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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
today i was up very early, and i walked to mcdonalds for breakfast.. then a couple hours later i went groccery shoping, and i got ivory this cute little pretty pony thats is glittery becuase she likes horses and stuff like that. I got one for myself(ok..its more my sisters..) and i put it on my computer with all my other special gay crap(kougra plushie, moose plushie little cat and dog with big heads and my sisters gargoyle skulpture) anyway, there it sits, its pink so she named it cotton candy...
then i watched kaena:the prophecy, some of you may have heard of it from newtype magazine many issues back(i dont remember which one) and when i saw a pic of it in there, i thought it looked stupid, but..well it was on tv so me and emi-san decided to watch it and it wasnt...that..bad. But it wasnt great of course. review below..
I had this dream about a lot of things just now and one was were howls moving castle was actually in my movie theatre and then iwent to see it with emi-san and then zombies attacked....It was wierd. But so much fun. i love it when i have exciting dreams.
Um then i took a nap untill and then i got up and made dinner, but i wasnt feeling to well so i went back to sleep, and im still not feeling to well this morning... anyway.. onto my review.

First off, i must say that kirsten dunst was the voice of kaena. I love kirsten dunst, well.. eccept her man hands. But she has a very nice voice, for those of you that are stupid, she also did the voice of kiki on kiki's delivery service.
Kaena, a young girl that lost her parents and was raised by her tribes, well, hes sort of like a priest, he is there leader i guess. They live in a world called axis, which is pretty much made up of branches, like a tree.. there tribe beleive in there lords, they give an offering of sap to the lords everyday i think. But axis is running out of sap, and the lords(who arent really lords) are getting angry, and start to destroy the tribes villege. Kaena gets cast out, becuase she is accused of trying to kill the leader. Oh, btw kaena doesnt beleive in the gods like the rest, one, becuase they didnt save her parents, and 2, she dreams of this mysterious BLUE MOON i think they called it. anyway, she the lords, send out to kill kaena, and this wierd bug saves her. Naturally the tribe eats these bugs, but this bug talked, and did its buddies that resided above the clouds of axis on there own ship. there she realised that axis is connected to another world. she goes back to save her villege, who by this time the leader has gone crazy and them to there so called gods who are really these liqified monsters that bathe in sap. Now, i cant really tell you the names of the other charectors, or the real name of the blue moon, becuase..i honestly cant remember. and even though this film is truly what i could called, visual eye candy, its just not that great. do i reccamend you see it? well.. if you like sexy dark skined women in little outfits running around some braches, and bieng trully badass. Go ahead. Remember, this is sci-fi so.. if your not into things like that.. Dont even bother.
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Friday, June 24, 2005
 | Ok, batman begins was a very good movie lol. i dont have much to say about it eccept that the guy that played the guy working for the villan, you know the guy that was known as scare-crow(sp....) he is so beautiful... god... yes he was...
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Nother post, please read the other one to
 | Wow.. well.. lately i have been thinking about 2 months from now when i have to go to school. im afraid.. I lost all my friends.. what will i do at lunch? what will i do on the first day when we sit in the gym for a second with our friends and talk.. I mean.. i dont know if my only remote friends(Megan and katlyn) really want me to be around.... If they did...wouldnt they have called me this summer.. i would call them. if i had there number... But..but.. im so scared.. i have always been really shy in school, and half the people i have known since i moved here in 3rd grade have probably never heard me say a word.
i found my POL(presentation of learning) that i did in 8th grade, and a teacher asked me if im ready for highschool and if i will like it.. well.. i said that i probably will love it and that im fully prepared.. that was totally wrong wasnt it!! ...its amazing how much you can lose in a month.. its even more amazing how much you can lose in a year, and how less you can gain....i dont know.. how to...cope with the world i guess. I just.. want to go somewhere were people will eccept me
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 | So, today im supposed to go see batman begins with my sister, cause like..nothing good is out in theatres and even though i really dont like batman, everyone i know thats seen it has said its really good.
Did i rant about how howls moving castle didnt come out in my town? If it says it comes out everywhere, they should mean all theatres and not just every state.. Cause im not about to drive an hour and a half just to go to Denvers crappy movie theatre to watch it.. But i really wanted to see it....
