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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
Real Name
I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Saturday, October 15, 2005
![]( | Well my sculpture teacher emailed me back, saying that she did not kick me out, and that she was surprised that i was. Now im sure that the teacher has to send in this paper saying they kicked me out.. or else i wouldnt have been kicked out. but she said that she would put me back into the class.
So, she told me to come to class on monday... so um.. yeah... i feel kind of stupid that i emailed her now...
Today was boring, i forgot all about anime club and i hate myself for forgetting AGAIN. i wish i hadnt forgotten, becuase lunch really sucked, my friends...i dunno.. i still feel like they dont really care for me much...
I took like a 5 hour nap when i got home becuase i got home at 1:30 PM and so i slept till about 6, so almost 5 hours, then i had to get up and make dinner -_-;; it was annoying becuase i was so tired, im happy its the weekend though.
Yesterday i was so hyped up on sugar... and today im not which is a good thing becuase no one is online :/ which sucks.. i hate it when no one at all is online cause then the internet is so boring.
I realised that i dont have the HTML to put my buttons on the left side bar <<;; i dont know how people are putting them there so yeah... i feel very stupid that i dont know. but then again, puting HTML on myO is pretty confusing and not as easy as putting it on other sites..
BTW, as you can see, i put SOME of the buttons up... im running out of charector space, so they dont link to anyone, but theyre still up lol!! ... im getting really annoyed with HTML..
i wish i would hear from my work soon... i want to go back.. I get paid next week on a thursday ^_^ ill have 90 dollars but if i had worked this whole month i would have had 240 :/ i really wish they would bring me back soon.
I also scheduled to get my haircut on thursday... becuase i get out early on that day and that way i have a ride.
My sister baught ah! my goddess dvd number 1 just recently, which is wierd becuase i was SOOOOO about to buy it to, luckily i didnt... or wed have 2 copies O.o;; she also said she baught another anime dvd but she wont tell me what it is becuase its my christmas present!!! SQUEE!!! now i cant wait.
41 days untill she comes home for 3 whole days... yey. Speaking of my sister she was acting like a totaly brat today >< GRRRRR.
None of you joined my proboard.. darn you all! no cookies for you anymore... to bad, i had made a super kool banner about me giving out cookies.. now none of you will ever see it *sniffle*.
Im doing nothing this weekend.. surprising right? *rolls eyes* i wish my mom didnt lose her liscense and her car.. then i wouldnt be so bored. you know i get to drive before she does? pathetic huh? if she expects me to drive her places, i expect a full tank of gas every week... (hah, i know, i aim high..)
btw did any of you even notice i changed my midi??? lol.
Well, thats about it... See ya!
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