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Friday, December 30, 2005
 | Wow, im surprised to hear one of you say you didnt know what a barnes and noble was, i mean, i know there probably isnt one in every town of course but, well.. i dont think i would want to live in a town without one!! I mean, sure other bookstores that sell manga are ok to but BARNESANDNOBLE is so big and comes with a coffee house and a magazine stand and cd's and dvds and places to sit and read!!! i mean, its just so wonderful, i could freaking live in a barnes and noble and read all day and iwould be happy!!
So yeah, umm.. today i sat around and watched my grandma's dog.. made 5 bucks. and then around 5 PM we went to try and catch King Kong but for some reason the time is said it showed on the website wasnt the actual time it played >< which pissed me off... so we just went home and rented movies, like always !_!;;;
We rented Bewitched(blehness)which wasnt bad, but wasnt great at all.. and then we rented The brothers grimm which was ok, pretty entertaining in a way i suppose... but..meh..
So yes and now here i am at 1:30 AM because i cant sleep for some reason >< GAH!!!! how not fun... i want to sleep, but i cant seem to sleep ><
Oh yeah, i finally read juvinile orion today and we've had it for like, a month >< but yeah, its kind of confusing but im sure ill start to remember everyones face by the next volume. Oh yeah, i dont know if i ever mentioned this, but me and my sister made a deal that i own all the manga eccept for her fruits basket!! and i think Fushigi yuggi or whatever else she wanted i dont remember ~_~ but still, thats freaking great.
Oh and you know the entertainment stand thats always behind me in every single picture i take of me? Im moving it to my room ^^ yeyness.
Hmm, well ive been lacking in visiting you guys so im terribly sorry about that but ive just been either to tired or to bus(or to lazy) so ill try to change that around soon ok? Well, i hope you guys have a wonderfully wonderful day today...
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
 | Well, the other day we ended up going to get some dumplings and an eggroll at the chinese place ~_~ since didnt have any gas we wanted to stay around the house(i freaking payed 4 bucks for gas out of my own money..grrness ^.~ jk)Well then we went and walked around Kmart and i baught this really nice puzzle, maybe i ca find a pic of it, but its just so nice i couldnt leave it there ~_~;;
Then when we went to pick up dad from work(since we had the car) my dog thought it was good idea to run straight out of the house and down the block >< she does it every chance she gets. So we had to pick her up with the car(she loves being in the car) and take her to dads work ~_~;;
after that we finally went to the mall(Which is really really far away on the OTHER side of town on the very edge where you can turn off into other towns ><) and we intended to see a movie, but once again we got there late and couldnt.. so instead we went to Barnes and noble again ^^ lol. we stayed there for like 2 hours becauase my sister couldnt decide what she wanted to buy(for some reason manga was not an option ><) and when we got home i dont think our parents beleive us that we were at barnes and noble the whole time. O.o but we're not like that, we dont sneak around and do mysterious things, we usually tell them exactly where we're going lol.
Oh yeah and i finally watched those movies i mentioned yesterday, and i thought serenity was a really good movie and reccamend it!!
well, i bet i've written to much already, so have a nice day!
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
 | So i know yesterday i would say i would take pics of all the stuff i got but then i ended up not really doing that. However i did take one pic which is at the bottom of this post ~_~
So today i pretty much did nothing, its not my fault, its my sisters, she pretty much slept through the day while i was up and awake at 8 AM :/ maybe tommarrow will be better?
So, i got to reading my manga, and Love hina is a very good manga, i enjoyed it and cant wait to get the next one. but i must remember, i baught it for Ivory ~_~ i cant just keep it and not get her anything.. that would be wrong.. >3 lol
we rented movies tonight but i kind of fell asleep and didnt watch any of them, and im still a little tired so after i post this i might try to sleep some more.
So, hmm..what else to say o.o;; well... i guess thats really have i have to say >< so i guess ill leave you with this picture of me: im slightly embarressed in the picture lol.. its kind of fuzzy cause it was so bright in the room ><

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
 | Well im updating really really later then usual so i dont expect many of you to come by me today so ill make this short.
i had a great day the other day and i went shopping with all the gift cards i had. i got 2 manga's -kiss me kill me volume 2 and i baught Love Hina volume 1 for Ivory!! Everything else i wanted manga-wise there wasnt the volume i wanted >.< not kool. And then my sister got 3 volumes of Fruits basket ^^ she loves it! I still cant read it because we dont have 1 or 2 but thats ok, i can wait ^^
Me and my sister have a total of 60 dollars left and we're not sure what to spend it on..ill bring that up tommarrow though ~_~;;
So, tommarrow i wanna show you guys all the stuff i baught, i baught an awesome outfit so yes, ill take some pictures of it later today ^^;;; well, ill go visit some of you now ~_~ Bye my loves!
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Monday, December 26, 2005
 | Hey everyone, i just sort of woke up ~_~ right after i got home from my grandma's house i like, passed out because i was up all night...and now its about 3 in the AM...
so today, i got along with my family, and they actually liked my hair(or said they did) so good. and we had a very nice dinner and then i was forced to go on a walk(my grandma owns a farm in the mountains, near a river)
And uhm, i got some pretty nice stuff.
