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myOtaku.com: lit rebel

Sunday, September 3, 2006

I guess I've made it a habit of only posting here once a month... But its all good.

Christina lived here for ten days cuz their family car broke down, so she had no way to get to and from school until they got it fixed. So she stayed here. It was awesome.

And then last night me, Christina, my mom, my mom's boyfriend Smoky, and Smoky's son William went to the Godsmack/Rob Zombie/ Shinedown concert. It was amazing. Just... inexplicably amazing. I wish Shinedown had played a longer set though, cuz they were really good.
And Rob Zombie was incredible - he's so energetic on stage and really interacts with the crowd. When he played "More Human Than Human" they had this huge robot come onstage and walk around and it had blinking green eyes... And they played "Sandman" by Metallica. It was pretty much the same as Metallica's version, they just played it faster.
Right, then Godsmack was the headliner. They didnt play as many songs as I was expecting cuz they would go off on 5-10 minute guitar pieces randomly. But yea, the highlight of their set was when, after one song, the drumset started moving across the stage, then the back of the stage opened up, and another drum set came off with the lead singer playing it. So they had a sort of drum off. That was really entertaining.

Yea, more happened the in the past month, but I think that that was the only thing worth posting.
So I'll post again sometime in the near future

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