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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
 | Lol, lookit:
Codey (9/5/2005 7:52:08 PM): Don't gimme that
Codey (9/5/2005 7:52:13 PM): You won't even share
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:52:34 PM): >< thats becuase the gremlins took them..
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:53:13 PM): and i have no more.
Codey (9/5/2005 7:53:54 PM): w/e
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:54:13 PM): :/ what? they did... they live behind my computer..
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:54:26 PM): theyre out cause its cloudy
Codey (9/5/2005 7:54:44 PM): Your computer is cloudy?
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:54:52 PM): NO its cloudy outside.. durr..
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:55:02 PM): they like the clouds
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:55:06 PM): and pixi stix..
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:55:12 PM): They dont like you though
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:55:18 PM): thats why they took all of them!!! ><
Codey (9/5/2005 7:57:37 PM): You wasn't gonna share with me anyways
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:57:59 PM): :/ I was too.. they held a gun to my head and told me not to share
Malevolent magic (9/5/2005 7:58:17 PM): Theyre mean. They like to hide the cups
Codey (9/5/2005 7:58:51 PM): lol
Oh man, good times...
today i did nothing, but my hair looks really good.. had a pic around here somewhere.. ill post it later lol. ANYWAY Ivory has school tommarrow XD Im so excited, its her first day.
:/ i really want to dance. But i dont think i have the courage to dance with othe people around me lol.
Oh, yeah. i got to thinking, and i just want you all to know, i am not one of those people that just try to get there rank up. I mean O.o i try and visit as many of your peoples otakus everyday but sometimes i dont have anything to comment about on your blogs. I also do visit a lot of peoples Otakus cause im on the internet like, 10 hours a day on the weekends and i never have anything to do. Its fun to meet new people, and i love it! so please dont think im one of those people!!! Cause like i said before i love you all and your a big help to me and its always nice to give my own advice as well!!
anyway, school tommarrow. OH and me and Ivory said this year we are gonna do something we normally wouldnt do.. Suggestions please!! cause i cant think of anything.
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Monday, September 5, 2005
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 | So ya'll.. i ended up watching the CB movie anyway >< and you know what? I LOVE SPIKE!!! seriously.. hes awesome. lol, yeah.. anywho...
not much to say. Today was Uber boring, i got up and did NOTHING! But i did end up being on here a lot, so as usual, i went and commented on everyones otakus. I also deleted some people.
NOW BEFORE YOU FREAK OUT. everyone that should be reading this(unless its your first time around here) shoudl still be on my list. cause i only deleted people that didnt have me on there list for some reason T_T *sniffle* i go to all that trouble signing there gbs and adding them and they dont even do the same..
all well, i still have everyone else!! WHICH BTW I LOVE YOU ALL!! your comments always make me feel better and happier ^^
so umm.. once again, as usual, go visit my friend...
she is new, and you all need to be nice to new people.
also.. my proboard, no one joined yet *sniffle* its ok, i wont give up.. i know one day someone will join...
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
 | Hey ya'll my week is pretty boring.
Ivory did call today xD she seriously does sound like a 5 year old girl like she said lol! but a cute 5 year old girl of course... she was very.. hyper sounding ^^;; just how i thought she would sound. It was nice... but wierd cause i had no idea what to say!!!
So um.. anywho.. visit my new friend that just joined please? she needs gb siggys and you must give them!!
:/ im tired.. and bored.. but earlier i REALLY FELT LIKE DANCING ^^;; so all yalls that were on and viewed my webcam saw me dancing lol.. i cant beleive i did that but alllllll welllllll... ><
>< im really thirsty, and pissed that the cowboy bebop movie is coming on tonight.. i DONT WANT TO SEE THE MOVIE, IVE SEEN IT MILLIONS OF BILLIONS OF TIMES!!!! >< *sniffle* stupid adult swim.. i want to see NEW S-CRY-EDS!!!! :/ but all well
I am not getting the phone i thought i was, its cheaper to get a phone plan, but my parents have bad credit >< so i dunno what im gonna do.. ireally wanted my phone this weekend. but hey, i still have tommarrow and monday eh??
OK WHATS UP?!! IS MY PROBOARD JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YALL?!? *sniffle* you dont know how hard it is finding people to join it... i know there are those of you that draw, and write so you should join, then get your friends to join, so they can get there friends to join. :/ is it the layout? should it be red and black? cause red and black is so pretty... should it be any other color then it is?? *sniffle* and i made that bg myself.. Ok enough ranting.. please join.
