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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
Real Name
I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
![]( | Well, i think was OK. school sucked, like it always does lol. I got the 2nd book to the series that ive been reading YEY!! and when i came i did.. NOTHING.
that is untill 5 PM then i went over to samanthas house and we walked over to the park/lake. but it was awkward so then she called her friend and her friend was with us for awhile.. we saw these guys they knew in a car and like <<;; one was looking at me and samantha and her friend are all "Thats wierd" and im all "Its probably cause he didnt know who the hell i was" and they are all "Nooo thats not him.. he was totally checking you out" -_-;;; GAH!
those guys were given 5 dollars to go and get her friend ciggarettes and they never came back O_O jerks..they stole her money.
Then her friend went home and we went to her house and just sat on her bed listening to music and doing nothign O_O we did that for like 2 hours to untill i had to go home lol.
i like her, it was nice to see her again and i hope we become better friends.
Lately ive been thinking of dropping out of highschool. I have come to realize that i screwed up so bad that im not gonna pass anyway.. atleast not with my graduation class.. so it sucks big time. I dont know what im going to do.. im afraid my parents will get so mad theyll kick me out if i leave highschool. i dont know why they would but you never know. also, im afraid of my future ya know.
or else i could change schools.. which is going to be just as hard becuase i wont have any friends either in that school and it will be so tough in a new school too. so i dont know what im going to do. all i know is that i screwed up to much, and now i cant fix it.
i actually talked to megan on YIM and since i was hyper i told her about how i felt and about what i thought i should do(drop out) and that its been way to hard for me at school and that i cant stand not having friends. and once again she says she wants to be my friend and thinks im a great girl...blah blah blah shes already told me that tons of times. and so yeah she said she wants to get closer and stuff and that she knows she hasnt been trying. But i have come to realise.. megan and kalyn are not like me. They dont go through these things.. all they care about is clothes and boys. all they care about is there own problems, even when I was talking about my problems to megan on YIM i could sort of tell she didnt want to hear it. cause then when i was done she told her about how she JUST RUINED THINGS WITH HER BOYFRIEND. and totally dismissed what i told her.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
![]( | I ended up getting offline yesterday before i could update. Anyway.. so lets start
on sunday i went hiking up the devils backbone..its like, a mountain.. i loved it and it wasnt at all that hard ^_^ next time im going to take pictures...
I also went shopping and got a nixty new watch, its really pretty and at first it looks like a bracelet and then opens up into a watch. Then i went to lunch at a place called mimis cafe, it was really nice ^_^
so sunday was fun-tastical. lol.
let see... monday was fine, i got dropped from accounting but thats ok... and sculpture went over pretty ok ^_^
its been nice and sunny, i hope this weather lasts for awhile... i just know it will snow soon though..
I would like to thank petie for joining my proboard, he has saved you all from never getting my cookies again.. however i really do wish you guys would join it..
im going to hang out with Samantha tommarrow, shes the friend i met off myspace that i havent seen in 6 years, and i keep telling you im going to hang out with her but i end up not.. well tommarrow i am.. so yeah lol.
im feeling lonely, i want a boyfriend.. that may sound terrible, but truthfully its been like a whole year since i had an actual boyfriend, and i miss the feeling..ya know??
i was hyper today and talked about sending my friend codey an army of brainwashed chickens <<;; and then i said i would clone him and make an army of codeys and they would be used to fight... but then i said since hes tall i could also use his clones to get midgets out of trees <<;;; lol.. yeah.. i was so hyper, it was fan-diddly-tastic(like that?? happy can you tell??)
Randome question: not a question at all, actually i want you guys to make up your own word right now and tell me what it means ^_^ i promice i will use it lol... i can make a whole book on made up words that me and my friends have made up over the years...
i love yall.. and i have pics of my clay face sculpture, as well as some new pics of me.. but im tired.. so maybe i will show them to you tommarrow. Or you can go to the forum below..and see them there.
Have a great day ok?
