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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
My new hair!
 | Hey, so my hair.. right.. lol.. well..

The blue, turned out all greenish aqua, and in the pictures, the purple looks red, but it really is purple ^^ i love it!!!
So today, i was proposed to by my friend Merry. Merry isnt his real name.. i honestly have never known his real name because everyone calls him 'merry' but anyway! he called me a boy, and then i called him gay if im a boy, so then hes all "Lets be gay lovers and when you grow up, lets get married!" Odd? YES, quite odd indeed...
today i baught some nice Slippers that have cute little frogs on them.. not realistic looking frogs.. cute frogs.. ^.^;; lol. i dunno how to describe them..
Since no one i made buttons for came to visit me yesterday, i just want to say AGAIN that i made some more buttons for people that usually visit my site(how ironic that non of you visited yesterday lol) and that if you usually visit my site and you dont have a button on my little button train, i shall get to you.
My sister, will be home tommarrow! YEY!!
Today i leave you with an interesting item ^.^ enjoy.

Wiener Shaper-- Penguin
Among the foreign community, the Japanese are famous for their perfectly cut mini-wieners you find in so many lunches (bento boxes). What's the secret behind these ubiquitous morsels you ask? Why the Wiener Cutter of course! Now you too can have the most perfectly cut wieners on the block, and not only that, they'll be shaped like cute penguin!, complete with eyes and arms! Be the hit at school. Be the talk of the water cooler clique at work. Wonderfully wacky.
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Friday, December 9, 2005
 | So, TODAY IS THE DAY!!! W00t! next time i update i will have my new hair ^_^;; i went to get my hair dye today and i found out the brand of dye that the hairdresser suggested was discontinued, so i just picked a brand that WASNT panic manic cause i here thats a crappy brand. So anyway, they didnt have green AT ALL so i picked a color thats called "Rasberry kamikaze" and "Hucklberry blue" One is a deep rasberry purple and the other is a slightly light blue ^.^
Not much to say today again! and sadly i dont feel like hunting for an odd item you can buy online today.. :/
I didnt get to many of you today, only if you updated pretty early in the day did i go to see ya!!! sorry, maybe i will be on more today and visit you all, i noticed not many people on my list updated anyway so yeah.. O.o it was the smallest amount of blue ive ever seen on here lol xDDD
i heard somewhere that anime insider(a magazine) was talking about a new channel being made for regular maybe cable tv that shows only anime! which will probably be baseically rated PG to PG-13 but still, i think it would be great if there was an anime channel that came with my families Channel packege ^.^ so im hoping to see this all anime channel thats not anime network soon!!!!
My sister is taking a bus home! yes, a 12 hour bus ride x.x i heard she's going through Utah O.o which kind of doesnt make sence to me since shes in new mexico and just needs to get into colorado but..whatever... lol
o.o i just learned were having christmas eve dinner at my house, and guess who has to cook it? ME!!! >_< i mean come on im 15 why do i always have to be the one that has to do these things GOD!!!! :/ so yeah, im not sure how its going to work because my family doesnt really own a kitchen table.. O.o we dont eat dinner together... or at a table.. usually in our rooms or in the living room infront of a TV... so yes.. im quite interested and frustrated about this whole ordeal ~_~;;;;
also, i made more buttons. not a whole lot.. i mean, i plan to make more because i just love you all so much ~_~ so if i havent made you a button yet and you visit my site regularly, dont feel left out, im getting to you, i promice. If you want to see if i made you a button, just look up there at my little button marquee train thing lol.
So umm.. yeah.. im off to go do something else lol.
Love Ya's!
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
 | AHHH so i probably would be going *YES TODAY IS THE DAY* but infortunatly my hair dresser decided she just couldnt do my hair and so instead im having someone else do it ON FRIDAY! GAH! i just cant wait ~_~;;; but im for sure getting it done!!!
So, umm.. i attempted to make a snowball today and the snow just would not stick together >.< grrness.
Hmmmm well, i offically throw a snowball at everyone that didnt come to my blog yesterday, feel free to pass it on to your readers lol!!! AND FOR THOSE WHO CHEATED AND BROKE MY RULES AND THREW A SNOWBALL BACK AT ME.....
well.. i dunno.. DARN YOU!!! lol...
i cant wait for christmas!!! i want it to be now!!!! lol.. ^.^;;
so i guess i dont have much to say today eh?? all well.. i leave you with something QUITE ODD INDEED.