Comments (4) |
Saturday, September 3, 2005
 | Well, I am Pissed. Megan told Kyle not to ask me, cause like i said,i didnt wanna say no cause i would feel bad. So he didnt, instead he just went on to another girl. Who is nice and my friend. >< It makes me mad cause i really do sorta kinda like him alittle and its sad that it seems like he just wants a girlfriend :/ If he actually took time to get to know the girl, and wanted to go out with her cause of HER and not cause he just wanted a gf he would be perfect. I dunno... i guess Kyle is so Over.. *ish hurt*
I requested this site to a friend of mine at school O.O so once she signed up yall have to go sign her guestbook ok?!?!?!?!
*dies* IVORY will not be on this whole weekend *sniffle* but she says she is gonna call me *_* what shall i say? it will be awkward, cause i have never met her lol.. but she is like.. my best friend.. seriously.. go visit her at:
Umm, i made a banner to myspace... is it not kinda nice? i like it..
lets see.. i dont really know what to say.. yet another boring weekend with nothing to do *sigh* im really starting to hate my friends at school.. seriously.. what kind of friends are they anyway ya know?
all well. tis all good.
Im Still looking for a guy, lol XD i shall never give up. But sadly, im not sure what to say to the guy i like(no kyle...) O.o yeah i guess i need to learn how to speak Lol.. it just seems kinda wierd to randomly go up to him and make convo though *sigh* all well, enough boy drama for now i promice :3
AHHHHHHHH im so bored and no one is online *cries* SO BORED SO BORED...
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Friday, September 2, 2005
 | GUESS WHAT YA'LL?!? Kyle is gonna ask me out O.o;; i feel bad cause i have to say no cause he asked megan out before and so i feel like number 2. Plus he doesnt really know me >< i like him though, which is the sad part. i told you all i wanted a guy.. But kyle isnt the kind of guy if you know what i mean XD it would be nice to have a serious relationship again.. But i dunno.. Today is the day he is supposed to -_-;; if he doesnt before our last period together i dont know how im gonna deal, cause i know, but he doesnt know i know... you know?!?!?! so its hard for me to keep a straight
Anyway i just got myspace!! yey!! add me please? i think the url is, tell me if that doesnt work ok?
luv ya's!!
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
 | hey everyone, once again im extremely tired, but i stay up just to update for you ^^;;
well, today was ok.. i came home early, and i was actaully sad about leaving school. See i told my dad to pick me up at 1:01 today but instead he though he had to pick me up at 11:39 like last wednesday.. but no.. so he actaully came in and signed me out cause he wasnt sure why i was coming out.
:/ it sucked becuase i was in my last and favorite class sculpture.. *sigh* with kyle.. and well that class is pretty fun.. ><
speaking of kyle, i realised i can never date him now cause it would seem like i was his 2nd choice.. I mean.. he already asked out on of my best friends like a million times.. i dont like being number 2..
Ummmm... someone threw a paper ball down my shirt.. >< for the hell of it.. how terrible is that? Thats what i get for wearing this shirt though!!! stupid lowcut shirt that looks so good on me.. *sniffle*
were making papercuts for cop. graphics.. cause we cant use the computers cause the school is going something to them.. >.< and i have like.. No talent when it comes to art unfortunatly.. hopefully it will turn out kinda ok.. i will try and take a picture of it when its done..
Tommarrow shall be boring.. i cant decide weather i like the classes i have today, or the classes i have tommarrow more... guys v. shall i choose... seriously ya'll join my board, if more people join.. it will be fun. dont juge it by its layout if thats the problem, i can always change that.. jeez.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
 | well, today at school, megan was telling me about how all the girls hated her in this school.. which is so odd, megan is really sweet.
but shes still a bitch.
Like for example, a girl walked by us and is all "Skinny bitch hoe!!" just right out to megan.. It was terrible....y FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHA.. heh.. sorry.. im so cruel.
but all the guys love her, seriously, tons of guys have been asking her out.. INCLUDING MY FRESHY KYLE WHO IS OBBSESSED WITH HER.
Could it be, that im jealous. I mean its aparent she has overthrown me.. I just can see how she got so confident and bitchy over the summer. Plus her and kaylen are shunning me so bad.. its annoying.
