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Member Since
Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
 | *yawn* i am up at 4 AM ><; my DSL keeps disconnecting, im going to say its the weather, even though..the weather isnt bad or anything xD its bugging the hell out of me though.
Well, lets see, first of all, i finally read the last HP book. i feel empty xD no more harry potter makes me...depressed.
And at the moment im having a discussion with one of my dear online friends about harry potter. i cant tell she doesnt enjoy it anymore, just because everyone else does. and that bothers me. sure, i understand her, i start to hate songs that play on the radio all the time simply because everyone else likes them and after awhile, it gets annoying and old. But harry potter, well, i feel thats not really fair to the story. i feel that shes abandoning it simply because of other peoples actions and she isnt looking at the story itself, which, no doubt, is a great story. which brings me to another point, this friend of mine is a fellow aspiring writer. i feel annoyed and a bit of pity for her because she doesnt share the same passion in writing as i do.
I feel that, the (fictional)writers ultimate goal would be to tell there story, to tell it to everyone, to give that reader, a sense of..pleasure through the story, a sense of imagination. And i refuse to stand by and listen to her tell me that Harry potter is crappy, because if it were, it wouldnt be so recognized. We recognize it because we enjoyed it right? its not like, for example, twilight, which is only popular because it has to do with vampires, and the whole story is so utterly..cliche, its bound to be loved by every 13 year old girl out there.
*sigh* but, i will not bash twilight today, back to my writing rant, the point is, im mad at her xD maybe because she doesnt share my views, or maybe because i hate that she calls herself a writer when, she openly shows that she doesnt have a true passion for it. maybe she does have stories to tell, but passion, and tolerance, and optimisn are what makes a story good.
~_~ getting past all that, i baught an MP3 player recently ^^ ive just now gotten to put music on it, i still have yet to put ALL my music on it, but im getting there :3 thats one of the reasons im up so late, i was determined to put music on it xDDD
my sister recently baught the first volume of "They may cry" which, in my opinion, is a really interesting anime series. its Very....insane as well. theres blood, and mystery and just..its insane, i highly reccomend it to you all xD i also got around to reading volume 1 of chibi vampire, it was ok. i enjoyed it enough to buy the 2nd volume atleast :3 lol.
well, thats about it, sorry about my long, pointless rant. have a nice day everyon
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