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myOtaku.com: lit rebel

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I've been meaning to post for the past few days... but yea, obviously that hasn't happened.

Nothing really interesting has happened either. Today was the last day of the semester. That means that when I go back to school on Tuesday (we have a much-needed 4 day weekend) my schedule'll be different. Well, actually not on Tuesday cuz my Blue day wont change, but on Wednesday. Yea. Instead of PE 1st I have study hall. Sebastien and Vanessa are still gonna be in it and a few other ppl... it should be fun, cept our moderator is a pain in the ass, but whatever. Yea then College Prep is gonna take the place of 2nd period study hall. Once again, Sebastien and Vanessa are in my class. This is gonna be one big party.

I'm playing truth or dare with this kid online. Cept its more like, alternating asking each other questions. This is interesting. Nothing too dirty has come up yet, which is surprising. We'll see where this one goes...

Lunch the other day was hilarious but I dont remember why...

I took a 4 and a half hour nap after school today. I'm so proud of myself. haha. I'm never gonna get to sleep tonight. NEVER. Thats ok, not like I have anything to wake up for tomorow.

Ok, yesterday I had a lot to say, and now... I've got nothing... so I'm gonna go...

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