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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, August 12, 2005
 | well today i didnt get to see my mom, becuase my dad lost my birth certificate, so i couldnt go.. she also didnt get out today, so it was a bummer. But i went to walmart today, didnt really buy anything... so yeah.. today was boring.. maybe i cant convince my dad to let me and my sister to see a movie. sister is mad at me right now....
Ummmm... a picture of me is about to be posted up there under my buttons ^^
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
 | Well, today was boring.
I did nothing really.eccept watch TV. then my dad came home and we bbq which was good. My sister came home at around 7 or something, and guess what? i HAVE A WEBCAM. so if you wanna see me, get YIM and add me wont ya??
tommarrow i go see my mum, and she might get out! so yeah, but we wont know untill we get there. so yeah, everyone cross your fingers on that one.
I dont really know what to say.. my mind kinda just went blank O_O;;; Umm...
OMG on neopets my sister got accused of stealing someones HTML codes to a layout and im all O_o i mean all HTML is alike.. its not like you can claim it. Now if it was a picture or something i would think its ok for this person to accuse, her. but stealing HTML is just insane. and what this girl said was "You html is almost identical" ALMOST is not good enough. i just want everyone to know that HTML is the same to whoever has it, you can make it up. and me and my sisters HTML is 100 percent purely ours, as well as our graphics. So nya!!
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
 | registration was terrible. i only got 4 hours of sleep.. which was better then the original 2 hours i thought i would get >< i cant beleive i stayed up so late after knowing i had to wake up so early.Anyway, i went to registration, saw people i didnt know, saw people i knew but didnt know.. and then i saw megan duran, and it was kinda awkward because there was like this 30 second period where i was on one side of the lunchroom and she was on the other and we just stared at eachother.... anyway, im not photogenic.. my school i swear, no matter how hard i try my school ID pic never comes out good.. all well.. there is always next year ><
Yeah.. so...umm....Ivory send out her packege today to, so i guess we'll see who gets there packege first :3 lol.
Umm.. i really dont have much to say....'cept.. >< man whats it take to get comments around here seriously... ive made new friends, ive been posting a lot more everyones Otaku.. but still not many people come.. cept for you fateful ones that prolly only come to me becuase im usually one of the first ones to update MyOtaku in the morning, or your so bored.. you would even be willing to read about me being bored ><
someone with the SN naturalnot has added me to there friend list on YIM, and i have no idea who it is.. if its someone on this site.. er.... please tell me O_O;; or else i will have to delete you from my list becuase your like..never on.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
 | Im nervous.. registration is today(12AM right now) and just EEEEE i dont know why im nervous about it. I dread seeing that school, but i wanna see my friends.... *le sigh* not much to say, sending out a package to Ivory tommarrow :/ my mum might come home on thursday ^^ that means im aloud on the internet as long as i want whenever i want!! malissa gets home then to :3 but then she will leave meh again ><
well, umm.. if you have a button and want me to put it, just post here ok? i wanna start putting buttons to meh friends up..
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Monday, August 8, 2005
 | Well, my day was boring.. but thats ok ^^. So i was on the internet, and almost everyone on my YIM list was on!! it was great.. keep in mind i only have 10 people on my YIM list... yeah i know >< its small. But thats becuase 2 years ago when i found neopets i left the chatroom thing behind.. and so now all my online friends are really close old friends that i just never met ^^;;
but i do hope to add more people *hint hint* yahoo's chatrooms dont work on my computer though, something to do with java..
i finally finished my mixed CD. i downloaded:
Japanese opening theme from kiddy grade
evolution by ayumi kamisaki
ending theme of ayashi no ceres
super drive(opening) to gravitation
and i think that was it.. so there are like 21 songs on the CD.. i had to get rid of a couple that i wanted on there becuase it went over the blank CDs time limit >< all well.. im happy with it, and i burned it twice so i could send a copy to Beth(Ivory).
So today i was online and i added a whole lot of new people, they all seem pretty kool, so here...have a cookie everyone ^^.
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
 | well, not much to say. Lately i have been on this thing where i only drink tea and water. And so im really wired all the time.. even when im tired im like hyper..
the other day i tried a glass of sprite and almost threw up.. so i guess im resistant to soda pop now..or something..
My sister is gone in like.. 8 hours.. i'll be all alone from 8 AM to 5 AM untill thursday.. *le sigh* so lonely....
anyway visit Poo62's otaku everyone. hes Pretty Kool.. plus he needs his ratings to go up! so please! visit and add him!!
so um anyway, discovered a new anime show called elfen lied.. i havent seen it, but im really interesting in it for some reason, and plan on trying to see it soon.
