my dad goes out, takes his big heavy stick of course...for protection... and goes aroung looking. O.o nothing at all wrong. And so the big noise remains a mystery. But also We find out today that someone broke into our Store.
Only about..4 cds were taken. the only good one was the story of the year CD i gave my dad to sell, that was worth like..12 bucks. >< whats wierd is that it wasnt forced entry.. someone must have had a key... And also, all the money was still there! Jeez.. it was really wierd and frustrating...
TODAY after we found all this out and stuff, we went to the library, i found out that this book that i wanted to buy at B&N was in the library, as well as Fruits basket number 1 and Fushigii Yuugi number 2! those are the ones i need!!! i was so happy. But we had a 16 dollar fine on our card so we couldnt get them ): Im sad. but my dad said he would pay it tommarrow!!!!
Also they had these brochures at the library for some anime get to gether where they would be watching FMA.. sounded pretty kool, doubt i will go though..
After that me and delphine got to go eat at our favorite restaurant.. <3
And after that we found out my dads cousin died.. I cant beleive it, so many family members on my dads side have died withen the 6 months.. its terrible..
Today my favorite show, project runway ended, and the person i wanted to win, did not win.. in fact the person that did win, im sure not many people that watched the show wanted her to win over the other 2 finalists, but she did design amazing dresses in her line.. i was impressed, so i know she deserved to win. However im still mad. and sad that the show is over ):
speaking of shows that are over, did you all catch Samurai Champloo?!?!?! That was freaking great. Not as great of an ending as S-cry-ed But it was really great still..
i have a meeting with my school tommarrow, i didnt get to the meeting last time i told you guys i had it because they never called me back. But now we finally worked it out so its tommarrow, rather... lol.
Hmm, that was a lot to say, im sorry if it was to much.. Love yas.
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Monday, March 6, 2006
 | Ah, i just woke up ~_~;; i have the most desturbing dreams >< I just dreamt about going to a fair. and afterwards, we were helping clean up this guys tent, and another creepy guy comes along with this shovel, and tried to kill my friend, cause like.. he kills people and burries the bodies behind the tent. So there is this point where he tries to go for these scissors on the wall, so i go for the OTHER pair of scissors on the wall, but then he like, puts his pair against my head and is like, pressing it against my temple. I totally felt it...stupid dream pain!!!
I also dreamt about my prom. which wont be going to this year because im changing schools. In fact, I have a meeting today with the principal of the school im going to. But im not going there till next year, however i am dropping out of the school i am in for the rest of the year. And i have to try and remember to clean out my locker, i left my inuyasha courior bag in there, and i surely dont want to leave it!!
It looks really crappy outside.. ): well not REALY but it was very nice yesterday so im kind of sad that its not that way today...
So some news on my dads buisiness? He's had a total of 2 sales... Wh00t O.o I feel bad for him, cause i know how much he wants it to work.. But its so obvious that it wont... gonna go make some pancakes for breakfast.. ^^;; have a nice day
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
 | Hello there.... So i just woke up like.. half an hour ago ~_~;; its like, 8 almost 9 AM... So ummm yeah im hoping to do something today but i dunno, my parents have to go to work and are taking the car and unless delphine wakes up before they leave we wont get to go anywhere! ><;;;
Last night, i made pizza... ^^ my dad thought it was delivery.... So i was very proud to know i make damn good pizza...
Ok so i guess i dont have much to say.
12 days till my birthday btw...whoot...
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Friday, March 3, 2006
 | Oh man, im so mad right now.. Let me tell you first of all, my parents waste food like its no big deal, they can eat half of something and throw it away so easily. Well, not me. For example I had 2 dumplings and half an egg roll saved in the fridge for later. Well i get up now and im hungry and im so happy thinking i have half that eggroll to eat! And when im there, its not. Neither are the dumplings.. and of course my dad ate it. I am just so mad.. There is a reason why i saved it, and it sure as hell wasnt for him to stuff his face when he wants a snack at 2 in the morning >< I mean god, there were tons of other things to eat, there was even other chinese takeout that i save for him to eat.. ....I want my eggroll *cries* its just not fair. This happened yesterday to delphine. i baught her a sandwhich for lunch the other day and she saved it, and the next day, it was was a 6 dollar sandwhich to, from her favorite restaurant... GAH. Im going to really talk about this with them.. or start saving things in delphines mini fridge.. but thats just so far away from the microwave ~_~;;
...ok.. *pouts* thats all i wanted to whine about..
Well actually, im also really sad because ivory had a crappy birthday... and i wish i was there to make it better *sigh*
Ok NOW thats all i have to whine about.
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday *takes a breath* birthday birthday birthday birthday...................forget it...
 | Ah, i just woke up out of a dream. Guess what it was about? Zombies. I swear, i have a dream about zombies like.. every week... However they never grow old, i always seem to do something different in them... and i always seem to wake up all excited. This one sucked because my dad died... But it was wierd, this dream was really like.., like umm.. i was really aware it was a dream, and what i was doing, and what was happening.. i dont know how to explain it! but yeah, now zombies are on my mind..
