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• tarnishedflowers
• 1990-03-17
• Inside 'The World'
Member Since
• 2005-04-24
• Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
Real Name
• Brandi!
• I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
• Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
• Get my GED, The Licsense.
• WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
• Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Friday, October 27, 2006 day? o.o
 | well, my didnt turn out at all like i planned lol. first of all, we didnt go to the library.. but we really need to x.x;
and instead, first dad let me drive to Walmart ^^ while there, me and my sister just walked around bored ~_~; and then when finally dad said he was done getting what he needed we all went out to eat o.o together. as a family. which is odd. because we just dont do that... but all well, i got free dinner^^ yuss!! and then i went with my sister to kohls because she got a gift cirtificate. man, its really hard for her to find clothes x.x everything i was telling her to try on she said no to pretty much. in fact, the 2 items she did get she picked out. which is wierd because she can never decide for herself... but what she got was really nice and im happy for her! but it made me really want to go shopping because i saw tons of cute things! lol... oh, if only xmas would come sooner ^^ lol.
so yeah, right now.. im about to paint my nails and then..nothing. ive got nothing to do and im completely bored.
...last episode of inuyasha x.x; i missed it, actually its on right now but eh, i dont want to go watch it lol. my sister was very disapointed though :/ so im guessing it wasnt that good...
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