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Inside 'The World'
Member Since
Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
Real Name
I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Friday, July 21, 2006
Smoking pocky and sex on stairs.
 | Hello! the movie night was very... crazy lol. not like our other one. Well lets see. ansatsushawdi was late getting tosutarumahari's house and me and her stood out there for like an hour waiting. AND FINALLY SHE CAME. But where do i begin? i dont even know!
I think that we started to watch a history of vioilence but none of us really paid attention. OH yeah during it we all got up and when to sutarumaharis room and we were looking at her playlist on her computer. and i think after that we all sat down again and sort of watched the movie. now, when these 2 whats movies, they talk NON STOP lol. Its actually not bad at all cause they usually say something funny >3 so i wasnt bothered by it or anything. and then there was this seen.. Where they were well, having relations on the stairs(gotta keep it sort PG i guess i dont know how old a lot ofy ou are lol MUST PROTECT YOUR VIRGIN ...Whatever) and for some reason, it was terrible and wrong but it was so funny. i deffinatly wont forget that.
and then.. god what did we do after that? i think we turned off the movie and went to light chop sticks on fire? Well anyway, we did do that and we started to write with them because the ash turned to like, charcoal xD and then... we made paint out of leaves. and at one point sutarumahari drink a bit of it...
...then there was the pocky. o.o I came out of the bathroom and they were SMOKING POCKY! SERIOUSLY. and of course it was stupid, but i just had to try it. i mean, when someone says theyre smoking pocky, you just have to try it right? well. now we're the very first ones to ever smoke pocky i guess. and you know what? i didnt hate it xD lol. BTW it was strawberry pocky xP lol.
after that we... played cards and dominos i think? i dont think i ever won at either lol. but all well. then i think we... umm... then i think we watched the exorsism of emily rose, which i had never seen before. it was good. i liked it. but i think we all got a little freaked out xD lol.
what else? gosh there was so much lol. i think i showed them my collage books(delphines to) and then they read fanfictions of ansatsushawdi's and an RPG. it was about naruto, totally boring for me lol so i just sort of burried my face in my pillow and, well i wouldnt call it sleep, i sort of closed my eyes and relaxed. it was nice and after they were done, i was wide awake again.
.... they did this anime broadcast thing. theyre trying to upload it onto the internet for all of you to hear but its not working >< DAMN YOU YOUTUBE! its pretty funny lol. i even helped out. i crinkled paper and slammed a door xD background sounds are totally my deal lol.
well yeah, and now im home. i havent gone to bed yet cause im not really tired. i just looked through all of my dads inventory from the cd store and picked out all the cds i wanted from it. he's gonna sell them tommarrow. and we apparently having a garage sale O.o which is wierd, cause we've never had one before lol.
oh and dad wants to go fishing tonight. and me and delphine were supposed to go see lady in the water today but i think that may have to wait till tommarrow or the next day.
well, i have more to tell you but this is freaking long. and im sorry that its so long ~_~;; i wouldnt be mad if you skipped a lot of it lol.
i hope you all have a super awesome day!
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