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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Friday, June 3, 2005
Wow, i slept alot.
 | Ok.. AM I NOT INTERESTING OR SOMETHING?!?! :/ not as many views as i usually get.. i got like..3 ><
anyway.. time to tell ya about my trip.. which i neglected sorta the other day..
Well there is lots to tell.. but its prolly pretty boring to you guys.. so.. lets just get to the guy part ok?? well..there was this guy with his friend.. they looked no more then 16 or 17.. and he was taller and had brown hair and it was long.. And i feel so stupid.. He looked his way.. at first not really noticing him and he smiled at me and i didnt notice till he looked away so it seemed like i wasnt interested.. but i so was.. He walked like the same way i did all the way down and back up to my hotel.. i was so hoping he was staying at out hotel.. but he wasnt :/ to bad.
Next guy.. well its kinda funny.. see i was walking out of my room and he was like.. i dunno..22..maybe older.. and he was so fricken hot and he smiled at me and like so... i stop to take a picture of our hotel becuase.. well.. i dunno and he stopped next to me and we started talking about the hotel and then we started asking... like you know.. whats youre old are you.. he didnt seem to care that i was 15.. and my cousin comes up and is all "WTF is wrong with you dude!! shes 15!! you perv.. and he pulls me away like im some child!! >< i didnt see that guy again.
last guy... well see we arrived at the airport like 2 hours early becuase thats what they suggested becuase apparently las vegas has the best security ever.. >< well it only took like 45 minutes to get through security and we got something to eat and sat there for like an hour and a half and our flight was delayed like half an hour. there was this guy.. and he was sitting near the window.. totally hot.. black hair.. kinda spiky.. green bandana... ipod.. all black.. one of those like helmets you see ppl wear with those skooter things kinda like haruko's on FLCL.. i bet he had an accent.. and a really kool name.. he was so hot.. over 17..i know that becuase he had to show ID when he was getting through security. At first.. i was really hoping that he was going to denver becuase he was sitting in the port that i was.. but he wasnt.. see our flight was delayed becuase San Fransico's flight was deleyed.. and he was going to san fransico.. :/ gosh darnit.. it would have been awesome if he was on the same plain.. and sat right by me.. Gawd he was hot. i prolly would have forgotten him by now if everything didnt remind him of me. When we got off the plain-- our baggege claim said SAN FRANSISCO on it.. and then back home i was watching a movie and it took place in SAN FRANSISCO. and a whole lot of other things and its really annoying... ><
There was a pond in our hotel.. and you throw a coin in a make a wish.. i wished to meet a hot guy and save me from this boring family trip.. it didnt quite come true of course.. but what can you expect from something so silly??
Yeah... its amazing how long i can go on about guys huh?? how pathetic am i..
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Mixed emotions
 | Aww, i am back in Colorado. And you know what? I HATE IT!!! i had such a wonderful time in las vegas. I want to stay there forever. It doesnt even have to be there. It could be anywhere new i guess.. i just really hate it here in colorado. Right when i got home instant hate poured out of me and i was mean to everyone and stalked away to my room. BUT YOU WOULD BE MAD TO IF YOURE MOTHER WHO YOU WILL NEVER TRUST CLEANED YOURE ROOM AND WAS TOUCHING ALL YOURE STUFF AND TELLS YOU YOU HAVE A LOT OF EMAILS AND YOU WONDER JUST HOW THE HELL SHE GOT INTO YOURE EMAIL!!!.
anyway.... the trip was wonderful... it was nonstop walking everywhere. and i saw some of the greatest hotels/casino's out there. i was staying at the new york new york.. a really nice and large hotel.. I really miss it.. i want to go back....
i also miss the weather there. i came home last night and it was cold and rainy... and today its cloudy and windy and cold... where in las vegas i would have woken up to waether in the 90's and by 10 AM it would be well over 100 degrees.... did i mention i hate it here in colorado??
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
 |  | You scored as Lonely. You have a lonely soul. You are strong, and confident, and you are quite independent; though you have grown to mistrust people and seek sanctuary within yourself and activities like music, reading and art.
Lonely | | 79% | Strong | | 71% | Attention whore | | 42% | Apathetic | | 38% | Artsy | | 33% |
What does your soul look like? created with |
 | You scored as Crying Eye. You are the crying eye. You are very sad and look on the negative side of things. Crying seems to be a natural state.
Crying Eye | | 70% | Angry Eye | | 60% | Hurt Eye | | 50% | Sexy Eye | | 40% | Dramatic Eye | | 30% | Starry Eye | | 20% |
What eye are you (Beautiful Pics) created with |
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aww saterday.
 | Well tonight was good. I hope non of you missed new inuyasha's. Paranoia(9sp) agent and s-cry-ed. Oh as well as FLCL and samurai champloo. FLCL sure puts me in a good mood...
lets see i like paranoia agent very much ^^ i cant wait to see more of it.
