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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
 | Ok, well my sister is not going to college, atleast not yet.. she didnt pass her math test yet again, so no diploma still :/ man, i wish i could just figure out how to do Algebra 2 math and do it for her :( so she will be staying here with me for awhile.. untill we come up with something else.
today i fell asleep at like 8 AM and then woke up at 12 PM.. i went to the store(it was so hot and i had to walk) But anyway i went to the store to get catfood and cheese and i also got pudding ^^ So i came home and sat around doing nothing.. and finally at like 4 PM i decided to make dinner(Pizza) But i couldnt find the dough.... i dont know how i lost dough mix.. call me miss bad luck.. but i had to go and buy some more -_-;; did i mention is UBER HOT?! it is.. but in the end, my pizza was really good :) everyone liked it so no complaints today!
I missed all the anime on adult swim becuase i fell asleep. So i guess i will have to watch it on thursday :/
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
 | Today was ok i guess. of course i stayed up all night.... my grandma came over at 9 AM and she made me do yard work. I tell yah.. i hate pulling weeds.. i also had to pick up what she cut off of the bushes of doom that are on the side of our house... stupid things. they have thorns so it totally sucks.. but it was fun when she let me use the chainsaw thingy that cuts plants.. and then i watered this bush.. lol. thats pretty much all i did.. fun eh? it only lasted untill like 12 to, then i had nothing to do as usual.
i got an unexpected offline messege from one of my old friends Merry. Yes.. Merry is a guy.. i really dont wanna get into tell ya'll what happened, but he stopped talking to me becuase he liked me and i didnt think it would work out.. i mean.. online romance.. just isnt my cup of tea. But he is really sweet and i was so happy to hear that he was sorry and that he wanted my forgiveness and that he was acting like a jerk.
I guess that means Joe(his best friend..) will start talking to me again to ^^.
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Friday, July 29, 2005
 | Today i stayed up and at 5 AM i went running. it was my sisters test today, once she passes it she will get her deploma and then next week she will be off to new mexico to visit her college. :/ school starts for her as well as it does for me soon. *sigh*
i was waiting for her to get the test done, it was taken at the library so i waslked around the pond(its beautiful) with my grandmother little doggy. These guys were totally checking me i acted all cute and girly while i was playing with the dog... :/ lol, no they didnt come over and talk to me.. im kinda happy about that though, i wasnt really in the mood to talk to guys and flirt and stuff.. i mean i hadnt had any sleep in over 24 hours by then so i didnt look as great as usual. BUT i did get to use my purple eyeliner today.. it was great, i looked awesome with it on..
i went into the library and sat down and read peach girl number one that my library had in. It was the only Number 1 issue in any of the series they had. They now have Ah! my goddess, inuyasha, rurouni kenshin, tokyo mew mew, one wish, pretear, yugioh(bleh), and some others i cant think of. Oh and peaach girl.. is pretty perverted.. it also got boring, so i didnt really read the whole thing.
well, then i went home and fell asleep... Untill 11 PM and then i woke up and got online...
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
 | Im in an ok mood right now. But today i wasnt feeling very happy. School registration i found out is on the 9th of augest.. and now its setting in that my whole summer was a waste. Im very disapointed in myself for not doing a whole lot more then sleeping and sitting around... :/ old feelings of last year have been aroused by the thought of school, and everyone in school.. :/
on a better note..i think.. well..
I read this book called 'OUT' by Natsuo Kirino. I have not read any of her other books, if she has them, and im not sure if they are even released in english. But this one was quite..sickiningly interesting if i must say so myself.
Now, if you know me, you know i have a wierd fascination with Murders and serial killers and wierd things like that. (My greatest fear is serial killers to)
its about a women that works at a boxed lunch factory in japan. she kills her abusive husband and her friends at the factory help her out by cutting the body up. Yes, they cut it up. Now, as they all try and get away with it, they begin to realise how each one of them changes. Well, no actually only Yayoi(the wife) and Masako(The friend) change really. The police suspect someone else murdered him, and the suspect was ruined by the police, after they caught him in his illegal gambling room. Both of his buisnesses closed down, and he was alone. he gets revenge...but he also dies in the end. The interesting thing of this story is the details. Its not so so specific, but the sickining minds of all these people in the book are trully interesting. It also makes you think about how bad women in japan may have it, and how hard it is to stay in the game when your not young and pretty. It also shows how desperate they are for money. I liked it, and i reccomend it if your into crime fiction.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Subject not found.
 | I feel so out of place lately. From everything. My own life seems like its nothing at all. I dont know exactly what im supposed to do everyday. So i simply do nothing. Now that i have the internet back, i thought that i would feel a little more in place, becuase the internet is one of the only places i have to go from all the stress. But even now, i feel out of place from everything, my online friends, my real life friends, everything i was doing before summer started is just gone. I know i wanted the school year to end so badly, but when it did, it was like everything else ended to, not just the bad things. :/ im not sure how to explain it, becuase it just seems like i didnt make my point typing it all out here....
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
 | Ok everyone, this morning after i got offline. i went out running with my sister. it was nice becuase even though im not fat, im out of shape. i wanna get toned, you i wanna have some muscle and a cute little six pack :3 but anyway i ran, and walked.. a lot. and i also went to the park with my spazzy over energetic dog and ran around in the really wet grass. i also played basketball with my sister. that was about from 5 AM to like 6:30 maybe. Then we came home and plated clue. then i slept all i didnt even have to make dinner! well anyway im making a new CD so if anyone has any anime related songs they think i should download and put on my CD please feel free to say.
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Monday, July 25, 2005
 | no visiters... but thats ok... i sure i will get some eventually.. i really missed the internet.. now i just hope i can get back in order with everything i was doing when i left.
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
Could i be back?`
 | Why yes i could. Long story, mom has to spend the rest of her punishment in jail.. becuase she messed up so i have the internet back. so yey!!
In other news.. im really starting to hate paranoia agents. Its getting kinda boring... it just goes on and on and never really makes sence. But i do love s-cry-ed now as well as samurai champloo of course. thought samurai champloo is kinda moving along slowly as well to me..
anyway. i hope you all went to the fanfiction site and read my anime fanfic. i feel like posting the chapter right here on my blog...but i wont lol.
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
 | Today is my last post on myotaku untill september. My mother got house arrest so i wont be able to use the internet untill she has served it, which is 2 months from now. :( my whole summer without the internet!! im gonna die! and im gonna miss you all!! i just hope i have some comments for me when i get back :) anyway.. Really.. please dont forget about me during this period of time *sigh* i will be back.. *sniffle* its so hard to leave... um..other news. I just updated one of my fics.. please click the link and join the site, we are all really fun and kool there... if you like fanfiction..especially You fanfiction, you should join. also there are NO GUYS ON THAT SITE SO PLEASE, GUYS IT WOULD BE SO INTERESTING IF YOU JOINED!!! anyway.. maybe i will snag me a friend or 2..maybe a boyfriend even while im gone trying to get rid of my boredom once i dont have the internet. .... Love you all!
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Monday, June 27, 2005
 | not gonna get mad at this..but PLEASE!!
So anyway.. hope ya'll caught some anime on adult swim the other day.. inuyasha was a reall *GASP* moment for those who have not seen the whole series, but we all know that it would be odd if they all died now..right? really tired, and im still not feeling very well. Its not that im sick.. im very..shaky and dizzy. usually it doesnt last so long, but its been like 2 days now that this feeling goes off and on. its wierd.
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