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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
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i feel like crying, dying, and hiding.
 | Today i got caught everyone! Finally after 3 months of ditching every single class i had, getting kicked out of 4 and openly wondering the halls and stuff without them caring, they finally caught me. I know, how can they catch me? im such a clever Mistress... Well let me tell you what happened...
see, it was my friends birthday, so she was ditching again as well as my other friend.
but we made like.. many mistakes..see we went out the front door to the school, where the office knew we were freshmen, and freshmen arent aloud off campus. and we took the bus because we didnt feel like walking, and went to target which is practicaly right by the school. BUT we saw a teacher and a campus moniter while they were at like.. a conveniance store so we ran into target, but they saw us plus the shoes i had on were not made for walking ><
and it was so friggen hotand when we got back they busted us. and see, i thought "All well my dad wont be to mad" becuase they were making us call our parents to tell them we ditched and so im all "atleast they dont know about my other absences.but i was the last one to make a call and she was logging into my profile on the internet becuase i was gonna be late for class and she was gonna make it excused. so thats when she realised i wasnt even going to parents were home when i called malevolentmagic : so she was gonna call them and im all "Ok.. i will just make sure i pick up the phone or stay on the internet..But she left a messege!! and its on my phone as i type!!and i dont know how to check messeges
I have kind of devised a plan, When they yell "You have been ditching all this time?!" I cant be like.. "NO! just Drawing! thats what she meant by all the classes!" and i know crying will make him madder so dont suggest that -_-;; if only i could check messeges... but that still doesnt help me from ditching even further, which i will do rest assured...
I am a wonderful lier. Its my one and only true talent. i cant get in trouble, and you can tell me its wrong, and i can look into youre eyes with so much passion and force and meaning that you will accually think that im sincere. i can choke up and hold back tears when you say youre gonna have to write me up on something, and youre heart will melt and you will have a great sensation to help or atleast hug me. i can easily make my suspension a warning, promicing i wont ever do it again. and in my mind i will be thinking about how much a fool you are... :/ im trully a peice of art...
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
A bit hung over
 | Well, nothing interesting happened today.. Eccept im so terribly hungry and i wish my parents would get up so they can buy me something to eat... Last night my family went to walmart at 9PM kind of a spur of the moment thing. And yes... my parents were drunk.. Maybe not totally but they were way more then just a little tipsy. Thats ok, i didnt have to pay for my friends present and i got some really nice and comfy pink flip flop and my sister got som really awesome dress shoes that i plan on stealing... XD my dad also started picking things up at random.. lol he stared at the fish tanks for like 10 minutes . then we came home at 10 and tried to stay up to talk to beth but i was so tired. and well.. i cant say i was a little stressed out that i may have had a bottle myself.. because who knows if my sister is reading or something right?
My friend has been bugging me about religion, becuase i dont beleive in god and its starting to offend me now becuase he said my thought were wrong and hellbound. Playfully but it still bugged me, So im reading the bible, To confirm what i dont beleive in -_-.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Im feeling kissable.
 | Well today i was ditching drawing like i always do eccept this time it was with my friend. She has never ditched before so she was all pumped and stuff. Lol it was cute... Anyway we went outside to walk to the store that was pretty near but it was kind of cold and we didnt want to walk. So i flagged down the first guy i saw come out of the school ready to leave and asked him to give us a ride. "Sure where you goin?" He said and my friend turned to me.. Terror in her eyes "Im gonna get raped because of you i know it!!" so i drug her to the car and he was pretty nice, Had a sweet car to. He even offered to pick us back up, which we said yes to becuase who wants to walk right?! So he came back an hour later even though he didnt need to go back to school and picked us up XD. It was terribly fun and i got some ideas on what to buy my friend for her birthday which is on thursday O.O
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Monday, May 2, 2005
 | Aww if any of you are GSCers on neopets, Im sorry to say Limo8 has left.. >< And yet another of the old GSCers are gone.. *sigh* soon i will be left all alone...
anyway im also kinda mad becuase my HTML isnt working on this darn thing and my little boxes wont turn transparents.... Man, i really wish my HTML would work so i could make a background and have it not repeat >< but all well... if anyone can help me on the transparent thing.. It would help me a great deal and restrain me from killing computer.... *pets computer* Its only a matter of time...
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Im feeling smart.. and dumb..
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Im feeling Blank
 | Well, this weekend is rather boring... I havent even gotten to talk to bethany(Ivory) at all -_-;; Or codey for that matter... OH but yesterday my dad baught me one of those really big plastic pixi sticks and i spilt half of it on the carpet -_- and just to let you all know, i hate candy/desserts. all eccept pixi sticks that is.. I have a huge desire for a pixi stick right now accually....
im very hungry, i went to sleep before dinner last night and havent had anything to eat since like...lunch yesterday.. luckily i have to go groccery shopping in a few hours...
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
 | Hey, so like.. How exactly do you get friends on this thing? :/ like how are ppl finding my otaku thingy...? lol i know.. total N00bish question right? But seriously.. :/
grr, i wish you could put more then MIDI's on here >< That made me really mad when i realized....
im getting really discouraged about my gallery on Neopets. everything is becoming so overwhelming with everything i need to collect i dont know if i cant collect everything or collect enough to win spotlight in october. BUT THATS 6 months away so hopefully i can make some mega Neopoints and buy more then 150k's worth every month >< i totally blew this months fund and lost about 90,000 NP. I know.. Im stupid like that sometimes.
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Sooo Lonely
 | Yeah, im bored and lonely, All my online buddies are offline >< stupid YIM. Anyway so yeah im here.. Doing nothing really. BUT HEY i did update my fic a couple of days ago, here are some little summeries and a link to them if you wanna read them:
Deceiving Eyes - A Vampire Tale Reina is a smart, yet lonely girl that until recently, has no one in the world to care for. She is who you are. She meets up with 2 vampires and realizes she has an important role in life, one that changes the fate of humanity. Then again, is that really a bad thing?
The Last Burning Light Demons of all sorts exist, Weather they be vampires, Immortals, cannibals, and even mythical creatures. Youre Ancestors all the way up to youre mother have faught them and kept them under wraps from Mortals. As a war had started, you had finished it. But now, is that war starting again? Can you stop Them in time for there ultimate plan? Or do they even have a plan? Its up to you, Gracie.
To Get What You Want (You/Draco)A shadow is what you were in his eyes. If only he could know that you dreamed of those eyes everynight, and didnt care what he said. Enough was enough, you would get what you want, and you wanted him.
Ah well all my fics are YOU fanfictions. Meaning that youre placed as the main charector and you usually are paired with someone. Check them out XD.
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Friday, April 29, 2005
 | Well, i made 2 screencap backgrounds from .hack//sign today, they look a little boring though so im gonna alter them and try to see if i can make them look better.
I tried to take some screenshots of my CCS DVDs but it wont let me >< Peice of crap.
Well, i should take this time to say something about myself. Well, im obbsessed with a lot of things... Vampires, neopets, Anime, Tom Felton, Family Guy, the list goes on. But i would have to say i can barely call them obbsession compared to obbsession with Digimon. -_-;; yes... i like digimon. Ever since 6th grade i watched it every day even on summers... not missing an episode for 3 seasons... but the 4th season sucked so thats where it ended. but i still do watch digimon occasionally....
I am a neopets fan, My username is brandibabe_ahl and i have a gallery that PWNs.. check it out if you play neopets.
Well i think thats it.. still trying to think of ways to make this thingy kool...
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