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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Friday, May 4, 2007
 | If your not apart of bother reading this.. you wont understand or care.
My sisters account on was deleted last night. All because of this damn war over..a fake item on a little game?! O.o what the fuck? At first i think, how can someone be so childish.. over something they didnt make up. But then i look at the people that are fighting over it. the people that TRUELLY started this war. and realise, theyre nothing but Incredibly Perverse, mental people that obviously get off on seeing...things.. that would litterally scar any normal human being for life. If your apart of, i guarantee it, i wont like you, infact.. if i had the chance to walk past you on the street, i will stop and spit at your feet, hopefully shouting to the world that you against human kind and everything you stand for as a human being.
Sure, its not all the user of the 4chan website. sure you dont give a damn about the "Longcat" and how subeta has adopted it as a new item for its game. But..just knowing that your a member of that website tells me that you obviously arent mentally stable in some way shape or form and you really do need help.
For those on 420chan who "Say" they will stop hacking into subeta, destroying peoples accounts and giving out personal information, not to mention putting the staff to new limits of stress..i dont buy it. You most of all, get off on this power you think you have O.o "Oh yay i ruin someones fun, i can ruin a PET SITE, that totally makes up for my lack of ability to have a normal life with actualy people and hey... friends? who cares about those! im to busy destroying the fun of others.."
....The bottom line is, you dont own longcat. You never have, you STOLE it yourselves and subeta has every legal right to use it. theyre not profiting from it, theyre just enjoying it as you have. So go..fuck yourselves.
And to the users of subeta who feel this is the staff's fault... Im ashamed! i really am. You have every right to be afraid that something bad will happen to your account, but dont blame it on our beloved staff! blame it on 4chan for being so childish they cant get over this.. Longcat O.o Subeta, keith, the staff, they are hurting, and going through even worse then you. Some, getting harrassed over the phone, through the mail! and all that happened to you was..your account got deleted O.o really supportive, really understanding.... *sigh* please note my sarcasm..
Subeta is a game, and i love it.. and im not going to back down from some lowly perverse old men that get there kicks at someones demise.
just remember, if the longcat goes away.. 420chan WONT. The only thing they will do, is laugh that they defeated us and press on untill there is nothing left of subeta.
Subeta, is trapped in a corner, basically.. no matter what they do, these people will always try to bring us down.. and we cant do a thing because we cant catch these people.
.....that is all.
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