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Haibane Renmei, Ghost in The Shell, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, R.O.D. OVA and TV series, Fruits Basket, Serial Experiment Lain, Witch Hunter Robin, Spirited Away, Samurai Champloo
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motoko747 (06/12/05)
love your site. i love the background. thanks for visisting and signing my guestbook. hope you don't mind but i'm adding you as a friend.
xThereIsNoSpoonX (06/12/05)
Um hello?
I saw your comment on my site and realized your nto on my friend list, so either I accidentally deleted you off of it or I deleted your guestbook entry. yeha sorry if I did either of those, anywho I'm here to add you as a friend! w00t and by the way your background ROCKS Haruko is awesome and so is FLCL so yeah adding you as a friend Laterz,
~Joey Ikari
Naota (06/11/05)
Thanks for signing my guest book.You hvae an awsome site.Im gonna add you to my friends list.See ya!:)
rockstarfairychik (06/11/05)
ooh woow! your site is sooo purrdyfull! (or really pretty lol) its like real different from most the site i see.. maybe cause theres not alot of FLCL based sites i know.. hmm.. well rock on !! very awesome banners!!! i wish i was that good at making them!! well love yah deary but i must leave (ok i really dont love you love you, im just being nice.. haha) hmm
*~Party like a rock star!!~*
Darks wings (06/10/05)
hihi!! thanx for signing my g-b!!!ill add u as a friend too!! i hope to see you later!! bye bye!!*waves good bye*
The Twisted 6 (06/09/05)
ahh the pure bliss that is summer...GOD IT SUCKS.SO MUCH BORDOM AND YOU THINK THAT YOU MIGHT SEE YOU FRIEND BUT NO.wait this is a guestbook i should make this a sorry i love that site.its really cool thanks for comeing to mine.ill add you as friend ^_^
yoshi88 (06/09/05)
Hi. I am adding you as a friend, and I hope you do the same. Stop by my sight sometime.
Blink (06/06/05)
Hey I love you site it's so stylish, thanx for posting on mine.
privitetamama (06/03/05)
hi, i like ur site! esp tha bg! and avi! well, stop by my site, i added u as a friend! ttyl!
SilverCat (06/02/05)
Hi, I saw a cooment you left somewhere and decided drop by. Nice site. I am adding you as a friend. C ya.
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