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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Monday, August 13, 2007
 | Well, im a bit annoyed with one of my friends. you all know her as ivory(well, none of you know her..she never gets on here anymore..) But anyway, i havent talked to her in like..a week and she never returned my text messeges... ;.; :3 im assuming she's really busy though, school should be starting soon and she just got herself a new man lol. ~_~; but still, one text, is all i ask...seriously.
i am so happy i get 2 days off :3 sunday at work beat the hell out of me. i worked a bit of overtime because my manager is sick and kind of out of it xD; but thats ok i guess, more hours, more money :3 and more money is what i like.
before work, me and my sister went to the arts and crafts fair and i got this really pretty blown glass uhh, i guess its a bottle type of thing lol. anyway, i baught it because we are soon moving into our new house, and my dad is allowing me to decorate my room. i want to do something kind of exotic, hindu, you know? and this bottle is VERY much what i was looking for, even though its a small token of my room :3 i plan for it to hold all my earrings, so it has purpose, and goes well with the rest of the room lol. i cant wait to move! im excited to finally have a house of our own again, and there are so many things i like about this house :3 its a total dump right now, but it has an amazing yard that just needs some grooming, once we move in and make our mark, i know it will look great!!!
its almost 4 AM and i suppose im tired :3 its really hot outside though, which i love- it makes me want to go on a walk. this whole summer, me and my sister never went on one of our midnight walks :x the summer isnt over yet, ill have to get her to go on one ~.^ although, work has made us..well.. not be able to do anything we used to. ~_~;
Also, i changed my song :3 its not japanese animazingly(i was tempted to put of something from the black stones..) but no, this song has been stuck in my head for awhile now, so i thought i would put it up lol
anyway, have a nice day all
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
 | Well, i know i havent updated in awhile ~_~; it hasnt been so long but i always feel like if i dont updated for more then 2 days that somethings wrong XD
The arts and crafts fair is today, our town holds one every year and i, of course go to it every year ^^ they have all sorts of kool stuff at the craft fair, im hoping its better then last year though, last year they didnt have very much kool stuff ~_~;;;;
Right now im watching ep. 5 of nana :3 its getting SO good!! =D im starting to think its one of my favorites.
i have more to update on, but dont really want to think about any of it *sigh* have a nice weekend everyone.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
 | *yawn* i am up at 4 AM ><; my DSL keeps disconnecting, im going to say its the weather, even though..the weather isnt bad or anything xD its bugging the hell out of me though.
Well, lets see, first of all, i finally read the last HP book. i feel empty xD no more harry potter makes me...depressed.
And at the moment im having a discussion with one of my dear online friends about harry potter. i cant tell she doesnt enjoy it anymore, just because everyone else does. and that bothers me. sure, i understand her, i start to hate songs that play on the radio all the time simply because everyone else likes them and after awhile, it gets annoying and old. But harry potter, well, i feel thats not really fair to the story. i feel that shes abandoning it simply because of other peoples actions and she isnt looking at the story itself, which, no doubt, is a great story. which brings me to another point, this friend of mine is a fellow aspiring writer. i feel annoyed and a bit of pity for her because she doesnt share the same passion in writing as i do.
I feel that, the (fictional)writers ultimate goal would be to tell there story, to tell it to everyone, to give that reader, a sense of..pleasure through the story, a sense of imagination. And i refuse to stand by and listen to her tell me that Harry potter is crappy, because if it were, it wouldnt be so recognized. We recognize it because we enjoyed it right? its not like, for example, twilight, which is only popular because it has to do with vampires, and the whole story is so utterly..cliche, its bound to be loved by every 13 year old girl out there.
*sigh* but, i will not bash twilight today, back to my writing rant, the point is, im mad at her xD maybe because she doesnt share my views, or maybe because i hate that she calls herself a writer when, she openly shows that she doesnt have a true passion for it. maybe she does have stories to tell, but passion, and tolerance, and optimisn are what makes a story good.
~_~ getting past all that, i baught an MP3 player recently ^^ ive just now gotten to put music on it, i still have yet to put ALL my music on it, but im getting there :3 thats one of the reasons im up so late, i was determined to put music on it xDDD
my sister recently baught the first volume of "They may cry" which, in my opinion, is a really interesting anime series. its Very....insane as well. theres blood, and mystery and just..its insane, i highly reccomend it to you all xD i also got around to reading volume 1 of chibi vampire, it was ok. i enjoyed it enough to buy the 2nd volume atleast :3 lol.
