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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Monday, September 10, 2007
 | WELL i suppose i better update lol! Yesterday was fine, we went up to Estes park(my favorite place in Colorado) really early to see the parade, its where all the Scottish families walk in ^^ very fun and i quite enjoyed it. then we headed on over to the festival grounds and found out we couldn't bring my grandmas dog in(shes a tiny dog) so we had to leave her in the car :( we made sure to check on her from time to time though! poor thing. Not much to say about the Scottish festival, we listened to music and looked around the shops. i got some really nice earrings that have a Celtic design on them and then an emerald green Chrystal under it ^^ i was trying to get something with a 4 leaf clover on it(because my birthday is on St. Patricks day) but everything i found was to expensive! ><; but im happy with what i got ^^;
After that we went to lunch, which was nice but they were so busy and we got sat by the kitchen. and it took them forever to get to us(and in my restaurant you MUST serve them within 20 seconds of them sitting down) but that was ok, i tipped well anyway because i feel for the waitresses xD
Last night at work i learned everyone HATES the other hostess lol xD i felt bad because it must have been hard working with her on our busiest night :X but i just couldnt miss the festival so i took the day off ;.; everyone kept telling me how they were so happy i was back last night ^^;;; it was wierd.
well, i have more to say but ill leave it for tommarrow. have a nice day all.
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
 | I ended my shift off at work with some prissy little 13 year old who complained about the cooks and how she had "eaten better" ~_~ i wanted to tell her to shove off because, well, her mother was taking forever to pay and i was aloud to leave after them ~_~;;; but you know me, 100% hospitality.
2 more days untill the Scottish Festival =D i cant wait. Oh! and i dont mention this often but my dad got hurt at his job last year and they finally settled it and he won his case ^^ i dunno how much he's getting but thats why we're buying a house. but anyway, i bring it up because he gets the money on monday =D where he plans to buy my sister a cheap car that she likes(she'll pay him back) and guess who gets her old car? ME!! ^^ yay.
well thats about it ^^ have a nice day all.
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Monday, September 3, 2007
 | Well, someone tagged me again O.o;; sorry to whoever did but i wont be doing it xD i waste enough of my life doing similar stuff on myspace.
So, last night at work it was...ok.. it was dead for like and hour and then right when my shift was over like 18-20 church people came in to eat, so i had to stay late. while they ate there was NOTHING to do. my manager showed me how to check the reports on our computer =D i felt special lol...cause thats only a manager thing...:3
well, after the church people left, they thanked us and all of them asked how long i had been working O.o; i guess i looked tired. and this one guy, invited me to his church AGAIN he was more persistant this time and i couldnt be a bitch and tell him that i wasnt going to join his church so he should shove off and let me go home xD. No i couldnt do that, but i wanted to! he even came back 3 minutes later and brought me some pamphlet about "finding god" ~_~WTF??! maybe i looked like i was on drugs or something O.o;;;; i dunno. it was wierd.
i was so tired when i got home xD i fell right asleep :3 and here i am. awake at 7 AM! totally unusual!
i got paid!! =D i owe my sister 12 bucks, and 20 of my paycheck is to get into the scottish festival next week. ^^ i want to save alot of it so i can buy stuff at the festival, but im sure ill end up spending some <<;;;;;;
So, about a month after the scottish festival the anime convention up in Denver arrives. i would love to go with my friends, because i havent seen them in so long. but i dont think i have enough money >< well, i mean... its like 40 bucks to get in i think. and then the rest i can spend :3 but i also need some for food and whatnot. and how do i not go with my sister? you may be wondering why wouldnt go with her....well... i dunno o.o;; it just doesnt seem that fun to go with her....and plus, the last time i was around her and my friends, it was awkward O.o; to be honest, im tired of doing EVERYTHING with her. i cant wait to move away xDDD. i love her and all, i just wish our lives were a bit more seperate.
well thats about it ^^ i think ill splurge and buy myself a new skirt =D and some starbucks ~.^ have a nice day all.
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
 | What is a manga-cow you all ask? Well, ive explained it before but i shall again! a manga-cow is when someone sits down and reads manga at the store, instead of buying. so basically, they're like cows grazing in a manga pasture ~.^ i hate them! To me it just doesnt seem right to do this!
Well, at work last night we were SLAMMED. the restaurant was SO FULL! i actually had to tell people coming in that they would have to wait a few minutes before i could seat them xD Ive never actually worked a day where it was that busy so it was a new experience for me though.
...I love my new bed O.o;; its so comfortable!!
Ok, i think thats all i have to say lol xD i wouldnt have even updated if you guys hadnt asked me what a manga-cow was <<;;; have a nice weekend!
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
 | GAH i was tagged xD im bored so i shall abide :3
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged.
Here are the facts!
1.) I dropped out of School in my junior year
2.) I cant easily remember things O.o most of all streets and directions and stuff
3.) I watch ALOT of tv, and i can pretty much name all 356 channels and what you can watch on them xD
4.) Im Cheap, ill buy anything if its on sale xD
5.) I hate rap music, when i rule the world, it will be no more!
6.) I recently watched the last 7 episodes of charmed O.o;; i am not proud...
7.) I do puzzles in my spare time.