S-cryed-ed was a bit boring for me.. then again i accidently turned it to kill bill during a commercial and forgot it was on for like 10 minutes!! so im not one to judge. Eccept that one women with short blue hair.. i dunno her name.. the women that does her voice is the same one that did Kare's voise in digimon.. and you all know i love digimon.. dont you? well i do!
anywho im my grandma and aunt and uncle and cousin are coming in tommarrow and then on monday we are going to las vegas i think.. accually we might even be leaving tommarrow.. o.o i guess i better pack just in case and tell ya'll i will miss you and i will be sure to take pictures and tell ya about it when i get back ^^.
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
 | I HATE HBO. THEY ARE NOT CONTINUEING CARNIVALE AND I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!. they shall all die when i rule the world...
Anyway.. despite the bad moode HBO put me in. tommarrow im supposed to dye my hair, go shopping.. and groccery shopping.. and thats about it i think :/ im either leaving on sunday or monday for my trip
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Friday, May 27, 2005
 | Ok well i am so mad becuase my trip is in like 3 days and now its my time of the month! Great.. this will be the BEST vacation ever!!
-_-. i am quit happy i just made many of youre feel awkward/emmbarresed.. and prolly some of you confused.. But thats ok becuase i really dont care.. i have to complain to someone.. and you guys are the best ppl to complain to!!
Anyway... 49 days untill harry potter and the half blood prince comes out, i cant wait for my pre ordered copy to come in the mail so i can read it all night!! lol.
Im also getting very anxious for the movie, which seems just as far away as my other favorite book series to release a new book. Pendragon series.. *sigh* its amazing how i can waste my life so much without caring. Oh but i do care...
i made a couple avatars but i still have not uploaded them to show you. and i also made a banner for my new fic that is being put with my other banners above. If you click on the banners, it does take you to that fic ^^.
oh and i updated my newest fic about my friend last night to!! yey! but it was terribly hard to write since im still in my writers block mode.. hopefully this trip will leave me with good memories and inpiration to write my fics ^^ i know my fans are getting mighty annoyed from my lack of updating. cause its been about 2 months :/ anyway enough of my rambling...
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
 | Well yesterday(I think i mentioned this but i tend to update my thing like really early in the morning, around 2-3 AM)i did nothing!! i woke up and did NOTHING well.. i gave the dog a bath.. thats all.. lol.. i made dinner.. er.. yeah and now here i am. Today im going to school and its officially the last day of school!!! YEY!! then its off to las vegas for 3 days and then back here for a whole summer of complete boredom!!! yey for me... lol.. Im planning on getting a job this summer.. so i guess thats something... eh.. well..yeah.. im making avatars right now, and i think i will post a few later on in a different messege.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
star wars generators..funny
 | Your Star Wars Pickup Line |
"Date, or date not -- there is no 'let's just friends be'." |
Your Amazing Yoda Sex Line |
"You know, this would be a lot more fun without Frank Oz's hand up my ass." |
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 | ok... well.. i didnt go to school yesterday like i said!! but thats ok, i'll go on thursday. anyway.. yesterday a cop came to my house, about my absences... everything is worked out, and i still have not gotten caught with the whole ditching for 3 months thing XD my vacation is getting closer, yey. and did i mention my sister isnt graduating? *sigh* say hi to her, she is kojima emi on my friends list. and um.. well.. me and her got into a big fight, and i beat her up.. well.. sorta.. smacked her..kicked her.. and i feel really happy about doing so, she deserved it.. atleast to me she did. YES i resort to violance when im mad...and i honestly dont care if thats wrong...anyway so yeah... she is really mad at me right now..
also.. today is wednesday... and i really dont have any plans for today eccept sleeping... lol.. its amazing im not fat yet, considering all i do is sleep and eat.. well.. i dont constintly eat.. and i always seem to walk somewhere in town everyday.. *ish proud of her 113poundness* yes.. i am bragging..
is it me or do i seem really mean right now?? man i dont know what is up with me.. guess im just in a bitchy mood... well.. yeah... ok...
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
 | Well.. i just started a new fic about my friend, holly, who is missing. Its located at the link on the bottom of this post.
Yesterday i woke up around 4, found out my sister doesnt get to goto graduation ceramony, walked to store by myself to get something for dinner, got picked up by my parents, thank god becuase my new flip flops hurt so bad, they gave me like 4 blisters.. went home and made dinner, couldnt get on the internet, walked to mcdonalds, rented movies, walked home, played card games with my sister, watched the movie white noise and now here i am!
today im supposed to go to school so i can say goodbye to all my friends and threaten them so they make sure they call me over the summer. so yeah, its already 3 AM so i dont know if im really gonna go to school or not.. if only i could go like.. after lunch or something but my parents wouldnt wanna make 3 trips all the way accross town to my school...
im currantly talking to ivory on YIM. Hey if you have YIM please add me, my list is getting smaller and smaller everyday.
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