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Inside 'The World'
Member Since
Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Friday, June 3, 2005
Wow, i slept alot.
 | Ok.. AM I NOT INTERESTING OR SOMETHING?!?! :/ not as many views as i usually get.. i got like..3 ><
anyway.. time to tell ya about my trip.. which i neglected sorta the other day..
Well there is lots to tell.. but its prolly pretty boring to you guys.. so.. lets just get to the guy part ok?? well..there was this guy with his friend.. they looked no more then 16 or 17.. and he was taller and had brown hair and it was long.. And i feel so stupid.. He looked his way.. at first not really noticing him and he smiled at me and i didnt notice till he looked away so it seemed like i wasnt interested.. but i so was.. He walked like the same way i did all the way down and back up to my hotel.. i was so hoping he was staying at out hotel.. but he wasnt :/ to bad.
Next guy.. well its kinda funny.. see i was walking out of my room and he was like.. i dunno..22..maybe older.. and he was so fricken hot and he smiled at me and like so... i stop to take a picture of our hotel becuase.. well.. i dunno and he stopped next to me and we started talking about the hotel and then we started asking... like you know.. whats youre old are you.. he didnt seem to care that i was 15.. and my cousin comes up and is all "WTF is wrong with you dude!! shes 15!! you perv.. and he pulls me away like im some child!! >< i didnt see that guy again.
last guy... well see we arrived at the airport like 2 hours early becuase thats what they suggested becuase apparently las vegas has the best security ever.. >< well it only took like 45 minutes to get through security and we got something to eat and sat there for like an hour and a half and our flight was delayed like half an hour. there was this guy.. and he was sitting near the window.. totally hot.. black hair.. kinda spiky.. green bandana... ipod.. all black.. one of those like helmets you see ppl wear with those skooter things kinda like haruko's on FLCL.. i bet he had an accent.. and a really kool name.. he was so hot.. over 17..i know that becuase he had to show ID when he was getting through security. At first.. i was really hoping that he was going to denver becuase he was sitting in the port that i was.. but he wasnt.. see our flight was delayed becuase San Fransico's flight was deleyed.. and he was going to san fransico.. :/ gosh darnit.. it would have been awesome if he was on the same plain.. and sat right by me.. Gawd he was hot. i prolly would have forgotten him by now if everything didnt remind him of me. When we got off the plain-- our baggege claim said SAN FRANSISCO on it.. and then back home i was watching a movie and it took place in SAN FRANSISCO. and a whole lot of other things and its really annoying... ><
There was a pond in our hotel.. and you throw a coin in a make a wish.. i wished to meet a hot guy and save me from this boring family trip.. it didnt quite come true of course.. but what can you expect from something so silly??
Yeah... its amazing how long i can go on about guys huh?? how pathetic am i..
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