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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
 | OMG i feel so sick right now.. sorry i havent updated, but i havent been on much, becuase i think i have the stomach flu or something.. ugh i didnt go to school these past few days and i HAVE TO GO TOMMARROW. no matter how im feeling...seriously, im awake rigth now(2 AM) becuase i cant get to sleep cause i feel like im going to throw up!
ihad to cancel meeting my friend, cause im sick.. i still havent activated my cell phone.. and it is so friggin cold and my dad refuses to turn on the heat... cause its not winter yet..
i miss my friends, i miss the internet.. and im dreading going back to school and being hit with a whole lot of homework....
now, i need to go and lay in the bathroom... hopefully i will just throw up soon so i dont feel so bad and can get some sleep...
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
 | Oki, well my monday was ok... Ummmm i went to school, ended up making a website about those evil sock gremlins in my ecommerse class xD yes, im even crazy at school.. and i think mine was way better then everyone elses acuse you know, i have HTML experience and then i look over at this one guys computer and his is like way awesome >< stupid little bitch.. *gets jealous* trying to show me up like that...
okay well then i came home, and found some women i hate hanging around with my mom, and a bottle of vodka. which i took a sip of right before i dumped it all down the drain and then made the stupid women get out of my house. >_<
BTW never drink vodka and then eat a pickle, vodka burns, but it burns more when you eat a pickle right i know.. im a dork..
Ok well i fell asleep at about 3 PM and didnt even wake to make dinner. so i woke up to my tv timer turning on at 8 PM and then i watched laguna beach...
Ummm my sisters cat is missing o_o she is gonna kill me if i dont find that cat..
my cell phone.. its dark blue, and im holding it right now, but guess what? its not activated so i cant use it T_T it sucks, i want it sooo bad its unbeleivable..
im supposed to hang out with my old friend tommarrow, im afraid that we will meet and then hate eachother. and im also afraid that there will be other people there.. and i wont know them. it will suck if those people are guys.. cause i get all girly and shy around guys cause im such a girl.. >< for example, right now im really thinking about what to wear tommarrow.. cause if there will be guys, i wanna wear a skirt, but i dont wanna wear a to short skirt or i could get like.. molested or something.. and then there are the shoes... *dies*..sorry
Ummmm if you have a myspace, just click on my banner and i will add you ok? dont be shy!!! speaking of myspace, god i add one band to my list and then 4 other bands come around and want me to add them as well >_< it sucks...
Sorry, i only got to go to a few of your otakus cause i was on so late. Maybe i will be on more today and check ya'll out..
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Monday, September 12, 2005
 | hello, its 2 in the morning, and i cant sleep...i was looking out the window, and i noticed the stars. and it reminded me of the summer nights where me and my friends used to look up at the stars and look for satalites. we would find lots and always see who could spot the most.....its nice to think about laying on the warm cement in the dark, with your best friends beside you... i only wish they were my friends...
speaking of old friends, One of the friends i found on myspace, that i havent talked to in like 6 years, well we're going to hang out after school on tuesday! im nervous.. we havent seen eachother in 6 years!! and we lived in the same town this whole time!!
i just heard a bat outside... i have bad experiences with bats.. i was chased by one... i swear..
well..umm...i guess thats it.
random question, is there one instanse in your life, where you wish you could change what happened?
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
 | Okay everyone, today i got up.. cleaned my room sorta kinda... and then went groccery shopping with my father. sooooo eventful.
he said he should star to teach me to drive since i should be getting my permit thats kool. and he wants me to sell my car, and then fix up his car, and give me his car.. and then he wants to buy a truck for himself... eh.. i dunno.. as long as he promices to fix his car. actually, i may just suggest to sell my car, and his car to get me a better car that has working breaks(cause his car has sucky breaks) and purple.. cause his car is purple...and i dont do purple...
ummmmm an old friend of my from myspace that i told you about totally remembers me and it was so awesome but i was so excited that i couldnt think of anything to say.
the other friend..well... i havent heard from her yet lol
Escaflowne movie on tonight.. not that bad.. i own escaflowne volume 1 in manga, never felt like buying number 2 but maybe i will becuase im going to the store anyway to buy my sister some manga...
hitchhikers guide to the galexy.. if you havent read it.. you should... i havent read it, but im going to becuase my sister says its halarious!! she was telling me this one part about what this whale was thinking right before it dies.. so FUNNY!!!!
