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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The day of giving.
 | Ok, well someone sent me a little card today, and i remembered i got on from someone else awhile ago and forgot about it T_T so i would like to thank Goinkyness and Hazel Keys1985 for the greetings they sent me!!!!
also, my sister made me this:

I am sorry i was swearing so much on my last post, thats what i tend to do when im mad, very sorry!
So, thats it for me today. im just about to go visit some of you ^^
Have a nice day.
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Monday, December 19, 2005
 | Ok, first of all, I couldnt have seen king kong because it didnt come on till 7 and any shows after 6 PM cost 7 dollars a ticket, and most of the other movies were like that to, except for harry potter. So instead of just giving up our plans and going home, after we drove all the way out there in the snow, we went to see harry potter again... AND WHILE WE WERE WAITING we went to best buy to check out the dvds, and instead of buying ah my goddess 2 we thought it would be good to buy a drink and some foot seeing as how we wouldnt have gotten dinner...
And next, the reason im acting pissy is because im so sick and tired of my grandmother. You know what? she can think im stupid for not going to school all she wants but she really doesnt need to be telling people her thoughts about it behind my back, if she has the's thoughts, she should tell me straight out. But honestly, i wish she would just trust me and listen to me instead of being a bitch. i mean, it hurts so much to be judged by everyone else in the world, i cant even begin how to explain how much it hurts me to know that my family members are judging me to! And i mean, yeah, i am a fucking idiot for not going to school i know that! i know im stupid to have ditched class and stuff but they just dont understand how hard it was.. and now im sitting here sobbing over it once again.. i wish i had a plan, i want to go back to school and give it another shot im just so afraid!! im afraid of how hard its going to be for not only me but my family and my dad.. im so afraid that im going to end up going back to being so extremely sad every day of my life.. i dont want that, but i also dont want to ruin my future! I mean, yeah sure getting my GED seems like a fine plan considering that im not going to be able to go to a real college even if i passed highschool but.. its like.. every plan i think of there are complications and people disagree.. its like i have absolutly no way out of this and that my life is set to suck forever...
Uhm..sorry about that.. i just needed to unload all that..
So.. anyway.. today i didnt do much.. umm.. my sister made cookies... we watched some movies.. thats about it...
Finally, To brighten this post up just a little, i give you all thise:
Here is the URL if you would like to put this card anywhere, and you it off.
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
 | Hey everyone, today me and my sister went to see a movie, but we kind of got there late so instead of seeing king kong we saw harry potter again ^.^ lol. We left right after the 2nd task because it wa getting late and we didnt want my dad to worry(its snowy out today)
So, when we got home we started to download music and watched My naighbor totoro ^.^ its nice to be able to watch dvds in the computer room now.. :/ but now we're sad because we dont have anymore dvds that we feel like watching >.<
we almost baught ah!my goddess colume 2 but we didnt for some reason *sigh* i really wish we had because then we ended up spending our money on popcorn and pepsi at the movies >.< now we're totally bored...
So...hmm.. i hadnt heard from ivory all this week which was really bumming me out ~_~;; but today she called me and said her dad forgot to pay the internet bill! which is kind of funny because so did my dad!! but unlike her i was still aloud to get online and pay the bill that way :/ she has to call a number and such.. which sucks because now she wont be on for a while >.<
Ok, we decided to watch azumanga diaoh first episode! :/ i wish i had the first volume but sadly, i only have 1 episode to watch
my sister pimped out her Otaku page, Click Here to check it out.. its like...awesome, i dont know how she figured out how to do all of it... ~_~;;;
Hmm, well thats it for me.. OMG i forgot to mention is but did ya'll see the last ep. of scryed? THAT WAS AWESOME!!! ..i was sad that they started to show reruns tonight :/ but all well!
Hmm, well ok i should end this, sorry i havent been hunting for anyone oddness of shopping items ~_~;; ill maybe do that tommarrow ^_^;;;
Love Ya's!