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
![]( | Well, i woke up at 1 PM today!!! I CANT BELEIVE I SLEPT SO LONG.
Today nothing much went on, eccept... I FOUNT MY SISTERS CAT. she is sooo skinny so i fed her lotsa tuna lol, my sister was so happy...
i went to the store and didnt really buy anything.. and that was pretty much the highlight of my day...
oh wait, my moms friend wanted to stay the night and so her and her boyfriend sat outside in there car for hours thinking my mom and dad werent home becuase my mom and dad were pretending not to be so they would go away. Well, they didnt so i made my grandma call the womens cell phone and tell her that my parents werent there and i was home alone and that they were making me nervous. so they left. Then my dad asked what i would do if i got scared and my parents were gone for the night, and instantly that guy that messeged me came to mind. i know its wierd, but if I was scared, i kind of feel that i could call him and he would er...protect me i guess? i dunno, i guess he wasnt that bad a guy and im happy i messeged him back(however im sad i didnt get to toy with him...)
tommarrow i have lots to do, including hiking the devils backbone(some of it) shopping, going to lunch, and er... thats all i guess..
i talked to my sister and she said my aunt is going to get me a giftcard, but since they dont have any of the clothing stores i like to go to in new mexico, i decided on a barnes and noble gift card. so i get a 50$ barnes and noble gift card. that means manga!!! 5 mangas to be exact, unless i decide to buy another book, which i might.. i dunno.. i love reading so i guess it wouldnt matter if its manga or not..
ive attempted to grow my nails out for the 50 billionth time...
i like that number... 50 billion.. i think its my favorite number lol.
Speaking of favorites, todays random question is: What is your favorite letter?
Mine is "R". i love names that start with R in fact, many of my charectors in my stories have names that start with R.
i have a bit of charector space left on my thing, so i might add more buttons, but only if i have enough room.. i feel bad that i might not be able to put them all.. there is about.. 5 more people atleast that i need to put buttons up for lol.
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
![]( | Well my sculpture teacher emailed me back, saying that she did not kick me out, and that she was surprised that i was. Now im sure that the teacher has to send in this paper saying they kicked me out.. or else i wouldnt have been kicked out. but she said that she would put me back into the class.
So, she told me to come to class on monday... so um.. yeah... i feel kind of stupid that i emailed her now...
Today was boring, i forgot all about anime club and i hate myself for forgetting AGAIN. i wish i hadnt forgotten, becuase lunch really sucked, my friends...i dunno.. i still feel like they dont really care for me much...
I took like a 5 hour nap when i got home becuase i got home at 1:30 PM and so i slept till about 6, so almost 5 hours, then i had to get up and make dinner -_-;; it was annoying becuase i was so tired, im happy its the weekend though.
Yesterday i was so hyped up on sugar... and today im not which is a good thing becuase no one is online :/ which sucks.. i hate it when no one at all is online cause then the internet is so boring.
I realised that i dont have the HTML to put my buttons on the left side bar <<;; i dont know how people are putting them there so yeah... i feel very stupid that i dont know. but then again, puting HTML on myO is pretty confusing and not as easy as putting it on other sites..
BTW, as you can see, i put SOME of the buttons up... im running out of charector space, so they dont link to anyone, but theyre still up lol!! ... im getting really annoyed with HTML..
i wish i would hear from my work soon... i want to go back.. I get paid next week on a thursday ^_^ ill have 90 dollars but if i had worked this whole month i would have had 240 :/ i really wish they would bring me back soon.
I also scheduled to get my haircut on thursday... becuase i get out early on that day and that way i have a ride.
My sister baught ah! my goddess dvd number 1 just recently, which is wierd becuase i was SOOOOO about to buy it to, luckily i didnt... or wed have 2 copies O.o;; she also said she baught another anime dvd but she wont tell me what it is becuase its my christmas present!!! SQUEE!!! now i cant wait.
