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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Monday, April 23, 2007
 | Well, sunday was fine.. i guess. No one was really awake O.o my parents keep sleeping during the day, its wierd...but anyway, so i was alone the whole day pretty much. nice weather though...
Eureka 7 was AWESOME! i cant beleive...all that happened x.x im gonna die next week when they air the last episode. then ill have to find a new favorite anime ;.; NUUU! i love E7 so much! i cant beleive its ending.. i heart its a bittersweet ending... an ok one but Renton and Eureka dont exactly get to live happily ever after ;.; i WONDER WHAT THE HELL THAT MEANS. gah.. a whole week x.x its unbarable, yet i dont want it come at the same time xD haha
Well, Heroes comes tonight! >D Hellz yeah ive been waiting like a month and half for THIS! it sucks though, cause the riches comes on too, luckily they show the riches all week...
well, im kinda bored and even though i desperatly want to write i cant get myself to.. :/ so maybe ill just outline my new story(called Floating'll kickass...) but god, it gives me a headache cause then i have to think of every single idea ive had for the story and then put it all in order and try and connect the random scenarios in my head so they all sit together. and i need to read up on like, boats xD lol.. and fishing.. and stuff.. lmao. but yeah, ive got a whole lot planned out already for it so i wont be running out of ideas anytime soon.
Im also bored- if im up at 3 AM again tonight, i may enjoy playing around with my webcam =D you all know how much of a camera whore i am! except i need to be in control of the camera or i refuse to be in the shot O.o; im wierd. speaking of pictures, expect to some cute ones tommarrow consisting of one of my kittens killing my hot pink sharpie pen xD WHO WILL WIN?! INCREDIBLY PINK YET DRIES PURPLE SHARPIE? OR GREYISH BLACKISH BROWNISH BASTERD KITTEN THAT WEIGHS NO MORE THEN A PEPSI CAN?! im a bit hyper O.o;; it sucks that no one is online, Teh Betheny(also known to all of your as Ivory) has been sick so i havent talked to her but once this whole week ><; it sucks. and im jealous of her cause she gets to go to prom and that is something ill never get to do now. ;.; i want to dress up in some shiny short sexy dress, with shoes that make my feet knumb and hair that is so perfect no even a hurricane could mess it up ;.;
.....all well :/ ill just have to get over it, i decided the drop out, its my own fault *sucks it up* Who knows, if i ever become and amazingtastic writer i can dress up for like.. events...and...stuff.. O.o or something..maybe...oneday *sniffle*
OK im going. xD ill be sure to visit... ttyl my LOVES!
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