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Archaeologist/Environmental Planner
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This is my real name to people on the net!
Have over 100 anime series. Finished my BA degree in 4 years. Oh ya, killed many bad guys in RPGing!
Anime Fan Since
1994 and still going strong
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yuugi, Escaflowne, X, Vampire Hunter D, All Studio Ghibli, Hana-Kimi, The Twelve Kingdoms, Fruits Basket, Ranma1/2 and many more
Working in a museum as a curator
RPGing, Drawing, Painting, Collecting Keychains
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, May 12, 2008
Ok so I found this cute bear MP3 player thing that's free and really cute, so I'm going to see if it works here. Probably won't but should be intersting if it does.
Ya, it worked! Isn't it cute! Right now it's playing my favorite Yohoko Hana song from Macross Plus: Voices. But I will change it up from time to time. Plus, I'm probably going to just add it to my main part instead of inside a blog. But for now, it's here. Hope you like it!
I moved the player to be a part of my main page. Hopefully it still works
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Sunday, May 11, 2008
It's almost been a year!!!
So, I haven't written here in a long time, but decided to start up this page again. Right now, I'm really enjoying watching anime on and decided to include this blog page as part of my homepage there. I'm really enjoying life at the moment and don't have a lot to complain about. It's almost been two years that I've been at my job and it's still just going ok. Not really looking for something new, because there really isn't anything out there. Hopefully people will start reading this again but I'm not sure.
Well that's about it. Hope to write about once a month if not more. Ja Ne for now!
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Monday, June 11, 2007
Added a new wallpaper
Hey everyone!!!!
I just created a new wallpaper that should be updated to the site with 30 days or so. It's from the series I listed last time: Kaliedo Star. It's pretty good. I haven't created a wallpaper in a long time and I'm a little rusty. But I think it came out pretty well.
Other than that, I'm doing pretty well. Trying to get into shape and lose a about 10 pounds. My diet is starting this week or next depending on how my work schedule goes. I even get to go into the field. A little excited about going out into the field but bummed that it's not for archaeology but instead for biology and water stuff. O-well. Let's see.
I applied for a part-time position at a museum and have an interview in 2 weeks. I'm really excited and hope to get the job and also that my present job is willing to work with me so I can have both.
Well that's about it. Today's picture is from my new favorite yaoi series: Embracing Love/ or was it is better known Haru wo Daiteita.

Ja Ne
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
Long time no add
Hey everyone or anyone that decides to read this.
Sorry that I haven't written for a long time. I've been busy with work and didn't feel like turning on my computer when I got home. I know, totally werid. But works is going pretty good now. Enjoying what I'm doing and learning some interesting information about the environment and transportation.
I've been busy with other stuff too. Finally found a role playing group close to my house and it's working out pretty good. They are playing two different games at the same time, which is a little werid but interesting all the same.
Well, just wanted to say hello.
Here's a picture of an interesting series called Kailedo Star

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Sunday, November 12, 2006
Ya, for a Cellphone
So, I finally got a cellphone. I was tired of people at work asking when I was going to get one. Plus, I wanted to have the freedom to call my friends whenever I wanted and same back so they can call me. I only have 4 contacts so far, but hope to have more soon.
I decided to go with Version, because everyone at worked had it and my friend in Flagstaff had it. So that way I won't be losing minutes when I talk with people from work or in Flagstaff. The only minutes I have to worry about is when I call my parents or a few friends in Phoenix and I might just use the house phone for that.
Let's see. Work is going ok. This week was a little boring. I'm tired of not having anything to do at work and trying to find something to keep my time busy. I know that I'm suppose to take insative and find stuff to do. But there really is nothing when people won't share their work, or I have no clue how to do something and they expect me to do it. O-well, I'll see what happens. It's a good job and I'm making good money. Hopefully, I will have stuff to do next week. Not really sure though.
On the anime front, I went out yesterday and got the newest volumes of my yaoi collections. I got Our Kingdom and Jazz. I'm a little bummed with the way they both ended, because I know have to wait like three months to find out what happens. I hate when that happens.
YA, also my order for the dvd set of His and Her Circumstances is finally at Discoutanime and should be coming to my house soon. I can hardly wait to finish watching that series. Plus, I will be getting the second novel book of Only the Ring Finger Knows. And I just made an order into Discountanime today that will hopefully be here by next week or the week after at the last. Some of the items that I ordered were for my friend in Flagstaff that is going to be done the first weekend in December. I ordered the series Level C, which looks really good. I've seen the anime on youtube and really liked it. So, I'm hoping the manga continues with the store more. The only bummer now, is that I won't be able to buy anymore anime till the end of December. I need to save money for Christmas present now. Don't you just hate that.
O-well, I love to give gifts to my friends though. Today's picture from Our Kindgom, in honor of my new wallpaper. So go and see my new wallpaper.

