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Sunday, September 25, 2005
 | Well, all i did was sleep today -_-;;
So, after i posted my last post, i got off, and a movie called the returner came on. it was a japanese movie so it had voiceovers, and they werent that bad ^_^. This movie, is about a girl that goes back in time to the year 2002, to kill off the very first alien that lands on earth, and starts a war. she teams up with a guy, who is.. well.. an assassin i guess? Well, he kills people and plays with guns XD so he rocked. and anywho, so they go try and kill the alien, but she cant seem to do it cause it doesnt look like the other aliens in the future, called tagura. so, then they realise, that what starts the war is the humans killing it, so they save it and the world is saved and all hell did not break loose. The reason i like this movie is because, if it was made in japanese animation form, it wouldnt be so wierd O.o;;; lol. and the ending is really great, and sad. Becuase The girl has to go back to the future, and she says shell pay the guy back for helping her somehow -_-;; and its just.. sad... and great.. lol. I had to giggle at the poor special effects, but i guess they werent that bad.. totally went Matrix with the seeing bullets shoot through the air lol xD so, i suggest if your really bored, rent this movie >3 only if your bored though lol!
Gracie got out(my sisters cat) again and i cant seem to find her -_-;; and remember, yesterday i saw a fox in my own backyard. I can only pray that the fox doesnt get to her before i do :(
TOMMMARROW, is my daddys day off. So im gonna actually get up and hopefully get them to activate my cellphone finally <<>>
I CHANGED THE LAYOUT TO MY THINKING BUBBLE PROBOARD. why dont yall go check it out finally?
click the banner above my myspace banner or go here:
Oki..well.. ive been really bored lately so ive been doing graphics, maybe tonight i will be bored enough to do my new MyO layout. im thinking.. Green.....

