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Sunday, February 19, 2006
 | Hello there everyone ^^ How have you been? I was so Bored while MyO was down yesterday >.<;;; But now its back so yey!!!
Anywho so everyone in my house is sick, eccept for me.. O.o;; and i really dont want to get sick!!! Im pretty sure i wont though cause i never get sick(Though i have faked being sick quite a few times in the past lol). However im still a little worried if ALL OF THEM ARE SICK.. jeesh..
Well, so since ive been saying these couple of weeks my dad is opening the cd store, he decided to take all of his cds and burn them, so he could sell his cds but still have them to listen to ^^ unfortunatly my dad is an idiot so he doesnt know how to burn cds, so i had to do it.. O.o he has like, 200 cds >< and ive only burned 20 of them in the past 3 hours!!! >< its gonna take a couple days and i am very much dreading it :/
On a better note, Ivory's birthday is coming!!! YEY!! March 1st people that happen to be her Otaku friend.. Dont forget to stop by ON MARCH FIRST to say happy birthday to her lol. But yeah so she knows what i got her but im thinking about sending along my pita-ten volume . Mainly because i didnt really like pita-ten.. But maybe she will? i dunno lol.
on an even better note.. MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING. though its still a little ways away(a month..) I have been so excited!! I was hoping to ask for 50 dollars from everyone eccept my grandmother, so that i would have 150$ for the anime convention. And i was gonna ask my grandmother for 60 dollars so ican buy books ^^ lol! I have been getting behind on my book reading and there are a few books ive been meaning to buy.. so i thought it was the perfect time..
Back to the convention.. See.. ive never been to a convention ... So i dont know how exactly to plan everything. I mean, yeah i can go and buy the tickets but my sister is worried about us getting there.. its in denver and not only does she think our parents wouldnt let us go, we're both kind of worried on where we would stay, i mean, We could get a hotel room, thats seem logical but i dunno, my sister seems really.. nervous about it.. O.o;; the worst thing she would have to do is drive to denver which is an hour away and TOTALLY in the line of non-stop traffic.. But thats it, then she will be able to enjoy the weekend full of anime-goodness!!
But yeah, i guess i should bring it up to my parents.. O.o i already asked them if we could go like, months ago.. but i didnt bring up the details was so far away..(its in october)
anwho.. this is freaking long isnt it? *sigh* i shall end it because i have nothing more to say.
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Friday, February 17, 2006
 | Sorry i didnt update yesterday! i just never got around to doing it o.o;;;
But anyway so lets see hmm... well.. OH today Delphine was vacuuming the floor and she shocked herself X.X;; Ack!!
Hmm, god i cant think of anything to say and im sure there is lots thats happened >.<;; all well i guess this update is pointless.. HAVE A NICE DAY!!
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
 | ~_~;; im so tired of soul calibur 3. See, i really need to earn some gold in the game, so i always do the like, personal story part cause you get a good amount of gold ^^ but they always have the same plot line so there is usually the same cut scenes on everyones personal story ~_~;; so i am so friggin tired of them!!! BUT I CANT SEEM TO STOP PLAYING THE DAMN GAME!!!! >.<;;;;
..its snowing..and i didnt realize it untill now <<;;
Ok well anyway today we went to the mall cause dad gave us 100 bucks (50 of it was for my mom however) I spent freaking 17 dollars on 3 pairs of earings at claires, one pair i got half off though. Theyre nice, i luff them. especially the dangly ones with pink, white, and black skulls on them..Uber CUTE. but yeah then we went back to hobby lobby and me and delphine had this idea to get a new hobby. and our new hobby is: Charms. Yes, thats it. We're gonna make a keychain full of charms we like, i baught this uber kool Guitar charm ^^ its pwnful.
we have 26 dollars left, not sure what to spend it on though.. i vote manga!!!!! lol.
Well, thats about it ^^ have a nice day my loves.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
 | Hello everyone. So today i went to hobby lobby and got this cool dagger charm and put it on a necklace chain so it looks pretty kool, pictures later maybe lol, right now im tired.
Umm... hmm.. well my parents went to this fight thing(not sure what its called..) so we had the house to ourselves.. :/ it was boring we just sat around lol! we did have chinese for dinner though.
Well, i dont really have much to say, other then go check out my anime forum, delphine is making a new layout and its very...PRETTY. lol ^^ i cant wait till its done ~_~;;
:/ i was thinking of starting the contests but im afraid that no on will do them since only a few members(a small few...very very few) are active.
alllllllll well.. i sort of have a headache and im trying to find a really good poem thats like, a love poem, but really dark.. ya know? :/ i have yet to find it and im turning up disapointed at everything i look at.
