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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Monday, May 23, 2005
 | Well everyone, yesterday i went to bed at about 4:30 AM and woke up around 10 or 11. Went to shopko and baught some Ubery cute flip flips and then i went to sonic for a cherry limeade. And.. um... i went home.. laid down on the couch and then migrated to my room, where for about an hour me and my sister just layed on my bed half-asleep. Then i accually did fall asleep till about 8:30 Where i didnt get up to make dinner >< and no one else bothered making it for me. so when i get up they complain about how hungry they are and im just all "Gawd, if i died you would all would starve to death" so then yes, i accually made dinner at about 8:50 and got done at 9:15. i was frying meat for sandwhiches and while i was waiting for the fries to get done cooking i left themeat on a plate in the kitchen, and my figgin dog ate all the meat!!! so i hate to make it all over again!!! >< stupid fucking dog....
and lets see... about 2 hours ago at 12AM i went on a walk with my sister becuase we love taking walks in the summer at night i guess and we were almost attacked by a bat. Yes, there are bats in Colorado.. and they reside in my tree's at night lol. And i almost went down this creepy alley thing near our house.. But no way in hell will you get me down an alley thats pitch black and you cant even see youre own hands...*shudders*. ... i prolly will go down the alley some time this summer though, how can i not?!?! im so torn lol.
Also.. if you have never seen the movie house of 100 corpses.. you so have to.. its about serial killers.. and serial killers are way interesting..atleast to me.. lol. *coming from person that spends ours reading about them on*
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
 | ok i finally saw star wars!! OMG i loved it!! it was so much better then the other to, it was more like the older ones!! which i also watched the other day lol... Anyway lets see.. yesterday i had to get up at like 8 in the morning to do yardwork... and i only got like 4 hours of sleep.. but im obviously still up and running ^^.
I hope non of yeah missed samurai Champloo(Airing on adult swim) and that inuyash movie.. What the heck was it called? .. i really cant remember lol. But it was also good to. anywho. My sister sooooo might graduate!!! i hope she does!!! and next weekend, im on vacation for about 3 days XD Las vegas.. here i come..
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Friday, May 20, 2005
 | Well, im up.. which is something seeing as how i was up till 6 in the morning... lol.. Its 91 degrees in my town.. YEY its turning summer!! i luv the summer, swimming.. bakini's... Friends.. fun.. heat.. i luv it all!! ah well i havent been getting many looks at my otaku lately *pouts* i guess im just not very interesting now am i? Lol just kidding....
anyway... i need to write my fanfics, i havent written in any of them for quite some time, This whole month.. i dont even think i wrote in them last month. Its ok though! i got a review on my vampire fic on one of the fanfic sites its in. and i got like 7 reviews for the first chapter of my draco Malfoy fic.. which is good considering my fanfic site is pretty dead lol. Ah and my demon fic got a new review to! So im feeling pretty happy, and im thinking of putting them on a more popular fanfiction site for more ppl To read so maybe there (Hopefully)nice comments will get me motivated... becuase writers block totally sucks!!! i hate it!!! it makes me mad and annnoyed!! *hiss*.
oh yeah, and im supposed to go see star wars today, but i dont know if thats true!! i hope it is though!! yes.. im a star wars fan.. i know.. All of my friends(Online and RL) were shocked to.. ME.. Miss blondie.. >< *massacres everyone*
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
hahahahaha... no really.. i dont care..
 | Lol anyway.... Um well im getting my haircut today! YUSS!! im not sure exactly how im gonna get it cut really.. i also need to dye it again. AND ALL THIS BEFORE NEXT WEEK BECUASE THATS WHEN I GO TO LAS VEGAS!!
neopets lovers- my gallery table has oddly changed, but in a good way.. if you want.. follow this link to go see XD..
remember, to follow that link you must be a neopets member and you must be logged in.
hmmm well...i posted real late yesterday, and no one saw that post so go ahead and read that..
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Man, bad news for my family.
 | Well first of all, like i said my cousin blew his arm out, well he is prolly gonna need surgery. If half his ligamint, or whatever is torn, he will be able to play again, but if its all the way torn, he might not. And he had a scholarship for playing baseball to the college he wanted to go to!!! >< and now its ruined becuase of his damned coach.. the injury will take atleast a year to heal.. so...yeah
Second of all, my sister did not pass history, and i think that means she isnt graduating!! >< how crappy is that??! she did all this work for that class and still didnt pass, DAMN ONLINE CLASSES!!
also, lets see.. well we found out my mom was supposed to be on medicade like 3 years ago and ever since then we have been paying tons for her medication because back then they told us she didnt have medicade, when she did!!
the other day my dad got a ticket for tailgating some cop.. my sister was there and they both said the cop was over reacting, they werent even close to the stupid cop!!
As for me.. well i got out of school today, i think my dad has given up on me... i think he thinks i dont even have anymore classes!!
Well, tommarrow im getting a haircut.. not sure how short, its about 2in below my shoulders right now and layered from my cheeks.. i think im gonna get it cut to my shoulders again, and layer it more so like i can get the cute ruffled look... ;)
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 | i sooooo dont wanna go to school today. I dont know how im gonna get out of it! i could just ditch and ignore the attendence lady if malissa(kojima Emi and my sister) didnt go to my school. and i bet my parents wouldnt let me stay home ><5 more days to... 2 more week... this bites..
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Monday, May 16, 2005
Im hungry!
 | YUM i just made shrimp stirfry for dinner and im starving!! its so good. i made it so well to :p
Anyway, today i slept, and then went to get a root beer with my mom and grandma and then i came home and went to kmart with my sister and baught- posterboard and markers. flowers(sorta) for my mum, And this cute little starwars figurine from starwars for my dad ^^
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
 | Ok i went shopping today, Had some fun, but now i have a major headache..
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What You Really Think Of Your Friends
Holly is your soulmate. |
You truly love Kyle. |
You consider Codey your true friend. |
You know that Kyla is always thinking of you. |
You'll remember David for the rest of your life. |
You secretly think Chance is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. |
You secretly think that Megan is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. |
You secretly think that Skye is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Skye changes lovers faster than underwear. |
You secretly think Kaylen is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Kaylen has a hidden internet romance. |
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Hey ya'll
 | Did anyone catch samurai Champloo? It totally rocked my world!! I love it!!
anyway.. yeah lol. Im supposed to go shopping tommarrow.. and I -HEART- SHOPPING!!
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