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myOtaku.com: lit rebel

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Right so um, everytime I go a while without posting, things get crazier. Gah.
Well I think the last time I wrote something here was around winter formal time... Yea that was a while ago.

So um, lots of things goin on with the supernatural, and long story short, I've come not to believe most of it. It's weird. Goddamned ouiji boards telling lies.

Yea so thats a really long, drawn out story that takes way too complicated and takes way too long to tell and even longer to type. So yea, I'm gonna leave it at that.

God, I can't remember much cuz there's a lot thats happened within the last week... Gar.... Damn my barely there memory

Well, for one, me Christina and Sebastien went to see Korn in concert on March 25. They were FUCKING AMAZING. I think everyone should make seeing Korn in concert one of their life goals... unless you cant stand them... then you might wanna re think that one. But yea, 10 Years and Mudvayne opened for em. They were just as amazing. Haha, they played at an indoor arena in Baltimore, and everyone in there was smoking pot... so me and Christina ended up high off of 2nd hand marijuana smoke. That was interesting. We got into the car (my mom and her friend Rob picked us up) and couldn't stop laughing... yea my mom and Rob were just laughing at us and Sebastien was scared. Then Rob started making fun of this hobo we saw on the side of the road.

Right... This week was my spring break. Everybody needed it so bad. School was getting way too crazy... Millions of projects and junk to do and millions of ridiculously annoying people and teachers. Yea Tom (we're going out now) wasn't here from last Thursday (the day break started) until Tuesday. We were supposed to hang out the day before he left, but his mom scheduled his driving school from 6-9 and I had softball practice until 5 30. And apparently his mom hates me... cuz she doesn't like piercings (I have, well had, 7)or when people dye their hair unnatural colors... Gar. O yea, speaking of piercings... I had to take my belly ring out on wednesday cuz the hole started rejecting it. Which basically means that the skin gets thinner and thinner and if you dont take the piercing out, it'll eventually split. So yea, a split belly button is 1 of the last things i need... So I'm reduced to only 6 piercings... so sad, but whatever.
So yea, Tuesday was one interesting day to say the least. Woke up early (8 30 AM) and went to Lakeforest mall with Christina and Cathy around 10. We had SO much fun... there was this dude at Cinnabun who looked like Santa, and we sat at the table behind him, and he started talking to some people, and he talked like a hick... it was so funny. Yea, so we all bought a bunch of junk cuz we all actually had money for once. Then we went back to my house and made plans to go to a movie. We saw Scary Movie 4 with Ashley, Marcella, me, Cathy and Christina. The movie was really funny.... then afterwards everyone went into the bathroom, and me and Cathy were just standing outside the stalls, and I looked over at her, and her face went blank, she fell over and had a seizure. So I went and held her head and told the other 4 there that she was seizuring. Ashley and Christina went to get the manager of the theater to come in and call 911. They told him that we were the only ones in the bathroom and that a girl was having a seizure, but he really didn't wanna come in so they had to go back out and get him.... He was such a twit. Didn't know what the fuck he was doing... he called 911 and told em that some girl fell and hit her head.... Idiot. So, that was really scary... Christina was really stressed and didnt' wanna go home for several reasons, so she came over and spent the night.
Wednesday was better. Cathy called us in the morning to say that she was OK. They don't know what caused the seizure still (it was her 3rd one), but she's fine. So we got up and stuff and Scott, Sebastien and Ashley came over. We just sat at the park doin nothing... waiting for Tom cuz we were planning on going to a sub shop for dinner when he got there... So yea, not much happened... but we had fun. I did some homework and cleaned the basement on Thursday, went skating on Friday, had horseback on Saturday then spent the night at Cathy's, hung out with Siri, then Ashley, then Sebastien today (which completely ruined my plan to go home at 4 30 to finish all my hw, but whatever) and here I am now...

And I still hafta finish that homework, so Yea....

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