Hello kitty bonnet
This very cute bonnet is almost indescribable. Featuring the Sanrio character Hello Kitty, it fits snugly to your head, as if Kitty were wrapping herself around you. A large, plush Kitty head (complete with bow, eyes, nose and whiskers), paws and tail on a pink bonnet. Fastening under the chin with velcro, the elongated straps fit perfectly.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
 | Hello, how are all of you today? So, im glad to say its still snowing.... well sort of glad.. ITS FREEZING!!!!
and so to celebrate the winter season, i offically throw a snowball at all of you!! AND GUESS WHAT? YOU CANT THROW ONE BACK AT ME HAHAHA. to make it into a fun lil game, feel free to throw a snowball at everyone that reads your lil blog to and lets see how far it goes eh?? ^.^ have fun.
Uhm.. well.. not much to report to you today, i was pretty much on the internet all day and didnt do anything to kool lol. However, i did add a little MIDI to my sister's site for her.. ^_^ teehee.. where would she be without me???
its official, i just simply cannot make a round pancake >< i tried and tried.. it just didnt work for some reason O.o;;; AND I CALL MYSELF A GOOD COOK!! Feh, i always hated cooking breakfast anyway >.<
well, today my mom said the hairstylest said that if i turn my hair blue and green, that my hair might turn grey O.o and so im mad about that because.. i really want blue and green streaks, i mean if it does turn grey(which i still dont believe) I can always dye it blonde right? i mean i dye my hair ever month anyways its not like anyone would ever know...right?
Ah, well i bring you todays item not because its wierd, but because its cute and odd... ^.^ so for you die-hard totoro fans, enjoy todays.... Oddness of online shopping item.

Totoro tupperware
Everyone loves Totoro and you can find him in just about anything - plush dolls, toys, and of course bentos. Here's a fun mini tupperware set featuring Totoro on the lids of each cube that makes as a great addition to your bento to hold additional side dishes like pickeled vegetables, potato salad and more. Measures 6x6x4 cm (2x2x1 inches) and colored in pink and green so you know which food is in which container. Sealed tight to seal in it's freshness!!!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
 | *huff* well im in a really bad mood. see, this is why i hate myself sometimes, cause this whole week was going fine and now i just feel like everything sucks again.. i was all hyped and excited about this week because, it felt like i was finally figuring myself out.. does that sound confusing?.. im not sure how to explain it :( i just really need a hug.. you know? Loneliness is on my mind again and i feel...crappy... like i have nothing.. :( im sure i will feel better later today.. atleast i hope...cause i hate feeling so sad...
So anyway,the weekend is going by SO SLOWLY i just want it to be thursday already, lots of things happen on thursday: i get my hair done, i get to make 5 bucks, the reason finale of making the band 3 comes on, and, its the last day my sister has school :/
So yeyness...i guess.
ive been trying to find a way to sell my manga that i dont want :/ but i havent been successful... you have to actually PAY to put an item for sale on ebay did you know that? how stupid.... GRR.. i really need the money and i REALLY DONT WANT THIS MANGA... i may just give up on the money part and donate it to the local library :/...
hmm, well im not sure what to say... and i dont feel like going to hunt for a shopping for oddness item tonight, however i promice to start doing that tommarrow...
well, have a nice day everyone :/
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Monday, December 5, 2005
 | So, how does my new layout look? im not sure what i think about it, ive had the red one ever since i came to MyO so im still kind of adjusting to not seeing it...
Someone asked if i had Blonde hair, yes i do ^_^. when i roleplay(which is barely ever) i usually see myself with either, blonde, green, or pink hair.
well today was full of boredness... i took a shower and had to use this cheap shampoo that cost like a dollar(my dad uses it.. cause he kind of barely has hair) because i was out of my shampoo >< oddly enough, my hair is fine, however its not soft like it usually is *sniffle* Im sorry, but my hair is very important to me..
The other day, i sort of confronted myself about how i act. This weekend it seemed like ive changed, i dont know how to describe to you the feeling, just one morning i woke up, and i felt...different... But dont worry, i dont think ive changed for the worst... Mwahahaha.
it was cold today, but no snow.. :/
Ahem, well i moved my banners down below where you would normally put quizzes.. ~_~ however if theyre not showing up down there im not sure why...
I love the dog from kare kano, its name is pero-pero.. its so cute..
So, i dont feel like bringing you an oddness of shopping item today.. i just want to get off this darn computer and go lay down for some reason x.x i will attempt to visit some of you today(i didnt get to many of you yesterday im sorry)
Love ya!
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Sunday, December 4, 2005
Worship me.
 | Ok, first of all, instead of getting my hair done this weekend, i have to wait till thursday, but im deffinatly getting it done!!!!
Today i got off the internet and went to watch tv, suddenly my dad goes "Lets go out to eat" and so we all got up and went out to eat at our favorite mexican restaurant, that i honestly havent been to since i was considered a 'kid' lol, it was nice, and i really hot guy worked there.. he was so...beautiful.. i dont know how to explain it, he just sort of took my breath away ^.^ how cheesy does that sound?!! lol.
So i didnt talk to my sister much today ~_~ but shes supposed to be registering online right now for something that may let her go to college here in colorad >3 yeyness.
So i just got done reading Kare kano Part 6!! and its so romantic, i love the feeling when i read romantic manga, you know the feeling where your heart kind of beats faster and its like butterflies are in your stomach and you can help but go "Awww". now i really want kare kano number 7 ^.^
So finally, i totally spaced this out yesterday but My dear Myui aid we should make a club about worshiping me, i know it probably wont go far but i thought "Why not?" so instead of my usual "Oddness of shopping" i leave you with 6 banners, if you want one...feel free to take one ^.^ ill find a place to stick them on here tommarrow lol, my sister is sporting a very nice one in her otaku <<;; Teehee, i WONDER who could have put it there >3 im so ebil.. Er, i kind of went a little banner crazy X.X i cant help it, i love making banners!!!

