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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
 | Oh my my my.. i ended up giving into sleep and not going to school. so.... well just have to wait till monday. Sadly i missed anime club :( *sniffle*
Ok, heres the deal with my job. the guy that owns it doesnt want to sell it becuase he put like 2 million dollars into it. So what theyre trying to do to keep it open is bring these bingo players from the town over down to colorado to play a couple nights a week. Now, this will help me keep my job.
Oh, and i dont work tommarrow.. and probably not for a couple of weeks. my boss said she isnt firing me, shes putting me on hold, becuase it wouldnt be fair to all the girls that have been working like months before i started if i got all the hours in :/ so im sad, but hopefully, my boss said, that once everything is cleared up i will have regular hours back(friday and saterday) which im so happy. im just really sad becuase i actually look forward to work -_-;; shut up.. its better then sitting on my ass right?
well i baught some uber cute shoes today >3 yey for shopping and having money.
So today i didnt do much, i ended up watching my grandmas dog again >3 shes so cute and obedient, unlike any of my animals lol.
yes another lonely weekend... *sigh* maybe ill hitch a ride to the mall and pick up some unsuspecting inoccent boys and get them into trouble ;P Nah.. how could i ever get a ride to the mall?? *cough*...
im sad cause no one is online right now, :/ so im like..extra lonely.. and i dont want to get offline cause then i will have ABSOLUTALY NOTHING TO DO.
random question: describe what you think you would look like in anime form.
~i would like to have long dark red hair, and i mean really long like down almost to my knees. and i would like it to be layered to. and i would probably have black eyes, all black.. and im not sure about my clothes.. that takes a lot of thinking.. but i mimagine something really earthy and light and i probably wouldnt wear shoes a lot. Lol.. yeah.. -_-;; that would be me in anime form. oh, and i would be tall. .cause i sure as hell aint tall in real life.
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Friday, October 7, 2005
 | I didnt go to school today, but tommarrow im going, and thats that.
Today i woke up later then usual(10 AM) and me and my parents went to the loveland humane society to see our cat was there and she wasnt. Lol, i couldnt tell if the person helping us out was a girl or a guy O_O;;;; isnt that terrible?
well, when i logged onto myspace today, i was sick and tired of being me. And i actually told megan(through email of course) how i felt about myself, how i wish we were more close and how its so hard for me to make friends and be more outgoing and stuff. she said she understood and wanted us to get closer.. but im not sure if that will really happen.
the back of my heal, where that ligament is.. i pulled it and it hurts to walk.. but dad said its best if i walk on it as much as i can.. ><
its october, and i thought it would be fun if i did a theme layout for this month.. WITCHES! the only anime shows i can think of though are~ witch hunter robyn, mahou tsukai tai, tea society of a witch, and thats all -_-;; can anyone think of any anime shows relating witches at all??????
I leave you with a random question: Whats your Favorite animal?(so creative i know!)
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
 | Hullo my dears, im in a pretty happy mood for no reason...
I didnt go to school today, i was JUST SO TIRED. gah but my dad said no more staying home damnit! and i like so dont want to go tommarrow >< school.. how i wish i liked you more.
I have learned that they will probably kick me out of 3 classes, probably the ones i have the lowest grade in(im hoping) which would be accounting, e-commerse, and comp. graphics. and im totally fine with that. Eccept that i would like my e-commerse teacher to know hes the hottest teacher ive ever had(hes not that old, hes like..25..)
Uh oh.. everyone back away slowly.. Brandi's officially gone boy crazy.
Lol, sorry xD i just had to say that.
So anyway, my sister might not be able to go to the convention cause she will still be in new mexico by next year :( and i dont want to go without her... *sniffle* it sucks..i want to go sooooo bad...
Anime club on friday.. >3 im nervous.. isnt that sad? its just ive never really been around anyone thats liked anime like me.. eccept my sister of course. and besides, im poor and i dont have access to a lot of anime, i dont want them to think im a newb or anything when it comes to anime, because im not... ive loved anime for quite awhile! lol ^_^ maybe not most of my life, but when i think about it have becuase i used to watch all those shows like monster rancher, sailor moon, pokemon, digimon, and stuff like that in the morning and thats anime to so like.. yeah
gah, i hate school. wait did i already cover that? ok then...
its getting cold her :/ i shall miss summer.
i honestly dont have much to say. i visited some of you but i ended up not leaving comments to a bunch of you cause i didnt have enything to say lol!
remember when i said my goal was to make more friend and be more outgoing? i havent achieved that sadly.. and it doesnt seem i will ^_^ lol.
