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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Friday, January 13, 2006
 | Eep im trying to type this quick because nausicaa valley of the wind just started and i dont wanna miss it!! so yeah its been really cool the tv network CMT has been showing miyazaki(sp??) Movies lately and so its been awesome ^^ lol.
i own 4 of the movies already but nausicaa is one of the ones i dont own!!!
Anywho i was in the middle of updating yesterday when the power when off because my dad was messing with the power buttons in the garage >< so i was really pissed and i didnt feel like logging back on and writing my whole post again so i just went to my room.
Today i watched my grandma's dog and got 5 bucks.. but then i spend 2 dollars of that on glue O.o;;;;
Im going back to school today, as much as i dont want to, wish me luck, i really am dreading it but all well!!!
So yeah, i was gonna tell you all to join my forum but i really need to go so yeah join the thinking bubble click the banner above blah blah blah!!!!!!!! lol...
Love yas!! i hope you have a great day ok????
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
 | Ok well i slept in till like, 1 PM ~_~;; for some reason i was really tired!!!
My sisters stuff came today but my manga wasnt in it O.o but all the other manga was, so im really sad.. my sister said she woudl re-buy it but it makes me feel bad because its not her fault that it got lost.. im really sad now though because i was really looking forward to it!!! all well ^^ ill just have to wait till she gets her job so she can just go buy other kinds of manga.
Well, all i did today was make dinner and give the dog a bath o.o my life is so thrilling i know *rolls eyes*
So since i have nothing else to say i want to remind you all about my artistic forum. Its getting really inactive so i need some new people to come in and post :( please, i would love you forever if you joined lol. im hoping to make it all kool and fun soon so that it is more apealing to everyone. There is a banner above that you can click on to go to or you can..
Click Here
Also im planning on starting an anime forum!!! so i was thinking it could have a lots of kool stuff on it like anime fanfiction and fanart and graphic contests and stuff ^^ i dont know what else to add on it so if ya have any ideas(once again its only a forum not a website) feel free to unload onto me and if your interested in helping me(not quite sure how right now) feel free to tell me lol ^^ more on that later next week!!!
Well ill talk to you all later, i hope you have a wonderful day..
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
 | sorry i didnt update yesterday i ended up staying off the internet. see i was supposed to go back to school today so i thought i would be going to bed early, instead i stayed up and watched a couple movies: Wedding crashers and Mindhunters. Both not great but entertaining for the time being so yeah ^^.
So yeah, i ended up deciding not to go to school untill next semester which is next week. So yeah.. more on that tommarrow later.
so instead i did nothing today, well actually i went to the groccery store but thats it.
So i guess i dont have much to say today... anyway i have been visiting you guys more often so i hope im making up, i hope i didnt make any of you mad for not visiting ~_~ i still feel bad because some of you visit me even when i dont get to visit you and its very kind. plus a couple people i havent talked to in awhile were on today!!! YEY!!!
So yuss, i suppose thats it for me, have a nice day.
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
 | Ah so today i woke up and noticed that it was a lot less bright in my room, cause the windows are like, tinted.. lol.
So Today when everyone was awake we decided to go to Kohls to spend the rest of my gift card. I got this long sleeved shirt, its green.. its awesome. and then ifound out that i had enough to buy something else so i baught this really pretty skirt ^^ im obbsessed with skirts now ><
I didnt do much after that, oh but me and my sister did have to bring my dad some medicine to his work and my sister had it in this plastic little bag and she handed it to me in the car and i thought it was trash and threw it out the window.. And then im like "...was that the medicine?!?!" Oh man i feel really stupid.. i had to get out and look for it ~_~ and it was windy outside gah!!! i found it though no worries ^^
Ok so i attempted to visit some of you today, but i kept having to get offline because people needed to use the phone ~_~ grrness. however im happy to say i did visit a few of you and like i said yesterday, im sorry i havent been so active in coming see you all, i feel really bad now lol!!!!
oh and(i havent done this in awhile) please check out my artistic forum its getting so inactive i need some new members to lighten it up!!!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! and if you join you should get others to join!!! I WOULD LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU DID!!!here is the link..
Well i love you all and i hope you all have a wonderful day!!
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Saturday, January 7, 2006
 | Hey ok well today i had to get up at 8 AM because the people that put the windows in came ~_~ so i went down to the basement in my sisters room and..tried... to sleep.. But i just couldnt ~_~
So when we got up we didnt really do much but sit around. Finally we walked to my dads work and got the car..
later in the day we went to the library to see what good manga they had.. i wanted to read marmalade boy but there wasnt much for my sister to read and i didnt really care enough to read it to make her sit there all bored.. So we ended up leavin :/ my dads car is making funny noises and its scary...
So.. hmm what else to say.. :/ i feel really bad because i havent visited many of you that often ): im such a terrible friend!!!! PLEASE DONT HATE ME T_T
So anywho, i tried to write some today but it just wasnt there, i honestly dont really feel like continuing any of the fanfics i write :/ but i dunno what im gonna do ~_~
I got in this big fight with my dad today and im still a little mad at him but all well im over it lets just say we were both wrong, but he was being such a jerk over something so little.
Well, i feel i have more to say i just cant think of any of it.. :/ hmm.. All well >< Well i guess thats all for me my loves. Have a wonderful day!
