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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
 | Lol well yesterday i didnt mean to say "Myui of something" and i felt bad and so myui i made you a button to show i luff ya! see it up there with all the other buttons..teehee..
God, i just cant seem to go to school >< and my mom thinks i should drop out and i told her no that i want to keep going but i dont beleive i will graduate but im still gonna try and my dad is getting disheartened by the whole thing cause i think he knows ive kind of given up and hes afraid for me and hes afraid of what my grandma is gonna say cause i know she'll be pissed...
So anyway i didnt do much today... seriously... all.. lol.
Yeah so im pretty bored right now and no one is really online eccept my sister and gah i talk to her so much i dont realy count her as someone to chat with cause she gets so annoying.
i got so bored about an hour ago cause i couldnt get on the internet..i cleaned my parents bathroom.. because it was filthy.. i mean... yuck..seriously i dont see how they could possibly use it >< now its all shiny and pretty though cause im the master at cleaning bathrooms X_X mwahahahaha.
im a little hyper and im not sure why and im sat cause i have to get off soon(i think) but ill probably ignore my parents and stay on and like.. cause thats what im doing now.. man i just cant stop writing lol and mostly im writing about nothing and i guess i really should write my fanfics only but all well. God look at me rambling like this!!!!! i just cant seem to stop lol so i leave you with this summary about my Anime Fanfic so maybe you guys can check it out. i love you all lots!!!!!
You never really thought anime was interesting, but when a new girl comes to town and Leaves you with a couple Inuyasha DVDs your instantly hooked. However your soon pushed into the Feudal era and realise that you cant escape. As you travel through the Many anime series with a crazy perverted old man as your guide, you can only hope that you will one day return to Normal life.
Anime related(not just inuyasha) Rated:PG13 Action/comedy/Some Romance.
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
 | OK first of all.. sorry it wasnt elvesatemyramen that had the link.. i think it was myui or something lol! sorry for my mistake..
and also you guys dont understand. the whole posting thing, i mean it does what your saying to me to but then a lot of times it doesnt post my comment and instead lets me post another comment because it didnt let my last comment go through.. that seems confusing..sorry if you didnt understand that.
Well lets see the idea is unfortunatly not a good idea becuase its a you fanfic and its not about any certain anime show its just about...anime.. lol.
If you want to read the first chapter to that fic go to MY proboard that is pretty inactive at the moment... You do have to sign up but it doesnt take any time at all really and i would love you if you did go to it becuase if there were more people that joined it it would be fun and im really sad it isnt as active as it should be.
Remember its for artistic people that include if you like to draw paint(any form of art really) writing photography poems FANFICTIONS singing, music in general there is a blog section for you to have your own blog theres and inspiration section if you need some inspiration and there is a general chat board if your just bored and want to chat with people!!!!
So anyway, about a year ago or so when i was way into fanfiction i got into a girls fanfic that was called "Vampires dont exist" and i loved her fic from the very beggining. NOW SHE PUBLISHED IT INTO A BOOK. and i feel very special that i got to read it when she was like..writing fanfic form...and now shes an author!! look her up on quizilla as "Reyanna" if your intersted in her.
Ive got my writing more writers block for me!!! im so happy.... i hated not being able to write anything for so many months(atleast 5) and now i can and im just so happy!!
anyway, today my dad forgot to wake me up for school O_O;; lol and then i ended up waking up at 2 PM and right when i woke up my dad got stung by a wasp. O_O all he was doing was sitting on the couch and suddenly he jumps up and yells and i see my mom running to the floor brutally smashing the doomed thing over and over again with a shoe... lol.
well i forgot to think of what manga i would write, ithink i will save that question and ask it again.. i enjoyed your guys' answers.
Love yas!
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
 | small note, im beggining to write again and i cant seem to find anywhere to post my anime fic where it will actually be read...any suggestions?
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 | So many of you im guessing have heard about the manga-based comics that are going to be but in newspapers to attract younger readers. I dont have a link..go to Elvesatemyramen or lordsesshomaru for a link i think.. sorry if i spelled there sn's wrong im in no moode to correct myself. Anyway,as much as i dont like the fact of Americans imitating japanese culture, its always bound to happen and im gonna have to live with it anyway so why not look on the bright side. Maybe younger readers will be lured to read the papers by this becuase younger readers really should read the paper more lol. im also very interested to check them out myself.
In other news about //me// i did nothing today.. i didnt even go to school! which i should have cause i had sculpture today >_<
Im anxious to buy earings lol.. i must wait 6 weeks though..