Ok, so my 16th birthday is in march, i know a long way away, but i get a really good present this year that can cost up to 200 dollers, becuase when my sister had her 16th birthday, she got a naturally.. i should get something just as good. and since i already have a car..i was thinking either an ipod.. or a digital camera. im just completely torn. i will try and add a poll.. if i can find a site that lets you do that.. i know there is one.. i just dont remember its name..
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
 | well, lets see. Today i went shopping!! and got the greates jeans ever! but they have to be tapered because i swear, every pair of jeans i try on that look good are to long.. cause im to short ><. I also got a shirt that says "Princess Gloomy" which is me.. so yeah.. its great. then i should be going shopping again soon..ah..the perks of starting school...
So um.. i watched tokyo godfathers and it was pretty good. it subtitles so that was a plus.. and i just got done watching Macross II:lovers again. which was ok, a little cheesy.. but not bad. i dont remember if i mentioned this, but i also saw vampire hunter D, patlabor(the movie..i think thats what it was called), and this anime movie called X. i also saw one awhile ago called.. er.. dead leaves or something like that. Vampire Hunter D was kinda boring -_- but patlabor and X were ok, and dead leaves.. well.. it was wierd..
im almost done with my playlist to make a new CD.. but i still have 20 more minutes left >< i cant think of any songs!!! Plus, im gonna burn it twice and send it to beth(ivory) along with some other presents :3 im such a good friend...
lets see.. OH! last night me and my sister Took the dog for a walk. and it started to rain.. really bad! it wasnt so bad becuase it wasnt windy or cold.. but see.. we went to mcdonalds to get food, and i was sitting out in the rain while she went to get food(i had to watch the dog) and me and my doggy are getting soaked! and finally she comes out. (BTW we went to mcdonalds becuase we wanted a neopets code) So she comes out and we start to go back home, but the bags are getting wet fast, and were wet to and our dog it running around becuase she is spazzy and loves the rain!! so it was a terrible unforgettable moment, that wasnt great.. but wasnt sucky you know?
Oh... and.. *sniffle* my great uncle died today *holds back tears* I will always think of him as the kind great uncle that gave me money for no reason... *sobs*
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
 | I didnt post yesterday >< i didnt even bother getting on, instead i went to bed early. not like many people look at my blog thing anyway..
I just downloaded one of my favorite songs off limewire. Heaven by DJ Sammy. I dunno why i like it, it doesnt really match my Music. But i do so yeah.
My sister IS going to college again. She is leaving on sunday, to go check it out and then coming back on thursday. That means she wont be going to registration with me :( that means i will have to do it myself *sniffle* Anyway, then she is leaving again on the wednesday after that for good :( which means she wont be here for my first day of school... plus my mother might not get out of jail soon so it will just be my dad and me.. deppressing and awkward..
Tokyo godfathers is coming on TV in like 2 hours, but i dont feel like watching it, but i dont wanna miss it >< i really need to get a blank tape or TiVo or something..
:3 my eyeliner craze is now an obbsession. i actaully looked up eyeliner on the internet to see what shades i could huh?
speaking of obbsessions, i tried to clean out my avatar file today, becuase i have like over 100 avatars stored in my computer i swear. I prolly only got rid of like 20.. lol.
ive been thinking of changing my BG and avatar on myOtaku. Maybe saiyuki or something.. im still not sure..
Oh, and i was checking out some of the otaku friends i have on my list, and i realised a lot of them dont have me on there list. which pisses me off cause most of them are the ones that signed my gb first saying they are gonna add me and low and behold they dont, when i add them. >< and i know i dont visit a lot of them often, but hey, its not like they visit me!! *sniffle* it just makes me sad. im such a loner it isnt even funny...
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Monday, August 1, 2005
 | Well, today i went running.. took the dog to the park and let it run around. and then, oh.. it was chasing me and suddenly while on the sand i stopped running, assuming it would go around me but the dog rammed right into my feet! and i fliped up and fell onto my side. My sister despribed me as a tree falling. >< it did hurt, especially since i was on sand... atleast i fell ontop of the dog, so it didnt hurt totally. stupid dog.. it got back up and began digging a hole right infront of me and sand got all over me >< kuso anata dog! kuso anata!!
I came home and found out my dad has to work days now, so my day was pretty boring and, like i always do.. i took a nap. :3 and now here i am..
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
New magazine
I came accross a new magazine just now, and it sounds very interesting.
Its called twisted dreams magazine, and its for the goth community! It seems well worth the little amount of money it costs. If your interesting, i would say Click here To buy it.
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