Now im sad O.o i dunno why...
well im really tired and it seems im just rambling about nothing so i will just leave you with a cookie, but not any kind of cookie.. a cookie.... with sprinkles! wh00t!
~love ya'll~
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
 | Well, let me start with the bad news.
My work might close down, as a matter of fact its likely it will *looks again for a shoulder to cry on...* and i just hope to god that it wont, I LOVE THIS JOB SO MUCH WHY WOULD GOD GIVE IT TO ME AND THEN TAKE IT AWAY!! :/ i cant beleive i just said that cause im like.. not religous but i mean.. this is the best job i could have ever asked for.
Today at my job, i only got 3 dollars in tips.. note to self.. avoid working on tuesdays....
i work again on saterday, assuming the place doesnt close down by then :(
I did something naughty, that im not proud of... and please dont get mad at me once i tell you.... but..
Did i ever tell you guys about my stalker? well he ended up to be a nice guy and pretty hot and today... i made out with him in the girls bathroom at school. >/
This is what happened- i took the pass to go to the bathroom and it was my last period and i saw him and talked to him for like the first time to actually have a long convo with him and then i went into the bathroom and he...followed.. so then we just started making out... and i didnt even go back to class, we didnt stop till the monitor went off which signals the end of the day and we both kind jumped and went out of the bathroom and went our seperate ways...
o_o i hate myself for it to, im so embaressed i cant beleive i did it, its not something i would have ever thought to doing in my life. *smothers self with pillow* i just hope he doesnt go and tell everyone cause hes friends with my arch enamy(liz) and she can seriously ruin me!
my dad is giving me 25 dollars to pay for the convention next year, kind of as an early christmas pressy >3 yey for me. I just need to know if my sister wants him to do the same or if she wants to pay for it herself.
Im really tired, cause i like just got off work.. >3 i guess you all didnt have to wait till thursday(well i guess technically its thursday).
I love you all! and i hope bluedemonboy gets his comp. fixed lol.
MyO is being a bitch for me lately, or maybe its IE i dunno... either way something is being a bitch to me and i cant stand it anymore, i didnt buy this computer to have problems! thats what my ebil computer in which i named dr. sloth is for! NOT MY NEW COMPUTER NAMED ATIMUS!!!.
Randome question: does your computer have a name.. if so why is it named that O.o if not, do you think its wierd i name my electronics???? lol..
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
 | HEY! i havent updated in like 3 or 4 days! amazing!
well, ive been really busy and i havent had the energy to get online untill today.
so this summary wont take long i promice..
First of all, work was awesome. so as i think i said last time i work at a bingo hall's snackbar. And this snackbar serves pretty damn good food, which its my job to make. So thats what i do, i cook and clean. the good thing about that is since i cook, i get the tips, and let me tell ya, old people that play bingo tip really friggin good! I had to split my tips on my first day with the women that was training me, but i still made 22 dollars in tips alone! from now on i work alone so i dont have to split my tips anymore. I work friday and saterday. friday for 3 hours from 5 to 9 and saterday 6 hours from 2.30 to 9. sounds long, but it wasnt bad at all, during sessions i get to just sit down and relax. then at the end i have to clean everything up and do inventory which is quite frustrating cause im afraid im gonna forget something lol ^_^ but all in all i think its a wonderful job!
Oh, and i was cutting onions and i sliced my finger >< bot bad, just a little booboo :( *sniffle*
so, ive been on this great sleeping schedule, ive been waking up at 7 exactly which is when i have to wake up for school anyway, and ive been going to sleep around 8-9 and thats why i havent been updating cause its so hard to stay up till 10 to update myO lol -_-;;
well, school isnt going all that great, im messing up and i cant seem to stop. But there is cool news...
My english teacher had a baby, so we have a substitute for 6 weeks. and hes a writer! hes written 13 books! including one called murder on the titanic and it was number 1 best seller off lol! ^_^;; he thinks im cute as a button to... its odd...
Did i tell you guys about my stalker? well.. he isnt much of a stalker i guess, but anyway, its a long story and now i think i have a friggin crush on my stalker O.o nah, its just an attraction, nothing that serious you know??
i feel so alone lately, its wierd. i havent been this alone before. even last year i had my BF and my sister atleast, now i dont have a boyfriend or my sister and my friends are so distant from me i feel like im all alone again...its really sad..
my school has an anime club and im joining.. YEY!!! and im gonna buy the tickets to the non desu kon for the whole weekend for me and my sis cause this month theyre only 25$ !!!!! so i need to do it this month -_-;; or else the price goes up.
ansatsushawdi and a couple of other girls that like anime at my school(whom i still have never met) are supposed to buy to i think? but they dont have money.. so i feel sad... the anime club next year should make it a field trip and this year we should raise money to buy the tickets for next year. Doesnt that sound like anice idea????
also ansatsushawdi(visit her) is having an anime party!! its sound cool doesnt it??? i would so have an anime party!! if only my parents would learn to leave me home alone for the weekends, i would party it up... but nicely.. im not that irresponsible.. maybe.. *wink wink* >P
im hyper cause im tired so i better go. ive been having these really dreams about brad or marco or tom felton(not really but i wish) lately, i think its cause im sleeping so well.