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
 | Hey, i found something to say ^^;;
i was on myspace.. looking up really old friends.. and you know what? i found 2 of my old old friends that used to be my best friends in like... elementary school!! ihope they remember me!! i cant wait till they get on cause i want to talk to them SOOOOOOO BAD!! its amazing who you can find on myspace.. i love myspace now. eccept its supposed to be a place for meeting new peopl O.o but everyone just seems to add people that they already know... which is stupid..
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 | OK wellllllllll everyone.. the weekend is here.. and once again, im here to do nothing at all, eccept be on the computer and constantly check and see if you guys left a comment ^^;; *cough*
Ok so im a bit hyper, i dont know why!!! >< i had to get offline right when i got on, which sucked cause ivory was finally on, and then when i finally got back on she was off and i dont think she will be back on T_T grr...
Nuthin much to say.. nothing has really happened at all o_o my life is so totally boring...
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Friday, September 9, 2005
 | I know, i already posted for today. but i have something to get out again.. I was watching Empire Falls the other day, its a short mini series that HBO did, its wonderful. and in it, this kid that had a terrible past, and was shunned at school, was quite voilent and ended up shooting other kids.. and it made me think. How far can you push someone, before they snap? Before they cant help but think about waving a gun around everyone, and finally pulling the trigger untill the bullet run out... how far could you torment, and shun someone? think about the kid in your school that everyone hates, that has no friends and sits alone and never talks. what could he be thinking? and in the end, you may just wonder why you never gave him a chance.. but in empire falls, a girl did give this guy a chance. but ended up trying to shoot her as well. its scary. what if you tried to open up to that kid in your school, and he ended up being more of a danger then before, when you only tried to help him o_o its 2 in the morning, i must admit and im feeling alittle insane from lack of sleep so if this a bit wierd to you... must always know that LiquidSilver is insane..
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 | OKAY enough being sick, i promice to go to school today yall!! lol. well yesterday was so boring, and the internet itself seems to be getting more boring. it didnt help that Ivory hasnt been on these past few days.. o.o;; i hate being left in the dust...
speaking of being left in the dust. i am really deppressed. You know why? lots of reasons. Im afraid this year wont go as well as i thought it might... even though it seems to be, i have already missed a lot of school sort of. im afraid i wont be able to open myself up and be more social. im afraid that my friends will keep pushing me away... even though they say they love me. im afraid to turn on the news, cause all i see are terrible pictures of New Orleans, and i cant help but be extremely emotional about it, becuase while im here with my nice little house and family thousands of people are sitting in water, watching there naighbors float by, dead. im pissed about kyle,and im lacking the confidence to want to do anything at all.. im tired of sitting in my house, on this damn computer doing nothing all the time.
i love you all, i seem to say that a lot. and im very sorry that i just said all that.. but i just needed to get it out of my know?
In the next 3 years i have to grow up, before i leave for college, or move out.. or whatever.. i hope to do something great. i dont want to wait till im an adult to try and do something great, i want to do something great now!
...erm.. random question. what do you hope to be doing in the next 3 years?
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
 | Hello my dears, i once again did not go to school. but i promice to today so my posts arent so boring..
welllll im quite deppressed. But not.. i dont know how to explain it. you know, just feeling dreadfully sad for some reason..
ugh, school would be so much funner if it you know? but all well, i must attend it.
ummmm im getting very annoyed with my parents, i really want my cellphone... its just not fair.
i think tommarrow i will stay at school on my off period and try to get some writing done.. becuase its been AGES since i wrote an actual chapter to one of my fics. and i really must get back into writing.. i miss it!!
IM SO TERRIBLY BORED!! i wish i had something to do. no one is even on my YIM list....
well, i feel that this post shall get no comments, it deserves non cause it is so boring... im sorry..
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
 | Hey everyone ^^ today i was sick so i didnt go to school. even now i feel like falling on the floor and dying *sigh* but i refuse to miss school tommarrow, i feel bad about missing it today -_-;;;;;
Ok well umm today i deleted everyone that hasnt updated since before 8/01/05 so if you updated after that day or on that date you should still be on my list...
i decided that i should get out more this year. so yeah, i guess be more social, make new friends, be home less!!!! lol ^^;;;; hopefully i will stick to that o_o
I JUST LOVE panic! at the disco. they are pretty new but have been touring with fall out boy. no, its not disco music, its awesome music and you should visit them and support them at: i thin kthats it lol.
Ummmmmmm HAH y buddy nicole got a couple people to join, cause apparently none of you will.. *sniffle*
Ummmm lol im not sure what to say since i didnt do anything today.. o_o
Random question: What goals do you hope to reach before the end of the year?
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