41 days untill she comes home for 3 whole days... yey. Speaking of my sister she was acting like a totaly brat today >< GRRRRR.
None of you joined my proboard.. darn you all! no cookies for you anymore... to bad, i had made a super kool banner about me giving out cookies.. now none of you will ever see it *sniffle*.
Im doing nothing this weekend.. surprising right? *rolls eyes* i wish my mom didnt lose her liscense and her car.. then i wouldnt be so bored. you know i get to drive before she does? pathetic huh? if she expects me to drive her places, i expect a full tank of gas every week... (hah, i know, i aim high..)
btw did any of you even notice i changed my midi??? lol.
Well, thats about it... See ya!
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Friday, October 14, 2005
![]( | OMG i am so fucking pissed at my sculpture teacher. well you all know how i love that class and on tuesday i decided that i would go from now on so when i got to class on tuesday my sculpture teacher goes "If your absent at all after this, i will kick you out" so im all yeah yeah ok i wont be absent anymore. so today i had her class again and you know what?? SHE KICKED ME OUT ANYWAY AND SHE DIDNT EVEN GIVE ME A CHANCE. she lied to me, which totally hurt me so bad that i actually started to cry during school, and instead of going to 3rd period i called my dad to come get me and cried in the bathroom while i was waiting for him.
when he get there i tell him and he is all "im gonna take care of it now" and he is really pissed and so he asks to see the vice principal, or the counselor, and i just wanna say we have 3 vice principals and 4 counselors at our school and NONE OF THEM WERE AVAILABLE AT THAT TIME. so he got in this big arguement with the attendence lady and the kc(the guy i made out with that one time) was like, standing there(with his girlfiend...) and everyone was looking and i just told my dad to leave! and we did and so then i got into runble with my parents about transfering school and i dont want to becuase its to hard to make friends and i dont want to loose the ones i have.
so i send this sad sappy letter to my sculpture teacher... telling her im sorry i was a bad student and that i guess she can throw all my artwork in the trash becuase apparently to her it wasnt good enough(she failed me in creativity..which also hurt me terribly) and so yeah... im really sad becuase Brianne was gonna bring her duck to class and i was gonna finish everything :( i loved that class ... but its all my fault, everything i do is stupid. im such an idiot, im such a screwup. i wish i could do something right for once. i hate myself...i really really do.
So anyway, i watched my grandmas dog and made 5 dollars... i still havent heard from my boss and im really high on sugar right now and i have no one TO UNLEASH IT UPON!!!!
anime club tommarrow.. im nervous..
im reading this book called riddle of them wren, i dont like it at all, but im reading it becuase i have nothing else to read at the moment. its quite.. wierd..and odd.. and sort of boring, just not the style of writing i like to read i guess.
you remember that guy i told you that sent me a messege? well he sent it to me off myspace(someone had asked) and i liked lostchilds idea(i think it was your idea) and i sadly, messeged him back.. attempting to toy with him.. but so far the conversation we had goes as far as this:
"Whats your favorite anime and manga"
and i answered.. and thats pretty much it so far.. not as intertaining as i thought it would be... maybe he isnt the crazed nerdy phsyco i thought *sigh* i was looking forward to playing with danger for once.. i hardly ever do so anymore..
Yes, im crazy... but you love my crazyness and you know it!
still no buttons.. im to lazy.. im sorry.
PLEASE JOIN MY PROBOARD, i finally got one guy to join! i think im going to add an anime and manga section becuase you guys like to draw right? plus there is a section for anime fanfiction, and graphics, which you guys like right?
Plus, if your not into any of it, just go to chat! but i really need members, guys and girls!!! please!!!!
I dunno.. i dont think i can give out cookies anymore becuase im so deppressed that no one is joining *sniffle* and dont you all like it when i give out cookies...?
well.. please join it and i will see yall later(actually no i wont but i will hear from you all later)
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
![]( | i still havent put the buttons up and ive decided to make a couple more for some of you.
i didnt go to school today, how could i take a test that i didnt even know what it was about? Once i learn more about it i will take it, if its required its not like theyre not gonna give it to me later on.