Love yall, and i have work tommarrow so i dont know ive im gonna be updating again untill like, wednesdau O.o;; when did my life actually get busy?!?!?!!??
*hands you a cookie* enjoy them my lovadoves!(....shut up im hyper and spreading my love...eccept it damnit!)
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Friday, September 30, 2005
 | im updateing a little later then usual. its about 7 in the AM and i should be getting ready for school, but my parents are to tired to take me... which is just fine with me sadly. >3 well, yesterday i had to watch my grandmas dog, and i got 5 bucks...yey...
so i start my job today ^_^ im scared and excited lol! i dont know if i will be able to do it O.O not make myself nervous....
still havent found my kitty :( and i think my other one(who is sleeping on me right now) is pregnent, i would be happy if i wasnt so tired of see cats give birth.. got its like the 12th time. plus she isnt as great a mother as my other 2 cats.. she likes attention on herself more then anything else, she she kind of ignores her babies. my other cat, used to love it when i laid with her AND the kittens lol.
i got a new shirt and some sparkly pink eyeliner ^_^;;;; its hard to see the eyeliner though, and my shirt isnt for fall, so i may have to wait till spring, unless we get one more warm day it >3 hopefully monday so i can wear it to school.
i think it will be a good day feels like it will.
random question: If you could travel anywhere right now for only a couple minutes, where would it be?
I would prolly travel to either New mexico, new york, or mississippi. to see either beth, my sister, or codey xD lol.
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
 | *yawns* how are all of you? its about 2 in the morning and i just woke up. which isnt a good thing. i got out of school today at 12 pm and i was supposed to do my research paper, but i fell asleep, and i was so tired i didnt want to wake up.
i ditched today, dad found out >< got mad.. blah blah blah... everything was ok and i fell back asleep 0.o i hate you sleep, for you pull me in so easily.
i havent had anything to eat since dinner tuesday night... so im eating cold pizza my dad ordered today while i was asleep. ive got 5 hours still school, so when i wake up a little more, i better get crackin on that damn research paper thats due in the morning.
i also have an attendence review tommarrow. i think my dad should take the "first i was sick, then i was to deppressed to go back to school. and its still hard for now" why would i be deppressed? naturally since all the terrible things have been happening.. my sister is gone.. my ermm...uncle just died *cough* and just recently my cat disapeared and fall is closing in so fast *this is where i get teary eyes* im afraid she might die soon. everyone is pressuring me so hard,i just wanted to let go and not do anything anymore. But.. i know thats wrong, and from today on... i will go to class everyday *coughhackecceptforcomputergraphicshack*
im a pretty good liar.. so hopefully i can pull that off. maybe my dad shouldnt even attend << i can make it more dramatic without him there.
i know this is terrible, but there are just things i need to do fill in the hole ive been talking about these past few days. it shouldnt have been dug in the first place, and i was an idiot, and im afraid to say...only major BSing will get me out of it, cause thats just the way life is.
on a better note, ive been reading! yey! i feel smart again! its been awhile since i actually read a book... which is terrible considering i love to read of course. anyway its called the golden compass. and i really want the alethiometer(i cant beleive i spelled that right..) its this amazing compass, it has like, 36 symbols on it, they all mean a lot of things and if you want to ask a question, you point the three needles to symbols that may relate to your questions, then you consintrate on the question, but not so hard, you have to be calm. and the other dial moves around from symbol to symbol, giving you an answer to your question. only kids can use it, actually.. maybe only one kid. but i wish i could.. its awesome.
er.. anyway the book is really interesting and im very horrified cause there is this orginization that kills children... that seems horrible right? well it will seem really horrible once you read it. cause they take away the childs daemon and eventually the child dies without its daemon.. ugh.. you must be so confused by that and all i can say the book. theres 2 in the series, but i havent read the other one yet.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
le sigh
 | :/ today was ok i guess. i hate my math class, i have no one in there to talk to.. and i had this tinkerbell shirt on, and the guys that sit behind me were debating weather it was appropriate for school cause she really did look pretty slutty i guess...
