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Inside 'The World'
Member Since
Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
Real Name
I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Friday, September 12, 2008
 | Its been a long time X.x around 7 months i think.
I feel bad because the reason i left if because i knew no one would bother reading my blog anymore, yet i had so much to blog about while i was gone.
Myotaku used to be the place where i could talk about anything and still get some advice or some type of response to my problems, without creating any problems or drama.
it is so sad to know i can no longer have that :/ but im going to blog anyway and if no one reads, well i guess thats fine.
So 7 months, thats a long time. the whole summer passed by and my god, was it wierd.
I almost moved out and into an apartment of my own with a friend. I honestly didnt expect it to work out, because said friend is younger then me and still in school, and low and behold! when the time came, she decided against it. i couldnt move out on my own....i couldnt afford rent by myself. and i couldnt find another roommate because the apartment we were renting is actually owned by her dad which is why rent was so cheap. She wants to move out when she is done with school, but i wont get my hopes up this time ^^;
as for guys, well...i ended up experiencing the best kiss of my life with a guy i honestly could never be with but thats ok, i was still happy it all happened. at the moment im infatuated with a guy thats like 8 years older then me, completely opposite of what i thought i wanted in a guy...but all i want to do is jump him and make out with him furiously because for some reason, i am really attracted to him. the horrible part is, i think he likes me to! and i kind of cant really deal with that because i have no idea how to deal with it because i have terrible self esteem issues and i am constantly thinking that i am a boring idiotic person that no one would ever want.
as for friends....i had a really great time this summer getting to know people at my work and partying it up with them from time to time. im still not broken out of that anti-social shell i tend to create but i think im getting there. still where it was 7 months ago. i still have no plans and i havent done anything to get my GED or seriously thought about going to front range. it was hard, because this past month all of my friends have been going off to college and all ive been hearing was how great and amazing it is for them and its deffinatly a point in my life where im regretting my previous actions.
but i also recently realised that maybe that wasnt the path for me, or maybe i just wasnt supposed to experience that at this point in my life. I know that right now, i just dont feel right about going back to school. i hate to just waste away another year of my life, but maybe i want to figure some other things out first because i start a different life. I think i need to resolve some of my own personal issues, and face what demons i still have inside of me before i go out an venture into a new territory.
Ill always want to get away from my passed an my family, but right now...i need to deal with all of that.
i recently moved back to my hometown which i am really happy about, i am closer to my friends and pretty much everything else and i can literally walk to work i am so close to it! i used to live 30 minutes away from anything,in the middle of nowhere and not only did it take a big chunk out of my paycheck, but i think the long commute everyday was just wearing on my whole family.
as for my writing. well. I havent done any. my writing website is dead pretty much. i havent really written any stories or anything for a year or so. I dunno, i still want it to be my life but...i just dont know if i have it in me. im trying to find that passion i once had for writing, so far im unsuccessful.
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