Umm, today a women called saying she saw my sisters cat running around in the street behind ours, and we searched for like an hour but still did not find her im sad to say, but atleast i know shes alive, the lady was very confident that it was our cat.
i had an incredibly wierd experience with a squirrel today.. See, i was sitting in the computer room and i noticed a squirrel ontop of my house, and see.. my window is really big and my house is pretty low. so the roof is close to the window. and it was look around so i started to tap the glass to get it to do something and it noticed me.. O.O and so i kept doing it and it got really close to the edge, and it was lookin at me, and then it got on the part of the roof above me and it peaked over the side and scared the crap outa me.and, i dunno how a squirrels mind works, or anything really abou squirrels(eccept that they have powerful mind controle powers) But it like.. was interested in me way to much... however i hope it comes back and be's my friend >3 teehee.
Um, it wasnt very cold out today, atleast it was less cold then it has been this week... so that was good ^_^
Also do any of you watch veronica mars, i am a shameless lover of this showand this season is really good so far.
Oh, i got an odd messege from some guy i have never met before, it says this: you seem really interesting. you have great taste in music. you like anime and manga. your movie choices rule. and your very sexy care to chat sometime? i'd really like to get to know you alot more
It scares me becuase he is holding a very large.. knife.. in his picture.. i think it is a knife atleast.... and um... knives are scary... and he lives in my town, but im not sure if he goes to my school. I chose not to reply to this messege, however i dont want to hurt his feelings... what are your suggestions on going about this? do i messege him back? if so what should i say?!
well my loves, i have to go... buttons might be up..erm.. this weekend.. i dunno..
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
![]( | Hey everyone! my day was boring, like always.. well.. lunch was OK and so was sculpture >3 Brianne said she watched an anime dvd with some girls in one of the FTLA's at school, i wish i had gone but i was still in line for lunch -_-;;; and i cant help it, i needed pretzels...
so, like, i noticed my slab box was missing in sculpture today... i was pissed but i didnt feel like making another... i know someone jacked it cause i forgot to put my annitials on the bottom -_-;; and then my teacher fired it so i couldnt really put them in later on.. *sniffle*.
i have a test tommarrow and i have no idea what its for O.o but it starts at 7:30 in the friggin morning and i have no idea when it ends which sucks becuase on these wednesdays i get out at 11:39 -_-;;; so just to be safe i told my ride to pick me up at 12...
you know that book i mentioned, the golden compass? well i accidently gave it back to the library a week or two ago before i read the ending, and finally got to read the ending!!! im addicted to these books and i went right over to get the next. but you know what? my library doesnt have th 2nd one, its called the subtle knife. O.o they have the first and 3rd.. but they dont own the 2nd... thats wierd isnt it?!?! anyway the story kind of ended at a very big turning point and i just cant stand not knowing what happens!!!!
So, i uploaded all your buttons and only 2 of you have really seen what your buttons looks like(but thats becuase your on my messenger list) so im gonna try and put them up after i post this.. and i loved making them so if you want a button, just say so..... i put serious thought into them... seriously..
i feel hyper!!!! i want to like.. Run around outside or something.. but its cold and pretty late and i have a test tommarrow *sniffle*.
Did you all like my random question the other day? I enjoyed your answers lol, becuase i kind of put you on the spot, and if someone were to ask me out of random how i felt at that exact moment my mind would probably go blank and be all "I dunno...." lol.
Everyone go visit Ivory becuase she is kool and youll love her and yeah!
thats all for today.... i guess... umm... random question: what song did you last listen to? im listening to black eyed peas on the radio.. i have no idea what the song is called though.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
![]( | ^_^ hey!