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Saturday, September 24, 2005
 | i had the worst day ever... i didnt go to school.. my parents decided i need to go on antidepresents... which is kind of scary to actually think the way im feeling could actually go away, becuase i have been feeling it for so long(since atleast 6th grade). Umm.. my parents have been fighting all day.. and it got so bad that i had to yell at them myself and it totally sucked, from all the crying i did i now have a headache and im still kind of shaking... But everyone is asleep now, so its ok.
I was looking outside my window and saw a bushy tail scurry accross my lawn and into my tree, so i thought my cat had gotten out again. So i go to the tree and call out pheobe and im confronted with a Fox. and its like... right infront of me. i was scared shitless for a minute, and like.. called my dad and backed up to the house. It ran away before my dad got outside though -_-;; it was kool and scary at the same time because it was like.. Very very close to me..
Umm... no cell phone yet..
I have an attendence review at school, my dad will go..tell them i was sick, maybe even throw in that i was just recently deppressed.. and stuff and everything will be fine. but i have only ever been to 1 and my sister was there so im still really scared about it. but its my fault anyway.
I ended up calling my friend about half an hour after she wanted me to becuase i forgot, and she didnt pick up -_-;; so yeah.. that sucks...
TOM FELTONS BIRTHDAY WAS THURSDAY AND I DIDNT REALISE AND FORGOT SO I DIDNT GET TO CELEBRATE T_T damn.. i love him so much.. i would even celebrate his birthday without him being there or knowing.. lol xD i know, im wierd..
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Friday, September 23, 2005
 | No i didnt go to school today either. i promice, from now on i shall go >< besides, im not aloud to miss anymore days or else they might kick me out of classes..
Today i actually got up at noon instead of sleeping all day becuase im hoping to fall asleep earlier then i have been tonight. HOPEFULLY.
seriously, right now its not looking to good cause im HYPER!!!..... and eating toast *nibbles toast* Yummy..
im supposed to call my friend tommarrow, and finally make plans to meet, since our last plans didnt go down. so yeah ^^;;
did i ever tell you the attendence teacher at my school hates me? JEE...WONDER WHY!!!! -_-;; but yeah, she does.. so i avoid her at all costs..
umm, mom said she would try to get my cellphone activated tommarrow, which she probably wont -_-; all well.
...ANIME TONIGHT AND I JUST REALISED I FORGOT TO RECORD WHAT I FORGOT TO RECORD LAST WEEK >< but thank god i just realised that.. cause i really need to record s-cry-ed.
Lol, told you i was hyper -_-
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
 | First off, i want to clear up that little kiss on the top of my head marco gave me. Its nothing new people! marco Does that to everyone lol! xD he Bisexual so we always joke its the gay in him... i know..that terrible -_-;; besides, im just happy he isnt mad at me or anything, i know now that it would never work out between me and marco, if anything ever did happen, it would probably be like.. i fling or something.. and yes i would totally have a fling with marco cause he is so friggin hot -_-;; terrible i know..
So, today... i was very deppressed. I didnt sleep at all last night, and when i got, i decided not to go to school.. and then i realised, i cant do this to myself anymore. I cant keep feeling this way, for reasons that are unclear to me.
So, i started a Journal, and yes know.. i have like 50 billion journals i write in, but this one is different becuase im only going to write in it when im feeling deppressed. and let me tell you, once i was done writing in it, i felt way happier! and realised that Ultimatly i Love who i am overall, Its just that i need to find the rest of me.. its confusing, and i guess i can only understand it -_-;;
I watched shall we dance today, and you know what? I want to take dance lessons. I always say "Oh i suck at dancing,i cant do it" but i have never really tried to learn right? i mean.. why not? i bet it would be fun.
I told my parents that instead of paying 45$ for a phone plan, i narrowed it down so they only had to pay 35$. hopefully this will motivate them a bit
im am totally addicted to Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. That annoying thing is, i dont even like regular Dr. Pepper -_-;;;;
AWWWWW i forgot to look for guy anime charectors with Blue hair For you, bluedemonboy GRR. But hey isnt er.. Chrono's hair from Chrono Crusade Blue? Or maybe its Purple O.o i cant think -_-;;;.
have a good day ^^;; I hope i will but i dunno.. its raining and that may mean i cant wear flip flops tommarrow ><
Button Requests
I would love to make, and put buttons on myO to the following people:
lifeless song
lit rebel
There are more, but I dont want to overload myself lol. So yeah, If you want to have a button up here to, sure why not? just say so lol. These are just the people that i usually see Commenting all the time, and i love ya for it!!! ^^;;
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
 | Hey everyone ^^ whats up? So.. nothing really to say about today..
Eccept that i kinda got into it with my enamy and called her a transvestite(sp??)..heh..
soooo, I DIDNT TELL YOU GUYS THAT MARCO FINALLY TALKED TO ME YESTERDAY >< when i was ditching Computer graphics yesterday i was in the library doing some work, and Suddenly, someones hands are around my head halo-like and im all "stop! your messing up my hair!" or something like that, and so it was marco and he kissed me on the top of the head and said sorry xD but yeah, i was really happy he finally talked to me -_-;;
:/today was boring, and i had to stay there at school while i had my off period >< and it was boring... i cant wait till im 16 cause i then i can leave any time i want and dont have to wait for a i can drive anywhere i want during lunch xD
UGH T_T WHY HAVENT THEY ACTIVATED MY CELL PHONE YET!!?!? whats wrong with my parents, god if they say theyre gonna do it, they better cause im getting really annoyed and i feel like.. i dunno.. beating someone up cause im so angry about it..
o.o umm... Not Much To Say.... -_-;;;
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
 | I went to school! Wh00t! *eats all the cookies herself this time* YEY!!!
Today, i went to english, and everything went OK! yes, i have work to do... a research paper... well actually, i just need to find the facts, i have to have 36 facts -_-;; and i i think each one has to have a source, and not just an internet source. this will be sorta hard, becuase my topic is Gas prices.. oh yeah.. genious right?? This girl that was kinda tweakin(she smokes pot) gave me the idea so i was all surprised... yeah.. shes kinda wierd but i just met her and she wouldnt stop talking to me -_-;;;;
So um, yeah this research paper is 40 PERCENT OF MY GRADE so if i dont do it, i dont pass. and i have to pass my classes this year becuase if i dont, i wont graduate when im supposed to.
Then i went to math, which always sucks cause im with all these freshmen and its just.. annoying... plus its math.
Then i had to stay late at lunch to go to my english teacher and get all that i needed, and then i couldnt find my friends... guess why? they went out to lunch... -_-;; Im not even sure if i coulda gone if i was there but if i coulda.. then i totally missed out on a fun time. Im trying to get to know megan better, but being sick for 2 weeks didnt help. I dunno, i dont think they see our friendship as important as i do. I dont know why, i tend to hold on to my friends... but i never really get close to them. So yeah, she was supposed to call me, but didnt. tahts ok, i was supposed to call her this weekend but got lazy and never did -_-;; i dunno, im really hoping i can make good friends this year..
Then i ditched computer graphics, which i hate myself for cause brad is in that class.. and seriously.. he would be the only reason i go.. becuase i seriously am not into that class at all.. which is wierd..
Then... SCULPTURE!! YEY!! the kitty i made, i glazed with red glaze, and it looked pink.. real pink -_-;; lol, and the glaze like.. made its mouth disapear :/ all well, i got both pots done, and all i need to do is fire them and paint them and im caught up ^^ sorta...
so that was it, me and mom walked to the store to get some pop after school, then i watched oprah.. and made dinner, which was really good.. i was proud..
So yeah.. lol was that long??
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Creepy right? my eyes are really that green....
Ummmm i stayed up till 8 AM becuase i was on the computer till 4, got off and watched this special report about fashion week in new york, and that took 2 hours, and then i watched the best week ever, and then the soup, and finally fell asleep.
BUT i was awoken at 11 AM becuase i was supposed to get up and go to this family dinner thing >O i totally forgot about it and got ready in like 15 minutes, and yes.. i looked hella good.. so anyway, went to my grandparents, got free food.. watched football(not that i wanted to) and came home.. and i was extremely bored the rest of the day >< i got on a couple times, but didnt really do anything constructive at all lol.. so umm thats about it.
OH WAIT no its not. Next year im set on going to the non desu con here in colorado, and im gonna dress up as one of these:

Random question: If one person YOU KNEW had to be killed for some reason thats really important, and i mean HAD TO, who would you want it to be? And no, it cant be anyone you hate.
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
 | HEYYYY! first of all, i want to say happy late birthday to serenity peach!!!!!!
Ok, well my day was boring :3 when is it not right?? lol.. wellll im still waiting for my parents to activate my cell phone. with my dad at work all day it makes it kind of hard to bring up :/
Hey! i made some banners.. theyre Loud and annoying >3 seee:

Ivory suggested making the 2nd one less annoying, she had a realyl good idea on fading the Purple words, and i think it would go way better,so when i feel like it, then im gonna fix it!
you all know that those board are going to link to:
Im going to be changing the layout of that board soon, maybe to get more people to join. Please, i beg you all.. join, everyone there is awesome.
ALSO speaking of changing layouts. im thinking of changing my otaku layout! it will be mostly the same BG wise, you know.. tiled like it is cause i like the look of it. But im also planning on adding some buttons to peoples sites in the corner.. Sooooo.. if you would like me to add your button, maybe say so right now! pleassseeee..
OH WAIT, Here is a new picture of me!!!

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Saturday, September 17, 2005
 | Well, im getting better, stayed home and slept like, 15 hours today >< the medicane i took really burned my throat when i took it o_o;; but it worked i guess...cause here i am!
Weekend.. hmm.. i dont know if im happy or sad that its friday..
Hmm... ummmmm here are some pictures of my cell phone, theyre not that good, but hey, a webcam can only be so good..

yes that is a stewie wallapaper xD it has stewie ringtones to! it also came with an inuyasha wallpaper, how cool is that??
here is another..
random question, if you ruled the world(which you wont, becuase that will be my job) would you be good or evil?
Oh dear. i was never a big remus lupin fan..
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Friday, September 16, 2005
 | Well, i feel better.. i guess. i ended up not going to school, which is funny, cause my parents said i had to no matter what.. X3 but in the end i didnt go.
i slept all day, and im mad i didnt go becuase i wanted to talk to ansatsushawdi and ask her she is dressing up as for the non desu con, which starts tommarrow i think!!! i am sooooo sad... because yet another year i dont get to go.. but she does, and so i expect a actually.. it may not start this tomarrow... im not sure..
anywho this whole sickness has gotten me to catch up on a whole lot of shows i watch, i didnt realise i watched so much tv... seriously, ihave atleast 2 shows to watch everyday.. you know like today was the O.C and tommarrow is instand star and boys v girls...and saterday is anime..
but yeah..i swear if my family lived in a box, we would make someway to have tv... thats how dependent we are on it...
tommarrow im going to school.. i have to face my accounting teacher >_< whos makeup test for me was set on wednesday and i missed it..
i think i will stay my off period, and maybe work up the nerv to talk to some of my teachers.. *cries* i dont want to.. i wish this whole sick thing had never happened.. i always get my self in deep >.< need to stop doing everything was starting to go well with my friends.. i actually started to feel like i fit in around them again, which i havent felt for a very long time.. i just hope i still have that feeling to look forward to you know? i hope i didnt ruin another good thing..
thank you all for being so kind, and i promice this weekend to go visit yall!! so hear, have a cookie!
hugs and bloody kisses!
Brandi <3
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