...tommarrow i have to go out with my grandmother.. So that she can check up and see how im doing(mainly school) and we just did this last week. However Now its different because i told her i would try to go to school and i ended up not going at all... O.o all ill be able to tell her is that she's going to ask me the same questions last time and i still have no answers for them.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, SO i have one more thing to say... and its HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVORY!!!!! Yes thats right, Ivory's birthday is today and i hope she has a wonderful day filled with Hello kitty and my little pony and pie..
...*glares evily at pie*
OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!! Anywho, feel free to Click Here if you wanna say happy birthday to her.
ah but that is it for me...I of course will be back tommarrow..
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
 | Soooo, ive tried to staya way from the PS2 to give me thumb time to...heal.. But i just got so bored this morning!!!! And decided to start Ratchet and clank: up your arsenal. There are a lot of games that i have never played/finish that we own, mainly because delphine finishes them first, and im usually around when she does so i kind of feel i dont have to finish it myself O.o;;;
Right now Delphine is trying to play Tony hawk but she really hates this game O.o;;
Ummmmmmmmmmm... so my poncho was really really pink? I never thought it was like.. TO pink.. lol.. I luff my poncho..
So yeah i dont have much to say.. So i shall end this blog..
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Holy WUMBO!!!!
 | AHHHH SO BORED!! so yes life is still freaking boring for me, and what made it worse was that i could get on the internet for like.. 2 days!! So i turned to my trusty PS2 of course... Now remember when i said i was tired of soul calibar? Well so i though "Hmm, what came have i not beaten" and pulled out tony hawk undergound.. Ive had it for quite awhile but just sort of... forget about it i guess. Anyway, i played that game for like.. 5 hours straight O.o;; and now my thumbs hurt.. and i had a cramp in my left arm... and i was joking around with delphine how its paralyzed and i cant use it.. and how they would have to cut off the tip of my thumb and i would be known as th half of a thumb.. O.o;; i was hyper.. it was like.. 5 AM.. lol..
But anyway so yes, i have been enjoying that game lately..
WELL i dont have much to say so i will leave you with a pic of me and my friend, i totally forgot about this picture! its when my hair was still long and boring... Im of course the one on the the HOT PINK PONCHO!

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Friday, February 24, 2006
 | Hey everyone ^^ Well, im still feeling pretty ok, and delphine is starting to get better.. I haven really done anything this whole week since my family is sick so im dead bored. In fact, being bored so much has pushed me back into my old obbsession: Neopets!
I love neopets! Lol ive been on it for like.. 3 years O.o;; and yes, it got so boring.. I stopped playing but now im on it a lot more lately O.o;; In fact i have a goal of reaching 1.5 million neopoints, and so far i only about 700k :/ JUST 800k MORE TO GO!!! lol...
Umm.. other then that.. like i said, i havent been doing anything really.. BUT tommarrow if delphine is up to it she wants to go to kmart for some reason(i dont remember the reason ~_~;;) So yeah, yey..something to do...
IM SO TIRED OF WINTER! i just wish it would get over soon ~_~;;; lol
So the grand opening for my dad's CD store is on march 1st... i feel sort of sad for my dad, because i know that he wants this all to work out, but he doesnt realise that he isnt doing anything right.. I mean.. No one wants to settle for used CDs that are like.. years and years old.. He mostly just selling cd's he finds for cheap at like.. thrist stores and stuff O.o i mean, he didnt even leave any of his invested money for new cds, which is what people want! GAH it just annoys me that my dad is a total idiot sometimes.... *sigh* plus O.o it doesnt seem like he even has that much inventory yet.. i think he's rushing into this way to fast.. but hey.. its his own fault.... im not gonna rub it in his face when everything falls apart..
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
 | o.o;; Wellllllll im not really sick yet and i dunno, maybe i was being a little paranoid about it and im not really getting sick i just think i am.. O.o;; Lol.. Hopefully so because i really dont want to get sick!!
Hmmm lets see, im on a terrible sleeping shedule now because ive been staying up so late O.o;; not quite sure how to fix it *sigh*
So, i enjoyed inuyasha did you? Lol, then i told my sister its going to be wierd when we see the last episode of inuyasha O.o;; It is...
Well thats about it..
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
 | Oh gosh im burning cds like crazy for my parents ><;; They have like.. 200 cds i swear...
Anywho.. I think im getting sick. Yes thats right, ive tried to stay away from my family so it wouldnt happen, but i am starting to feel really bad.. Right now i have a terrible headache.. all day ive been a bit dizzy, and unfortunatly thats what malissa was whining about when she first started to get sick....
OH This weekend i beleive was Fashion week.. ^^ Which for me is a big deal because i LOVE FASHION WEEK!!! Unfortunatly im really sad because i dont have the style channel, which means i wont get to watch anything go down the runway unless they show it on E! network.. (which they usually do..) So yeah, im uber excited.. <<;; cause you know me.. i luff fashion..and clothes... *sigh*
hmmmmmmmmmmmm i dont really have anything to talk about.. so i will just leave it at that. Have a nice day all ^^
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