Thanks to everyone that commented and gave me hugs!
Ah, many of my Lovely otaku dears havent been on lately but its nice that i still have some of you. im sorry if im getting behind on my commenting but gah! sometimes it wont send my comment and when it doesnt i have to rewrite it and send it agian and again untill it actually eccepts it god!!
Oh! ever seen the show Random 1? well its inspired me. i want to help people. Like serious things like feed the children and other non profit groups like that! thats what i feel i want to do with my life!! what do you think?
Tommarrow im not sure what im gonna do.. most likely nothing lol but thats ok!!! both my sister and Ivory are very hyped up on tea and coffee and are online right now chatting away with me @_@ and i have to get offline soon darnit.
Todays random question: if you were to draw your own manga, what would it be about.. feel free even tell me about your charectors and such if you really ahve thought about this!!
i have not thought about this but i shall think about it and tell you all about it tommarrow lol.
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Monday, November 7, 2005
 | Ok well today i got up kinda earlier then normal teehee. I went to walmart and got my ears peirced!! I ha them peirced when i was in like.. 4th grade but they closed up x.x so now they are done again..
It didnt hurt to bad.. i need a hug though *sniffle*
well today after Walmart all i did was be on the computer.. so i tried to visit some of yall but on some your guys' otaku it wouldnt let me submit my comment for some reason.. Sorry dears :(
Tommarrow i have to be at school for an hour after it gets out becuase my dad doesnt get out till 4 and i dont have any other ride >< which sucks cause we all know i hate school.
Im hoping to start to re-write one of my fanfics.. now that i have so much time. That reminds me.. i need a new book to read >< i should REALLY GO TO BARNES AND NOBLE AND BLOW ALL MY MONEY ON MANGA.....
Im running out of money sadly.. only about 36 dollars left.. which sucks.. all well.. its just MONEY.
Thats about it for me everyone.. im gonna go to bed soon cause oddly.. im tired O.o;;;; Love yas!
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
 | So, i fell asleep at about 3 in the morning.. Earlier then i have been >< lol. And i didnt feel well so i didnt want to get up. but then The people that were going shopping with me came over and made me get out and go with them. So i went and first we went to target and i didnt get anything from there but my mom baught some stuff(nothing for me lol).
So we were trying to get out to the new mall but we had no idea how to get over to it o_o finally after half an hour of trying all these different roads that took us nowhere we figured it out and the mall is pretty damn nice. Its still being built and not all the shops are added yet and they have a barnes and nobles!!! I DONT HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY TO ANOTHER TOWN TO GET MANGA!!!! YEY!!!!!! i didnt go in sadly.. instead we went to claires and i picked up a couple eccesories which i have pics of below. i woula baught a whole lot more because i have this big obbsession with Skulls and there were so many Skull items i wanted them all o_o;;; so yeah.. then we went home which was sad cause we didnt go anywhere else in the mall but thats ok lol ^_^;;;
Tommarrow is the last day of my weekend *sniffle* it wasnt long enough.. lol.
My Skull Wallet:

My skull socks:
~My toe is sticking out and it makes my foot look deformed >< lol.
And then i baught a happy bunny pin that says "Im changing my naughty ways. to Naughtier ones." but i didnt take a pic of it.
Love ya!
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
 | Well today wasnt a total waste. I did end up staying up all night till about 6 AM reading the last couple chapters of my book! IT WAS SO SAD THEY WERE IN LOVE...HAD TO LEAVE EACHOTHER FOREVER....Just..GAH i was so freakin crying!!
And then i fell asleep till about 2 PM -_-;;;
Then at around 7 pm i actually went somewhere!! with people! OMG amazing right! ME.. haha
Anyway so yeah i went to a football game with megan kalyn Robyn and Kalyns BF who tried to make out with her but it was a no go x.x;;; let see after awhile we got so cold we decided to walk to wendys! it was sooooo cold.. but we got there and some guys in this car are all "How much" and megans all "Were worth more then you have!" haha.. so we were there and we started to talk to some guy cause we thought he was from myspace but he wasnt so we have no idea how we knew who he was >< and then Colten, brian, Alex, and Sandy arrived. Brandon kept trying to shoot paper into the hot tea me and Megan had >< and then megan Pulled alex into the bathroom and started making out with him o_o jee megan..i honestly dont know why people call you a slut.. *cough*
So then we walked all the way back cause our parents would have been pissed if they knew we walked in the middle of the night to a wendys..