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Monday, February 13, 2006
 | Sooo lunch wasnt so bad, but we did talk about school.. THE WHOLE FREAKING TIME. IT was annoying.. but all well.. free lunch..
Umm, me and delphine went to the mall today, barnes and noble to be exact.. they finally had number 11 of fruits basket and i was so happy cause i knew delphine has been dying to get it. But she didnt :/ which made me annoyed because she doesnt really know why she didnt buy it when she so totally could have.
I wanted to stop into claires and get some earings but they were close >.<;;; it was only like.. 6 PM to.. wierdness..
Then we went home, and rented movies. FlightPlan and The corpse bride, flightplan was ok... we havent watched the other one yet ~_~
Right now, im drinking a vanilla frappuccino and trying to find something to do <<;; i have school tommarrow to..damn..
well, thats about it for me.. I shall try and visit some of you today ^^
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
 | So today i didnt do anything untill about 5 PM. we went to walmart cause mom gave me and delphine 20 bucks. We ended up buying nothing..
Instead, we want to buy stuff off the internet with the money. What exactly? we're not sure yet.
So my sister downloaded all of these brushes and stuff that we can use on our photoshot ^^ theyre really kool so im hoping to make some graphics for my anime forum ^^
Also i think im gonna start the contests on the forum even though not many people on it are active(thanks Bluedemonboy for being so active *hands you plate of cookies*)
Also, delphine made some really nice backgrounds today so if you want to go see them check out the forum, ill put a link at the bottom but you all know you can click the banner above ^^
Umm, i got my haircut, but no pics because i look pretty much the same ^^
ummmm today im having lunch with my grandmother :/ which kind of bothers me cause she's gonna talk to me about school and thats like, my hot button... ya know? ~_~;;; all well, atleast i get free lunch(we're going to a chinese restaurant)
I got to thinking about what else im obsessed with and i came up with a small list:
Soul Calibur 3
Tom Felton
My hair
I also realised im a addicted to starbucks Frappuccino and diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper.
so i ask you this today: What are you obbsessed/addicted to??
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
 | Ah so yeah yesterday after i updated i got into this little fight about eyeliner with my mom... O.o so she baught me some new eyeliner and its like, the best eyeliner ever, and im saying this because i have a slight obbsession with eyeliner O.o;;
Uhm.. anywho.. we rented movies instead of going to see one because nothing good is playing really..
We rented the fog, and red eye.
Im sort of mad because 2001 a space oddessey came on and it only comes on tv like, once every couple of years and i stopped watching it to watch the fog which was such a boring movie...
red eye was..average.. overall they were both pretty boring.. but i tell ya, Cillian murphey is soooooooooooooooooooooooo hot...
Tommarrow i plan to do nothing.. like always. :/ however if i had money.. i would do something.. to bad i have no money..
well yeah, i suppose i have nothing else to say.. :/
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Friday, February 10, 2006
 | Well i actually have a lot to say right now but i really dont feel like typing it and its kind of deppressing so im just gonna not type it and make this sorta short.
First of all, If Delphine ever WAKES UP we're supposed to see a movie tonight. Not sure which one though.
And also.. SILENT HILL MOVIE!!! has anyone seen the trailor? It looks so freaking kool.. i mean.. silent hill scares the crap out of me btw.. i cant seem to get passed this one part im on in silent hill 2 >.<;;; i need to find this trash can but i cant seem to... *sniffle* ... all well..
anywho lets see what else.. hmm.. i dunno.. ill update some more tommarrow and hopefully visit some of you guys today ~_~;;
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
 | So i didnt say this in my last post O.o i thought i did. but yeah mom is home.. Dont ask why she left.. i dont know why. My familys acting like nothing really happened O.o and so im just gonna go with it cause i just want everything to be fine again.
Anyway, im getting my haircut on friday, because its gotten a little long. But i have to wait to color it because we're a little tight on money ya know...
There is this little spider behind the computer.. i shall name is Dean... instead of killing it.. for now.
Umm.. well i havent much to say.. AGAIN.. :/ i didnt get to go visit any of you and i was on for like, 3 hours ): im sorry ill try and visit some of you today after school or something. Love yas.
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
 | Hey...
So.. not much to write about today....
Things are much better today ^^.
So inuyasha is coming on soon ^^ and im gonna watch it for once lol.
So i havent been to school since like, friday O.o;; lol.
wow yeah i totally have nothing to SAY!!!! >.<;;
well, hopefully since im aloud to get on the internet now i will be around to come visit you all ^^;;
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