Well, i actaully did my homework O.O lol. Accounting, i dont hate accounting, its just so boring -_-;;
*yawns* i have been so tired today, in fact, im always tired >< There just isnt enough time to sleep and do homeowork and be on the computer lately.. *sniffle*
tommarrow is wednesday, i get home at 1:01 :3 yey!! i love wednesdays..
actaully come to think of it, i got out at 1:19 today cause i dont have a 4th period O.O kool, 3 days of getting out early :3
Ummmmmmm I AM GETTING ANSY i need a guy.. seriously.. Seeing megan with all her boy toys are getting to me *twitches*
OH YEAH AND IM GETTING A CELL PHONE YEEEEEEEEEY!! Its pretty and red and im ordering it offline so once i post them new pics of me in a minute, i will post it :3 oki?
My phone


My dyed hair. It was supposed to be beige blonde, but its turned out golden -_-;;
Another of me:

My head is round O.O
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
 | Im very tired....and about to get off in half an hour.
Tommarrow is school *sigh* its odd how much i hate school.. but.. i just love to sleep more you know?!?!
Im addicted to cherry vanilla dr. pepper.. oh yessss i am!!
i have a lot to tell you i think first copying and pasting a convo about my sisters cat getting out...
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:24:56 PM): -_-;; i just had the most workout i had since las vegas
Malissa ahlbrant (8/29/2005 9:25:09 PM): why?
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:25:14 PM): Cause gracie was out
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:25:17 PM): and she ran away
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:25:20 PM): first, she ran to the front
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:25:25 PM): then we lost her
Malissa ahlbrant (8/29/2005 9:25:29 PM): ?!?!
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:25:32 PM): and then dad finds her junder the car
Malissa ahlbrant (8/29/2005 9:25:49 PM): omg how did she get out
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:26:11 PM): and then she runs all the way back around the house, into the street, and so i run faster to get infront and then she runs under the moter house thing ur naighbors have
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:26:37 PM): and then she ran infront of there house, turning there stupid light on, and then she ran all the way to about.. maybe the 4th house down
Malissa ahlbrant (8/29/2005 9:26:55 PM): !!!!!
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:26:58 PM): and she was behind this big tree, so dad scared her back the other way.. O.o and this car came by and was lookin at us
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:27:21 PM): And then we were back at our naighbors, who had woken up and were sitting there all enraged and whatnot
Malissa ahlbrant (8/29/2005 9:27:33 PM): OMG
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:27:47 PM): and so she runs back, and we cant find her, so we almost give up, when i go back around the house to the back. and i turn on the back porch light, ready to give u
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:27:54 PM): and she is sitting on the hottub.
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:28:03 PM): >< so she is back inside now..
Malissa ahlbrant (8/29/2005 9:28:13 PM): phew
Malissa ahlbrant (8/29/2005 9:28:23 PM): sounds horrible
Malissa ahlbrant (8/29/2005 9:28:33 PM): i hope she doesnt get out again
Malevolent magic (8/29/2005 9:28:35 PM): it was... plus its really hot here so i mean.. god
-_-;; damn cat.
oki notice the pretty new banner ontop? Thats a banner to my favorite artists official website. I ador her work.. check it it to.. lol
Today was boring.. hopefully tommarrow wont be.. *sigh*
Umm.. so dont forget to join this proboard:
did i post some new pics of me on here already? if not.. i shal edit this post later.
Anyway i guess i didnt have lots to say. Though i did get a new really big tv in my room :3 wh00t!
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Monday, August 29, 2005
 | Man, i always update late nowadays...
Well... not going to school today, so i may be on a lot today.. feel free to PM or YIM me ^^;;
The reason im not going is cause //Someone// in my family spilled //something// on my art project, now i must do it over.. cause it was due plus i got a little extraa homework to finish that i forgot about this weekend ^^;;;;; So forgetful i am..
Ohhhh i forgot to mention o_o Chance!!!!! OMG i havent seen him for awhile, and guess what?? now he has black hair with blonde streaks.. and they dont look gay.. they look golden and its so i love him so much its pathetic..
speaking of boys, im sad im not going to school today cause then i wont see Brad or the Freshy Kyle. But all well i guess.. not till wednesday.. *sniffle* unless i happen to call him to see what i missed today cause he is my homework buddy...mwahaha.. oh how things work out eh? ....but i wont call him cause im chicken and i dont think i brang that binder home anyhow..
I talked to my sister(i talk to her everyday i guess) and she is coming home on the 23rd of november, which is like... 87 days away.. and since she has a job she has to pay for most of it >< i know.. it is fair.. but they were the ones that wanted her there, they should pay for her..
Umm.. i beleive thats it, feel comment.. lol
Oh yeah.... for thos of you who are artistic in any way-picures drawing painting sculptures writing singing music, you know.. stuff like that.. please join this proboard:
The thinking Bubble
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