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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, January 23, 2006
 | Hello, so today is school, I better get to sleep soon O.o;;
Im of course, dreading it... but im also excited. Plus im contimplating weather or not i should wear a skirt see... ive never really worn a skirt to school, i mean, skirts a new love of mine and im not sure what people would, i dont want anyone to think that im changing how i look because i want to fit it(quite the opposite lol) And i dont want anyone to start any drama with me ~_~ jeez, i sound like a middle-schooler lol.. no offence to any of you middle-schoolers out there.
anywho, yesterday i went groccery shopping, and saw a friend that hurt me dearly(a friend i think of every day to) and i didnt say hi, she didnt say hi.. i mean she is on my myspace, but.. im just kind of afraid to ask her some questions that ive wanted to ask her for a long time. I know she really doesnt want to talk to me at all though.. :/ im not sure what to do.
Ummm.. thats about it i guess.
Dont forget to JOIN MY ANIME FORUM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. it needs more members to be more active lol. i love you all and have a nice day ^^
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
 | So today we had the house to ourselves for awhile.
First of all we made dinner, i used the broiler today and there was so much smoke the smoke alarm went off o.o it scared the crap outa me lol.
Then we just sat around and watched law and order THEN we rented the cave, which wasnt that great... but it was...ok i suppose.
and now we're playing trivial pursuit... ive won once and right now im losing !!
So umm... thats about it, i didnt visit many of you so im very sorry about that.
Love yas.
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
 | Today once again i didnt go to school ~_~; gosh its just so hard to get myself up in the morning. Now i feel bad that i missed three DAYS!!!! :/ starting monday, i shall make sure to go.
Well, no more snow :/ it was actually pretty sunny today o.o;;
Right now, im bored out of my mind and just got done deleting like 6 bands off my myspace list. So now im sitting her...doing nothing...
Uhm, so yeah the Miyazaki movies were really nice ^^ i didnt watch my naighbor totoro since i own that one on dvd but i did watch porco rosso and whisper of the heart(i think thats the name) they were both wonderful!!!!! ^^
Ummm.. well.. not sure what i will do tommarrow, prolly just rent movies ~_~;; if there are any good ones out that i havent already seen i mean.
Dont forget about my forum :/ i still need a whole lotta members if i want to start some of the contests and stuff. so yes, just click on the banner up top, or go here:
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Friday, January 20, 2006
 | So today, while i was about to get up dad comes in my room and goes "Im sick.. i need to lay back down" and being the lazy non-caring person i am i just fell back asleep and didnt even think about asking my sister to take me to school. So, i slept all day again lol.
also, it snowed!it came out of knowhere!! and we're planning on getting more. Hopefully that means a snowday in the near future...
So, did anyone catch the three miyazaki movies on today? they showed 2 that i dont own myself ^^ i havent watched them yet, im waiting for them to re-show them in japanese and english subtitles(i like it better that way lol) so yeah, thats what i will be looking forward to tonight.
Uhm, speech tommarrow ): how im dreading it.. but atleast its friday!!
So yes, thats it for me.. dont forget to check out my anime forum my loves.
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
 | Ah so some of you joined the board ^^ good, i shall do many more days of poking and prodding at you mwahaha.
So today no one woke me up for school so i got to stay home ^^ YEY NO SPEECH CLASS!! Lol
This unfortunatly resulted in me sleeping like, all day(i was up really late again) :/
Right now im watching dvd 3 in Card captor sakura.. ~_~ i really need to get the other dvds, but god theres like, 20 of them >.<;;;
Well, i suppose thats all, and remember, feel free to join my anime forum by either clicking the banner above(that says Asahi Anime society) or use this URL:
Love yas!
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
 | Oki, well i didnt fall asleep untill about 6 AM and i had to get up for school at 7 AM O.o;; im never staying up late again.
...thats not true i cant help it!!
But yeah so i went to school and in english we went to the library to pick a book. I picked 2001: a space odessey. Lol. my friends looked at me all surprised... but im enjoying this book quite a lot ^^;; i havent gotten very far, we only had about half an hour of reading time so i got in only about, maybe 50 pages or so ~_~;;
I forgot to mention this but the other day at the store i was waiting in line to pay for my stuff and this guy totally cut infront of me O.o he didnt even look back at me like he had done anything wrong!!!! i was so pissed..
Anyway, today i get out of school around 10:17 because its a wednesday and i always get out of school early on wednesdays here in CO. plus i only have 2 classes today.. including speech O.o which i am really not looking forward to. I want to drop out of it SO BAD!!!!