8.) I call myself a writer, but havent written anything in months. o.o;
HAH i must tag people now but i wont xD because im lazy and i dont even think 6 people visit me every day o.o;;;
So, it was my day off =D i got a new bed! i was sleeping on a futon bed before and let me tell ya, my back sure was aching so i really needed this new bed :3
We went to barnes and noble, and i saw a manga-cow sitting RIGHT INFRONT of the manga shelves reading naruto O.o there was so much wrong with this that my Pet-peeve-o-meter was wailing off the charts in my head. i hate manga-cows so much XD and naruto!
well, thats about it lol. have a nice one.
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
 | I feel like crap now, but i wont get into it ;.; lets just say-same old problems getting to me :/
So anyway, at work last night this old man, who is a regular at my restaurant was DRUNK when he came in. he just came in and ate but when he came up to pay he reeked of alcohol =X and like, laughed at everything i said O.o;; poor old man, i wonder why he drinks :[ although i guess no everyone that drinks has a sad story to tell but still!!!
UGH i wish they would give me more hours ;.; i would love to make an extra 100 bucks every paycheck xDD thats wishful thinking though :/ the other hostess is a pain in the ass and constantly wants to go home but i think she complains to them about having more hours to xD of course i dont complain, i just state that im willing to work as many days as they need me for however long they need me xD my manager said she LOVES me way more then the other hostess cause im better to work with :3 which made me happy lol. of course.
So, this weekend i get paid, and i have to save it because the weekend after that is the scottish festival!!! i cant wait, im so excited and i hope we have lots of fun :3 i need batteries for my camera though >< which sucks, they cost like 10 dollars for 4 lithium batteris >< i had an extra pair a couple months ago but.. i lost them :[ damn me!
well, take care all, and on a personal note, it was great getting a comment from you Bluedemonboy =D i misseth you!
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
 | So my internet was down for like 8 hours last night x.x i was so freaking bored... but i did see the lunar eclipse! it was the first time i had ever seen one :3 i didnt know it took so long <<;; lol it took like over an hour O.o;;;
Ive been watching "Karin" which is also knowpretty good, i have the first volume of the manga, it followed the manga pretty well.
well, i dont have much to say lol. have a nice one,.
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
 | *sigh* so Brandon's ex is in town. She's the one he was totally in love with. i can tell...that hes excited.
I wonder how it is i pass such wonderful opportunities by all the time, and now im thinking, maybe they werent so wonderful after all... maybe i thought they were opportunities but really they werent. maybe they would have led to nothing. maybe i was disillusioned. whatever. i want to go curl up in the dark and have the song "Hide and seek" by Imogen heap set on replay untill my mind goes numb. but i wont, because that wont get me anywhere.
i think ill meditate, and clear my mind. clear it of him :3 and all my illusions of what i thought i could have, when really, i had no chance.
in other news, i fucking hate this Wireless router my sister baught, i have to unplug it everytime i want to load something(youtube,veoh,imeem, YIM)and im not sure what i can do about it since my sister baught it so she has a right to use it.
have a nice weekend all.
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Friday, August 24, 2007
 | We just had a power outage! i was standing in the kitchen talking to my sister about how we werent going to eat the cupcakes at the moment, and then everything went dark! and it was like, pitch black outside because there was a thunder storm(dark clouds) and the streetlamps and everything were out. x.x luckily i had my my purse xD after i stumbled around and smacked into a few walls i found it though and used it as light to find a lighter, and some candles <<; and then we listened to music for an hour untill the lights came back on xDD although we probably should have gone to bed cause it was already 1 AM, but me and my sister are always up that late so yeah...
it was creepy xD it made me think of zombies, because thats exactly how i imagine it to start :P
Other then that, not much goin on, i went to see rush hour 3 and the invasion last week, theyre both were pretty good :3 i love the rush hour series, theyre so funny.
well, thats about it, have a nice one/
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Monday, August 20, 2007
 | Well, my internet was down yesterday >< we got this new wireless modem so my sister can have DSL in her room to but for some reason the modem keeps turning our internet settings around to where we can log on >< at the moment its working, but i have a feeling it will do the same thing later on in the night.. ~_~;;
While i didnt have the internet last night, i settled down with a book :3 kusheils dart to be exact and if you remember me talking about it before, thats because i read, oh, 30 or so chapters of it and then put it away to read the harry potter series again xD; i love this though, its very wonderful and its given me a lot of desire to write again :3 but i have yet to write anything really ~_~;;; anyway, this book is REALLY long, i think its around 97 chapters and im sure if finish it tonight, it would have taken like, 5 days to finish xD and yes that is majorly long to me. or maybe its not, but i mean, the way its written, how long the story goes on in just the first book, it FEELS like its long xD i cant wait to get my hands on the other 5 books in the series... lol.
I am SO happy that its monday though, my day off :3 last night at work was brutal but my manager said she preferred me over the other hostess xD which kind of made my day. but i had to stay late at work so my manager could finish up all her tasks before we closed and i swear, we didnt get one customer that whole hour ><; it was so frustrating because when theres no customers, theres nothing to do!! but yeah, i was happy when she let me go home ^^;;;;
well, thats about it, have a nice day all
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