Well that's about it. Talk with everyone later. Ja Ne
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
This week Nothing MUCH
Nothing much happening at the moment. Went shopping yesterday with an old friend and had a great time. Bought some awsome shoes that only hurt my feet a little. Plus got more manga which is two parts good and one part bad. I need to start cutting back on what I'm buying, because I'm running out of room to store stuff, which is never good.
Work is going well. I'm getting more stuff to do and it's starting to get interesting. I wish they would give me a project to work on from start to finish but it doesn't look like that is going to happen anytime soon. I have started a project but not sure whether it's mine or not. Plus, I wrote is report last week, but wasn't able to put my name on it. That was really annoying. I spent most of two days working on it and they I had to put a senior planner name on it because I was still to new or something like that.
I'm watching some interesting shows on still. Really into E's Otherwise, and saw all of Barasa. I'm hoping to finish watching E's Otherwise today and start on either Trinity Blood or maybe finish watching Clamp Campas Dectectives. That's a really cutie show. I was told to try to watch this one series called Ohoura (spelled wrong) High School. It's suppose to be really good too.
I have a sore throat today that's really annoying. I hate being sick, and this week is the worst time. This coming Tuesday, I'm going out into the field for my job and being sick is not going to help. Hopefully, I get rid of it soon. I'm taking airborn right now and will probably take NiteQuil tonight.
Well that's about it. Can't really think of anything else happening. Except that I'm still waiting on my order from Discountanime to show up. My DVD set has still not come in and they won't ship my order with a missing item. It's really annoying and I'm getting tired of waiting but really want all the stuff that I order so I just have to be a little more understanding.
Todays's picture from E's Otherwise. If you haven't seen it, go to youtube and watch the first episode. It's an intersting series.

Ja Ne
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
So, work is getting better. They are now giving me projects to work on, which is taking up most of my days. I'm still leaving kinda early but no seems to care. My mom is getting worried about me leaving early, but I say everyone does it and if they care they would tell me.
Let's see. My life is pretty much the same otherwise. I went to a comic book conventation last weekend and had fun. Got some more manga and dressed up as Yuann from Final Fansty X. I was a little disappointed in the conventation though. It was basically the same stuff over and over again. And the dealers hall was pathic! I was excepting stuff you won't find at the stores, but it was basically the same stuff. It was a many bummer. Luckily, I volunteered and was able to get into free to the place. YA me.
This week I went to see Open Season, and it was ok. Most of the jokes were for adults not kids and the story could of used a few added spices or something! I was suppose to go out with my sister to see the Gurdian too, but decided against it. I might go out tonight depending if she has her homework done.
I'm watching a lot of free anime online now. My friend introduced me to the page. You have to know what show you want to watch but it has tons of anime on it. Well that's about it. I sugguest this series called Gakuen Heaven. It's 13 episodes and really good. It follows with my yaoi theme that I seem to be into right now. The manga is suppose to come out later this month for it, so I might have to get it to see how many there are.
The image this time is from Gakuen Heaven.