well, thats about it, sorry about my long, pointless rant. have a nice day everyon
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Monday, August 6, 2007
 | Whoa, my day was uneventful. i had a crappy day at work, :/ but only because i made it crappy, i dunno i was just in the worst mood ever ><; i got my paycheck though, so that was kool ^^ im buying myself and mp3 player finally, theres a really nice 2GB one for 80 bucks at kmart :3 its mine! although, the brand also has 1GB MP3 players that come in tons of colors O.o but the 2GB only comes in black. which pisses me off xD i wanted a red one. damn them! i looked online too, they seriously only come in black :/
So, yesterday, my sister and i went to the mall, and my sister baught me the first volume of chibi vampire :3 i was killing myself because i couldnt decide weather to buy a new series or the next volume of love hina or gravitation or something, and even though im happy i have Chibi vampire, i really wish i had chosen the next volume of love hina xD no matter.
so, we're probably going to be moving by next month, i asked dad if he would make my room bigger, by taking down the wall that seperates my room and our extra room, and he said he would if the walls werent load baring :3 so im hoping! the room that is supposed to be mine, is way to small, i cant imagine fitting all my crap in it xD my bed would probably take up most of the room O.o and theres no way im getting a smaller bed, i need Room! ~_~; i cant wait though :3 we also get to paint the walls, i cant decide what i want to paint my room though :/
oh! today i saw a bleach poster o.o it was so surprising that i picked it up instantly but then i realised that i dont like putting posters on my wall xD and that i havent watched bleach in like, 2 months :/ but it was surprising!!! xD
bah, ill stop it here, i feel like im talking about nothing important xD have a nice day all.
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Saturday, August 4, 2007
 | :3 so, they gave me my original hours back at work, which means no more waking up at 8 AM and cleaning off tables! =D back to my old hostessing job ^^ im super happy.
While sleeping, i came up with 2 interesting story lines :3 one, would be a fanfiction for harry potter, so i instantly discard it yet play with it in my head when im bored(fanfiction is so unfulfillable for me to write) and the other, is of course vampire related. im mad at myself because atm im to tired to plan it out >< and i dont want my ideas to be fuzzy an frosted in the morning :/ all well.
im feeling very disheartened about Brandon xD you know he dated a model? i saw her today at walmart, shes so hot O.o theres no i can possibly compare to his past relationships ~_~; i dunno what im gonna do.
oh! we're moving. we found a house, it needs a lot of work, yet my dad is convinced he can do it ~_~; silly man. but i do like it as well, and it could use some TLC. plus it has a big backyard :3 and its by the lake. wh00t. i dunno when we can movie in though, we're still working things out of course.
i think thats about it ^^ ill try and visit..maybe... <<; sorry.
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
 | ^^ hello. how have everyone been? i havent had much to update on lol.
So yesterday was nice. we went to the library, cause i had a book due(they gave me a final notice saying i had to return it or they would charge me for it xD) and then my family ended up going out to eat. we had the hottest waiter. his name was like.. sarja or something like that xD he had pretty hair. and i felt like a douche cause none of us brought cash so we only had 60 cents to leave him as a tip ><;; we always forget about the tip ~_~ and now i feel bad- i work at a restaurant, i know how important tips are to waiters/waitresses.
speaking of work, i hate it xD i sincerely hope they're gonna give me my hours back soon or im out of there ;.; luckily, theres a new Kohls(clothing shop) opening up in our town, i think im gonna apply. with the fact that im not going to school this year(well, ill be working to get my GED this who knows about next semester.) i really need something, cant just sit at home all week. speaking of school, i still havent told my grandmother. i mean, i think she knows what im going to do but she keeps telling me its a one way ticket to ruining my life. its not like i want to become a doctor anything for christ sake. she also tells me that an author isnt a job you can make a living off of, i know that but that doesnt mean i cant still be one. :( and i have all of you to buy my books right? lol. i dunno, she makes me feel like crap *sigh* i know in the end, she'll just try and help me with whatever i do, but she'll try and make me do it her way. she should know by now that i dont agree with her way :]
we watched hot fuzz and 300 last night. hot fuzz, was hilarious i fully enjoyed it! and 300 way stupid, but the fighting scenes-awesome.
:/ well thats about it. have a nice day all.
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Monday, July 30, 2007
 | my day was ok at first, we went out to lunch and then we went to see the simpsons movie, which was great if your a simpsons fan, i really enjoyed it.