i didnt go to my comp. graphics class, im planning on dropping it. She oddly, didnt mark me absent today O.o;;
i have a job. starting friday. 6 dollers an hour, 3 hours a day.. i dunno how many days a week though, hopefully everyday becuase then i get paid like, 100 dollers a week. which is 400 dollers a month. so yey, i will have money for everything i need! with hopefully some left over.. see i figured it out:
Car-$200(to fix it..or make it pretty)
Anime conv.-$100
which is 380 dollars >< but now i actually think i can make it, i already have 20 dollers save up to buy either, my sister a birthday present, or my ticket to the non desu con for next year ^_^
oh yeah, and im not getting my cellphone till november or december *cries* i was gonna argue but i could tell my dad was sad enough about it. so i decided not to complain and suck it up.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
 | i just keep diggin my hole deeper and deeper. God, why do i act so stupid? I did..ditch class. becuase when i got to school, class had already started, and when your more then 10 minutes late they count you absent anyway, even if you show up after that(unless you have a note.. which i didnt) so i just ditched. and then i ditched again, and then again -_-;; god its like an addiction i cant stop.. But NO, i cannot ditch any longer cause me and my dad had a big fight about it and i felt really bad because he didnt want me to drop out my 10th grade year like he did, becuase it ruined his life. And thats true, my dad is really smart... if he had gone to college, he probably would have owned a successful business or something. i only wish i could like.. give him back the chance.. :/ so all i can do, is make it for myself and make him happy that i succeeded.
But god.... 'TRYING' and 'CARING' are so hard to do... i know that sounds terrible... but im such a slacker.. >< i really hate myself.
So, anyway.. he said something about not getting my cellphone, but i think it was the heat of the fight, becuase everything is ok now.. i think theyre gonna activate it next weekend.
My dad is gonna go check out the Humane society to see if my sisters kitty is there, we want to check often over these past few days, becuase if the larimer county humane society does find her, and keeps her for 5 days, theyre aloud to put her up for adoption. and shes a pretty beautiful cat.. ill put a picture of her at the bottom. I just hope shes ok, we almost lost her once.. and i cryed my eyes out. but that time, i wasnt sure what was wrong with her, she was so.. sick.. and she was drooling and breathing hard and... it was terrible and she had kittens then and god.. we thought she was gonna die but then she got better.. and i was so happy. so um..enough rambling about it.
today, O.o megan is so rediculously popular its wierd. I know.. i have expressed my jealousy.. i am ashamed of being jealous but Megan like, knows every single guy in the school, there is not a day that goes by or an hour that goes by that she doesnt see a guy that comes running up and hugs her. O.o I love her though, so i cant be mad, im just worried that her reputation is growing...well.. badly. a lot of the guys think they can get her into bed, and Megan would never do that! >< so i guess i will just have to beat everyone down that thinks that..
seriously, i will.
So... have you ever noticed that some people on here dont show any sign that they like anime at all? Seriously.. i just realised it on one of my friends otakus, that she says nothing about Anime on her left bar info, and her bg and graphics are deffinatly not anime, and i dont beleive she has ever said anything about anime at all.. and she is a long time friend(well.. as long as ive been on here..)
I mean.. im not gonna complain.. but it does bother me a little. I still enjoy going to her otaku and i will probably continue going.. but yeah.. i just kinda wanted to ramble about it.

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Monday, September 26, 2005
Squeek ^.^;;
 | Hello.... today.. i ended up sleeping again >< god.. if food were sleeping, i would be so morbidly obese, that my heart would have failed by now and i would be dead.
...Im hyper... *grins evily*
So, i never asked them about my cell phone >< but god when i got up they were being really mean to me. so i was mean back of course :/ it really sucked..
tommarrow is school *sigh* i just wish i didnt have to deal with it lol. and once again, i wish i didnt dig such a big hole for me to lay in ><
I also yelled at my sister because right when i said "Hi" she is all "nevermind, i dont want to talk to you, its not like you have anything to say" so then we yelled at eachother and i gave the phone back to my dad and i ended up watching the discovery channel O.o something you will rarely see me do..
Im sad, and hyper at the same time. it sucks, its not a good feeling...
my mom owes me 20 bucks now xD Mwahahaha.. im slowly making money -_-;;
im going to try to get almost all my math homework i need to make up done before i have the class on tuesday -_-;; but i hate math so much there isnt a word to describe my passion in hating it.
its getting cold here :/ stupid fall, oh how i hate you so! you bring me to much terrible things, like school, and coldness, and waking up in the early morning in the coldness, and walking out of the school and running to the car, but not before being soaked from head to toe by rain. the only good you bring are blizzards, but i live in freakin colorado, you never really know what the weather will be like.
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