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Haibane Renmei, Ghost in The Shell, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, R.O.D. OVA and TV series, Fruits Basket, Serial Experiment Lain, Witch Hunter Robin, Spirited Away, Samurai Champloo
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FlamesOfDarkness (06/26/05)
Hey Thx, for signing my gb, I'm glad you added me. Not too many people visit my site yet. Jeeze! I love your page! Can ya tell me where you get some of your rescorces? I like how your backround stays in one place while you scroll down. How did ya make that do that? Well if you ever get the chance. Stop by and tell me plz. My page is pretty pathetic compared to yours. lol cya lata!
naotasvespa (06/25/05)
Hello Hello how's it goin? I'm just returning the love you showed me back in my guestbook and I am also hopeing we become good friends.
Talk to you later buddy!
Samejima Mamimi (06/25/05)
Hey. Love the site. FLCL is the best. I see you live in Texas too, eh? What didya mean when you where rambling about Takkun and Naota and Haruko. I was so confused by it. Any who...Be sure to stop by everyonce in a while.
Love and Peace.
FlowerKiss (06/17/05)
cool site. FLCL is da bomb!
ThundersResonance (06/17/05)
FLCL so owns all other anime!
Great site! I love it I love it I love it!
Great job getting all these GB signings! I love your site, and I'ma friend you now. I can understand if you cant get to my site very often, you probably have alot of friends now!
kingcorrupted (06/16/05)
Hy I like your site, it is awesome and so is flcl. My fave character on it is mamimi because she is the easy going. Well swing by my site anytime, I am addin you as a friend ok.
DarkKenshin0805 (06/15/05)
HEY!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! Finally, someone has signed my gb. Nobody since the 1st... of January. LOL!! That's alright, thanks for signing, now I'm signing yours. *_* I'll be adding you as a friend too. By the way, love the background and the site. Thanks again! WWWHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Chaos Chameleon (06/14/05)
Wow, love the site, it's got a real nice feel to it, but that might just be the fact that you like all the same anime as me, who knows?
Anyway, visit my site often, blah blah blah blah blah blah!
I Like Dirt (06/13/05)
hi! I like your site alot ^^ thanks for signing my guestbook. i'll add you as a friend
Daisukes wings (06/13/05)
hihi!! awesome site you have here!! thanx for signing my g-b!!! im gonna add you as a friend, k???
~Daisukes wings~
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