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
 | Well, hello. today i didnt do anything really, i was supposed to return my library book, but my sister went out to lunch with my grandma and she didnt get back until the evening :/ so yeah, now my late fee is going to be uber big cause i now have to wait 2 weeks >.<
I ended up watching my grandma's dog again today so i now have 10 dollars. My sister expects me to spend it on a movie or manga, but i just realised that i still need to buy ivory a gift and its the only money i will be getting before christmas. :(
I just realised that there is a new anime show on anime unleashed tonight, i have never heard of it. i think its called kamerodie high school or something along those lines.. :/
Umm, well.. i dont have much to say... so.. Ill just leave you with a picture of momo because i forgot to put it up yesterday.

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Friday, December 16, 2005
 | Hey everyone, so today I went to best buy because my dad was buying my sister a portable dvd player for xmas, while we were there, i ran into the anime dvd section, i didnt know best buy sold anime dvd's. im very happy about that lol.
also, i ended up watching my grandma's dog but she only had 2 dollars on her so she said she would pay me back today while i watch her dog again. She liked the cut of my hair but she didnt like the color of course >.< all well.
i didnt end up decorating my room, but i want to today.
also, i have to go and turn in my library book ~_~;; which means i have to go to school for a while.. Hopefully during lunch so i can see my friends, theyre the only thing i miss.
also Someone asked me what i was gonna do about school and my parents thing im going back next semester, and i probably will because i honestly cant drop out till im 16 which is in march, but.. I dont know, I still dont see a solution, so thats that on my school status.
Also, I dont buy stuffed animals anymore, i honestly only own like 5 stuffed animals, most of which are in my closet, but when i do find something uber cute i stick it up intop my computer.. ^.^ so yes, MoMO is below lol.
i also plan on seeing a movie tonight, not sure which one, maybe rent.. maybe king kong.. i honestly dont know.
Right now im watching the free dvd i got from last months issue of newtype. Not very good episodes on this one, but im not complaining.
Well, i suppose thats it lol ^.^ have a nice day ok?
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
 | Hey! im updating way later then usual ~_~ But even at night i found myself busy!
Today i woke up late because i was up late and i was on the internet for like 3 hours but ended up not visiting a lot of you! sorry!!
My sister was online after me and she downloaded a few songs from inuyasha and ah! my goddess.
speaking of ah! my goddess, i finally got around to watching the first dvd volume, 5 episodes ^.^ it was great, i wasnt more!! lol.
Lets see.. then i ended up playing soul calibar with my sis and now here i am updating! Its pretty early, about 4:30 in the morning here and i suppose i should get to bed but i dont want to :/
Oh yeah, when my sister was getting her hair done the salon gave her a free bear.. she gave it to me because i thought it was adorable! i named it Momo ^.^ i shall take a picture of it cause i love it and so far ive carried it everywhere ~_~ im like a 4 year old lol... but seriously, its a really cute bear lol!
Well, today i was cutting out pictures, see me and my sister have this hobby of taking anime magazines and cutting out all the pictures we want and then making collages(sp) with them. we had about 5 old issues of newtype magazine, so we have hundreds and hundreds of anime pics.. its quite fun, i love covering my notebooks in them cause then people at school always ask, and you never know whos an anime fan ^.^ anyway today i plan on putting up the posters i made of them around my room, because my room is really bare.. i have like.. 3 posters total O.o;;; my room is...clean..very...very..clean.. so i thought why not finally make it decorative!?
So yes, uhm, i hope you all are doing fine and stuff.. have a nice day!!
Love ya's!
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Meh lazyness
 | so, i just got on ~_~ today was..boring.. i woke up later and then my dad took me to walmart and baught me soul calibar 3 ^.^ its pwnful.. i luff it!!!
Then all of a sudden, me and my sister decided to go see a movie.. so we hurried off to the movie theatre to catch the last show of Chronicles of narnia that showed before 6 PM, because all shows after 6 PM you have to pay 7 dollars a person >.<;;; so yeah, luckily it was pretty much dead in the theatre, but dont worry ~_~ my bad luck with being near little kids in movie theatres wasnt absent this time.. Some lady took her like, 3 year old son to the movie and sat in my row.. O.o he made such a mess! popcorn everywhere! the lady totally left before the movie was over to, how terrible, i feel bad for the people that had to clean it up!
The movie, was ok.. was really dreading seeing it because i despise talking animals in books AND movies.. but i put that aside and i give it a fairly good review.. O.o its pretty violent for young kids to be veiwing in my personal opinion, its like, tons of people died, BUT THERE WAS NO BLOOD! haha..