Umm.. today was boring.. i went to school.. and got out like, 45 minutes earlier then usual >3 so umm.. then i went home and watched tv, i was really tire X.X but then one of my moms friends came over so i ended up not taking a nap like i originally planned.
when my dad got home, he took me to the store and i got 2 scarves. one that was my school colors(purple silver and black) and one that was lime green for my sister ^.^ i like it, ive been wearing it since i got it lol.
so im gonna go ahead and buy 2 tickets to the anime convention, my dad is gonna pay for my ticket, but i have to pay for malissa's and then she is gonna pay me back in november. :/ which means im pretty much broke again.. untill the 20th. but hey its only money right?? lol.
im gonna get my haircut, im contimplating weather to try something different or what i always get :/ cause i love my hair the way it is but i always like to try something new...
See, i always write everything down right ontop of my desktop and my mom keeps erasing everything >< and shes all "Thats what paper is for!!" and im all "But its like a chalkboard! and it saves paper!!" god.. i wish she would just leave the computer room alone!!!!!!!!! she messes around with everything!!!
Ive begun making you all some buttons so i can put them up here. If you want to keep the button i made for you, im going to have to ask you to save it onto your computer and upload it onto your own image host. Becuase i hate using my bandwidth. they should be up sometime this week or next week..
hey, i took a pic of me and im wearingmy scarf! but you can really tell the colors of it >< damnit! all well ^_^
what are you feeling at this exact moment? that is my random question for today.
BTW, im feeling kinda sick <<;; and im getting off to go lay down soon...
have a nice day my dears! *hugglez you all* mwahahaha
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Monday, October 10, 2005
![]( | well.. school is tommarrow and im pissed cause i should have it off cause its columbus day!! *pouts* im not going to any of my classes tommmarrow cause im afraid of how my teachers will react....
I wish i had my other classes tommarrow >< damn school system.
i recorded me singing along to a song and i sound pretty inexperienced lol. Im not gonna say if i sound bad or good because im not sure what i think about it.
so i missed anime club yeah, but brianne(ansatsushawdi you should go add her to your friend list) said that theyre having a halloween party and you have to dress up cosplay style. Assuming im even going to go... i want to make those costumes i was planning on making for next years convention.. but i dont know the first thing in making an outfit.. especially in making the ones i want to make.. im nervous.. cause i dont think i can pull it off.
I think im going to ask my dad to pick me up early, becuase he doesnt have work tommarrow. and if i say at *thinks* whenever lunch is over i can just tell him they wont kick me outa that class if i was in it while he came, then i would get a note from the attendence lady and leave >3 im ebil. but i really hate school.
How are all of you? i havent visited many of you lately O.o
oh and yeah i dyed my hair today but the same exact color it used to be.. so i dont have any pictures.
my cat hates salmon.. isnt that wierd??
so.. thats all i have to tell you.. pretty boring huh? and i dont think i will change my bg like i said i would becuase everyone seems to like it :3 and i like it to... so yeah.
~hugs and kisses~
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
![]( | Well everyone, my saterday was just so fun filled.... anyway i woke up and ended up going thrift shopping for a chair that matched my grandmothers new furniture.. we ended up finding one that matched pretty well and yeah... we got there old furniture and its very nice... then i came home and got online for awhile, and when i got bored of that, i got off and watched some shows.. then when my dad got home we moved around furniture and watched LOTR 3 and got pizza and rented movies.
i just got done watching hitchhikers guide to the galexy, it was really good. and i also rented Family guys stewie griffin: the untold story and im about to watch it, im just sad ivory isnt on to to talk to *sniffle* i havent talked to her this whole weekend and she just baught a manga and i want to know all about it damnit >< hopefully shell get online soon...
so anime tonight, i havent watched anime for about a month or two.. but ive been recording it for my sister.. i dunno i just dont feel like sitting down and watching it on a saterday night, not that i have anything better to do right? all well....
Umm... well.. no one really visited me the other day did they..i was sad but ill get over it ^.^ lol.
I love yall...and im going to stress my last random question, cause ireally want to know: what would you look like if you were an anime charector?
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