Uhm, hmm.. anyone catch american idol? I admit im not a big fan but they came to Denver(which is in CO for those of you that arent very bright) so yes, thats what compelled me to watch it today...
Uhm, not much to say really..
Oh yeah, dont forget to join my anime board, since the other link may not have worked for a few of you, here is a direct link that should take you there with no problems!
Oh and you can click the pretty banner above!!
Thanks Bluedemonboy for being the only one on this site to join it! *hugs* *showers you with cookies and glitter*
thats all for me, ill try and visit some of ya today.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
 | Hullo everyone, so on monday, i slept all day pretty much lol.
But today i have school :/ which im not looking forward to of course!
Anyway, i dont have much to say so...
Its called Asahi Anime Society ^^. Just go to the URL below and join if you want to. There isnt much there because i need members to do things lol, but for now, it would be nice if some people joined and introduced themselves and stuff.. and dont forget to tell everyone else about it, it would help me a lot!!!!
here is the URL:
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Monday, January 16, 2006
Tramp.. i am not.
 | Lol, thanks for making me feel better yesterday about the whole Tramp thing >< grr.
i was up untill about 6 in the morning practically working on my anime forum, and its still not done, but almost! hopefully it will be successful ^^
i happen to have a three day weekend, because MLK day is today of course ^^ that reminds me, like, last week or so i went passed this elementary school and the sign said "No school jan. 16 mlk day" and i turned to my sister and im all "Whats Milk day?" and then all of a sudden im all "...oh..wait.."
~_~;; i feel really stupid lol, but its quite funny isnt it??
im sitting here listening to my sisters Princess Mononoke CD(dont tell!!) and about to work on the anime forum.
So thats it for me, all of you have a nice day!
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
 | First of all, Guys are such jerks.
well some are. Today i dressed up all nice into this beautiful long flowy skirt and this cute summer cami and i walked with my sister to her interview at the store(we didnt have the car today) and when we were going home some pretty old guy looked at me all shyly and is all "hi.." and so i was polite and said hi back ^^ he wasnt the problem, because he was helping serve out this free food to homeless people and stuff. but then, my sister comes out and while were walking home this other creepy old guy looked all smiley at me and checked me out, and he made it apparent that he was.. omg he was such a pervert.. and THEN this car drove by and this guy inside yelled out "TRAMP" oh man, it made me really sad ): because i know i wasnt trampy or anything and they just have to put me down like that when they dont even know me.
on a lighter note, i found a dollar in the street.
btw one of you asked me what movie i was talking about, i said what movie in the post, but just incase, i was talking about the movie Nausicaa Valley of the Wind. its a wonderful movie.
im about to watch land of the dead :/ but im not really in a scary zombie movie type of mood.
I created the aniem forum, its not ready yet though :)
Thats it for today, ill try and visit some of you today because once again, ive been lacking on ya.
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
 | Hey everyone, so the movie was really good, im so happy i recorded it lol(i would have ended up buying it anyway) so yeah, i cried at the end.. ~_~;;; shut up it was awesome enough for me to cry.. oh and for those of you who didnt see my last update, im talking about the movie Nausicaa valley of the wind. ^^ oh yeah, thanks lordsesshomaru for correcting me.. ~_~;; CMT.. im such an airhead sometimes.
So school.. o.o so i remembered why i hate it so much, just looking at the school made me want to die.. well thats a little overdoing it.. it made me.. want to want to crawl under a whole and "Sleep" forever. lol..
But no i hated it of course and then during lunch i called to tell my sister she could pic me up but she didnt pic up so i was there for like, 2 more hours O.o being yelled at by all the teachers to go to class and being accused of ditching.. >< jeez.
And i didnt see my friends today O.o i couldnt find them, so after im done with this im gonna go tell them that i was actually there for once and they werent even around ><
So a few days ago i mentioned that i wanted to make an anime forum(much like my artistic forum but way more kool) so i came up with tons of ideas and fun little contests and stuff to do, its just gonna be a place to talk about anime, and just something to do when your bored ya know? So yes, im hoping you guys will think about joining, but right now..its not made.. so youll have to wait.. ill probably make it tommarrow but it wont be up till maybe monday or something..
Oh and i got to say hey to ansatsushawdi at school O.o i forgot to tell her to get on myO though, shes probably forgotten all about this site :/ im sad because this is such a wonderful site.
Well, this is long enough!!! >.< i shall spare you whatever else i feel i have to say right now. Have a nice day.
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