So.. uhm.. yes well maybe i can drag my sister out there to the mall tommarrow since we didnt go today ~_~;; not that i have anymore money... but that is totally not the point...
hmm.... well i guess thats all i have to say for today my loves, ill try and visit some of you all after i get done writing this ^.^
Love ya's!
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
 | Ok, well today i went to walmart with my mom and sister, because my dad gave us all 20 dollars each to by eachother presents.. ~_~;; i have yet to find a present for my sister. but i did buy my dad another fish cause just recently one of his died :/ they had eels at the store to! It was gross.. watched on eat a shrimp.. it was also friggin awesome!!!
So yeah, i know it was shallow of Brandon to do that, but i mean.. i have to admit that when i meet a guy for the first time i do tend to judge how he looks, you know, first empression sort of thing.. Maybe he just noticed me finally.. I dunno.. im Just having a bit of fun chatting with him, nothing serious and i doubt it will ever get anywhere ^.~
Some lady complimented my hair today, i dont know if she meant it or she was lying and actually thought it was terrible.. all i know is that she kept staring at me and when i noticed is when she said something...
Speaking of people staring at me, i was at mcdonalds eating icecream and this old guy would not take his eyes off me x_x CREEPY! Old men always do that to me.. *shivers* i just cant stand it!
Tommarrow im going to the mall.. ~_~ more x-mas shopping and maybe JUST MAYBE ill go sneak into barnes and noble and check out the manga.. again.. ^.^;;
i love how in the new willy wonka movie, willy wonka is emotionally scared by his past.. just so funny..
Yeah, full of randomness today xDD lol..
Well.. uhm, i tried to visit as much of you as i could in a half hour ~_~ i didnt get very far...sorry T_T ill try harder tommarrow. Love yas!

Paper Stichlock -- Wanko (Dog)
This is a portable version of the excellent Sun-Star Stitch Lock staple-less stapler from Japan. A great item that's very popular in offices here in Japan, it is a paper stitch lock that actually "stitches" up to 4 sheets of paper together by using the paper itself to hold everything together. Very cool, and very environmentally friendly! Simply slip in, clamp down to stitch, and pull the paper out. Also great for documents that will require shredding afterwards -- no staple to have to pull out beforehand. Now Sun-Star brings out its famous stapler in cute animal shapes, like this cute smiling bulldog -- not just a stapler but a desktop mascot as well.
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Monday, December 12, 2005
Hey Hey
 | well, im a little tight on time lately so this will be another quick comment, sorry again for not visiting many of you!
So, since its on my mind i wanna bring up Brandon Day! See, ive known him since like, 3rd grade but never talked to him and i saw him on myspace so i added him. and he is like.. hott... and once i got my haircut he started to messege me. I know i know, totally not kool of him to want to talk to me now that he may think im attractive but i cant help it, he's just so..alluring x.x;;; i cant help myself...
So yes, uhm, today me and my sister went for chinese food, cause we just love chinese food x.x but now we're broke -_-;; we also rented movies- charlie and the chocolate factory, sin city, and war of the worlds. All very good movies ^_^
And uhm.. well here i am, quite bored and about to download a song and go watch some tv x.x im so going to try to visit some of you cause i just miss visiting you guys lol ^.^ hopefully your not to mad at me for being absent for a couple days.
oh yes! and as of right now i have exactly 700 views! YEY!!! ^.^ thanks for sticking by me for so long ~_~;;; i surprised cause im such a wierd person lol!
well i think thats about it.. :/ love yas!
Comments (7) |
Sunday, December 11, 2005
 | hey just a quick post today, i didnt get to anyones site really because i was either sleeping, not at home, or with my sister.
Thats right, my sister is home.. yeyness. So when she got home we didnt do anything but watch tv really O.o then WE GOT TO PLAY THE PS2!! SHE BRANG IT HOME IM SO HAPPY! so yes.. after we got the ps2 out of our systems we just sat around in the dark doing nothing.. now shes in bed.. so yeah
thanks to everyone that commented on my hair! ^_^ and your welcome for the buttons!
Love yas!
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