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Member Since
Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
Real Name
I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
 | i just keep diggin my hole deeper and deeper. God, why do i act so stupid? I did..ditch class. becuase when i got to school, class had already started, and when your more then 10 minutes late they count you absent anyway, even if you show up after that(unless you have a note.. which i didnt) so i just ditched. and then i ditched again, and then again -_-;; god its like an addiction i cant stop.. But NO, i cannot ditch any longer cause me and my dad had a big fight about it and i felt really bad because he didnt want me to drop out my 10th grade year like he did, becuase it ruined his life. And thats true, my dad is really smart... if he had gone to college, he probably would have owned a successful business or something. i only wish i could like.. give him back the chance.. :/ so all i can do, is make it for myself and make him happy that i succeeded.
But god.... 'TRYING' and 'CARING' are so hard to do... i know that sounds terrible... but im such a slacker.. >< i really hate myself.
So, anyway.. he said something about not getting my cellphone, but i think it was the heat of the fight, becuase everything is ok now.. i think theyre gonna activate it next weekend.
My dad is gonna go check out the Humane society to see if my sisters kitty is there, we want to check often over these past few days, becuase if the larimer county humane society does find her, and keeps her for 5 days, theyre aloud to put her up for adoption. and shes a pretty beautiful cat.. ill put a picture of her at the bottom. I just hope shes ok, we almost lost her once.. and i cryed my eyes out. but that time, i wasnt sure what was wrong with her, she was so.. sick.. and she was drooling and breathing hard and... it was terrible and she had kittens then and god.. we thought she was gonna die but then she got better.. and i was so happy. so um..enough rambling about it.
today, O.o megan is so rediculously popular its wierd. I know.. i have expressed my jealousy.. i am ashamed of being jealous but Megan like, knows every single guy in the school, there is not a day that goes by or an hour that goes by that she doesnt see a guy that comes running up and hugs her. O.o I love her though, so i cant be mad, im just worried that her reputation is growing...well.. badly. a lot of the guys think they can get her into bed, and Megan would never do that! >< so i guess i will just have to beat everyone down that thinks that..
seriously, i will.
So... have you ever noticed that some people on here dont show any sign that they like anime at all? Seriously.. i just realised it on one of my friends otakus, that she says nothing about Anime on her left bar info, and her bg and graphics are deffinatly not anime, and i dont beleive she has ever said anything about anime at all.. and she is a long time friend(well.. as long as ive been on here..)
I mean.. im not gonna complain.. but it does bother me a little. I still enjoy going to her otaku and i will probably continue going.. but yeah.. i just kinda wanted to ramble about it.

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