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Friday, January 6, 2006
 | Today i sort of realized something.. See the Fanfic Site that got me really into Writing fanfiction is starting to get inactive.. i mean ive been on this particular website for a little over a year and its really important to me.. And im afraid that im growing away from it like so many others that have been on it as long as me.. but thats not the worse part.. i think im growing out of writing.... i mean all together.. I tried to explain this to someone and she just didnt understand.. which made me feel even more sad because i was feeling really down and i had no one to talk to at the moment ):
I mean, imagine if you all of a sudden started to grow out of the most important hobby of your life!! its scary.. i mean.. maybe writing isnt something i should do as a career.. ive loved it for so long, ive had this dream of writing my own book for so long it literaly hurts me to think that i may be stearing towards something i shouldnt be.. its hurts me to know that ive wasted all my spare time, all my energy on writing just for no reason...
Im still very deppressed about this...and i feel that there is no one to go to to talk about this.. eccept for one girl and she hasnt been on in awhile >.< i hope that somehow she just happens to get on soon, because i feel she's the only one that can understand this..
Anyway, today we managed to find 8 dollars in change! Not only change, but only nickels dimes and pennys!! NO QUARTERS. So when we turned this change into dollars.. we ended up having to spend it on dinner O.o which im also mad about because i wanted to use that to see a movie or something, because IM SO TIRED OF SITTING IN THE HOUSE AND DOING NOTHING!!!!!
tommarrow we're getting new windows put in.. ~_~ i have to get up at 8 AM so they can put a new window in my room >.< SO EARLY.
Well thats about all for me today.. love yas.
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
 | Hey everyone, so first of all, my sister isnt going back to New mexico, shes going to get financial aid and go to the community college here... yey!
And for those of you that actually visited me yesterday, see to get my kitten peach, i had to make a deal that i would go to GED classes. That part i have no problem with! but my father wants me to go to school next week when its the last week of the first semester O.o i mean if he thinks im going to set foot in damn classes i havent been to for over 4 months and make a fool of myself hes Fracking crazy! im really scared about this, i mean if it were to go to Classes for NEXT semester i wouldnt mind but...its just so stupid and there is no point!!
So also, ive been really sad because ever since i got the new kitten my cat, dopey, has been avoiding me because shes mad about the new kitten T_T I cant stand her hating me!!! i mean, honestly, she might not get over this!! i just really miss cuddling and loving her and now every time i try to pet and kiss her she growls at me or gets mad and irritated... i hate it!!!
So, im broke.. and i really want money ~_~ I hate being broke, its not fun not being able to buy anything T_T
Overall nowadays im feel happy yet bored, or just plain depressed.. the new year is starting off very uneventful and i just dont like it.
I suppose i have nothing else to say.. so.. i hope you all have a nice day.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
 | Hello everyone, sorry i didnt update yesterday. by the time i got on it was sort of late in the day ~_~
Well lets see... i cant think of anything i did ~_~ hmm.
Well last night we got house of wax which sort of sucked, not scary, a little gruesome. But it was totally worth watching because you got to see paris hilton being empaled by some rod right through the head....
Oh, i got a new baby kitten!!! at first i wanted to name is Yuffy But instead i went with Peach(not as great) but my family really really wanted me to use peach so i did... and since thats all i really have to say right now, here is a new picture of her:

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Sunday, January 1, 2006
 | first of all i want to point out that i used the word "Fluffly" in my last update, lol it was honestly a typo but how cute does that word sound?!?! ILOVEIT!! i shall use it from now one >33
So today all we did was get some lunch.. thats about it... ~_~
Oh yeah, around 8 or 9 PM i cleaned my room lol, so now the entertainment stand thats in all my pics is in my room! It makes me look like a spoiled child because of my big tv :/ but i want to clarify that i am not a spoiled child...well.. im somewhat spoiled.. my parents like to give me what they can ya know? Cause when i was growing up i didnt have the luxary of getting anything. anyway now that the entertainment stand is there, i was able to take my manga and all my books out of sisters room(She has a bookshelf..i didnt) and so..yey.. im happy about it!
Ugh, my dog ruined the puzzle i was working one >< Stupid stupid dog!!IT GOT ONTO THE COFFEEE TABLE!!!! >O stupid dog T_T;;;
So today, i think all ill be doing is is laundry and the puzzle.. im to broke to do anything else :P
So, i hope you all had a nice day!!!
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
 | Hey. Ok well umm lets see.. its about 2:30 AM and im not sure if i just woke up or if i was already awake... or if i was having dreams about being awake but kind of scared... i dont know.. i feel...wierd...
so anyway, today we went to this food place and they had good sandwiches ^^ and then we went out to dinner(the whole family) to a buffet place ~_~ some guy was looking at me and my dad gave him a nasty look, i didnt know i looked so hot last night but i did >< its my new clothes, theyre not what i would normally wear.
We went home and watched Dark water, it wasnt very scary or anything, but i think thats why i feel wierd cause im dreaming about the little girl in the movie and stuff and cant remember the dreams...
Oh i forgot to mention the other day that when we watched the Brothers grimm that in the movie a guy accidently kicked this fluffly white kitten into this spinning blade thing ~_~ i was like :O Because it was just terrible, my moto is that movies when animals or kids die, they suck.
well i suppose thats it for me, im gonna go and try and sleep some more :/ ttyl.
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