And we just sat around talkin to people untill our parents arrived.. i was kind of sad cause the 3 girls were gonna go TP someones how and didnt invite me *sniffle* all well.. im so tired right now though. and tommarrow im goin to the mall. yey...
Oh and plus i might go back to work next week!!! YEY... to bad i have to work on friday and saterday nights.. how will i ever get in more time with my friends? All well..
So things are going great.. and just think a week ago i was thinking about dropping out and moving on and cutting everyone out of my life. But dont get to excited for me.. i have a long way to go to be fully happy with my life.. just one night of fun doesnt do it.. so i dunno.. ill just pray everything will stay good.. cause usually it all goes bad in the end >_<
Well yeah.. thats about it i think.... Love ya!
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Friday, November 4, 2005
 | First off.. lifeless song i tried to comment you like 4 times and my comment never showed up >< it didnt happen on anyone else otaku though O_O;;;
Also... at like 4 in the morning i decided to order a movie off ppv cause i wasnt tired lol.. it wasnt even that great of a movie..
and i just got in a fight with my sister.. over NOTHING... yeah she just suddenly annoyed me for no reason so i got all into bitch mode or something >< shame on me.. yet i still dont feel guilty or sorry about it at all -_-;; a terribly heartless person..
For some reason, my mom gave me 11 dollars.. and she refuses to take it back ><
if any of you watch making the band 3.. i was so freakin about to yell cause i was gonna be so mad if Andrea got eliminated! i think its BS that they had to go through a whole nother season just to be eliminated.. but hey.. its Diddy O.o he can do what he wants as long as its legal..or the cops dont catch on... lol
it was windy all day.. and i havent been outside once o_o
im not sure what im gonna do tommarrow prolly nothing lol..
anwho i guess thats all ive got to say.. love ya's.
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
 | So.. i had a nice day ^_^ it was hard getting up cause my cat was all curled up and snuggling with me -_-;; Dont you wish your animals could live forever? i dunno what im gonna do without my Dopey(thats my cat..) *sniffle*
Well.. Didnt do much today... im sad cause no one is online AGAIN. jeez...
I have grown to like the veronicas.. not usually the kind of music i like.. but hey..whatever..
ok, i Officially plan on going to the mall on SATERDAY! lol..
I have had this harry potter the movie countdown on my desktop.. ive had it on there since like.. 2 and a half months ago or so.. i remember when it read like 79days and now it reads 15!!! Wow, thats a long time.. and now its so close.. im excited.. my sister gets home in 20 days and were so gonna see it! i cant wait!!
Its getting pretty cold here.. and starting to smell like snow at night ^_^ i love the smell of snow.. i just dont like snow.. or coldness..bleh..
Well, sorry i dont have much to say.. SORRY IM SO BORING!! Teehee..
Heres a new pic of me.. i was bored today so im all Hey, ill take a pic of me! thatl be fun!.. yeah it was fun.. for like.. 2 minutes..

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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
 | Well today i got to catch up on my reading, yes im still reading the last book of the dark meterials series. however i havent gotten to reading it till now and its been like a week.. but i still love it! OMG IT WAS SO SAD(your about to be confused) Lyra had to leave Pan behind and i was like.. Fuck i would never leave my Daemon no matter what even if i beleived i would get him back.. it was so sad.. i was sitting there all teary eyed in the library and this guy was staring at me all concerned.. lol
I wasted time in scupture cause i didnt really want to start my mask.. So i re-glazed my already glazed Slab box. Oh did i tell you guys that i found it? no one took it.. if they did.. i totally took it back.. stupid kids.
Lol my friend said i should make my kitty mask.. but im gonna stick with the easiest mask to make.. ill put some pics up in awhile.. But anyway i guess my kitty mask rocked.. it had fangs.. and it looked all kool.. was ebil kitty..
I am becoming obbsessed with fall out boy. i just got there cd.. and its nice.. i luff it. O.o btw someone called me emo and im all "Yey a new nickname!" and people started to laugh.. Cause i hate steriotypes O.o especially when someone calls you something like that in a bad tone.. likes it BAD to be emo.... or whatever.. all well..
Im a little stuffy right now and this morning my thraot was hurting O_O good thing i get sick now.. Right when my 5 day weekend starts >< Damnit.
yes.. i have a 5 day weekend..YEY!!
well thats it for now.. i cant think of a random question >< sorry.
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