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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
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Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
 | My sister also got the 3rd DVD to card captor sakura series. Yey. ^^ and she got the .hack/mutation game finally, we would have had it like 2 years ago but there was a mixup during x-mas. Anywho YEY for that.
im sitting here doing nothing.. Today totally found that there is a hot my naighborhood. He is so hot. I have to find a way to talk to him.. before the end of the summer...
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Monday, June 13, 2005
 | I really cant wait for my next issue of eerie queerie to come.. it should be in hopefully 2 days. Well, im really annoyed that case closed is on so late. I love that show.. its just hard to stay up long enough to watch it. i hope they show new episodes soon also.
Well, my messenger list is looking pretty sad.. so if you have yim PLEASE feel free to IM me.
i dont have much to say.. my life is so damn boring..
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
 | Well, not much to say. The FLCL that was on tonight was probably one of my most favorite episodes. ^^ i gave scryed another chance and decided it isnt as bad after after.. i accually do really like it! well, paranoia agent was as weird as ever, but thats no well, i better get off and go to bed. hopefully i get more views...
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Friday, June 10, 2005
OK, hey everyone..
 | Not much to say AGIAN. i did nothing today.. i woke up.. watched days of our lives... Malissa's ROD wall scroll got here today and i am so jelous. Her walls are filled with anime/gaming poster... and i only have one of the cat lady from .hack series that i cant remeber her name. And now here i am.. updating my otaku...
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
 | well, not much to say today.. i didnt do anything at all..
I heard they put gungrave on in place of ROD. To bad, i didnt see the last couple episodes of it. i did happen to see the last 10 minutes of the last episode of it atleast i know how it ends right?
I dont know if im gonna watch gungrave.. isnt it about like..the mafia or something?? all well.. So yeah.. see ya.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
 | Ok, first of all, i went to the library yesterday and guess what? My library has manga! yes.. you can accually check out the manga and read it!! they just started this and its donated manga...lets see they has ah! my goddess. Pretear, one wish(I think thats what its called) DBZ and a couple others! BTW..who the hell donates there manga?!?!!?
I unfortunatly have a very big fine up gto 30 dollers on my library card right now.. So i had to use my sisters.. and she haas a 17 doller fine.. I dont have 17 dollers... so im gonna have to wait till my dad day off.. and then make my mom pay it.. cause i saw tons of books i want to check out...including.. the manga.
So.. hals moving castle will be out soon in theatres.. i always wish that they show it in mine.. but they didnt show the GITS movie here so i dont think they will show it.. Oh man i really hope they will show FMA movie in my town!!! that would be awesome.. i dont think out theatre realised how many anime fans they have in loveland.. i mean come on.. we have manga at our library for gawd sakes.. plus im sure at every highschool there is an anime/gaming club.. i know there is one at mine..
Ok.. there is a point where your hair can be messy...and look kool..and there is a point where it can be really messy..and look...bad.. at the library.. i saw this guy...with red hair. It was really long.. and it looked like it hadnt been combed in months.. and it so gross i dont even know how to describe it to you... i was a little sick by seeing it...Comb youre people..thats all i have to say..
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
 | lol, dad just pitched me a stupid idea about me having my own brand of mannacotti.. you know like frozen.. like i make different kinds of mannicotti and produce it to groccery stores around the country -_-;; i make really good mannicotti.. *cough* ...he is alittle obbsessed with it..
anyway...nothing to much happened really.. i have been laying out in the sun for like an hour a day.. and im chalk white accually.. well.. a different shade of white.. not tan at all though.. >< i hope i dont get like skin cancer..
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
oh yeah, thats me alright ;)
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 | I feel so stupid *kicks self* i got caught up in watching scary movie 3 and i missed like 20 minutes of samurai champloo!!! *kicks self harder* ><
i only really watched paranoia agent and FLCL last night.. i dunno. i guess i dont really like s-cry-ed its just not my kind of anime.. :/ though maybe i need to give it another chance?!
FLCL.. i dont have a clue why i dont own it yet!!! its one of my favorite anime's... i have the soundtrack to it... but not the series on DVD ><
ME AND MY SISTER HAD 90 DOLLERS TO SPEND AND WE SPENT IT ON STUFF OFF THE INTERNET. ...ok so only 10 out of that 90 was mine.. but i did buy another eerie queerie manga.. and im very happy i did ^^ i have no idea what my sister baught anime/manga wise.. i know she baught 2 how to draw anime/manga books. She tried to buy ROD manga, but the first one is.. what do you call it.. out of print? and no one wants to sell there copy so yeah.. she cant just buy the others without the first one :/ it wouldnt be right.. i feel bad for her, she loves ROD. you should go friend her.. her username is kojima emi... she hasnt been on in awhile but she will be soon..and i know that she needs more friends ;)
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
 | i forgot to mention before i left that i saw blood: the last vampire. it was pretty good to me. yeah lol, i guess i would reccomend seeing it if you have the chance.'
Today the cowboy bebop movie comes on *yey* though, i have already seen it.. but all well. lol
i went shopping today.. got a shirt and a skirt.. its a lime gren skirt.. lol.
im really annoyed at not getting very many views.. whats up with that?!? all well.. alone again... SOOOOO LONELY.... ugh.. i hate that song..
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