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Inside 'The World'
Member Since
Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
Real Name
I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Monday, July 30, 2007
 | my day was ok at first, we went out to lunch and then we went to see the simpsons movie, which was great if your a simpsons fan, i really enjoyed it.
Well, then we headed over to see this house that we were interested in(did i mention my families looking for houses?) and it was...ok :/ alot of the carpet would need to be replaced, the yards, were filled with weeds but weeds arent a big deal. There was tile in the downstairs bedroom, but that would just be my sisters so it doesnt matter. the kitchen was beautiful! i loved it. being the one that cooks dinner and everything thats what I was looking for(and a large backyard for the dogs) so i was pleased with it.. but there was so much cabinet space!! x.x we certaintly dont own enough stuff for all them cabinets xD. it had nice large windows, and this slab of tile right near the window, which would be great for herbs :3
but anyway, thats pretty much where my good day ends. we got home, and couldnt decide what we wanted for dinner. and then none of us were willing to go get it O.o and so my sister makes this deal with my dad that her and i will go get the food as long as i drive. UHHH hang on! they never even asked me and i dont even have a liscense so i dont know what the hell she was thinking. and then so i tell my dad know and he goes off, talking about how he's tired of all of us yelling at him!(i didnt) and mom saw this as the perfect oppertunity to fight with him. even though it wasnt her fight at all. so shes being mean to him for no reason. i know that both of them were drunk. and THEN our naighbors, call the cops. beleive it or not, thats happened before. a few times in fact. this time the cop didnt even bother much and told us all to be careful. (because apparently my parents have every right to scream and yell) well anyway, so, we didnt get dinner. i was feeling hurt because my sister said it was my fault they all started to fight but it wasnt! and then my dad proceeded to tell me and my sister is was both our faults it started O.o which was such a jerky thing to say. I would like to point out that he didnt want to go get dinner either, and he is the one that made it into a big deal, thus letting my mom be mad at him. even though i knew it wasnt my fault, i felt really though O.o you know? i couldnt beleive they were blaming me.
*sigh* then, to make up with my mom, my dad ordered pizza at like 10 PM at night. thats right, not to make sure his kids were fed, but to make up with his drunken wife that was the one that really started it all. im sick and tired of my dad stabbing me in the back you know? everytime he tries to make her love him again, everytime he takes her side, i feel like he's ripping a part of me out, and he'll never know how much its ruining me. and even if he did, he wouldnt beleive it. he'd ignore it. because he cant seem to live without her.
I honestly, feel like my life is falling again. a few weeks ago, everything was amazing. but i can see that everything is slowly coming undone again. i dont know what im going to do.
....well this is long enough. have a good day everyone.
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