Ja Ne
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Friday, September 15, 2006
So, another week has come and gone. My job is still ok, but wish they would give me more work so I don't have so much down time. I'm getting really tired of sitting around doing nothing, but apparently that's how all office jobs are. I guess, I just need to learn to work slower or something.
So, I started to read Fullmetal Alchemist which is pretty good. Luckily, I found a place online so it's not costing me any money. I've only read till the 8 chapter but I'm liking it so far. Need to figure out what the bad guys are but that's just the charm.
Luckily, I'm still getting Hana_Kimi from my friend and only need 4 more volumes then I'm done. Hopefully, the ending is good and not just quickly finished. I hate quick endings. Like Meri Puri! I loved the 4 book series but wish there were like two more to tell the story of Abram growing up, and what happens with the prince that get stuck in Airi's world (Can't remember his name right now).
Well, that's about it. I don't think anyone is reading this anyways, I haven't gotten a comment in along time. *sad*
Here's a pic for Fullmetal.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
This week!
So, work is still a little boring, but luckily I'm starting to get more work so it should start getting interesting. I'm still learning so it makes sense that they aren't giving me a lot at the moment. Today was ok, but I spent 4 hours folding 11 x17 paper into a Z fold, which hurt my fingers after awhile.
Last weekend, I went plant shopping with my sister, which was fun. We went to the 99 cent store, because I didn't feel like spending $5 per plant. I was able to get three plants and holders for a total of $8 after getting potting soil. I got a cute bamboo set of three and two other plants that I have no clue what they are. I'm sure someone could tell me where I work but I don't really care.
I also bought some anime this weekend, and finally got my order in from Atomic Comics, which took over a month. I'm never order from them again. The other anime I got I won't get for a month because I order some stuff that's not coming out till the end of the month. So, I went over my budget for this month and have to restrict myself from buying any more, which is going to be a little hard because there's so much I want right now.
Right now, I'm watching Dancing with the Stars, which looks like it's going to be good this year. However, I've only seen the first dancer but you never know. Well, that's about it. I'm going to be adding wallpaper at my other site pretty soon.
The wallpapers will focus on yaoi manga and probably around Passion and Our Kingdom, or a few others. I'm really enjoying yaoi manga right now and want to get more but can't because of my budget.
Let's see. I ordered His and Her Circumstances and hopefully will come next month and be worth what it cost. Last week, I watched the first episode of Bleach and really liked it. Luckily, my friend is going to give me a CD with all the manga.
This picture this week is from Our Kingdom, a cute yaoi manga.
That's about it. Ja Ne
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
YA for the long weekend!!!
So, I went up to Flagstaff and had a great time. Enjoyed the drive except for the first hour because it was tons of traffic and no flow. But it wasn't as hard of a drive that I thought it was going to be. I was a little worried about the turns at 70 mph, but it was easy. More often I was going 85 mph but not around the turns, that was about 65 mph.
Flagstaff was nice and cool, and smelled great. I forgot that the pine smell really nice after rain and what clean air smells like. I had some great food, and wish I could have went to everywhere I usually go but that didn't happen. At least I was able to get some sushi! YA sushi!
My friends apartment was cute and perfect for her! I loved the litte kitchen and break wall. I bought her some carpets so she wouldn't get cold at night. She needs more posters or pictures for me but I liked it. The trains a little loud, but not that bad. As, I said the perfect place for my friend.
Let's see. That's about it for the weekend. My only problem right now is with my stomach. Hopefully it will be fine tomorrow because I'm going out into the field for work and won't have a bathroom near me. I should be adding another blog on Friday or so.
Ok now for anime info. I'm really getting into Yaoi Manga right now. It's really good, but not for people under 18. My favorite is this one called Passions. Also into buying Yuu Watase stuff mainly Imadoki! and Alice 19. This picture today is from Five Star Stories. I ordered this movie from my comic book store over a month ago and it's still not here. I'm a little annoyed because they called me over the weekend saying itw as in but it got delivered to the wrong store. But it should be here on Friday.

Ja Ne
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