Anyway, were going after my sisters tutoring and then we will have time to go get something to drink before the movie :3
It is so darn hot i cant stand it!! lol.. i got a new greenday poster today and i hung it up.. its looks really good on my bare walls. oh and my new favorite item is red eyeliner.. it looks wicked good on me ^^ i love it!
Oh yeah, and i keep forgetting to tell everyone i started a new fanfic about anime.. i havnt uploaded my banner so i wont give you guys a link and review about it till then.. but probably in another post.. so yeah :) my banner isnt the best.. but i wasnt sure what to put on it. OH AND I REALLY NEED YOUR GUYS' HELP WITH MY FIC....more on that later though..
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
oh yeah
 | About the drugs thing. *rolls eyes* dont tell me to talk to an adult, you guys just dont get it do you? My mom has been in rehab 4 times.. costing thousands of dollers. This is the way it will ALWAYS BE. Talking to an adult does absolutly fucking nothing! and who knows.. maybe she isnt really on drugs, maybe it was just that day she wanted it, i dont know. if she is, maybe months from now she will start the shit again, Leaving us, my dad being deppressed, me not being able on the internet untill she comes back.. and then she will come back, and then she will go to rehab, and then i will be back where i was a week ago. No matter what, life will fucking suck ass for me... i dont know why...thats just the way it is. And the thing i wont end up doing is walking away from it, becuase i cant no matter how much i want to. I can dream of the day where i can actually run away, but untill i go to college, this is where i am.. becuase what kind of person would i be if i left my dad hear? I admit, i do hate him for a lot of choices, one being that he just cant seem to let my mom go. But he loves me, and he is the only parent that i have thats taken care of me and been there for me... so like i said, no matter how much i want to leave this goddamn house.. I cant.
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 | Well, im really bored. if you didnt notice, i changed my MIDI... ^^
Right now or soon i guess i will watch CCS DVD 4 which my sister baught a couple weeks ago that i still have not watched.
Remember ya'll... if you have YIM feel free to add me. O.o;;
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
 | Im in a really fucked up mood right now. I really needed to talk to my friend codey about some stuff im about to post to ya'll but he isnt answering me and its making me go insane!! and ivory just got on but she wont answer me either.
So anyway, found out my mom is doing drugs again... yup.. sunday my dad came home at 7 AM from work and i was in my room about to go to sleep and they just went at it, constant fighting. My mom wanted to do something but my dad didnt have any money(he owes the bank 221 dollers) and my mom also wanted some beer and pot but my dad didnt have the money. In the end at about 12 or something my dad went to buy her beer and finally i got like 2 hours of sleep... at first i didnt want to cope with the fact that she was on them again.. But the other day i was taking a walk by myself(cause i have no friends..) and i practically burst out crying once it popped into my head... i dont think my mom has realised how much it tramatized me.. i dont think i realised it till that walk.. i just wanna get out of here for good.. any escape would be fine...but i have no other place to go...
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
 | Hello everyone.. i dont have much to say... i just joined Please join, and say that the user Punksheep refered you. And once you join, look up the name punksheep and add me as a friend! its way fun.. lol.
um.. its hot..real hot here.. the other day it was raining.. And now its
HEY meet bob-. He's a dot. My dot to be exact. Those other dots.. they are his friends.. Say hi to bob please. Oh! No comma's please. they are his enamie's.
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Friday, June 17, 2005
 | Im not sure what to say.
OH i can tell ya'll what happened today when iwas at the store. Well i was walking out of the groccery store cause i had to get dinner, and the next thing i know, i feel something going up the back of my thigh! the insant reaction i had was to smack whatever was there. i turned around and here was some 12 year old punk smirking at me so i slapped him right accross the face and yelled "YOU PERVERT!" and hurridly walked away. Boy... if there werent kids around.. i would have slapped him up some more. HE IS SO LUCKY MY DAD DIDNT COME IN WITH ME. BTW i was wearing a lime green skirt.. so so can imagine just how far his hand went >< i feel so violated....
Ive taken on a task of making a livejournal. cause i realised i have nothing to do on the internet anymore. If you have any fun sites you enjoy going on, please feel free to suggest them to me ^^
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
 | i forgot to mention that eerie queerie came and it was the last one!! OMG IT WAS SO AWESOME BUT IM SO SAD THAT IT WAS THE LAST ONE!!!!!
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