OH i got my earings out, did i mention that yesterday? Oh well anyway i did so yey ^^
BTW on the walmart checking the ID my point about that was that stores were getting tighter in security around the holidays because they wanted to make sure you were really who you say you were. Not that they all of a sudden decided to check your id everyday.
well, i hope you all had a nice christmas! Love Ya's!
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
 | First of all..
Thanks Sakura5:

And thanks ziopheths_sister for the card as well, unfortantly i accidently pressed delete before i could copy the card code >< i wasnt really watching what i was pressing because i was watching a movie at the same time, im very sorry but i really epriciate it!!
Ok, the dinner..went well!! but before i get to that, today we ended up going to pay off a peice of furniture we baught and they asked for 3 references O.o my mom got mad because theyve never done that before and we've been renting things there for over 3 years. But i guess its because its the holidays and they want to make sure your no criminal, because at walmart the other day, they asked my grandma for an ID and they dont usually do that.
Then i went to my grandmas and went to pick something up and came home. THEN we fixed dinner and it was a wonderful night ^^ i fell asleep right after everyone left lol. My gifts were nice, not much but pretty nice.. im not the kind of kid that gets an ipod and tons of video games every year so what i got seemed just fine to me lol.
I got a 50 dollar gift certificate, this art set, one of those squish pillows(shaped as a frog xDD) and my favorite perfume brand(it sort of cost a lot so i was surprised to get it from my parents) Oh yeah, and i got 20 bucks from my great grandma >3 score.
So, tommarrow i must venture out to my other grandma's farm and force myself to enjoy the day >/ im not really liking that side of my family right now for many many reasons...
And elvesatemyramen- yes i say pop, Ivory is also from New York and when i first said "Pop" to her she also thought it was ammusing xDD whats up with that lol.
So, im done for today, sorry my post is very boring and dull lol. Oh and, Merry christmas!
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
 | Heyness. So um, i ended up falling asleep a couple times, but i woke up after a couple hours ^^ then i went to the library and guess what? They had DNAngel volume 2!! so i sat there and read it. and then while i was waiting for my sister to finish what she was reading, i started on marmalade boy volume 1. it was pretty good ^^ they had 1-6 at the library so i was sad that i couldnt check it out(I have a fine on my library card and i have no money to pay it).
So then we came home and sat around cause we're lazy ~_~;;;
we ended up opening up or stockings tonight because i was bored.. i honestly dont like stockings anymore unless theyre stuffed with something kool like money !_! i know, im selfish... but unfortunatly we got boring candy things and stuff.. :/ thats ok though, i pretended i enjoyed them and everything was fine ^^
then like 45 minutes ago we went to the gas station up the street to get some pop(its like 12 AM) Lol.. pop is addicting >.< damn you POP!
So today i have to make a really big dinner because on christmas eve we celebrate christmas with one side of my family, and then on christmas day we celebrate christmas with the other side of my family. So this year, im making one of the dinners, with the help of my family of course but still *.* being the cook in my house i feel obligated to do it all myself...
GAH im trying to get my earings off to put new ones on but they just wont come off darnit!!! >.< not kool... really not kool!
Well, thats it for today, love ya's!
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Friday, December 23, 2005
 | Hey thanks for the comments the other day ^^
So, today i slept all day again, GOD. but today i plan on fixing my sleeping schedule so yey x.x;;;;
So.. umm...hmm.. not much to say today. Well, we might go to the library today..and..maybe other places i dont know :/
Well, im really bored right now.. So i shall go find something else to do lol.
Love ya's!
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
 | Well, after i updated last night i did a couple of things, first of all, me and my sister realised that we could hook up the ps2 onto our portable dvd player! so while i was online she was playing the ps2. Soul caliber 3 came with this demo disk, and it had tons of demos for games including katamari demaci.. And let me tell you, its a messed up game, but i can see why its so addicting o.o;;;;
Also, as some of you noticed if you got on later in the day, my site has changed, i really really love the new layout its very colorful, if you want to look at my bg close up because your just that curious to want to see what all the avi's look like i will be posting a thumbnail at the bottom of this, just click it!!!
Also, the picture to the left of my blog, is from my new favorite manga XXXholic i just added some color to it ^^;; And also, my avatar is different, i really like my new avatar and i made it using my 3 favorite colors without even realising it O.o;;;; (red pink and black)
So yes, i hope you guys like it, i know..its bright.. but i think it really reflects my personality considering how dark and sad some of the avatars are, but how light and pretty all the colors are.
I stayed up untill 11 AM doing my layout, making the bg and avi, and so i ended up sleeping all day AGAIN! Grrness, on a bad sleeping schedule, AGIAN!!!!! >.<;;;
Well, i beleive thats it for me, i visited quite a few of you yesterday ^^ so go me.
Love Ya's!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
 | Lol, hey everone, right now its about 2:30 AM and im acting crazy ~_~ seriously, i dunno what wrong with me i cant stop laughing!!!!!!! ...and i found this rolled up paper and started to hit things with it, including my sister.. AHHH JUST SO HYPER FOR SOME REASON...
So, today i slept all day because i was up all night untill like 7 or 8 AM lol...
Umm.. hmm..not sure what to say... so i guess im gonna end this ~_~;; have a wonderful day my loves.
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