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Saturday, December 3, 2005
 | Hello all, just a quick update today because i dont have anything to say X_X;;;
Well umm.. btw yes my naighbor robbed a bank and he got arrested for it and i saw everything! Lol, he stole 15,000 dollars ~_~;;; and is now paying for it. Nothing like that ever happens in my town. and most certaintly never right accross the street!!
my sister is coming home next week!! YEY!! so anyway, this weekend(i suppose it is the weekend already) im supposed to get my hair cut and dyed... I decided on blue and green streaks!!! I shall take pictures when i get this done, which i HOPE will actually be this weekend...thats what my mom says but i can never expect anything -_-;;
Well, i suppose ill go lay down and watching tv or something because NOBODY IS ONLINE RIGHT NOW *pouts* what a way to spend a friday night.. ><
I like todays odd item because i actually think its pretty handy ^_^;;;

Katana sword keychain
One of the most recognizable weapons in Japanese history is that of the katana sword. Known for their high craftsmanship, this was a weapon that was wielded by only the most experienced of swordsman. A weapon that's filled with both spirit and tradition. For our J-list customers who are weapons fanatics of Japan, we have a great item for you. This is a replication of a samurai sword with hilt to be used as a key chain. Measuring at about 8 inches in length, the sword can be drawn from its case, and returned a 'click' when fully inserted. The blade itself is not sharp but can be used as a letter opener. Great for martial artists, fans of samurai weapons and traditional items. This item is gold-colored with a purple tassle. !!!
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Friday, December 2, 2005
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
 | Ah, im not dead! I just havent felt like updating. Nothing has happened these past 2 days though.. Well..
This morning i told my dad finally that it was pointless for me to go to class since i wouldnt pass them.. so he said Fine and now i sort of quite school i guess O.o he thinks everything will be ok next semester but i suppose i will have to tell him soon that i am totally screwed... lol. He made a very rude remark today and this is whathe said to me:
"You better get on that Book your supposidly writting so youll have SOME money for the future.."(my dad)
And it hurt my feelings terribly.... because not only was he making fun of my dreams of writing a book, and my passion for writing,but he made me feel worthless.
So, my sister is gonna be home maybe sometime after december 8th, which is next week ^_^ wow that was really fast it seems, she might be staying home for good to O_O.
Me and my sister have a silly dream of opening an anime and manga store and having our own like, anime club for other members in loveland and towns around us ^_^ that would be wonderful..
Umm well thats it for me peeps, i leave you with an item that displays the best cheap lunch on earch, Ramen...

Cup Noodle mug.
A super item from Japan, this is a large ceramic cup that will hold any hot drink you like, from coffee to tea to cup noodles! It's extra cool because the package shows Cup Noodle logo, and is an exact replica of the famous dried ramen from Japan's Nissin. Comes with a ceramic lid so you can really use it as a cup for your noodles, or for anything else. Great fun from Japan!!!
__I know there are some of you out there who secretly want to buy this.__
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