Well, then we headed over to see this house that we were interested in(did i mention my families looking for houses?) and it was...ok :/ alot of the carpet would need to be replaced, the yards, were filled with weeds but weeds arent a big deal. There was tile in the downstairs bedroom, but that would just be my sisters so it doesnt matter. the kitchen was beautiful! i loved it. being the one that cooks dinner and everything thats what I was looking for(and a large backyard for the dogs) so i was pleased with it.. but there was so much cabinet space!! x.x we certaintly dont own enough stuff for all them cabinets xD. it had nice large windows, and this slab of tile right near the window, which would be great for herbs :3
but anyway, thats pretty much where my good day ends. we got home, and couldnt decide what we wanted for dinner. and then none of us were willing to go get it O.o and so my sister makes this deal with my dad that her and i will go get the food as long as i drive. UHHH hang on! they never even asked me and i dont even have a liscense so i dont know what the hell she was thinking. and then so i tell my dad know and he goes off, talking about how he's tired of all of us yelling at him!(i didnt) and mom saw this as the perfect oppertunity to fight with him. even though it wasnt her fight at all. so shes being mean to him for no reason. i know that both of them were drunk. and THEN our naighbors, call the cops. beleive it or not, thats happened before. a few times in fact. this time the cop didnt even bother much and told us all to be careful. (because apparently my parents have every right to scream and yell) well anyway, so, we didnt get dinner. i was feeling hurt because my sister said it was my fault they all started to fight but it wasnt! and then my dad proceeded to tell me and my sister is was both our faults it started O.o which was such a jerky thing to say. I would like to point out that he didnt want to go get dinner either, and he is the one that made it into a big deal, thus letting my mom be mad at him. even though i knew it wasnt my fault, i felt really though O.o you know? i couldnt beleive they were blaming me.
*sigh* then, to make up with my mom, my dad ordered pizza at like 10 PM at night. thats right, not to make sure his kids were fed, but to make up with his drunken wife that was the one that really started it all. im sick and tired of my dad stabbing me in the back you know? everytime he tries to make her love him again, everytime he takes her side, i feel like he's ripping a part of me out, and he'll never know how much its ruining me. and even if he did, he wouldnt beleive it. he'd ignore it. because he cant seem to live without her.
I honestly, feel like my life is falling again. a few weeks ago, everything was amazing. but i can see that everything is slowly coming undone again. i dont know what im going to do.
....well this is long enough. have a good day everyone.
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Friday, July 27, 2007
 | hello! its been a couple days since i updated huh? jeez, its no that i havent been on, ive just had nothing to say lol.
Well, this whole week was boring, my sleeping schedule is MESSED UP and the only good thing is that i ended up reading the end of HP 4, all of HP5 and then started HP 6 in just 2 days :3 the 5th one killed me with its 870 pages though x.x. I told my grandma i was reading all of them before the 7th, she thought that meant i had never read them before xD but of course, i would never be one of those people that just watches the movies *shudders* no, i just wanted to make sure everything was fresh in my mind when i started the 7th. because i am, quite the harry potter fangirl O.o if you havent noticed.
My dad and sister have worked all this week so i havent had a car, tommarrow i need to go and find myself a black t-shirt for work >< which means ill have to walk to places with no car. which i hate. *sigh* and then i have work on saterday. we'll see how it goes and then ill figure out if i should try and find a new job lol.
Oh, and not much to report on Brandon. still havent hung out, there was a period where i didnt reply to him for 3 days *cough* but, the thought of hanging out with him scares the shit out of me xD hopefully ill get over that! lol.
ok, thats about it. have a nice day everyone.
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Monday, July 23, 2007
 | I dunno if i mentioned this but they changed my hours at work. starting next weekend, i only work on the weekend, from 8 AM till 2 PM. thats 6 hours of just busing tables >< im pissed. i hate it.
On a lighter note... Brandon showed up at my house today. Completely unanounced and you know what? i didnt answer the door because i didnt know it was him lol. actually, he was suppose to come by and see me at work today but i suppose he couldnt do that and decided to see me at home early. the odd thing is, he somehow figured out my address, and took all this time to drive over on his BIKE (his lisence is suspended) in really hot weather see me? Could he really fancy me? i still cant get myself to beleive it xD
i got paid today, probably the best thing that happened. of course i owe my sister like 37 bucks ~_~ and i need to get our male cat fixed. and.. i owe my dad 10 bucks. so... we'll see how much i have left with it and then ill figure out what i want to spend it on xD
I think thats it. have a nice day everyone
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
 | i just woke up(its 4 AM) fell asleep around 11 PM ~_~ i wasnt feel to good so i just made myself go to sleep. it is SO hot, even though its early in the morning it feels like 80 degrees outside x.x; i doubt its really that hot, probably just our house.
So, the night before, we didnt go get harry potter at 12:01 like i wanted xD because my dad didnt leave his debit card like he was supposed to and my sister ouldnt cash her check till the morning. SO we stayed up all night(or i did) and cashed her check in the morning, by 8 AM we were at walmart, baught it, and as we left i accidently read the last 3 words of the book >< which, just incase, dont do. they werent much but im mad that i read them xD
so after that, my sister baught starbucks. i didnt fall asleep untill 11 AM, woke up at 3 PM to get ready for work ~_~ and guess what? theyre changing my hours! now i only work saterday and sunday, from 8 AM untill 2 PM. she said i will get more hours then i have now but she's wrong, ill get the exact same amount O.o except now i have to wake up at 8 AM and bust tables for 6 hours. Its time for me to start looking for a new job. what i hate most is the hours, and the fact that i wont be seeing my awesome manager or any of the really awesome waitresses anymore, because they all work nights. it sucks.
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